
This Maven plug-in aims to automate OBR (OSGi Bundle Repository) management. It helps manage a local OBR for your local Maven repository, and also supports remote OBRs for bundle distribution. The plug-in automatically computes bundle capabilities and requirements, using a combination of Bindex and Maven metadata.


The maven-obr-plugin supports:

How to use the maven-obr-plugin?

The plug-in offers five Maven goals:

Any of these goals can be disabled by setting -DobrRepository=NONE


The install goal updates the local OBR with the details of the installed bundle from the local Maven repository.

(If the project has an obr.xml file somewhere in its resources, then it will be automatically detected and applied.)


To attach this goal to your project's lifecycle, use:



The install-file goal updates the local OBR with the details of a bundle from the local filesystem.



mvn org.apache.felix:maven-obr-plugin:1.2.0:install-file \
  -DpomFile=myPom.xml -Dfile=foo-1.0.jar


The deploy goal updates the remote OBR with the details of the deployed bundle from the local Maven repository. The remote OBR is found by querying the <distributionManagement> section of the project, unless -DaltDeploymentRepository is set. See http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-deploy-plugin/deploy-mojo.html for more details about these particular settings.

(If the project has an obr.xml file somewhere in its resources, then it will be automatically detected and applied.)


To attach this goal to your project's lifecycle, use:



The deploy-file goal updates the remote OBR with the details of a deployed bundle from the local filesystem. The remote OBR is found using the -DrepositoryId and -Durl parameters. See http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-deploy-plugin/deploy-file-mojo.html for more details about these particular settings.

You can use the -DbundleUrl parameter to give the public location of the deployed bundle, which may differ from the remote OBR location.



mvn org.apache.felix:maven-obr-plugin:1.2.0:deploy-file \
  -DpomFile=myPom.xml -Dfile=foo-1.0.jar -Durl=file:/tmp/example/OBR \


Sometimes you would like to clean your local OBR because it contains bundles that are no longer in your local Maven repository. This case often occurs when artifacts were deleted manually. The maven-obr-plugin provides a simple goal to check for missing bundles, and remove them from the local OBR.


To attach this goal to your project's lifecycle, use:


Concurrent updates

With a remote OBR, several uploads may occur at the same time. However, the remote OBR is centralized in one file, so concurrent modification must be avoided. To achieve this, the plug-in implements a locking system. Each time the plug-in tries to modify the file it sets a file based lock. If it can't take the lock, it will wait and retry. After 3 attempts the upload process fails. To bypass this lock add -DignoreLock to the command-line (or add <ignoreLock>true<ignoreLock> to the configuration section of your Pom).

FTP protocol

Not all protocols are supported by Maven out of the box. For example the ftp protocol requires the wagon-ftp component. To enable the ftp protocol add this to your Pom:


How the plug-in computes the description of the bundle

The description of the bundle comes from three different sources:

These sources are merged together using the following precedence:

| (overrides)
| (overrides)

A warning message is displayed when existing information is overridden.

Known issues & limitations

  1. obr.xml (file given by the user to add properties not found by Bindex) must be correct, because the plug-in does not check its syntax.