Configuring Drill in a Dedicated Cluster

This section describes how to configure the amount of direct memory allocated to a Drillbit for query processing in a dedicated Drill cluster. When you use Drill in a cluster with other workloads, configure memory as described in section, "Configuring Resources in a Mixed Cluster".

The default memory for a Drillbit is 8G, but Drill prefers 16G or more depending on the workload. The total amount of direct memory that a Drillbit allocates to query operations cannot exceed the limit set.

Drill mainly uses Java direct memory and performs well when executing operations in memory instead of storing the operations on disk. Drill does not write to disk unless absolutely necessary, unlike MapReduce where everything is written to disk during each phase of a job.

The JVM’s heap memory does not limit the amount of direct memory available in a Drillbit. The on-heap memory for Drill is only about 4-8G, which should suffice because Drill avoids having data sit in heap memory.

Modifying Drillbit Memory

You can modify memory for each Drillbit node in your cluster. To modify the memory for a Drillbit, edit the XX:MaxDirectMemorySize parameter in the Drillbit startup script located in <drill_installation_directory>/conf/drill-


If this parameter is not set, the limit depends on the amount of available system memory.

After you edit <drill_installation_directory>/conf/, restart the Drillbit onthe node.