Using JDBC

To use the JDBC Driver to access Drill through Squirrel, ensure that you meet the prerequisites and follow the steps in this section.


  • SQuirreL requires JRE 7
  • Drill installed in distributed mode on one or multiple nodes in a cluster. Refer to the Install Drill documentation for more information.
  • The client must be able to resolve the actual hostname of the Drill node(s) with the IP(s). Verify that a DNS entry was created on the client machine for the Drill node(s).

If a DNS entry does not exist, create the entry for the Drill node(s).

* For Windows, create the entry in the %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file.
* For Linux and Mac, create the entry in /etc/hosts.  

Example: maprdemo

Step 1: Getting the Drill JDBC Driver

The Drill JDBC Driver JAR file must exist in a directory on your Windows machine in order to configure the driver in the SQuirreL client.

You can copy the Drill JDBC JAR file from the following Drill installation directory on the node with Drill installed, to a directory on your Windows machine:


Or, you can download the apache- drill-0.7.0.tar.gz file to a location on your Windows machine, and extract the contents of the file. You may need to use a decompression utility, such as 7-zip to extract the archive. Once extracted, you can locate the driver in the following directory:


Step 2: Installing and Starting SQuirreL

To install and start SQuirreL, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the SQuirreL JAR file for Windows from the following location:
  2. Double-click the SQuirreL JAR file. The SQuirreL installation wizard walks you through the installation process.
  3. When installation completes, navigate to the SQuirreL installation folder and then double-click squirrel-sql.bat to start SQuirreL.

Step 3: Adding the Drill JDBC Driver to SQuirreL

To add the Drill JDBC Driver to SQuirreL, define the driver and create a database alias. The alias is a specific instance of the driver configuration. SQuirreL uses the driver definition and alias to connect to Drill so you can access data sources that you have registered with Drill.

A. Define the Driver

To define the Drill JDBC Driver, complete the following steps:

  1. In the SQuirreL toolbar, select Drivers > New Driver. The Add Driver dialog box appears.

    drill query flow

  2. Enter the following information:

    NameName for the Drill JDBC Driver
    Example URLjdbc:drill:zk=<zookeeper_quorum>[;schema=<schema_to_use_as_default>]Example: jdbc:drill:zk=maprdemo:5181Note: The default ZooKeeper port is 2181. In a MapR cluster, the ZooKeeper port is 5181.
    Website URLjdbc:drill:zk=<zookeeper_quorum>[;schema=<schema_to_use_as_default>]Example: jdbc:drill:zk=maprdemo:5181Note: The default ZooKeeper port is 2181. In a MapR cluster, the ZooKeeper port is 5181.
    Extra Class PathClick Add and navigate to the JDBC JAR file location in the Windows directory:
    <windows_directory>/jars/jdbc-driver/drill-jdbc-all-0.6.0-incubating.jarSelect the JAR file, click Open, and then click List Drivers.
    Class NameSelect org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click OK. The SQuirreL client displays a message stating that the driver registration is successful, and you can see the driver in the Drivers panel.

drill query flow

B. Create an Alias

To create an alias, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Aliases tab.
  2. In the SQuirreL toolbar, select Aliases >New Alias. The Add Alias dialog box appears.

    drill query flow

  3. Enter the following information:

    Option Description
    Alias Name A unique name for the Drill JDBC Driver alias.
    Driver Select the Drill JDBC Driver.
    URL Enter the connection URL with the name of the Drill directory stored in ZooKeeper and the cluster ID: jdbc:drill:zk=<zookeeper_quorum>/<drill_directory_in_zookeeper>/<cluster_ID>;schema=<schema_to_use_as_default> The following examples show URLs for Drill installed on a single node:
    The following example shows a URL for Drill installed in distributed mode with a connection to a ZooKeeper quorum: jdbc:drill:zk=,,;schema=hive
    • Including a default schema is optional.
    • The ZooKeeper port is 2181. In a MapR cluster, the ZooKeeper port is 5181.
    • The Drill directory stored in ZooKeeper is /drill.
    • The Drill default cluster ID is drillbits1.
    User Name admin
    Password admin

  4. Click Ok. The Connect to: dialog box appears.

    drill query flow

  5. Click Connect. SQuirreL displays a message stating that the connection is successful.

    drill query flow

  6. Click OK. SQuirreL displays a series of tabs.

Step 4: Running a Drill Query from SQuirreL

Once you have SQuirreL successfully connected to your cluster through the Drill JDBC Driver, you can issue queries from the SQuirreL client. You can run a test query on some sample data included in the Drill installation to try out SQuirreL with Drill.

To query sample data with Squirrel, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the SQL tab.
  2. Enter the following query in the query box:

    SELECT * FROM cp.`employee.json`;

    drill query flow

  3. Press Ctrl+Enter to run the query. The following query results display:

    drill query flow

You have successfully run a Drill query from the SQuirreL client.