Using Drill Explorer on Windows

Drill Explorer is a simple user interface that is embedded within the ODBC DSN. Drill Explorer enables users to understand the metadata and data before visualizing the data in a BI tool. Use Drill Explorer to browse Drill data sources, preview the results of a SQL query, and create a view that you can query.

The Browse tab of Drill Explorer allows you to view metadata for each schema that you can access with Drill. The SQL tab allows you to preview the results of custom queries and save the results as a view.

To Browse Data:

  1. To launch the ODBC Administrator, click Start > All Programs > MapR Drill ODBC Driver 1.0 (32|64-bit) > (32|64-bit) ODBC Administrator.
  2. Click the User DSN tab or the System DSN tab and then select the DSN that corresponds to the Drill data source that you want to explore.
  3. Click Configure.
    The MapR Drill ODBC Driver DSN Setup dialog appears.
  4. Click Drill Explorer.
  5. In the Schemas section on the Browse tab, navigate to the the data source that you want to explore.

To Create a View:

  1. To launch the ODBC Administrator, click Start > All Programs > MapR Drill ODBC Driver 1.0 (32|64-bit) > (32|64-bit) ODBC Administrator.
  2. Click the User DSN tab or the System DSN tab and then select the DSN that corresponds to the Drill data source that you want to explore.
  3. Click Configure.
    The MapR Drill ODBC Driver DSN Setup dialog appears.
  4. Click Drill Explorer.
  5. In the Schemas section on the Browse tab, navigate to the the data source that you want to create a view for.
    After you select a data souce, the metadata and data displays on the Browse tab and the SQL that is used to access the data displays on the SQL tab.
  6. Click the SQL tab.
  7. In the View Definition SQL field, enter the SQL query that you want to create a view for.
  8. Click Preview.
    If the results are not as expected, you can edit the SQL query and click Preview again.
  9. Click Create As.
    The Create As dialog displays.
  10. In the Schema field, select the schema where you want to save the view. As of 0.4.0, you can only save views to file-based schemas.
  11. In the View Name field, enter a descriptive name for the view. As of 0.4.0, do not include spaces in the view name.
  12. Click Save.
    The status and any error message associated with the view creation displays in the Create As dialog. When a view saves successfully, the Save button changes to a Close button.
  13. Click Close.