/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function header( /* int */ columns ) { document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); } function error( /* int */ columns, /* String */ message ) { document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); } function data( /* Array of Object */ dataArray ) { // render components if (dataArray.length == 1) { entry( dataArray[0], true ); } else { for ( var idx in dataArray ) { entry( dataArray[idx] ); } } } function footer( /* int */ columns ) { document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "
 " ); document.write( "
 " + message + "
 " ); document.write( "
" ); } function entry( /* Object */ dataEntry, /* boolean */ singleEntry ) { var trElement = tr( null, { id: "entry" + dataEntry.id } ); entryInternal( trElement, dataEntry, singleEntry ); document.write( serialize( trElement ) ); // dataEntry detailed properties trElement = tr( null, { id: "entry" + dataEntry.id + "_details" } ); if (dataEntry.props) { getDataEntryDetails( trElement, dataEntry.props ); } document.write( serialize( trElement ) ); } function entryInternal( /* Element */ parent, /* Object */ dataEntry, /* boolean */ singleEntry ) { var id = dataEntry.id; var name = dataEntry.name; var state = dataEntry.state; var icon = singleEntry ? "left" : (dataEntry.props ? "down" : "right"); var event = singleEntry ? "history.back()" : "showDataEntryDetails(" + id + ")"; parent.appendChild( td( "content right", null, [ text( id ) ] ) ); parent.appendChild( td( "content", null, [ createElement( "img", null, { src: appRoot + "/res/imgs/" + icon + ".gif", onClick: event, id: "entry" + id + "_inline" } ), text( "\u00a0" ), createElement( "a", null, { href: pluginRoot + "/" + id }, [ text( name ) ] )] ) ); parent.appendChild( td( "content center", null, [ text( state ) ] ) ); for ( var aidx in dataEntry.actions ) { var action = dataEntry.actions[aidx]; parent.appendChild( actionButton( action.enabled, id, action.link, action.name ) ); } } /* Element */ function actionButton( /* boolean */ enabled, /* long */ id, /* String */ op, /* String */ opLabel ) { var buttonTd = td( "content", { align: "right" } ); if ( op ) { var input = createElement( "input", "submit", { type: 'button', value: opLabel, onClick: 'changeDataEntryState("' + id + '", "' + op + '");' }); if (!enabled) { input.setAttribute( "disabled", true ); } buttonTd.appendChild( input ); } else { addText( buttonTd, "\u00a0" ); } return buttonTd; } function getDataEntryDetails( /* Element */ parent, /* Array of Object */ details ) { parent.appendChild( addText( td( "content"), "\u00a0" ) ); var tdEl = td( "content", { colspan: 4 } ); parent.appendChild( tdEl ); var tableEl = createElement( "table", null, { border: 0 } ); tdEl.appendChild( tableEl ); var tbody = createElement( "tbody" ); tableEl.appendChild( tbody ); for (var idx in details) { var prop = details[idx]; var trEl = tr(); trEl.appendChild( addText( td( "aligntop", { noWrap: true } ), prop.key ) ); var proptd = td( "aligntop" ); trEl.appendChild( proptd ); if (prop.value ) { var values = new String( prop.value ).split( "
" ); for (var i=0; i < values.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { proptd.appendChild( createElement( "br" ) ); } addText( proptd, values[i] ); } } else { addText( proptd, "\u00a0" ); } tbody.appendChild( trEl ); } } function showDetails(bundleId) { var span = document.getElementById('bundle' + bundleId + '_details'); } function showDataEntryDetails( id ) { var span = document.getElementById( 'entry' + id + '_details' ); if (span) { if (span.firstChild) { clearChildren( span ); newLinkValue( id, appRoot + "/res/imgs/right.gif" ); } else { sendRequest( 'POST', pluginRoot + '/' + id, displayDataEntryDetails ); newLinkValue( id, appRoot + "/res/imgs/down.gif" ); } } } function newLinkValue( /* long */ id, /* String */ newLinkValue ) { var link = document.getElementById( "entry" + id + "_inline" ); if (link) { link.src = newLinkValue; } } function displayDataEntryDetails( obj ) { var span = document.getElementById('entry' + obj.id + '_details'); if (span) { clearChildren( span ); getDataEntryDetails( span, obj.props ); } } function changeDataEntryState(/* long */ id, /* String */ action) { var parm = pluginRoot + "/" + id + "?action=" + action; sendRequest('POST', parm, dataEntryStateChanged); } function dataEntryStateChanged(obj) { if (obj.reload) { document.location = document.location; } else { var id = obj.id; if (obj.state) { // has status, so draw the line if (obj.props) { var span = document.getElementById('entry' + id + '_details'); if (span && span.firstChild) { clearChildren( span ); getDataEntryDetails( span, obj.props ); } else { obj.props = false; } } var span = document.getElementById('entry' + id); if (span) { clearChildren( span ); entryInternal( span, obj ); } } else { // no status, dataEntry has been removed/uninstalled var span = document.getElementById('entry' + id); if (span) { span.parentNode.removeChild(span); } var span = document.getElementById('entry' + id + '_details'); if (span) { span.parentNode.removeChild(span); } } } } function renderPackage( /* Array of Data Objects */ bundleData ) { // number of actions plus 3 -- id, name and state var columns = 4; header( columns ); installForm( ); if (bundleData.error) { error( columns, bundleData.error ); } else { data ( bundleData.data ); } installForm( ); footer( columns ); } function installForm( ) { document.write( "
" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( " " ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "" ); document.write( "
" ); }