Howto add new plugin dependencies to internal maven repository * create directory "newplugins" * copy plugins jar from existing Eclipse (Juno 3.8) installation to "newplugins" directory (example: org.eclipse.core.databinding.beans_1.2.200.v20120523-1955.jar) * run the "" script * delete the "newplugins" directory * add the new dependency (including version) to the parent pom.xml "dependencyManagement" section * add the new dependency (excluding version) to the repository/pom.xml * now you can add the new dependency (excluding version) to the plugin's pom.xml * run "mvn install" from the project root to see if all works The script splits the original filename (e.g. org.eclipse.core.databinding.beans_1.2.200.v20120523-1955.jar) and extracts groupId, artifactId, version, and packaging.