Dependencies ------------ To build the compiler core and the Java and XML bindings and Java-based examples: * Java JDK 1.5_011 or later * Apache Ant 1.7+ * JavaCC 4.0 * Junit 4.3.1 * Velocity 1.5 To compile the C# bindings and examples: * Apache Ant DotNet 1.0 * Mono 1.9 - or - * .NET Framework 2.0 (Visual Studio 2005) * NUnit 2.4.7 To compile NSIS installers: * NSIS 2.23 Setup development environment ----------------------------- 1. Install JDK. Make certain that you set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the correct location. --OPTIONAL for HTTP-Json Transport in C# -- 2. Download the JsonFx.Json.dll ( and place on your dev machine hard drive. Be sure to update the build.dependencies file to reflect the path of where you downloaded it to. --OPTIONAL for Javascript Runtime -- 3. Download jQuery 1.2.5 ( and place on your dev machine hard drive. Be sure to update the build.dependencies file to reflect the path of where you downloaded it to. Ant-based development --------------------- 1. Install Apache ANT (version 1.7 or later). 2. Put /path/to/apache-ant-1.7/bin in your PATH. 3. If you have Mono, make certain MONO_HOME is set correctly. If you have .NET framework, make certain msbuild.exe is in your PATH. 4. If building C#, make certain NUNIT_HOME is set correctly. 5. If building on Win32 and you want to build the NSIS installers, set NSIS_HOME to /path/to/nsis/2.23. 6. Update 'build.dependencies' with the correct paths to the jar's this project depends upon: * javacc.home=/path/to/javacc-4.0 ('${javacc.home}/bin/lib/javacc.jar' should exist) * junit.lib=/path/to/junit-4.3.1 ('${junit.lib}/junit-4.3.1.jar' should exist) * velocity.lib=/path/to/velocity-1.5 ('${velocity.lib}/velocity-dep-1.5.jar' should exist) --OPTIONAL-- * ant-dotnet.lib=/path/to/apache-ant-dotnet-1.0 ('${ant-dotnet.lib}/ant-dotnet-1.0.jar' should exist) --OPTIONAL for Javascript languange binding-- * jsonfx-json.lib=/path/to/JsonFx.Json-1.0.0802.2707 ('${jsonfx-json.lib}/JsonFx.Json.dll' should exist) --OPTIONAL for Javascript languange binding-- * jQuery.lib=/path/to/jquery-1.2.5 ('${jQuery.lib}/jquery.js' should exist) Build ----- At the shell prompt type: > ant release This will build all compilers and all the bindings for which you have setup dependencies. It will also build and run all unit/functional tests and build all the examples in examples/. Once complete, the dist tree can be found in 'target/Installers/dist'. Copy this directory manually to the desired install location. Using Eclipse ------------- See ECLIPSE_USERS_README.txt