Querying HBase

This exercise creates two tables in HBase, students and clicks, that you can query with Drill. As an HBase user, you most likely are running Drill in distributed mode. In this case, Warden starts Drill as a service. If you are not an HBase user and just kicking the tires, you might use the Drill Sandbox on a single-node cluster (embedded mode). In this case, you need to start Drill before performing step 5 of this exercise. On the Drill Sandbox, HBase tables you create will be located in: /mapr/demo.mapr.com/tables

You use the CONVERT_TO and CONVERT_FROM functions to convert binary text to readable output. You use the CAST function to convert the binary INT to readable output in step 4 of Query HBase Tables. When converting an INT or BIGINT number, having a byte count in the destination/source that does not match the byte count of the number in the VARBINARY source/destination, use CAST.

Create the HBase tables

To create the HBase tables and start Drill, complete the following steps:

  1. Pipe the following commands to the HBase shell to create students and clicks tables in HBase:

      echo "create 'students','account','address'" | hbase shell
      echo "create 'clicks','clickinfo','iteminfo'" | hbase shell
  2. Issue the following command to create a testdata.txt file:

    cat > testdata.txt

  3. Copy and paste the following put commands on the line below the cat command. Press Return, and then CTRL Z to close the file.

    put 'students','student1','account:name','Alice'
    put 'students','student1','address:street','123 Ballmer Av'
    put 'students','student1','address:zipcode','12345'
    put 'students','student1','address:state','CA'
    put 'students','student2','account:name','Bob'
    put 'students','student2','address:street','1 Infinite Loop'
    put 'students','student2','address:zipcode','12345'
    put 'students','student2','address:state','CA'
    put 'students','student3','account:name','Frank'
    put 'students','student3','address:street','435 Walker Ct'
    put 'students','student3','address:zipcode','12345'
    put 'students','student3','address:state','CA'
    put 'students','student4','account:name','Mary'
    put 'students','student4','address:street','56 Southern Pkwy'
    put 'students','student4','address:zipcode','12345'
    put 'students','student4','address:state','CA'
    put 'clicks','click1','clickinfo:studentid','student1'
    put 'clicks','click1','clickinfo:url','http://www.google.com'
    put 'clicks','click1','clickinfo:time','2014-01-01 12:01:01.0001'
    put 'clicks','click1','iteminfo:itemtype','image'
    put 'clicks','click1','iteminfo:quantity','1'
    put 'clicks','click2','clickinfo:studentid','student1'
    put 'clicks','click2','clickinfo:url','http://www.amazon.com'
    put 'clicks','click2','clickinfo:time','2014-01-01 01:01:01.0001'
    put 'clicks','click2','iteminfo:itemtype','image'
    put 'clicks','click2','iteminfo:quantity','1'
    put 'clicks','click3','clickinfo:studentid','student2'
    put 'clicks','click3','clickinfo:url','http://www.google.com'
    put 'clicks','click3','clickinfo:time','2014-01-01 01:02:01.0001'
    put 'clicks','click3','iteminfo:itemtype','text'
    put 'clicks','click3','iteminfo:quantity','2'
    put 'clicks','click4','clickinfo:studentid','student2'
    put 'clicks','click4','clickinfo:url','http://www.ask.com'
    put 'clicks','click4','clickinfo:time','2013-02-01 12:01:01.0001'
    put 'clicks','click4','iteminfo:itemtype','text'
    put 'clicks','click4','iteminfo:quantity','5'
    put 'clicks','click5','clickinfo:studentid','student2'
    put 'clicks','click5','clickinfo:url','http://www.reuters.com'
    put 'clicks','click5','clickinfo:time','2013-02-01 12:01:01.0001'
    put 'clicks','click5','iteminfo:itemtype','text'
    put 'clicks','click5','iteminfo:quantity','100'
    put 'clicks','click6','clickinfo:studentid','student3'
    put 'clicks','click6','clickinfo:url','http://www.google.com'
    put 'clicks','click6','clickinfo:time','2013-02-01 12:01:01.0001'
    put 'clicks','click6','iteminfo:itemtype','image'
    put 'clicks','click6','iteminfo:quantity','1'
    put 'clicks','click7','clickinfo:studentid','student3'
    put 'clicks','click7','clickinfo:url','http://www.ask.com'
    put 'clicks','click7','clickinfo:time','2013-02-01 12:45:01.0001'
    put 'clicks','click7','iteminfo:itemtype','image'
    put 'clicks','click7','iteminfo:quantity','10'
    put 'clicks','click8','clickinfo:studentid','student4'
    put 'clicks','click8','clickinfo:url','http://www.amazon.com'
    put 'clicks','click8','clickinfo:time','2013-02-01 22:01:01.0001'
    put 'clicks','click8','iteminfo:itemtype','image'
    put 'clicks','click8','iteminfo:quantity','1'
    put 'clicks','click9','clickinfo:studentid','student4'
    put 'clicks','click9','clickinfo:url','http://www.amazon.com'
    put 'clicks','click9','clickinfo:time','2013-02-01 22:01:01.0001'
    put 'clicks','click9','iteminfo:itemtype','image'
    put 'clicks','click9','iteminfo:quantity','10'
  4. Issue the following command to put the data into hbase:

    cat testdata.txt | hbase shell
  5. In Drill, use the MapR-DB format plugin, if you are using the Drill Sandbox; otherwise, enable and use the hbase storage plugin on a system having HBase services.

    • USE hbase; /* If you have installed HBase services. */
    • USE maprdb; /* If you are using the Drill Sandbox */

The maprdb format plugin provides access to the /tables directory. Use Drill to query the students and clicks tables on the Drill Sandbox.

Query HBase Tables

  1. Issue the following query to see the data in the students table:

    SELECT * FROM students; The query returns binary results:

    |  row_key   |  account   |  address   |
    | [B@e6d9eb7 | {"name":"QWxpY2U="} | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"MTIzIEJhbGxtZXIgQXY=","zipcode":"MTIzNDU="} |
    | [B@2823a2b4 | {"name":"Qm9i"} | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"MSBJbmZpbml0ZSBMb29w","zipcode":"MTIzNDU="} |
    | [B@3b8eec02 | {"name":"RnJhbms="} | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"NDM1IFdhbGtlciBDdA==","zipcode":"MTIzNDU="} |
    | [B@242895da | {"name":"TWFyeQ=="} | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"NTYgU291dGhlcm4gUGt3eQ==","zipcode":"MTIzNDU="} |
    4 rows selected (1.335 seconds)

    The Drill output reflects the actual data type of the HBase data, which is binary.

  2. Issue the following query, that includes the CONVERT_FROM function, to convert the students table to readable data:

     SELECT CONVERT_FROM(row_key, 'UTF8') AS studentid, 
            CONVERT_FROM(students.account.name, 'UTF8') AS name, 
            CONVERT_FROM(students.address.state, 'UTF8') AS state, 
            CONVERT_FROM(students.address.street, 'UTF8') AS street, 
            CONVERT_FROM(t.students.address.zipcode, 'UTF8') AS zipcode 
     FROM students;


    Use dot notation to drill down to a column in an HBase table: tablename.columnfamilyname.columnnname

    The query returns readable data:

    | studentid  |    name    |   state    |   street   |  zipcode   |
    | student1   | Alice      | CA         | 123 Ballmer Av | 12345      |
    | student2   | Bob        | CA         | 1 Infinite Loop | 12345      |
    | student3   | Frank      | CA         | 435 Walker Ct | 12345      |
    | student4   | Mary       | CA         | 56 Southern Pkwy | 12345      |
    4 rows selected (0.504 seconds)
  3. Query the clicks table to see which students visited google.com:

    SELECT CONVERT_FROM(row_key, 'UTF8') AS clickid, 
           CONVERT_FROM(clicks.clickinfo.studentid, 'UTF8') AS studentid, 
           CONVERT_FROM(clicks.clickinfo.`time`, 'UTF8') AS `time`,
           CONVERT_FROM(clicks.clickinfo.url, 'UTF8') AS url 
    FROM clicks WHERE clicks.clickinfo.url LIKE '%google%'; 
    |  clickid   | studentid  |    time    |    url     |
    | click1     | student1   | 2014-01-01 12:01:01.0001 | http://www.google.com |
    | click3     | student2   | 2014-01-01 01:02:01.0001 | http://www.google.com |
    | click6     | student3   | 2013-02-01 12:01:01.0001 | http://www.google.com |
    3 rows selected (0.294 seconds)
  4. Query the clicks table to get the studentid of the student having 100 items. Use CONVERT_FROM to convert the textual studentid and itemtype data, but use CAST to convert the integer quantity.

    SELECT CONVERT_FROM(tbl.clickinfo.studentid, 'UTF8') AS studentid, 
           CONVERT_FROM(tbl.iteminfo.itemtype, 'UTF8'), 
           CAST(tbl.iteminfo.quantity AS INT) AS items 
    FROM clicks tbl WHERE tbl.iteminfo.quantity=100;
    | studentid  |   EXPR$1   |   items    |
    | student2   | text       | 100        |
    1 row selected (0.656 seconds)