Changes from 1.4.0 to 1.3.0 --------------------------- ** Improvement * [FELIX-4773] - Generated service component xml does not conform to XSD ** Bug * [FELIX-4836] - Bnd Scrplugin is called twice by BndTools * [FELIX-4861] - Metatype generation should fail if there is no configuration property * [FELIX-4622] - Regression: SCR spec version detection incorrect for activate method * [FELIX-4774] - Support for @Reference annotation with unbind method "-" Changes from 1.3.0 to 1.1.0 --------------------------- ** Improvement * [FELIX-4586] - A field must be volatile if methods are generated for a dynamic reference ** Bug * [FELIX-4567] - scr bnd plugin incompatible with maven-bundle-plugin 2.5.0 * [FELIX-4296] - Cannot deactivate service interface detection in DS annotations * [FELIX-4587] - Update method is not verified Changes from 1.1.0 to 1.0.0 ---------------------------- ** Improvement * [FELIX-4461] - Update to ASM 5 for Java 8 compatibility