Querying System Tables

Drill has a sys database that contains system tables. You can query the system tables for information about Drill, including Drill ports, the Drill version running on the system, and available Drill options. View the databases in Drill to identify the sys database, and then use the sys database to view system tables that you can query.

View Drill Databases

Issue the SHOW DATABASES command to view Drill databases.

0: jdbc:drill:zk=> show databases;
| M7          |
| hive.default|
| dfs.default |
| dfs.root    |
| dfs.views   |
| dfs.tmp     |
| dfs.tpcds   |
| sys         |
| cp.default  |
| hbase       |
11 rows selected (0.162 seconds)

Drill returns sys in the database results.

Use the Sys Database

Issue the USE command to select the sys database for subsequent SQL requests.

0: jdbc:drill:zk=> use sys;
|   ok     |  summary                         |
| true     | Default schema changed to 'sys'  |
1 row selected (0.101 seconds)

View Tables

Issue the SHOW TABLES command to view the tables in the sys database.

0: jdbc:drill:zk=> show tables;
| sys          | drillbits  |
| sys          | version    |
| sys          | options    |
3 rows selected (0.934 seconds)
0: jdbc:drill:zk=>

Query System Tables

Query the drillbits, version, and options tables in the sys database.

Query the drillbits table.

0: jdbc:drill:zk=> select * from drillbits;
|   host            | user_port | control_port | data_port  |  current|
| qa-node115.qa.lab | 31010     | 31011        | 31012      | true    |
| qa-node114.qa.lab | 31010     | 31011        | 31012      | false   |
| qa-node116.qa.lab | 31010     | 31011        | 31012      | false   |
3 rows selected (0.146 seconds)
  • host
    The name of the node running the Drillbit service.
  • user-port
    The user port address, used between nodes in a cluster for connecting to external clients and for the Drill Web UI.
  • control_port
    The control port address, used between nodes for multi-node installation of Apache Drill.
  • data_port
    The data port address, used between nodes for multi-node installation of Apache Drill.
  • current
    True means the Drillbit is connected to the session or client running the query. This Drillbit is the Foreman for the current session.

Query the version table.

0: jdbc:drill:zk=> select * from version;
| commit_id  | commit_message | commit_time | build_email | build_time |
| 108d29fce3d8465d619d45db5f6f433ca3d97619 | DRILL-1635: Additional fix for validation exceptions. | 14.11.2014 @ 02:32:47 UTC | Unknown    | 14.11.2014 @ 03:56:07 UTC |
1 row selected (0.144 seconds)
  • commit_id
    The github id of the release you are running. For example,
  • commit_message
    The message explaining the change.
  • commit_time
    The date and time of the change.
  • build_email
    The email address of the person who made the change, which is unknown in this example.
  • build_time
    The time that the release was built.

Query the options table.

Drill provides system, session, and boot options that you can query.

The following example shows a query on the system options:

0: jdbc:drill:zk=> select * from options where type='SYSTEM' limit 10;
|    name   |   kind    |   type    |  num_val   | string_val |  bool_val  | float_val  |
| exec.max_hash_table_size | LONG       | SYSTEM    | 1073741824 | null     | null      | null      |
| planner.memory.max_query_memory_per_node | LONG       | SYSTEM    | 2048       | null     | null      | null      |
| planner.join.row_count_estimate_factor | DOUBLE   | SYSTEM    | null      | null      | null      | 1.0       |
| planner.affinity_factor | DOUBLE  | SYSTEM    | null      | null      | null       | 1.2      |
| exec.errors.verbose | BOOLEAN | SYSTEM    | null      | null      | false      | null     |
| planner.disable_exchanges | BOOLEAN   | SYSTEM    | null      | null      | false      | null     |
| exec.java_compiler_debug | BOOLEAN    | SYSTEM    | null      | null      | true      | null      |
| exec.min_hash_table_size | LONG       | SYSTEM    | 65536     | null      | null      | null       |
| exec.java_compiler_janino_maxsize | LONG       | SYSTEM   | 262144    | null      | null      | null      |
| planner.enable_mergejoin | BOOLEAN    | SYSTEM    | null      | null      | true      | null       |
10 rows selected (0.334 seconds)  
  • name
    The name of the option.
  • kind
    The data type of the option value.
  • type
    The type of options in the output: system, session, or boot.
  • num_val
    The default value, which is of the long or int data type; otherwise, null.
  • string_val
    The default value, which is a string; otherwise, null.
  • bool_val
    The default value, which is true or false; otherwise, null.
  • float_val
    The default value, which is of the double, float, or long double data type; otherwise, null.

For information about how to configure Drill system and session options, see Planning and Execution Options.

For information about how to configure Drill start-up options, see Start-Up Options.