Persistent Configuration Storage

Drill stores persistent configuration data in a persistent configuration store (PStore). This data is encoded in JSON or Protobuf format. Drill can use the local file system, ZooKeeper, HBase, or MapR-DB to store this data. The data stored in a PStore includes state information for storage plugins, query profiles, and ALTER SYSTEM settings. The default type of PStore configured depends on the Drill installation mode.

The following table provides the persistent storage mode for each of the Drill modes:

EmbeddedDrill stores persistent data in the local file system. You cannot modify the PStore location for Drill in embedded mode.
DistributedDrill stores persistent data in ZooKeeper, by default. You can modify where ZooKeeper offloads data, or you can change the persistent storage mode to HBase or MapR-DB.


Switching between storage modes does not migrate configuration data.

ZooKeeper for Persistent Configuration Storage

To make Drill installation and configuration simple, Drill uses ZooKeeper to store persistent configuration data. The ZooKeeper PStore provider stores all of the persistent configuration data in ZooKeeper except for query profile data.

The ZooKeeper PStore provider offloads query profile data to the ${DRILL_LOG_DIR:-/var/log/drill} directory on Drill nodes. If you want the query profile data stored in a specific location, you can configure where ZooKeeper offloads the data.

To modify where the ZooKeeper PStore provider offloads query profile data, configure the property in the drill.exec block in <drill_installation_directory>/conf/drill-override.conf on each Drill node and then restart the Drillbit service.


drill.exec: {
 cluster-id: "my_cluster_com-drillbits",
 zk.connect: "<zkhostname>:<port>", "maprfs://<directory to store pstore data>/"

Issue the following command to restart the Drillbit on all Drill nodes:

maprcli node services -name drill-bits -action restart -nodes <node IP addresses separated by a space>

HBase for Persistent Configuration Storage

To change the persistent storage mode for Drill, add or modify the block in <drill_installation_directory>/conf/drill- override.conf.

Example {
    class: "",
    hbase: {
      table : "drill_store",
      config: {
      "hbase.zookeeper.quorum": "<ip_address>,<ip_address>,<ip_address >,<ip_address>",
      "": "2181"

MapR-DB for Persistent Configuration Storage

If you have MapR-DB in your cluster, you can use MapR-DB for persistent configuration storage. Using MapR-DB to store persistent configuration data can prevent memory strain on ZooKeeper in clusters running heavy workloads.

To change the persistent storage mode to MapR-DB, add or modify the block in <drill_installation_directory>/conf/drill- override.conf on each Drill node and then restart the Drillbit service.

Example {
class: "",
hbase: {
  table : "/tables/drill_store",

Issue the following command to restart the Drillbit on all Drill nodes:

maprcli node services -name drill-bits -action restart -nodes <node IP addresses separated by a space>