To get started with the example you will need jdk 1.5.0_x, where x is pretty recent (>= 15), or any release of jdk 1.6. You will also need ant 1.7.0, with ant .net plugin if you want to build csharp. You will also need microsoft .net sdk 2.0 for csharp builds. To build: > ant This will run the default target which will build both java and csharp programs. You can also use build-java or build-csharp targets to build only java or only csharp. To run java chat, open a cmd window and run these commands: > cd target\bin > start java -cp chat.jar > start java -cp chat.jar > start java -cp chat.jar Two chat clients will be started; there is a help command; login as a different user in each with any password; they can chat with each other! To run csharp chat: > cd target\bin > start ChatListener.exe > start ChatClient.exe > start ChatClient.exe You can mix and match the various clients and listeners.