---+ Falcon - Feed management and data processing platform Falcon is a feed processing and feed management system aimed at making it easier for end consumers to onboard their feed processing and feed management on hadoop clusters. ---++ Why? * Establishes relationship between various data and processing elements on a Hadoop environment * Feed management services such as feed retention, replications across clusters, archival etc. * Easy to onboard new workflows/pipelines, with support for late data handling, retry policies * Integration with metastore/catalog such as Hive/HCatalog * Provide notification to end customer based on availability of feed groups (logical group of related feeds, which are likely to be used together) * Enables use cases for local processing in colo and global aggregations * Captures Lineage information for feeds and processes ---+ Getting Started Start with these simple steps to install an falcon instance [[InstallationSteps][Simple setup]]. Also refer to Falcon architecture and documentation in [[FalconDocumentation][Documentation]]. [[OnBoarding][On boarding]] describes steps to on-board a pipeline to Falcon. It also gives a sample pipeline for reference. [[EntitySpecification][Entity Specification]] gives complete details of all Falcon entities. [[FalconCLI][Falcon CLI]] implements [[restapi/ResourceList][Falcon's RESTful API]] and describes various options for the command line utility provided by Falcon. Falcon provides OOTB [[HiveIntegration][lifecycle management for Tables in Hive (HCatalog)]] such as table replication for BCP and table eviction. Falcon also enforces [[Security][Security]] on protected resources and enables SSL. #LicenseInfo ---+ Licensing Information Falcon is distributed under [[http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0][Apache License 2.0]].