---++ POST api/entities/update/:entity-type/:entity-name * Description * Parameters * Results * Examples ---++ Description Updates the submitted entity. ---++ Parameters * :entity-type can be feed or process. * :entity-name is name of the feed or process. * skipDryRun : Optional query param, Falcon skips oozie dryrun when value is set to true. * doAs allows the current user to impersonate the user passed in doAs when interacting with the Falcon system. ---++ Results Result of the validation. ---++ Examples ---+++ Rest Call POST http://localhost:15000/api/entities/update/process/SampleProcess?skipDryRun=false&doAs=joe 1 FIFO hours(1) ---+++ Result { "requestId": "update\/default\/d6aaa328-6836-4818-a212-515bb43d8b86\n\n", "message": "update\/default\/SampleProcess updated successfully\n\n", "status": "SUCCEEDED" }