Installing the MapR Drill ODBC Driver on Mac OS X

Install the MapR Drill ODBC Driver on the machine from which you connect to the Drill service.

To install the MapR Drill ODBC Driver, complete the following steps:

After you complete the installation steps, complete the steps listed in Configuring ODBC Connections for Linux and Mac OS X .

Verify that your system meets the following prerequisites before you start.

System Requirements

To install the driver, you need Administrator privileges on the computer.

Step 1: Downloading the MapR Drill ODBC Driver

Click the following link to download the driver:

Step 2: Installing the MapR Drill ODBC Driver

To install the driver, complete the following steps:

  1. Double-click MapRDrillODBC.dmg to mount the disk image.
  2. Double-click MapRDrillODBC.pkg to run the Installer.
  3. Follow the instructions in the Installer to complete the installation process.
  4. When the installation completes, click Close.

Note: MapR Drill ODBC Driver files install in the following locations:

Step 3: Updating the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH Environment Variable

The DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable must include paths to the following libraries:

For example, if the ODBC driver manager libraries are installed in /usr/local/lib, then set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to the following:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib:/opt/mapr/drillodb c/lib/universal

Next Step

Complete the steps listed in Configuring ODBC Connections for Linux and Mac OS X.