Changes from 0.1.2 to 0.1.4 --------------------------- ** Bug * fix regression in resource path resolution code in test cases. * put 'shutdown server on last client deregistration' optimization in a thread and wait 30 seconds before checking if no clients are registered. Fixes issue in which sole client "bounces" registration service on start and causes deadlock in server. * fix bad formatting of ASF license header clobbered by Eclipse formatter. * Use consistent names in DEPS/NOTICE files. * [FELIX-3266] - PrintWriter in HttpServletResponse does not send string content to client * [FELIX-3253] - Fails to resolve urls with multiple successive path separators * [FELIX-3256] - Remove Ant build file from Lightweight HTTP Service bundle. ** Improvement * : [FELIX-3291] - added cookie support * : [FELIX-3287] - Support Java 1.3 with provided by patch from Yann Diorcet. * : ignore socket exceptions when server is explicitly shutdown. * : [FELIX-3276] - create 'minimal' and 'complete' targets. 'complete' target includes servlet and osgi dependencies. * : javadoc additions to public methods. Version 0.1.2 --------------------- * Initial Release