Configuring ODBC Connections for Linux and Mac OS X

You can use a connection string to connect to your data source. For a list of all the properties that you can use in connection strings, see Driver Configuration Options.

The following example shows a connection string for connecting directly to a Drillbit:


DRIVER=MapR Drill ODBC Driver;AdvancedProperties= {HandshakeTimeout=0;QueryTimeout=0; TimestampTZDisplayTimezone=utc;ExcludedSchemas=sys, INFORMATION_SCHEMA;[OS1] };Catalog=DRILL;Schema=hivestg; ConnectionType=Direct;Host=;Port=31010

The following example shows a connection string for connecting to a ZooKeeper cluster:


DRIVER=MapR Drill ODBC Driver;AdvancedProperties= {HandshakeTimeout=0;QueryTimeout=0; TimestampTZDisplayTimezone=utc;ExcludedSchemas=sys, INFORMATION_SCHEMA;};Catalog=DRILL;Schema=; ConnectionType=ZooKeeper;ZKQuorum=; ZKClusterID=drillbits1