Etch ---- This is the source tree for Etch. It is organized as follows: build.xml - top-level ant build script build.dependecies - locations for jars this compile depends on - static build properties compiler/ - core compiler build-support/ - common ant scripts shared by all modules plugins/ - extensions that embed the compiler, e.g. ant, maven, etc. scripts/ - common scripts for eclipse util/ - shared java classes tests/ - functional tests examples/ - Etch application examples chat/ - simple IM application distmap/ - example implementation of a distributed map in etch perf/ - etch client/server performance test example/ - minimal example installers/ - project for NSIS installer and tar.gz, .zip archives binding-xml - xml binding binding-java - java-language binding binding-csharp - C#-language binding Etch bindings ------------- Each binding is factored into its own structure into the build tree. The intend is to provide an easy pattern for potential binding authors to emulate. Essentially each binding has two components: - compiler/ - runtime/ The 'compiler' is always implemented in Java and in coded to implement a backend interface for the target of choice The 'runtime' is coded in the target language. The most useful language bindings implement identical functionality as the Java and C# bindings. Non-languages bindings (like binding-xml) may not have a runtime component at all.