//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package mx.utils { import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.geom.Matrix3D; import flash.geom.PerspectiveProjection; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flash.geom.Utils3D; import flash.geom.Vector3D; import flash.system.ApplicationDomain; import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName; import mx.core.mx_internal; use namespace mx_internal; [ExcludeClass] /** * @private * The MatrixUtil class is for internal use only. * Class for matrix and geometric related math routines. */ public final class MatrixUtil { include "../core/Version.as"; private static const RADIANS_PER_DEGREES:Number = Math.PI / 180; mx_internal static var SOLUTION_TOLERANCE:Number = 0.1; mx_internal static var MIN_MAX_TOLERANCE:Number = 0.1; private static var staticPoint:Point = new Point(); // For use in getConcatenatedMatrix function private static var fakeDollarParent:QName; private static var uiComponentClass:Class; private static var uiMovieClipClass:Class; private static var usesMarshalling:Object; private static var lastModuleFactory:Object; private static var computedMatrixProperty:QName; private static var $transformProperty:QName; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns rotation value clamped between -180 and 180 degreeds. * This mimicks the Flash player behavior. */ public static function clampRotation(value:Number):Number { // Flash player doesn't handle values larger than 2^15 - 1 (FP-749). if (value > 180 || value < -180) { value = value % 360; if (value > 180) value = value - 360; else if (value < -180) value = value + 360; } return value; } /** * Returns a static Point object with the result. * If matrix is null, point is untransformed. */ public static function transformPoint(x:Number, y:Number, m:Matrix):Point { if (!m) { staticPoint.x = x; staticPoint.y = y; return staticPoint; } staticPoint.x = m.a * x + m.c * y + m.tx; staticPoint.y = m.b * x + m.d * y + m.ty; return staticPoint; } public static function composeMatrix(x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0, scaleX:Number = 1, scaleY:Number = 1, rotation:Number = 0, transformX:Number = 0, transformY:Number = 0):Matrix { var m:Matrix = new Matrix(); m.translate(-transformX, -transformY); m.scale(scaleX, scaleY); if (rotation != 0) m.rotate(rotation / 180 * Math.PI); m.translate(transformX + x, transformY + y); return m; } /** * Decompose a matrix into its component scale, rotation, and translation parts. * The Vector of Numbers passed in the components parameter will be * populated by this function with the component parts. * * @param components Vector which holds the component scale, rotation * and translation values. * x = components[0] * y = components[1] * rotation = components[2] * scaleX = components[3] * scaleY = components[4] * * @param matrix The matrix to decompose * @param transformX The x value of the transform center * @param transformY The y value of the transform center */ public static function decomposeMatrix(components:Vector., matrix:Matrix, transformX:Number = 0, transformY:Number = 0):void { // else decompose matrix. Don't use MatrixDecompose(), it can return erronous values // when negative scales (and therefore skews) are in use. var Ux:Number; var Uy:Number; var Vx:Number; var Vy:Number; Ux = matrix.a; Uy = matrix.b; components[3] = Math.sqrt(Ux*Ux + Uy*Uy); Vx = matrix.c; Vy = matrix.d; components[4] = Math.sqrt(Vx*Vx + Vy*Vy ); // sign of the matrix determinant will tell us if the space is inverted by a 180 degree skew or not. var determinant:Number = Ux*Vy - Uy*Vx; if (determinant < 0) // if so, choose y-axis scale as the skewed one. Unfortunately, its impossible to tell if it originally was the y or x axis that had the negative scale/skew. { components[4] = -(components[4]); Vx = -Vx; Vy = -Vy; } components[2] = Math.atan2( Uy, Ux ) / RADIANS_PER_DEGREES; if (transformX != 0 || transformY != 0) { var postTransformCenter:Point = matrix.transformPoint(new Point(transformX,transformY)); components[0] = postTransformCenter.x - transformX; components[1] = postTransformCenter.y - transformY; } else { components[0] = matrix.tx; components[1] = matrix.ty; } } /** * @return Returns the union of rect and * Rectangle(left, top, right - left, bottom - top). * Note that if rect is non-null, it will be updated to reflect the return value. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public static function rectUnion(left:Number, top:Number, right:Number, bottom:Number, rect:Rectangle):Rectangle { if (!rect) return new Rectangle(left, top, right - left, bottom - top); var minX:Number = Math.min(rect.left, left); var minY:Number = Math.min(rect.top, top); var maxX:Number = Math.max(rect.right, right); var maxY:Number = Math.max(rect.bottom, bottom); rect.x = minX; rect.y = minY; rect.width = maxX - minX; rect.height = maxY - minY; return rect; } /** * Calculates the bounding box of a post-transformed ellipse. * * @param cx The x coordinate of the ellipse's center * @param cy The y coordinate of the ellipse's center * @param rx The horizontal radius of the ellipse * @param ry The vertical radius of the ellipse * @param matrix The transformation matrix. * @param rect If non-null, rect will be updated to the union of rect and * the segment bounding box. * @return Returns the union of the passed in rect with the * bounding box of the the post-transformed ellipse. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public static function getEllipseBoundingBox(cx:Number, cy:Number, rx:Number, ry:Number, matrix:Matrix, rect:Rectangle = null):Rectangle { var a:Number = matrix.a; var b:Number = matrix.b; var c:Number = matrix.c; var d:Number = matrix.d; // Ellipse can be represented by the following parametric equations: // // (1) x = cx + rx * cos(t) // (2) y = cy + ry * sin(t) // // After applying transformation with matrix m(a, c, b, d) we get: // // (3) x = a * cx + a * cos(t) * rx + c * cy + c * sin(t) * ry + m.tx // (4) y = b * cx + b * cos(t) * rx + d * cy + d * sin(t) * ry + m.ty // // In (3) and (4) x and y are functions of a parameter t. To find the extremums we need // to find where dx/dt and dy/dt reach zero: // // (5) dx/dt = - a * sin(t) * rx + c * cos(t) * ry // (6) dy/dt = - b * sin(t) * rx + d * cos(t) * ry // (7) dx/dt = 0 <=> sin(t) / cos(t) = (c * ry) / (a * rx); // (8) dy/dt = 0 <=> sin(t) / cos(t) = (d * ry) / (b * rx); if (rx == 0 && ry == 0) { var pt:Point = new Point(cx, cy); pt = matrix.transformPoint(pt); return rectUnion(pt.x, pt.y, pt.x, pt.y, rect); } var t:Number; var t1:Number; if (a * rx == 0) t = Math.PI / 2; else t = Math.atan((c * ry) / (a * rx)); if (b * rx == 0) t1 = Math.PI / 2; else t1 = Math.atan((d * ry) / (b * rx)); var x1:Number = a * Math.cos(t) * rx + c * Math.sin(t) * ry; var x2:Number = -x1; x1 += a * cx + c * cy + matrix.tx; x2 += a * cx + c * cy + matrix.tx; var y1:Number = b * Math.cos(t1) * rx + d * Math.sin(t1) * ry; var y2:Number = -y1; y1 += b * cx + d * cy + matrix.ty; y2 += b * cx + d * cy + matrix.ty; return rectUnion(Math.min(x1, x2), Math.min(y1, y2), Math.max(x1, x2), Math.max(y1, y2), rect); } /** * @param x0 x coordinate of the first control point * @param y0 y coordinate of the first control point * @param x1 x coordinate of the second control point * @param y1 y coordinate of the second control point * @param x2 x coordinate of the third control point * @param y2 y coordinate of the third control point * @param sx The pre-transform scale factor for x coordinates. * @param sy The pre-transform scale factor for y coordinates. * @param matrix The transformation matrix. Can be null for identity transformation. * @param rect If non-null, rect will be updated to the union of rect and * the segment bounding box. * @return Returns the union of the post-transformed quadratic * bezier segment's axis aligned bounding box and the passed in rect. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ static public function getQBezierSegmentBBox(x0:Number, y0:Number, x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, sx:Number, sy:Number, matrix:Matrix, rect:Rectangle):Rectangle { var pt:Point; pt = MatrixUtil.transformPoint(x0 * sx, y0 * sy, matrix); x0 = pt.x; y0 = pt.y; pt = MatrixUtil.transformPoint(x1 * sx, y1 * sy, matrix); x1 = pt.x; y1 = pt.y; pt = MatrixUtil.transformPoint(x2 * sx, y2 * sy, matrix); x2 = pt.x; y2 = pt.y; var minX:Number = Math.min(x0, x2); var maxX:Number = Math.max(x0, x2); var minY:Number = Math.min(y0, y2); var maxY:Number = Math.max(y0, y2); var txDiv:Number = x0 - 2 * x1 + x2; if (txDiv != 0) { var tx:Number = (x0 - x1) / txDiv; if (0 <= tx && tx <= 1) { var x:Number = (1 - tx) * (1 - tx) * x0 + 2 * tx * (1 - tx) * x1 + tx * tx * x2; minX = Math.min(x, minX); maxX = Math.max(x, maxX); } } var tyDiv:Number = y0 - 2 * y1 + y2; if (tyDiv != 0) { var ty:Number = (y0 - y1) / tyDiv; if (0 <= ty && ty <= 1) { var y:Number = (1 - ty) * (1 - ty) * y0 + 2 * ty * (1 - ty) * y1 + ty * ty * y2; minY = Math.min(y, minY); maxY = Math.max(y, maxY); } } return rectUnion(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, rect); } /** * @param width The width of the bounds to be transformed. * @param height The height of the bounds to be transformed. * @param matrix The transfomration matrix. * * @param vec If vec is non-null it will be set to the vector from the * transformed bounds top left to the untransformed bounds top left * in the coordinate space defined by matrix. * This is useful if you want to align the transformed bounds to x,y * by modifying the object's position. Moving the object by * x + vec.x and y + vec.y respectively * will offset the transformed bounds top left corner by x,y. * * @return Returns the transformed bounds. Note that the Point object returned will be reused * by other MatrixUtil methods. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public static function transformSize(width:Number, height:Number, matrix:Matrix):Point { const a:Number = matrix.a; const b:Number = matrix.b; const c:Number = matrix.c; const d:Number = matrix.d; // transform point (0,0) var x1:Number = 0; var y1:Number = 0; // transform point (width, 0) var x2:Number = width * a; var y2:Number = width * b; // transform point (0, height) var x3:Number = height * c; var y3:Number = height * d; // transform point (width, height) var x4:Number = x2 + x3; var y4:Number = y2 + y3; var minX:Number = Math.min(Math.min(x1, x2), Math.min(x3, x4)); var maxX:Number = Math.max(Math.max(x1, x2), Math.max(x3, x4)); var minY:Number = Math.min(Math.min(y1, y2), Math.min(y3, y4)); var maxY:Number = Math.max(Math.max(y1, y2), Math.max(y3, y4)); staticPoint.x = maxX - minX; staticPoint.y = maxY - minY; return staticPoint; } /** * @param width The width of the bounds to be transformed. * @param height The height of the bounds to be transformed. * @param matrix The transfomration matrix. * * @param topleft If topLeft is non-null it will be used as the origin of the bounds * rectangle to be transformed. On return, it will be set to the top left of the rectangle * after transformation. * * @return Returns the transformed width and height. Note that the Point object returned will be reused * by other MatrixUtil methods. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public static function transformBounds(width:Number, height:Number, matrix:Matrix, topLeft:Point = null):Point { const a:Number = matrix.a; const b:Number = matrix.b; const c:Number = matrix.c; const d:Number = matrix.d; // transform point (0,0) var x1:Number = 0; var y1:Number = 0; // transform point (width, 0) var x2:Number = width * a; var y2:Number = width * b; // transform point (0, height) var x3:Number = height * c; var y3:Number = height * d; // transform point (width, height) var x4:Number = x2 + x3; var y4:Number = y2 + y3; var minX:Number = Math.min(Math.min(x1, x2), Math.min(x3, x4)); var maxX:Number = Math.max(Math.max(x1, x2), Math.max(x3, x4)); var minY:Number = Math.min(Math.min(y1, y2), Math.min(y3, y4)); var maxY:Number = Math.max(Math.max(y1, y2), Math.max(y3, y4)); staticPoint.x = maxX - minX; staticPoint.y = maxY - minY; if (topLeft) { const tx:Number = matrix.tx; const ty:Number = matrix.ty; const x:Number = topLeft.x; const y:Number = topLeft.y; topLeft.x = minX + a * x + b * y + tx; topLeft.y = minY + c * x + d * y + ty; } return staticPoint; } /** * Returns the axis aligned bounding box bounds transformed * with matrix and then projected with projection. * * @param bounds The bounds, in child coordinates, to be transformed and projected. * @param matrix

The transformation matrix. Note that the method will clobber the * original matrix values.

* @param projection The projection. * @return Returns the bounds parameter that has been updated with the * transformed and projected bounds. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public static function projectBounds(bounds:Rectangle, matrix:Matrix3D, projection:PerspectiveProjection):Rectangle { // Setup the matrix var centerX:Number = projection.projectionCenter.x; var centerY:Number = projection.projectionCenter.y; matrix.appendTranslation(-centerX, -centerY, projection.focalLength); matrix.append(projection.toMatrix3D()); // Project the corner points var pt1:Vector3D = new Vector3D(bounds.left, bounds.top, 0); var pt2:Vector3D = new Vector3D(bounds.right, bounds.top, 0) var pt3:Vector3D = new Vector3D(bounds.left, bounds.bottom, 0); var pt4:Vector3D = new Vector3D(bounds.right, bounds.bottom, 0); pt1 = Utils3D.projectVector(matrix, pt1); pt2 = Utils3D.projectVector(matrix, pt2); pt3 = Utils3D.projectVector(matrix, pt3); pt4 = Utils3D.projectVector(matrix, pt4); // Find the bounding box in 2D var maxX:Number = Math.max(Math.max(pt1.x, pt2.x), Math.max(pt3.x, pt4.x)); var minX:Number = Math.min(Math.min(pt1.x, pt2.x), Math.min(pt3.x, pt4.x)); var maxY:Number = Math.max(Math.max(pt1.y, pt2.y), Math.max(pt3.y, pt4.y)); var minY:Number = Math.min(Math.min(pt1.y, pt2.y), Math.min(pt3.y, pt4.y)); // Add back the projection center bounds.x = minX + centerX; bounds.y = minY + centerY; bounds.width = maxX - minX; bounds.height = maxY - minY; return bounds; } /** * @param matrix * @return Returns true when pt == matrix.DeltaTransformPoint(pt) * for any pt:Point (matrix is identity matrix, * when disregarding the translation part). * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public static function isDeltaIdentity(matrix:Matrix):Boolean { return (matrix.a == 1 && matrix.d == 1 && matrix.b == 0 && matrix.c == 0); } /** * fitBounds Calculates a size (x,y) for a bounding box (0,0,x,y) * such that the bounding box transformed with matrix will fit * into (0,0,width,height). * * @param width This is the width of the bounding box that calculated size * needs to fit in. * * @param height This is the height of the bounding box that the calculated * size needs to fit in. * * @param matrix This defines the transformations that the function will take * into account when calculating the size. The bounding box (0,0,x,y) of the * calculated size (x,y) transformed with matrix will fit in the * specified width and height. * * @param explicitWidth Explicit width for the calculated size. The function * will first try to find a solution using this width. * * @param explicitHeight Preferred height for the calculated size. The function * will first try to find a solution using this height. * * @param preferredWidth Preferred width for the calculated size. If possible * the function will set the calculated size width to this value. * * @param preferredHeight Preferred height for the calculated size. If possible * the function will set the calculated size height to this value. * * @param minWidth The minimum allowed value for the calculated size width. * * @param minHeight The minimum allowed value for the calculated size height. * * @param maxWidth The maximum allowed value for the calculated size width. * * @param maxHeight The maximum allowed value for the calculated size height. * * @return Returns the size (x,y) such that the bounding box (0,0,x,y) will * fit into (0,0,width,height) after transformation with matrix. * Returns null if there is no possible solution. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public static function fitBounds(width:Number, height:Number, matrix:Matrix, explicitWidth:Number, explicitHeight:Number, preferredWidth:Number, preferredHeight:Number, minWidth:Number, minHeight:Number, maxWidth:Number, maxHeight:Number):Point { if (isNaN(width) && isNaN(height)) return new Point(preferredWidth, preferredHeight); // Allow for precision errors by including tolerance for certain values. const newMinWidth:Number = (minWidth < MIN_MAX_TOLERANCE) ? 0 : minWidth - MIN_MAX_TOLERANCE; const newMinHeight:Number = (minHeight < MIN_MAX_TOLERANCE) ? 0 : minHeight - MIN_MAX_TOLERANCE; const newMaxWidth:Number = maxWidth + MIN_MAX_TOLERANCE; const newMaxHeight:Number = maxHeight + MIN_MAX_TOLERANCE; var actualSize:Point; if (!isNaN(width) && !isNaN(height)) { actualSize = calcUBoundsToFitTBounds(width, height, matrix, newMinWidth, newMinHeight, newMaxWidth, newMaxHeight); // If we couldn't fit in both dimensions, try to fit only one and // don't stick out of the other if (!actualSize) { var actualSize1:Point; actualSize1 = fitTBoundsWidth(width, matrix, explicitWidth, explicitHeight, preferredWidth, preferredHeight, newMinWidth, newMinHeight, newMaxWidth, newMaxHeight); // If we fit the width, but not the height. if (actualSize1) { var fitHeight:Number = transformSize(actualSize1.x, actualSize1.y, matrix).y; if (fitHeight - SOLUTION_TOLERANCE > height) actualSize1 = null; } var actualSize2:Point actualSize2 = fitTBoundsHeight(height, matrix, explicitWidth, explicitHeight, preferredWidth, preferredHeight, newMinWidth, newMinHeight, newMaxWidth, newMaxHeight); // If we fit the height, but not the width if (actualSize2) { var fitWidth:Number = transformSize(actualSize2.x, actualSize2.y, matrix).x; if (fitWidth - SOLUTION_TOLERANCE > width) actualSize2 = null; } if (actualSize1 && actualSize2) { // Pick a solution actualSize = ((actualSize1.x * actualSize1.y) > (actualSize2.x * actualSize2.y)) ? actualSize1 : actualSize2; } else if (actualSize1) { actualSize = actualSize1; } else { actualSize = actualSize2; } } return actualSize; } else if (!isNaN(width)) { return fitTBoundsWidth(width, matrix, explicitWidth, explicitHeight, preferredWidth, preferredHeight, newMinWidth, newMinHeight, newMaxWidth, newMaxHeight); } else { return fitTBoundsHeight(height, matrix, explicitWidth, explicitHeight, preferredWidth, preferredHeight, newMinWidth, newMinHeight, newMaxWidth, newMaxHeight); } } /** * @private * * fitTBoundsWidth Calculates a size (x,y) for a bounding box (0,0,x,y) * such that the bounding box transformed with matrix will fit * into the specified width. * * @param width This is the width of the bounding box that calculated size * needs to fit in. * * @param matrix This defines the transformations that the function will take * into account when calculating the size. The bounding box (0,0,x,y) of the * calculated size (x,y) transformed with matrix will fit in the * specified width and height. * * @param explicitWidth Explicit width for the calculated size. The function * will first try to find a solution using this width. * * @param explicitHeight Preferred height for the calculated size. The function * will first try to find a solution using this height. * * @param preferredWidth Preferred width for the calculated size. If possible * the function will set the calculated size width to this value. * * @param preferredHeight Preferred height for the calculated size. If possible * the function will set the calculated size height to this value. * * @param minWidth The minimum allowed value for the calculated size width. * * @param minHeight The minimum allowed value for the calculated size height. * * @param maxWidth The maximum allowed value for the calculated size width. * * @param maxHeight The maximum allowed value for the calculated size height. * * @return Returns the size (x,y) such that the bounding box (0,0,x,y) will * fit into (0,0,width,height) after transformation with matrix. * Returns null if there is no possible solution. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ private static function fitTBoundsWidth(width:Number, matrix:Matrix, explicitWidth:Number, explicitHeight:Number, preferredWidth:Number, preferredHeight:Number, minWidth:Number, minHeight:Number, maxWidth:Number, maxHeight:Number):Point { var actualSize:Point; // cases 1 and 2: only explicit width or explicit height is specified, // so we try to find a solution with that hard constraint. if (!isNaN(explicitWidth) && isNaN(explicitHeight)) { actualSize = calcUBoundsToFitTBoundsWidth(width, matrix, explicitWidth, preferredHeight, explicitWidth, minHeight, explicitWidth, maxHeight); if (actualSize) return actualSize; } else if (isNaN(explicitWidth) && !isNaN(explicitHeight)) { actualSize = calcUBoundsToFitTBoundsWidth(width, matrix, preferredWidth, explicitHeight, minWidth, explicitHeight, maxWidth, explicitHeight); if (actualSize) return actualSize; } // case 3: default case. When explicitWidth, explicitHeight are both set // or not set, we use the preferred size since calcUBoundsToFitTBoundsWidth // will just pick one. actualSize = calcUBoundsToFitTBoundsWidth(width, matrix, preferredWidth, preferredHeight, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight); return actualSize; } /** * @private * * fitTBoundsWidth Calculates a size (x,y) for a bounding box (0,0,x,y) * such that the bounding box transformed with matrix will fit * into the specified height. * * @param height This is the height of the bounding box that the calculated * size needs to fit in. * * @param matrix This defines the transformations that the function will take * into account when calculating the size. The bounding box (0,0,x,y) of the * calculated size (x,y) transformed with matrix will fit in the * specified width and height. * * @param explicitWidth Explicit width for the calculated size. The function * will first try to find a solution using this width. * * @param explicitHeight Preferred height for the calculated size. The function * will first try to find a solution using this height. * * @param preferredWidth Preferred width for the calculated size. If possible * the function will set the calculated size width to this value. * * @param preferredHeight Preferred height for the calculated size. If possible * the function will set the calculated size height to this value. * * @param minWidth The minimum allowed value for the calculated size width. * * @param minHeight The minimum allowed value for the calculated size height. * * @param maxWidth The maximum allowed value for the calculated size width. * * @param maxHeight The maximum allowed value for the calculated size height. * * @return Returns the size (x,y) such that the bounding box (0,0,x,y) will * fit into (0,0,width,height) after transformation with matrix. * Returns null if there is no possible solution. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ private static function fitTBoundsHeight(height:Number, matrix:Matrix, explicitWidth:Number, explicitHeight:Number, preferredWidth:Number, preferredHeight:Number, minWidth:Number, minHeight:Number, maxWidth:Number, maxHeight:Number):Point { var actualSize:Point; // cases 1 and 2: only explicit width or explicit height is specified, // so we try to find a solution with that hard constraint. if (!isNaN(explicitWidth) && isNaN(explicitHeight)) { actualSize = calcUBoundsToFitTBoundsHeight(height, matrix, explicitWidth, preferredHeight, explicitWidth, minHeight, explicitWidth, maxHeight); if (actualSize) return actualSize; } else if (isNaN(explicitWidth) && !isNaN(explicitHeight)) { actualSize = calcUBoundsToFitTBoundsHeight(height, matrix, preferredWidth, explicitHeight, minWidth, explicitHeight, maxWidth, explicitHeight); if (actualSize) return actualSize; } // case 3: default case. When explicitWidth, explicitHeight are both set // or not set, we use the preferred size since calcUBoundsToFitTBoundsWidth // will just pick one. actualSize = calcUBoundsToFitTBoundsHeight(height, matrix, preferredWidth, preferredHeight, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight); return actualSize; } /** * Calculates (x,y) such that the bounding box (0,0,x,y) transformed * with matrix will have bounding box with * height equal to h. * x and y are restricted by minX, maxX and * minY, maxY. * * If possible x will be set to preferredX or * y will be set to preferredY. * * When there are multiple solutions, the function picks the one that * minimizes the bounding box area of transformed (0,0,x,y). * * The functon assumes minX >= 0 and minY >= 0 * (solution components x and y are non-negative). * * @return Returns Point(x,y) or null if no solution exists. * * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ static public function calcUBoundsToFitTBoundsHeight(h:Number, matrix:Matrix, preferredX:Number, preferredY:Number, minX:Number, minY:Number, maxX:Number, maxY:Number):Point { // Untransformed bounds size is (x,y). The corners of the untransformed // bounding box are p1(0,0) p2(x,0) p3(0,y) p4(x,y). // Matrix is | a c tx | // | b d ty | // // After transfomation with the matrix those four points are: // t1 = (0, 0) = matrix.deltaTransformPoint(p1) // t2 = (ax, bx) = matrix.deltaTransformPoint(p2) // t3 = (cy, dy) = matrix.deltaTransformPoint(p3) // t4 = (ax + cy, cx + dy) = matrix.deltaTransformPoint(p4) // // The transformed bounds bounding box dimensions are (w,h): // (1) w = max( t1.x, t2.x, t3.x, t4.x ) - min( t1.x, t2.x, t3.x, t4.x) // (2) h = max( t1.y, t2.y, t3.y, t4.y ) - min( t1.y, t2.y, t3.y, t4.y) // // Looking at all the possible cases for min and max functions above, // we can construct and solve simple linear systems for x and y. // For example in the case of // t1.x <= t2.x <= t3.x <= t4.x // our first equation is // (1) w = t4.x - t1.x <==> w = ax + cy // // To minimize the cases we're looking at we can take advantage of // the limits we have: x >= 0, y >= 0; // Taking into account these limits we deduce that: // a*c >= 0 gives us (1) w = abs( t4.x - t1.x ) = abs( ax + cy ) // a*c < 0 gives us (1) w = abs( t2.x - t3.x ) = abs( ax - cy ) // b*d >= 0 gives us (2) h = abs( t4.y - t1.y ) = abs( bx + dy ) // b*d < 0 gives us (2) h = abs( t2.y - t3.y ) = abs( bx - dy ) // // If we do a substitution such that // c1 = a*c >= 0 ? c : -c // d1 = b*d >= 0 ? d : -d // we get the following linear system: // (1) w = abs( ax + c1y ) // (2) h = abs( bx + d1y ) // // Since we're matching height we only care about (2) var b:Number = matrix.b; var d:Number = matrix.d; // If components are very close to zero, zero them out to handle the special cases if (-1.0e-9 < b && b < +1.0e-9) b = 0; if (-1.0e-9 < d && d < +1.0e-9) d = 0; if (b == 0 && d == 0) return null; // No solution // Handle special cases first if (b == 0 && d == 0) return null; // No solution if (b == 0) return new Point( preferredX, h / Math.abs(d) ); else if (d == 0) return new Point( h / Math.abs(b), preferredY ); const d1:Number = (b*d >= 0) ? d : -d; // Now we have the following linear sytesm: // (1) x = preferredX or y = preferredY // (2) h = abs( bx + d1y ) var s:Point; var x:Number; var y:Number; if (d1 != 0 && preferredX > 0) { const invD1:Number = 1 / d1; preferredX = Math.max(minX, Math.min(maxX, preferredX)); x = preferredX; // Case1: // bx + d1y >= 0 // x = preferredX y = (h - b * x) * invD1; if (minY <= y && y <= maxY && b * x + d1 * y >= 0 ) // Satisfy Case1 { s = new Point(x, y); } // Case2: // bx + d1y < 0 // x = preferredX y = (-h - b * x) * invD1; if (minY <= y && y <= maxY && b * x + d1 * y < 0 ) // Satisfy Case2 { // If there is no solution, or the new solution yields smaller value, pick the new solution. if (!s || transformSize(s.x, s.y, matrix).x > transformSize(x, y, matrix).x) s = new Point(x, y); } } if (b != 0 && preferredY > 0) { const invB:Number = 1 / b; preferredY = Math.max(minY, Math.min(maxY, preferredY)); y = preferredY; // Case3: // bx + d1y >= 0 // y = preferredY x = ( h - d1 * y ) * invB; if (minX <= x && x <= maxX && b * x + d1 * y >= 0) // Satisfy Case3 { // If there is no solution, or the new solution yields smaller value, pick the new solution. if (!s || transformSize(s.x, s.y, matrix).x > transformSize(x, y, matrix).x) s = new Point(x, y); } // Case4: // bx + d1y < 0 // y = preferredY x = ( -h - d1 * y ) * invB; if (minX <= x && x <= maxX && b * x + d1 * y < 0) // Satisfy Case4 { // If there is no solution, or the new solution yields smaller value, pick the new solution. if (!s || transformSize(s.x, s.y, matrix).x > transformSize(x, y, matrix).x) s = new Point(x, y); } } // If there's already a solution that matches preferred dimention, return if (s) return s; // Find a solution that matches the width and minimizes the height: const a:Number = matrix.a; const c:Number = matrix.c; const c1:Number = ( a*c >= 0 ) ? c : -c; return solveEquation(b, d1, h, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, a, c1); } /** * Calculates (x,y) such that the bounding box (0,0,x,y) transformed * with matrix will have bounding box with * width equal to w. * x and y are restricted by minX, maxX and * minY, maxY. * * If possible x will be set to preferredX or * y will be set to preferredY. * * When there are multiple solutions, the function picks the one that * minimizes the bounding box area of transformed (0,0,x,y). * * The functon assumes minX >= 0 and minY >= 0 * (solution components x and y are non-negative). * * @return Returns Point(x,y) or null if no solution exists. * * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ static public function calcUBoundsToFitTBoundsWidth(w:Number, matrix:Matrix, preferredX:Number, preferredY:Number, minX:Number, minY:Number, maxX:Number, maxY:Number):Point { // Untransformed bounds size is (x,y). The corners of the untransformed // bounding box are p1(0,0) p2(x,0) p3(0,y) p4(x,y). // Matrix is | a c tx | // | b d ty | // // After transfomation with the matrix those four points are: // t1 = (0, 0) = matrix.deltaTransformPoint(p1) // t2 = (ax, bx) = matrix.deltaTransformPoint(p2) // t3 = (cy, dy) = matrix.deltaTransformPoint(p3) // t4 = (ax + cy, cx + dy) = matrix.deltaTransformPoint(p4) // // The transformed bounds bounding box dimensions are (w,h): // (1) w = max( t1.x, t2.x, t3.x, t4.x ) - min( t1.x, t2.x, t3.x, t4.x) // (2) h = max( t1.y, t2.y, t3.y, t4.y ) - min( t1.y, t2.y, t3.y, t4.y) // // Looking at all the possible cases for min and max functions above, // we can construct and solve simple linear systems for x and y. // For example in the case of // t1.x <= t2.x <= t3.x <= t4.x // our first equation is // (1) w = t4.x - t1.x <==> w = ax + cy // // To minimize the cases we're looking at we can take advantage of // the limits we have: x >= 0, y >= 0; // Taking into account these limits we deduce that: // a*c >= 0 gives us (1) w = abs( t4.x - t1.x ) = abs( ax + cy ) // a*c < 0 gives us (1) w = abs( t2.x - t3.x ) = abs( ax - cy ) // b*d >= 0 gives us (2) h = abs( t4.y - t1.y ) = abs( bx + dy ) // b*d < 0 gives us (2) h = abs( t2.y - t3.y ) = abs( bx - dy ) // // If we do a substitution such that // c1 = a*c >= 0 ? c : -c // d1 = b*d >= 0 ? d : -d // we get the following linear system: // (1) w = abs( ax + c1y ) // (2) h = abs( bx + d1y ) // // Since we're matching width we only care about (1) var a:Number = matrix.a; var c:Number = matrix.c; // If components are very close to zero, zero them out to handle the special cases if (-1.0e-9 < a && a < +1.0e-9) a = 0; if (-1.0e-9 < c && c < +1.0e-9) c = 0; // Handle special cases first if (a == 0 && c == 0) return null; // No solution if (a == 0) return new Point( preferredX, w / Math.abs(c) ); else if (c == 0) return new Point( w / Math.abs(a), preferredY ); const c1:Number = ( a*c >= 0 ) ? c : -c; // Now we have the following linear sytesm: // (1) w = abs( ax + c1y ) // (2) x = preferredX or y = preferredY var s:Point; var x:Number; var y:Number; if (c1 != 0 && preferredX > 0) { const invC1:Number = 1 / c1; preferredX = Math.max(minX, Math.min(maxX, preferredX)); x = preferredX; // Case1: // a * x + c1 * y >= 0 // x = preferredX y = (w - a * x) * invC1; if (minY <= y && y <= maxY && a * x + c1 * y >= 0 ) // Satisfy Case1 { s = new Point(x, y); } // Case2: // a * x + c1 * y < 0 // x = preferredX y = (-w - a * x) * invC1; if (minY <= y && y <= maxY && a * x + c1 * y < 0 ) // Satisfy Case2 { // If there is no solution, or the new solution yields smaller value, pick the new solution. if (!s || transformSize(s.x, s.y, matrix).y > transformSize(x, y, matrix).y) s = new Point(x, y); } } if (a != 0 && preferredY > 0) { const invA:Number = 1 / a; preferredY = Math.max(minY, Math.min(maxY, preferredY)); y = preferredY; // Case3: // a * x + c1 * y >= 0 // y = preferredY x = (w - c1 * y ) * invA; if (minX <= x && x <= maxX && a * x + c1 * y >= 0) // Satisfy Case3 { // If there is no solution, or the new solution yields smaller value, pick the new solution. if (!s || transformSize(s.x, s.y, matrix).y > transformSize(x, y, matrix).y) s = new Point(x, y); } // Case4: // a * x + c1 * y < 0 // y = preferredY x = (-w - c1 * y ) * invA; if (minX <= x && x <= maxX && a * x + c1 * y < 0) // Satisfy Case4 { // If there is no solution, or the new solution yields smaller value, pick the new solution. if (!s || transformSize(s.x, s.y, matrix).y > transformSize(x, y, matrix).y) s = new Point(x, y); } } // If there's already a solution that matches preferred dimention, return if (s) return s; // Find a solution that matches the width and minimizes the height: const b:Number = matrix.b; const d:Number = matrix.d; const d1:Number = (b*d >= 0) ? d : -d; return solveEquation(a, c1, w, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, b, d1); } /** * Finds a solution (x,y) for the equation abs(a*x + c*y) = w such that * abs(b*x +d*y) is minimized. * If there is infinite number of solutions, x and y are picked to be * as close as possible. * * Doesn't handle cases where a or c are zero. * * @return Returns Point(x,y) * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ static private function solveEquation(a:Number, c:Number, w:Number, minX:Number, minY:Number, maxX:Number, maxY:Number, b:Number, d:Number):Point { if (a == 0 || c == 0) return null; // x and y are not co-dependent // (1) w = abs( ax + cy ) // Find the range of solutsion for y and pick: var x:Number; var y:Number; var s:Point; // Case1: ax + cy >= 0, from (1) above we get: // (1) x = (w - cy) / a // // Lets find the possible range of values for y: // We know that // (3) minX <= x <= maxX // // Substitute x with (w - cy)/a in (3): // (3) minX - w/a <= -cy/a <= maxX - w/a // (3) min( A, B ) <= y <= max( A, B ), where // A = (minX - w/a) * (-a/c) // B = (maxX - w/a) * (-a/c) var A:Number = (w - minX * a) / c; var B:Number = (w - maxX * a) / c; var rangeMinY:Number = Math.max(minY, Math.min(A, B)); var rangeMaxY:Number = Math.min(maxY, Math.max(A, B)); const det:Number = (b * c - a * d); // We have a possible solution for Case1 if the range for y is valid if (rangeMinY <= rangeMaxY) { // Now that we have a valid range for y, we need to pick a value within // that range. // // We calculate the value based on a custom condition. // // The custom condition that we use could be anything that defines // another equation for x and y. Some examples are: // "make x and y as close as possible": y = w / ( a + c ); // "minimize abs(bx + dy)": y = b * w / det // "preserve aspect ratio": y = w / ( a * preferredX / preferredY + c ); if (Math.abs(det) < 1.0e-9) { // There is infinite number of solutions, lets pick x == y y = w / ( a + c ); } else { // Minimize abs(bx + dy) - we need to solve: // abs( b * ( w - c * y ) / a + d * y ) = 0 // which gives us: y = b * w / det; } // Now that we have the y value calculated from the custom condition, // we clamp with the range. This gives us a solution with // values as close as possible to satisfy our custom condition when // the condition is a linear function of x and y (in our case it is). y = Math.max(rangeMinY, Math.min(y, rangeMaxY)); x = (w - c * y) / a; return new Point(x, y); } // Case2: ax + cy < 0, from (1) above we get: // (1) x = (-w - cy) / a // // Lets find the possible range of values for y: // We know that // (3) minX <= x <= maxX // // Substitute x with (-w - cy)/a in (3): // (3) minX + w/a <= -cy/a <= maxX + w/a // (3) min( A, B ) <= y <= max( A, B ), where // A = (minX + w/a) * (-a/c) // B = (maxX + w/a) * (-a/c) A = -(minX * a + w) / c; B = -(maxX * a + w) / c; rangeMinY = Math.max(minY, Math.min(A, B)); rangeMaxY = Math.min(maxY, Math.max(A, B)); // We have a possible solution for Case2 if the range for y is valid if (rangeMinY <= rangeMaxY) { // Now that we have a valid range for y, we need to pick a value within // that range. // // We calculate the value based on a custom condition. // // The custom condition that we use could be anything that defines // another equation for x and y. Some examples are: // "make x and y as close as possible": y = -w / ( a + c ); // "minimize abs(bx + dy)": y = -b * w / det // "preserve aspect ratio": y = w / ( a * preferredX / preferredY + c ); if (Math.abs(det) < 1.0e-9) { // There is infinite number of solutions, lets pick x == y y = -w / ( a + c ); } else { // Minimize abs(bx + dy) - we need to solve: // abs( b * ( -w - c * y ) / a + d * y ) = 0 // which gives us: y = -b * w / det; } // Now that we have the y value calculated from the custom condition, // we clamp with the range. This gives us a solution with // values as close as possible to satisfy our custom condition when // the condition is a linear function of x and y (in our case it is). y = Math.max(rangeMinY, Math.min(y, rangeMaxY)); x = (-w - c * y) / a; return new Point(x, y); } return null; // No solution } /** * Calculates (x,y) such that the bounding box (0,0,x,y) transformed * with matrix will have bounding box (0,0,w,h). * x and y are restricted by minX, maxX and * minY, maxY. * * When there is infinite number of solutions, the function will * calculate x and y to be as close as possible. * * The functon assumes minX >= 0 and minY >= 0 * (solution components x and y are non-negative). * * @return Point(x,y) or null if no solution exists. * * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ static public function calcUBoundsToFitTBounds(w:Number, h:Number, matrix:Matrix, minX:Number, minY:Number, maxX:Number, maxY:Number):Point { // Untransformed bounds size is (x,y). The corners of the untransformed // bounding box are p1(0,0) p2(x,0) p3(0,y) p4(x,y). // Matrix is | a c tx | // | b d ty | // // After transfomation with the matrix those four points are: // t1 = (0, 0) = matrix.deltaTransformPoint(p1) // t2 = (ax, bx) = matrix.deltaTransformPoint(p2) // t3 = (cy, dy) = matrix.deltaTransformPoint(p3) // t4 = (ax + cy, cx + dy) = matrix.deltaTransformPoint(p4) // // The transformed bounds bounding box dimensions are (w,h): // (1) w = max( t1.x, t2.x, t3.x, t4.x ) - min( t1.x, t2.x, t3.x, t4.x) // (2) h = max( t1.y, t2.y, t3.y, t4.y ) - min( t1.y, t2.y, t3.y, t4.y) // // Looking at all the possible cases for min and max functions above, // we can construct and solve simple linear systems for x and y. // For example in the case of // t1.x <= t2.x <= t3.x <= t4.x // our first equation is // (1) w = t4.x - t1.x <==> w = ax + cy // // To minimize the cases we're looking at we can take advantage of // the limits we have: x >= 0, y >= 0; // Taking into account these limits we deduce that: // a*c >= 0 gives us (1) w = abs( t4.x - t1.x ) = abs( ax + cy ) // a*c < 0 gives us (1) w = abs( t2.x - t3.x ) = abs( ax - cy ) // b*d >= 0 gives us (2) h = abs( t4.y - t1.y ) = abs( bx + dy ) // b*d < 0 gives us (2) h = abs( t2.y - t3.y ) = abs( bx - dy ) // // If we do a substitution such that // c1 = a*c >= 0 ? c : -c // d1 = b*d >= 0 ? d : -d // we get the following linear system: // (1) w = abs( ax + c1y ) // (2) h = abs( bx + d1y ) // var a:Number = matrix.a; var b:Number = matrix.b; var c:Number = matrix.c; var d:Number = matrix.d; // If components are very close to zero, zero them out to handle the special cases if (-1.0e-9 < a && a < +1.0e-9) a = 0; if (-1.0e-9 < b && b < +1.0e-9) b = 0; if (-1.0e-9 < c && c < +1.0e-9) c = 0; if (-1.0e-9 < d && d < +1.0e-9) d = 0; // Handle special cases. if (b == 0 && c == 0) { // No solution in the following cases since the matrix collapses // all points into a line. if (a == 0 || d == 0) return null; // (1) w = abs( ax + cy ) <=> w = abs( ax ) <=> w = abs(a)x // (2) h = abs( bx + dy ) <=> h = abs( dy ) <=> h = abs(d)y return new Point(w / Math.abs(a), h / Math.abs(d)); } if (a == 0 && d == 0) { // No solution in the following cases since the matrix collapses // all points into a line. if (b == 0 || c == 0) return null; // (1) w = abs( ax + cy ) <=> w = abs( cy ) <=> w = abs(c)y // (2) h = abs( bx + dy ) <=> h = abs( bx ) <=> h = abs(b)x return new Point(h / Math.abs(b), w / Math.abs(c)); } // Handle general cases. const c1:Number = ( a*c >= 0 ) ? c : -c; const d1:Number = ( b*d >= 0 ) ? d : -d; // we get the following linear system: // (1) w = abs( ax + c1y ) // (2) h = abs( bx + d1y ) // Calculate the determinant of the system const det:Number = a * d1 - b * c1; if (Math.abs(det) < 1.0e-9) { // No solution in these cases since the matrix // collapses all points into a line. if (c1 == 0 || a == 0 || a == -c1) return null; if (Math.abs(a * h - b * w) > 1.0e-9) return null; // No solution in this case // Determinant is zero, the equations (1) & (2) are equivalent and // we have only one equation: // (1) w = abs( ax + c1y ) // // Solve it finding x and y as close as possible: return solveEquation(a, c1, w, minX, minX, maxX, maxY, b, d1); } // Pre-multiply w & h by the inverse dteterminant const invDet:Number = 1 / det; w *= invDet; h *= invDet; // Case 1: // a * x + c1 * y >= 0 // b * x + d1 * y >= 0 var s:Point; s = solveSystem(a, c1, b, d1, w, h); if (s && minX <= s.x && s.x <= maxX && minY <= s.y && s.y <= maxY && a * s.x + c1 * s.x >= 0 && b * s.x + d1 * s.y >= 0) return s; // Case 2: // a * x + c1 * y >= 0 // b * x + d1 * y < 0 s = solveSystem( a, c1, b, d1, w, -h); if (s && minX <= s.x && s.x <= maxX && minY <= s.y && s.y <= maxY && a * s.x + c1 * s.x >= 0 && b * s.x + d1 * s.y < 0) return s; // Case 3: // a * x + c1 * y < 0 // b * x + d1 * y >= 0 s = solveSystem( a, c1, b, d1, -w, h); if (s && minX <= s.x && s.x <= maxX && minY <= s.y && s.y <= maxY && a * s.x + c1 * s.x < 0 && b * s.x + d1 * s.y >= 0) return s; // Case 4: // a * x + c1 * y < 0 // b * x + d1 * y < 0 s = solveSystem( a, c1, b, d1, -w, -h); if (s && minX <= s.x && s.x <= maxX && minY <= s.y && s.y <= maxY && a * s.x + c1 * s.x < 0 && b * s.x + d1 * s.y < 0) return s; return null; // No solution. } /** * Determine if two Matrix instances are equal. * * @return true if the matrices are equal. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public static function isEqual(m1:Matrix, m2:Matrix):Boolean { return ((m1 && m2 && m1.a == m2.a && m1.b == m2.b && m1.c == m2.c && m1.d == m2.d && m1.tx == m2.tx && m1.ty == m2.ty) || (!m1 && !m2)); } /** * Determine if two Matrix3D instances are equal. * * @return true if the matrices are equal. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public static function isEqual3D(m1:Matrix3D, m2:Matrix3D):Boolean { if (m1 && m2 && m1.rawData.length == m2.rawData.length) { var r1:Vector. = m1.rawData; var r2:Vector. = m2.rawData; return (r1[0] == r2[0] && r1[1] == r2[1] && r1[2] == r2[2] && r1[3] == r2[3] && r1[4] == r2[4] && r1[5] == r2[5] && r1[6] == r2[6] && r1[7] == r2[7] && r1[8] == r2[8] && r1[9] == r2[9] && r1[10] == r2[10] && r1[11] == r2[11] && r1[12] == r2[12] && r1[13] == r2[13] && r1[14] == r2[14] && r1[15] == r2[15]); } return (!m1 && !m2); } /** * Calculates (x,y) such as to satisfy the linear system: * | a * x + c * y = m * | b * x + d * y = n * * @param mOverDet mOverDet must be equal to m / (a*d - b*c) * @param nOverDet mOverDet must be equal to n / (a*d - b*c) * * @return returns Point(x,y) * * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ static private function solveSystem(a:Number, c:Number, b:Number, d:Number, mOverDet:Number, nOverDet:Number):Point { return new Point(d * mOverDet - c * nOverDet, a * nOverDet - b * mOverDet); } /** * Workaround for player's concatenatedMatrix being wrong in some situations, such * as when there is a filter or a scrollRect somewhere in the object's container * hierarchy. Walk the parent tree manually, calculating the matrix manually. * * @param displayObject Calculate the concatenatedMatrix for this displayObject * * @param topParent

When specified, the matrix is computed up to the topParent, * excluding topParent's concatenated matrix. This is useful when computing a transform * in order to move an object to a different parent but the object's transform needs * to be adjusted in order to keep its original position on screen.

* * @return The concatenatedMatrix for the displayObject * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 10 * @playerversion AIR 1.5 * @productversion Flex 4 */ public static function getConcatenatedMatrix(displayObject:DisplayObject, topParent:DisplayObject):Matrix { return getConcatenatedMatrixHelper(displayObject, false, topParent); } /** * Workaround for player's concatenatedMatrix being wrong in some situations, such * as when there is a filter or a scrollRect somewhere in the object's container * hierarchy. Walk the parent tree manually, calculating the matrix manually. * * This function differs from getConcatenatedMatrix in that it combines the * computedMatrix of each ancestor. The computedMatrix includes transform offsets. * * @param displayObject Calculate the concatenatedMatrix for this displayObject * * @param topParent

When specified, the matrix is computed up to the topParent, * excluding topParent's concatenated matrix. This is useful when computing a transform * in order to move an object to a different parent but the object's transform needs * to be adjusted in order to keep its original position on screen.

* * @return The concatenatedMatrix for the displayObject * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 10 * @playerversion AIR 1.5 * @productversion Flex 4 */ public static function getConcatenatedComputedMatrix(displayObject:DisplayObject, topParent:DisplayObject):Matrix { return getConcatenatedMatrixHelper(displayObject, true, topParent); } /** * @private */ private static function getConcatenatedMatrixHelper(displayObject:DisplayObject, useComputedMatrix:Boolean, topParent:DisplayObject):Matrix { var m:Matrix = new Matrix(); // This check should be made once per top-level ApplicationDomain if (usesMarshalling == null) { // Check if marshalling support has been turned on usesMarshalling = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.hasDefinition("mx.managers.systemClasses.MarshallingSupport"); // If we aren't using marshalling, then we only have one ApplicationDomain and thus one class // definition for UIComponent if (!usesMarshalling && ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.hasDefinition("mx.core.UIComponent")) uiComponentClass = Class(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.getDefinition("mx.core.UIComponent")); // same thing for UIMovieClip if (!usesMarshalling && ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.hasDefinition("mx.flash.UIMovieClip")) uiMovieClipClass = Class(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.getDefinition("mx.flash.UIMovieClip")); } // Note, root will be "null" if the displayObject is off the display list. In particular, // during start-up, before applicationComplete is dispatched, root will be null. // Note that getConcatenatedMatrixHelper() with topParent == sandboxRoot will still work // correctly in those cases as we use ".$parent" to walk up the parent chain and during start-up // $parent will be null for the application before applicationComplete has been dispatched. if (fakeDollarParent == null) fakeDollarParent = new QName(mx_internal, "$parent"); if (useComputedMatrix && computedMatrixProperty == null) computedMatrixProperty = new QName(mx_internal, "computedMatrix"); if ($transformProperty == null) $transformProperty = new QName(mx_internal, "$transform"); while (displayObject && displayObject.transform.matrix && displayObject != topParent) { var scrollRect:Rectangle = displayObject.scrollRect; if (scrollRect != null) m.translate(-scrollRect.x, -scrollRect.y); // If we are using marshalling, we can have multiple class definitions of UIComponent if (usesMarshalling && "moduleFactory" in displayObject) { var moduleFactory:Object = displayObject["moduleFactory"]; // If the module factory has changed, then we are in a different ApplicationDomain if (moduleFactory && moduleFactory !== lastModuleFactory && "info" in moduleFactory) { var appDomain:ApplicationDomain; appDomain = moduleFactory["info"]()["currentDomain"]; // Get the class definition for UIComponent in the current ApplicationDomain if (appDomain && appDomain.hasDefinition("mx.core.UIComponent")) uiComponentClass = Class(appDomain.getDefinition("mx.core.UIComponent")); // same thing for UIMovieClip if (appDomain && appDomain.hasDefinition("mx.flash.UIMovieClip")) uiMovieClipClass = Class(appDomain.getDefinition("mx.flash.UIMovieClip")); lastModuleFactory = moduleFactory; } } var isUIComponent:Boolean = uiComponentClass && displayObject is uiComponentClass; var isUIMovieClip:Boolean = uiMovieClipClass && displayObject is uiMovieClipClass; if (useComputedMatrix && isUIComponent) m.concat(displayObject[computedMatrixProperty]); else if (isUIMovieClip) m.concat(displayObject[$transformProperty].matrix); else m.concat(displayObject.transform.matrix); // Try to access $parent, which is the true display list parent if (isUIComponent) displayObject = displayObject[fakeDollarParent] as DisplayObject; else displayObject = displayObject.parent as DisplayObject; } return m; } } }