
iPOJO Arch command

Architecture introspection is required when the system doesn't work as expected. In this case, having a quick access to instances states and interconnection is a stringent requirement. The arch command allows getting these data from the Felix Shell and from the Equinox shell.


The Felix command is available from the Download page and in the arch folder of the iPOJO trunk http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/trunk/ipojo/arch/.
The Equinox command sources are available http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/sandbox/clement/ipojo-utils/arch-equinox/. To compile sources, just launch the mvn clean install.


Once you get the bundle, just install and start it in the OSGi Framework shell:

start file:/BUNDLE_URL.jar 
install file:/BUNDLE_URL.jar 
Bundle X installed 
start X 

Then, you can use it to introspect the system by launching the arch command.

arch => displays instances name & state (equivalent to arch \-instances) 
arch -instance $instance_name => displays complete information about the instance $instance_name 
arch -factories => display the list of available factories 
arch -factory $factory_name => display complete information about the factory $factory_name 
arch -handlers => list available handlers 

Reading instance architecture

When you launch the arch command, the list of created instances (enabling architecture introspection) is displayed.

-> arch 
Instance ArchCommand -> valid 
Instance spell.english.EnglishDictionary-0 -> valid 
Instance spell.checker.SpellCheck-0 -> valid 
Instance spell.gui.SpellCheckerGui-0 -> valid 

To get more information on an instance, launch arch -instance the_instance_name

-> arch -instance spell.checker.SpellCheck-0                                     
instance component.type="spell.checker.SpellCheck" state="valid" bundle="8" name="spell.checker.SpellCheck-0" 
    handler state="valid" name="org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.dependency.DependencyHandler" 
        requires optional="false" aggregate="false" state="resolved" binding-policy="dynamic" specification="spell.services.DictionaryService" 
    handler state="valid" name="org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.providedservice.ProvidedServiceHandler" 
        provides service.id="36" state="registered" specifications="[spell.services.SpellChecker]" 
            property value="spell.checker.SpellCheck" name="factory.name" 
            property value="spell.checker.SpellCheck-0" name="instance.name" 
    handler state="valid" name="org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.architecture.ArchitectureHandler" 

Instance architecture is organized as follows:
On the first line, are displayed the component type (i.e. factory), the instance state (valid or invalid), the bundle from which the instance is created, and the instance name.
Then, the information is organized handler by handler (a piece of container). For each handler plugged on the instance can participate to the instance architecture. For each handler its name (such as {{ org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.dependency.DependencyHandler}} for iPOJO service dependencies, {{ org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.providedservice.ProvidedServiceHandler}} for iPOJO service providing...) and the state (either valid or invalid are displayed. Remember that an instance is valid only and only if all plugged handlers are valid.
The org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.dependency.DependencyHandler provides data on service dependencies and more precisely on the state of service dependencies. In the previous example, the dependency on {{ spell.services.DictionaryService}} was resolved. On the following example, the same dependency is no more resolved:

instance component.type="spell.checker.SpellCheck" state="invalid" bundle="8" name="spell.checker.SpellCheck-0" 
    handler state="invalid" name="org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.dependency.DependencyHandler" 
        requires optional="false" aggregate="false" state="unresolved" binding-policy="dynamic" specification="spell.services.DictionaryService" 
    handler state="valid" name="org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.providedservice.ProvidedServiceHandler" 
        provides state="unregistered" specifications="[spell.services.SpellChecker]" 
            property value="spell.checker.SpellCheck" name="factory.name" 
            property value="spell.checker.SpellCheck-0" name="instance.name" 
    handler state="valid" name="org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.architecture.ArchitectureHandler" 

Notes that, the instance also becomes invalid and that the provided service is unregistered.
If the provider comes back, the dependency becomes resolved and the instance becomes valid
If an instance begins to use a service, the bound providers are described in the instance architecture:

-> arch -instance spell.checker.SpellCheck-0  
instance component.type="spell.checker.SpellCheck" state="valid" bundle="8" name="spell.checker.SpellCheck-0" 
    object name="spell.checker.SpellCheck@e222eb" 
    handler state="valid" name="org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.dependency.DependencyHandler" 
        requires optional="false" aggregate="false" state="resolved" binding-policy="dynamic" specification="spell.services.DictionaryService" 
            uses service.id="41" instance.name="spell.english.EnglishDictionary-0" 
    handler state="valid" name="org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.providedservice.ProvidedServiceHandler" 
        provides service.id="42" state="registered" specifications="[spell.services.SpellChecker]" 
            property value="spell.checker.SpellCheck" name="factory.name" 
            property value="spell.checker.SpellCheck-0" name="instance.name" 
    handler state="valid" name="org.apache.felix.ipojo.handlers.architecture.ArchitectureHandler" 

In the previous case, the dependency on {{ spell.services.DictionaryService}} use the service 41 from the iPOJO instance named {{ spell.english.EnglishDictionary-0}}
You can also check created POJO objects (implementation class objet). Here, only one object was created (spell.checker.SpellCheck@e222eb).

List available factories

To list available factories (i.e. component types), launch the arch -factories command:

-> arch -factories 
Factory spell.checker.SpellCheck (VALID) 
Factory spell.gui.SpellCheckerGui (VALID) 
Factory spell.english.EnglishDictionary (VALID) 

For each available (public) factories,the name and the sate are displayed. A factory is valid if and only if all required handlers are available. To get more information on a factory launch the arch -factory factory_name command:

factory implementation-class="spell.english.EnglishDictionary" state="valid" bundle="7" name="spell.english.EnglishDictionary" 
    provides specification="spell.services.DictionaryService" 
    missinghandlers list="[]" 
    requiredhandlers list="[org.apache.felix.ipojo:provides, org.apache.felix.ipojo:architecture]" 

On the first line, you get the implementation class of the type, the state of the factory, the bundle declaring the type and the name of the type. Then you get the list of required and missing handlers.

List available handlers

You can also list available handlers with the arch -handlers command.

-> arch -handlers 
Handler org.apache.felix.ipojo:controller (VALID) 
Handler org.apache.felix.ipojo:callback (VALID) 
Handler org.apache.felix.ipojo:requires (VALID) 
Handler org.apache.felix.ipojo:provides (VALID) 
Handler org.apache.felix.ipojo:properties (VALID) 
Handler org.apache.felix.ipojo:architecture (VALID) 
Handler org.apache.felix.ipojo.handler.whiteboard:wbp (VALID) 

Handlers with the org.apache.felix.ipojo namespace (section before :) are core handlers (provided by the iPOJO bundle). Others are external handlers (provided by others bundles).