header { /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.syntax; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.parsers.LdapComparatorDescription; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.DITContentRule; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.DITStructureRule; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.LdapSyntax; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.MatchingRule; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.MatchingRuleUse; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.NameForm; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.parsers.NormalizerDescription; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.parsers.ParserMonitor; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.AttributeType; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.ObjectClass; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.parsers.SyntaxCheckerDescription; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.syntaxCheckers.OpenLdapObjectIdentifierMacro; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.ObjectClassTypeEnum; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.UsageEnum; } /** * An antlr generated schema main lexer. * * @author Apache Directory Project */ class AntlrSchemaLexer extends Lexer; options { k = 8 ; exportVocab=AntlrSchema ; charVocabulary = '\u0000'..'\uFFFE'; caseSensitive = false ; defaultErrorHandler = false ; } WHSP : ( options {greedy=true;} : ' ' | '\t' | '\r' (options {greedy=true;} : '\n')? { newline(); } | '\n' { newline(); } | '#' (~'\n')* '\n' { newline(); } )+ {$setType(Token.SKIP);} //ignore this token ; LPAR : '(' ; RPAR : ')' ; QUOTE : '\'' ; DOLLAR : '$' ; LBRACKET : '{' ; RBRACKET : '}' ; LEN : LBRACKET ('0'..'9')+ RBRACKET ; SINGLE_VALUE : ( "single-value" (WHSP)? ) ; COLLECTIVE : ( "collective" (WHSP)? ) ; NO_USER_MODIFICATION : ( "no-user-modification" (WHSP)? ) ; OBSOLETE : ( "obsolete" (WHSP)? ) ; ABSTRACT : ( "abstract" (WHSP)? ) ; STRUCTURAL : ( "structural" (WHSP)? ) ; protected AUXILIARY : ( "auxiliary" (WHSP)? ) ; OBJECTIDENTIFIER : ( "objectidentifier" WHSP ( oiName:UNQUOTED_STRING ) WHSP ( oiValue:UNQUOTED_STRING ) ) { setText( oiName.getText() + " " + oiValue.getText() ); } ; OBJECTCLASS : ( "objectclass" (WHSP)? ) ; ATTRIBUTETYPE : ( "attributetype" (WHSP)? ) ; STARTNUMERICOID : ( LPAR (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? ( numericoid:VALUES ) ) { setText(numericoid.getText()); } ; NAME : ( "name" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? qdstrings:VALUES ) { setText(qdstrings.getText().trim()); } ; DESC : ( "desc" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? qdstring:VALUES ) { setText(qdstring.getText().trim()); } ; SUP : ( "sup" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? sup:VALUES ) { setText(sup.getText().trim()); } ; MUST : ( "must" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? must:VALUES ) { setText(must.getText().trim()); } ; MAY : ( "may" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? may:VALUES ) { setText(may.getText()); } ; protected AUX : ( "aux" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? aux:VALUES ) { setText(aux.getText()); } ; NOT : ( "not" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? not:VALUES ) { setText(not.getText()); } ; FORM : ( "form" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? form:VALUES ) { setText(form.getText()); } ; OC : ( "oc" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? oc:VALUES ) { setText(oc.getText()); } ; EQUALITY : ( "equality" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? equality:VALUES ) { setText(equality.getText().trim()); } ; ORDERING : ( "ordering" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? ordering:VALUES ) { setText(ordering.getText().trim()); } ; SUBSTR : ( "substr" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? substring:VALUES ) { setText(substring.getText().trim()); } ; SYNTAX : ( "syntax" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? syntax:VALUES (len:LEN)? ) { setText(syntax.getText().trim() + (len!=null?len.getText().trim():"")); } ; APPLIES : ( "applies" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? applies:VALUES ) { setText(applies.getText().trim()); } ; EXTENSION : x:( "x-" ( options {greedy=true;} : 'a'..'z' | '-' | '_' )+ (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? VALUES ) ; FQCN : ( "fqcn" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? fqcn:FQCN_VALUE ) { setText(fqcn.getText().trim()); } ; BYTECODE : ( "bytecode" (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? bytecode:BYTECODE_VALUE ) { setText(bytecode.getText().trim()); } ; AUX_OR_AUXILIARY : ( AUXILIARY ) => AUXILIARY { $setType( AUXILIARY ); } | ( AUX ) { $setType( AUX ); } ; protected VALUES : ( VALUE | LPAR VALUE ( (DOLLAR)? VALUE )* RPAR ) ; protected VALUE : (WHSP)? ( QUOTED_STRING | UNQUOTED_STRING ) (options {greedy=true;}: WHSP)? ; protected UNQUOTED_STRING : (options{greedy=true;}: 'a'..'z' | '0'..'9' | '-' | '_' | ';' | '.' | ':' )+ ; protected QUOTED_STRING : ( QUOTE (~'\'')* QUOTE ) ; protected FQCN_VALUE : ( FQCN_IDENTIFIER ( '.' FQCN_IDENTIFIER )* ) ; protected FQCN_IDENTIFIER : ( FQCN_LETTER ( FQCN_LETTERORDIGIT )* ) ; protected FQCN_LETTER : '\u0024' | '\u005f' | '\u0061'..'\u007a' | '\u00c0'..'\u00d6' | '\u00d8'..'\u00f6' | '\u00f8'..'\u00ff' | '\u0100'..'\u1fff' | '\u3040'..'\u318f' | '\u3300'..'\u337f' | '\u3400'..'\u3d2d' | '\u4e00'..'\u9fff' | '\uf900'..'\ufaff' ; protected FQCN_LETTERORDIGIT : '\u0024' | '\u005f' | '\u0061'..'\u007a' | '\u00c0'..'\u00d6' | '\u00d8'..'\u00f6' | '\u00f8'..'\u00ff' | '\u0100'..'\u1fff' | '\u3040'..'\u318f' | '\u3300'..'\u337f' | '\u3400'..'\u3d2d' | '\u4e00'..'\u9fff' | '\uf900'..'\ufaff' | '\u0030'..'\u0039' ; protected BYTECODE_VALUE : ( 'a'..'z' | '0'..'9' | '+' | '/' | '=' )+ ; USAGE : ( "usage" (WHSP)? ) ; USER_APPLICATIONS : ( "userapplications" (WHSP)? ) ; DIRECTORY_OPERATION : ( "directoryoperation" (WHSP)? ) ; DISTRIBUTED_OPERATION : ( "distributedoperation" (WHSP)? ) ; DSA_OPERATION : ( "dsaoperation" (WHSP)? ) ; /** * An antlr generated schema main parser. * * @author Apache Directory Project */ class AntlrSchemaParser extends Parser; options { k = 3 ; defaultErrorHandler = false ; //buildAST=true ; } { private ParserMonitor monitor = null; private boolean isQuirksModeEnabled = false; public void setParserMonitor( ParserMonitor monitor ) { this.monitor = monitor; } private void matchedProduction( String msg ) { if ( null != monitor ) { monitor.matchedProduction( msg ); } } public void setQuirksMode( boolean enabled ) { this.isQuirksModeEnabled = enabled; } public boolean isQuirksMode() { return this.isQuirksModeEnabled; } static class Extension { String key = ""; List values = new ArrayList(); public void addValue( String value ) { this.values.add( value ); } } static class NoidLen { String noid = ""; long len = 0L; } static class ElementTracker { Map elementMap = new HashMap(); void track(String element, Token token) throws SemanticException { if(elementMap.containsKey(element)) { throw new SemanticException( element + " appears twice.", token.getFilename(), token.getLine() , token.getColumn() ); } elementMap.put(element, Integer.valueOf(1)); } boolean contains(String element) { return elementMap.containsKey(element); } } } openLdapSchema returns [List list = new ArrayList()] { AttributeType attributeType = null; ObjectClass objectClass = null; OpenLdapObjectIdentifierMacro oloid = null; } : ( oloid = openLdapObjectIdentifier { list.add( oloid ); } | attributeType = openLdapAttributeType { list.add( attributeType ); } | objectClass = openLdapObjectClass { list.add( objectClass ); } )* ; openLdapObjectIdentifier returns [OpenLdapObjectIdentifierMacro oloid] { matchedProduction( "openLdapObjectIdentifier()" ); } : ( oi:OBJECTIDENTIFIER { String[] nameAndValue = oi.getText().split( " " ); oloid = new OpenLdapObjectIdentifierMacro(); oloid.setName( nameAndValue[0] ); oloid.setRawOidOrNameSuffix( nameAndValue[1] ); } ) ; openLdapObjectClass returns [ObjectClass objectClass] { matchedProduction( "openLdapObjectClass()" ); } : ( OBJECTCLASS ( objectClass=objectClassDescription ) ) ; openLdapAttributeType returns [AttributeType attributeType] { matchedProduction( "openLdapAttributeType()" ); } : ( ATTRIBUTETYPE ( attributeType=attributeTypeDescription ) ) ; /** * Production for matching object class descriptions. It is fault-tolerant * against element ordering. * *
     * ObjectClassDescription = LPAREN WSP
     *     numericoid                 ; object identifier
     *     [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]   ; short names (descriptors)
     *     [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
     *     [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]          ; not active
     *     [ SP "SUP" SP oids ]       ; superior object classes
     *     [ SP kind ]                ; kind of class
     *     [ SP "MUST" SP oids ]      ; attribute types
     *     [ SP "MAY" SP oids ]       ; attribute types
     *     extensions WSP RPAREN
     * extensions = *( SP xstring SP qdstrings )
     * xstring = "X" HYPHEN 1*( ALPHA / HYPHEN / USCORE ) 
*/ objectClassDescription returns [ObjectClass objectClass] { matchedProduction( "objectClassDescription()" ); ElementTracker et = new ElementTracker(); } : ( oid:STARTNUMERICOID { objectClass = new ObjectClass(numericoid(oid.getText())); } ) ( ( name:NAME { et.track("NAME", name); objectClass.setNames(qdescrs(name.getText())); } ) | ( desc:DESC { et.track("DESC", desc); objectClass.setDescription(qdstring(desc.getText())); } ) | ( obsolete:OBSOLETE { et.track("OBSOLETE", obsolete); objectClass.setObsolete( true ); } ) | ( sup:SUP { et.track("SUP", sup); objectClass.setSuperiorOids(oids(sup.getText())); } ) | ( kind1:ABSTRACT { et.track("KIND", kind1); objectClass.setType( ObjectClassTypeEnum.ABSTRACT ); } | kind2:STRUCTURAL { et.track("KIND", kind2); objectClass.setType( ObjectClassTypeEnum.STRUCTURAL ); } | kind3:AUXILIARY { et.track("KIND", kind3); objectClass.setType( ObjectClassTypeEnum.AUXILIARY ); } ) | ( must:MUST { et.track("MUST", must); objectClass.setMustAttributeTypeOids(oids(must.getText())); } ) | ( may:MAY { et.track("MAY", may); objectClass.setMayAttributeTypeOids(oids(may.getText())); } ) | ( extension:EXTENSION { Extension ex = extension(extension.getText()); et.track(ex.key, extension); objectClass.addExtension(ex.key, ex.values); } ) )* RPAR ; /** * Production for matching attribute type descriptions. It is fault-tolerant * against element ordering. * *
     * AttributeTypeDescription = LPAREN WSP
     *     numericoid                    ; object identifier
     *     [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]      ; short names (descriptors)
     *     [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]     ; description
     *     [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]             ; not active
     *     [ SP "SUP" SP oid ]           ; supertype
     *     [ SP "EQUALITY" SP oid ]      ; equality matching rule
     *     [ SP "ORDERING" SP oid ]      ; ordering matching rule
     *     [ SP "SUBSTR" SP oid ]        ; substrings matching rule
     *     [ SP "SYNTAX" SP noidlen ]    ; value syntax
     *     [ SP "SINGLE-VALUE" ]         ; single-value
     *     [ SP "COLLECTIVE" ]           ; collective
     *     [ SP "NO-USER-MODIFICATION" ] ; not user modifiable
     *     [ SP "USAGE" SP usage ]       ; usage
     *     extensions WSP RPAREN         ; extensions
     * usage = "userApplications"     /  ; user
     *         "directoryOperation"   /  ; directory operational
     *         "distributedOperation" /  ; DSA-shared operational
     *         "dSAOperation"            ; DSA-specific operational     
     * extensions = *( SP xstring SP qdstrings )
     * xstring = "X" HYPHEN 1*( ALPHA / HYPHEN / USCORE ) 
*/ attributeTypeDescription returns [AttributeType attributeType] { matchedProduction( "attributeTypeDescription()" ); ElementTracker et = new ElementTracker(); } : ( oid:STARTNUMERICOID { attributeType = new AttributeType(numericoid(oid.getText())); } ) ( ( name:NAME { et.track("NAME", name); attributeType.setNames(qdescrs(name.getText())); } ) | ( desc:DESC { et.track("DESC", desc); attributeType.setDescription(qdstring(desc.getText())); } ) | ( obsolete:OBSOLETE { et.track("OBSOLETE", obsolete); attributeType.setObsolete( true ); } ) | ( superior:SUP { et.track("SUP", superior); attributeType.setSuperiorOid(oid(superior.getText())); } ) | ( equality:EQUALITY { et.track("EQUALITY", equality); attributeType.setEqualityOid(oid(equality.getText())); } ) | ( ordering:ORDERING { et.track("ORDERING", ordering); attributeType.setOrderingOid(oid(ordering.getText())); } ) | ( substring:SUBSTR { et.track("SUBSTR", substring); attributeType.setSubstringOid(oid(substring.getText())); } ) | ( syntax:SYNTAX { et.track("SYNTAX", syntax); NoidLen noidlen = noidlen(syntax.getText()); attributeType.setSyntaxOid(noidlen.noid); attributeType.setSyntaxLength(noidlen.len); } ) | ( singleValued:SINGLE_VALUE { et.track("SINGLE_VALUE", singleValued); attributeType.setSingleValued( true ); } ) | ( collective:COLLECTIVE { et.track("COLLECTIVE", collective); attributeType.setCollective( true ); } ) | ( noUserModification:NO_USER_MODIFICATION { et.track("NO_USER_MODIFICATION", noUserModification); attributeType.setUserModifiable( false ); } ) | ( usage1:USAGE (WHSP)* USER_APPLICATIONS { et.track("USAGE", usage1); attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.USER_APPLICATIONS ); } | usage2:USAGE DIRECTORY_OPERATION { et.track("USAGE", usage2); attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.DIRECTORY_OPERATION ); } | usage3:USAGE DISTRIBUTED_OPERATION { et.track("USAGE", usage3); attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.DISTRIBUTED_OPERATION ); } | usage4:USAGE DSA_OPERATION { et.track("USAGE", usage4); attributeType.setUsage( UsageEnum.DSA_OPERATION ); } ) | ( extension:EXTENSION { Extension ex = extension(extension.getText()); et.track(ex.key, extension); attributeType.addExtension(ex.key, ex.values); } ) )* RPAR { if( !isQuirksModeEnabled ) { // semantic check: required elements if( !et.contains("SYNTAX") && !et.contains("SUP") ) { throw new SemanticException( "One of SYNTAX or SUP is required", null, 0, 0 ); } // COLLECTIVE requires USAGE userApplications if ( attributeType.isCollective() && ( attributeType.getUsage() != UsageEnum.USER_APPLICATIONS ) ) { throw new SemanticException( "COLLECTIVE requires USAGE userApplications", null, 0, 0 ); } // NO-USER-MODIFICATION requires an operational USAGE. if ( !attributeType.isUserModifiable() && ( attributeType.getUsage() == UsageEnum.USER_APPLICATIONS ) ) { throw new SemanticException( "NO-USER-MODIFICATION requires an operational USAGE", null, 0, 0 ); } } } ; /** * Production for matching ldap syntax descriptions. It is fault-tolerant * against element ordering. * *
     * SyntaxDescription = LPAREN WSP
     *    numericoid                 ; object identifier
     *    [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
     *    extensions WSP RPAREN      ; extensions
*/ ldapSyntaxDescription returns [LdapSyntax ldapSyntax] { matchedProduction( "ldapSyntaxDescription()" ); ElementTracker et = new ElementTracker(); } : ( oid:STARTNUMERICOID { ldapSyntax = new LdapSyntax(numericoid(oid.getText())); } ) ( ( name:NAME { et.track("NAME", name); ldapSyntax.setNames(qdescrs(name.getText())); } ) | ( desc:DESC { et.track("DESC", desc); ldapSyntax.setDescription(qdstring(desc.getText())); } ) | ( extension:EXTENSION { Extension ex = extension(extension.getText()); et.track(ex.key, extension); ldapSyntax.addExtension(ex.key, ex.values); } ) )* RPAR ; /** * Production for matching rule descriptions. It is fault-tolerant * against element ordering. * *
     * MatchingRuleDescription = LPAREN WSP
     *    numericoid                 ; object identifier
     *    [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]   ; short names (descriptors)
     *    [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
     *    [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]          ; not active
     *    SP "SYNTAX" SP numericoid  ; assertion syntax
     *    extensions WSP RPAREN      ; extensions
*/ matchingRuleDescription returns [MatchingRule matchingRule] { matchedProduction( "matchingRuleDescription()" ); ElementTracker et = new ElementTracker(); } : ( oid:STARTNUMERICOID { matchingRule = new MatchingRule(numericoid(oid.getText())); } ) ( ( name:NAME { et.track("NAME", name); matchingRule.setNames(qdescrs(name.getText())); } ) | ( desc:DESC { et.track("DESC", desc); matchingRule.setDescription(qdstring(desc.getText())); } ) | ( obsolete:OBSOLETE { et.track("OBSOLETE", obsolete); matchingRule.setObsolete( true ); } ) | ( syntax:SYNTAX { et.track("SYNTAX", syntax); matchingRule.setSyntaxOid(numericoid(syntax.getText())); } ) | ( extension:EXTENSION { Extension ex = extension(extension.getText()); et.track(ex.key, extension); matchingRule.addExtension(ex.key, ex.values); } ) )* RPAR { if( !isQuirksModeEnabled ) { // semantic check: required elements if( !et.contains("SYNTAX") ) { throw new SemanticException( "SYNTAX is required", null, 0, 0 ); } } } ; /** * Production for matching rule use descriptions. It is fault-tolerant * against element ordering. * *
     * MatchingRuleUseDescription = LPAREN WSP
     *    numericoid                 ; object identifier
     *    [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]   ; short names (descriptors)
     *    [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
     *    [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]          ; not active
     *    SP "APPLIES" SP oids       ; attribute types
     *    extensions WSP RPAREN      ; extensions
*/ matchingRuleUseDescription returns [MatchingRuleUse matchingRuleUse] { matchedProduction( "matchingRuleUseDescription()" ); ElementTracker et = new ElementTracker(); } : ( oid:STARTNUMERICOID { matchingRuleUse = new MatchingRuleUse(numericoid(oid.getText())); } ) ( ( name:NAME { et.track("NAME", name); matchingRuleUse.setNames(qdescrs(name.getText())); } ) | ( desc:DESC { et.track("DESC", desc); matchingRuleUse.setDescription(qdstring(desc.getText())); } ) | ( obsolete:OBSOLETE { et.track("OBSOLETE", obsolete); matchingRuleUse.setObsolete( true ); } ) | ( applies:APPLIES { et.track("APPLIES", applies); matchingRuleUse.setApplicableAttributeOids(oids(applies.getText())); } ) | ( extension:EXTENSION { Extension ex = extension(extension.getText()); et.track(ex.key, extension); matchingRuleUse.addExtension(ex.key, ex.values); } ) )* RPAR { if( !isQuirksModeEnabled ) { // semantic check: required elements if( !et.contains("APPLIES") ) { throw new SemanticException( "APPLIES is required", null, 0, 0 ); } } } ; /** * Production for DIT content rule descriptions. It is fault-tolerant * against element ordering. * *
     * DITContentRuleDescription = LPAREN WSP
     *    numericoid                 ; object identifier
     *    [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]   ; short names (descriptors)
     *    [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
     *    [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]          ; not active
     *    [ SP "AUX" SP oids ]       ; auxiliary object classes
     *    [ SP "MUST" SP oids ]      ; attribute types
     *    [ SP "MAY" SP oids ]       ; attribute types
     *    [ SP "NOT" SP oids ]       ; attribute types
     *    extensions WSP RPAREN      ; extensions
*/ ditContentRuleDescription returns [DITContentRule ditContentRule] { matchedProduction( "ditContentRuleDescription()" ); ElementTracker et = new ElementTracker(); } : ( oid:STARTNUMERICOID { ditContentRule = new DITContentRule(numericoid(oid.getText())); } ) ( ( name:NAME { et.track("NAME", name); ditContentRule.setNames(qdescrs(name.getText())); } ) | ( desc:DESC { et.track("DESC", desc); ditContentRule.setDescription(qdstring(desc.getText())); } ) | ( obsolete:OBSOLETE { et.track("OBSOLETE", obsolete); ditContentRule.setObsolete( true ); } ) | ( aux:AUX { et.track("AUX", aux); ditContentRule.setAuxObjectClassOids(oids(aux.getText())); } ) | ( must:MUST { et.track("MUST", must); ditContentRule.setMustAttributeTypeOids(oids(must.getText())); } ) | ( may:MAY { et.track("MAY", may); ditContentRule.setMayAttributeTypeOids(oids(may.getText())); } ) | ( not:NOT { et.track("NOT", not); ditContentRule.setNotAttributeTypeOids(oids(not.getText())); } ) | ( extension:EXTENSION { Extension ex = extension(extension.getText()); et.track(ex.key, extension); ditContentRule.addExtension(ex.key, ex.values); } ) )* RPAR ; /** * Production for DIT structure rules descriptions. It is fault-tolerant * against element ordering. * *
     * DITStructureRuleDescription = LPAREN WSP
     *   ruleid                     ; rule identifier
     *   [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]   ; short names (descriptors)
     *   [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
     *   [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]          ; not active
     *   SP "FORM" SP oid           ; NameForm
     *   [ SP "SUP" ruleids ]       ; superior rules
     *   extensions WSP RPAREN      ; extensions
     * ruleids = ruleid / ( LPAREN WSP ruleidlist WSP RPAREN )
     * ruleidlist = ruleid *( SP ruleid )
     * ruleid = number
*/ ditStructureRuleDescription returns [DITStructureRule ditStructureRule] { matchedProduction( "ditStructureRuleDescription()" ); ElementTracker et = new ElementTracker(); } : ( ruleid:STARTNUMERICOID { ditStructureRule = new DITStructureRule(ruleid(ruleid.getText())); } ) ( ( name:NAME { et.track("NAME", name); ditStructureRule.setNames(qdescrs(name.getText())); } ) | ( desc:DESC { et.track("DESC", desc); ditStructureRule.setDescription(qdstring(desc.getText())); } ) | ( obsolete:OBSOLETE { et.track("OBSOLETE", obsolete); ditStructureRule.setObsolete( true ); } ) | ( form:FORM { et.track("FORM", form); ditStructureRule.setForm(oid(form.getText())); } ) | ( sup:SUP { et.track("SUP", sup); ditStructureRule.setSuperRules(ruleids(sup.getText())); } ) | ( extension:EXTENSION { Extension ex = extension(extension.getText()); et.track(ex.key, extension); ditStructureRule.addExtension(ex.key, ex.values); } ) )* RPAR { if( !isQuirksModeEnabled ) { // semantic check: required elements if( !et.contains("FORM") ) { throw new SemanticException( "FORM is required", null, 0, 0 ); } } } ; /** * Production for name form descriptions. It is fault-tolerant * against element ordering. * *
     * NameFormDescription = LPAREN WSP
     *    numericoid                 ; object identifier
     *    [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]   ; short names (descriptors)
     *    [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
     *    [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]          ; not active
     *    SP "OC" SP oid             ; structural object class
     *    SP "MUST" SP oids          ; attribute types
     *    [ SP "MAY" SP oids ]       ; attribute types
     *    extensions WSP RPAREN      ; extensions
*/ nameFormDescription returns [NameForm nameForm] { matchedProduction( "nameFormDescription()" ); ElementTracker et = new ElementTracker(); } : ( oid:STARTNUMERICOID { nameForm = new NameForm(numericoid(oid.getText())); } ) ( ( name:NAME { et.track("NAME", name); nameForm.setNames(qdescrs(name.getText())); } ) | ( desc:DESC { et.track("DESC", desc); nameForm.setDescription(qdstring(desc.getText())); } ) | ( obsolete:OBSOLETE { et.track("OBSOLETE", obsolete); nameForm.setObsolete( true ); } ) | ( oc:OC { et.track("OC", oc); nameForm.setStructuralObjectClassOid(oid(oc.getText())); } ) | ( must:MUST { et.track("MUST", must); nameForm.setMustAttributeTypeOids(oids(must.getText())); } ) | ( may:MAY { et.track("MAY", may); nameForm.setMayAttributeTypeOids(oids(may.getText())); } ) | ( extension:EXTENSION { Extension ex = extension(extension.getText()); et.track(ex.key, extension); nameForm.addExtension(ex.key, ex.values); } ) )* RPAR { if( !isQuirksModeEnabled ) { // semantic check: required elements if( !et.contains("MUST") ) { throw new SemanticException( "MUST is required", null, 0, 0 ); } if( !et.contains("OC") ) { throw new SemanticException( "OC is required", null, 0, 0 ); } // semantic check: MUST and MAY must be disjoint //List aList = new ArrayList( nfd.getMustAttributeTypes() ); //aList.retainAll( nfd.getMayAttributeTypes() ); //if( !aList.isEmpty() ) //{ // throw new SemanticException( "MUST and MAY must be disjoint, "+aList.get( 0 )+" appears in both", null, 0, 0 ); //} } } ; /** * Production for comparator descriptions. It is fault-tolerant * against element ordering. * *
     * LdapComparator = LPAREN WSP
     *       numericoid                           ; object identifier
     *       [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]            ; description
     *       SP "FQCN" SP fqcn                    ; fully qualified class name
     *       [ SP "BYTECODE" SP base64 ]          ; optional base64 encoded bytecode
     *       extensions WSP RPAREN                ; extensions
     * base64          = *(4base64-char)
     * base64-char     = ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/"
     * fqcn = fqcnComponent 1*( DOT fqcnComponent )
     * fqcnComponent = ???
*/ ldapComparator returns [LdapComparatorDescription lcd] { matchedProduction( "ldapComparator()" ); ElementTracker et = new ElementTracker(); } : ( oid:STARTNUMERICOID { lcd = new LdapComparatorDescription(numericoid(oid.getText())); } ) ( ( desc:DESC { et.track("DESC", desc); lcd.setDescription(qdstring(desc.getText())); } ) | ( fqcn:FQCN { et.track("FQCN", fqcn); lcd.setFqcn(fqcn.getText()); } ) | ( bytecode:BYTECODE { et.track("BYTECODE", bytecode); lcd.setBytecode(bytecode.getText()); } ) | ( extension:EXTENSION { Extension ex = extension(extension.getText()); et.track(ex.key, extension); lcd.addExtension(ex.key, ex.values); } ) )* RPAR { if( !isQuirksModeEnabled ) { // semantic check: required elements if( !et.contains("FQCN") ) { throw new SemanticException( "FQCN is required", null, 0, 0 ); } // semantic check: length should be divisible by 4 if( ( lcd.getBytecode() != null ) && ( lcd.getBytecode().length() % 4 != 0 ) ) { throw new SemanticException( "BYTECODE must be divisible by 4", null, 0, 0 ); } } } ; /** * Production for normalizer descriptions. It is fault-tolerant * against element ordering. * *
     * NormalizerDescription = LPAREN WSP
     *       numericoid                           ; object identifier
     *       [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]            ; description
     *       SP "FQCN" SP fqcn                    ; fully qualified class name
     *       [ SP "BYTECODE" SP base64 ]          ; optional base64 encoded bytecode
     *       extensions WSP RPAREN                ; extensions
     * base64          = *(4base64-char)
     * base64-char     = ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/"
     * fqcn = fqcnComponent 1*( DOT fqcnComponent )
     * fqcnComponent = ???
*/ normalizerDescription returns [NormalizerDescription nd] { matchedProduction( "normalizerDescription()" ); ElementTracker et = new ElementTracker(); } : ( oid:STARTNUMERICOID { nd = new NormalizerDescription(numericoid(oid.getText())); } ) ( ( desc:DESC { et.track("DESC", desc); nd.setDescription(qdstring(desc.getText())); } ) | ( fqcn:FQCN { et.track("FQCN", fqcn); nd.setFqcn(fqcn.getText()); } ) | ( bytecode:BYTECODE { et.track("BYTECODE", bytecode); nd.setBytecode(bytecode.getText()); } ) | ( extension:EXTENSION { Extension ex = extension(extension.getText()); et.track(ex.key, extension); nd.addExtension(ex.key, ex.values); } ) )* RPAR { if( !isQuirksModeEnabled ) { // semantic check: required elements if( !et.contains("FQCN") ) { throw new SemanticException( "FQCN is required", null, 0, 0 ); } // semantic check: length should be divisible by 4 if( nd.getBytecode() != null && ( nd.getBytecode().length() % 4 != 0 ) ) { throw new SemanticException( "BYTECODE must be divisible by 4", null, 0, 0 ); } } } ; /** * Production for syntax checker descriptions. It is fault-tolerant * against element ordering. * *
     * SyntaxCheckerDescription = LPAREN WSP
     *       numericoid                           ; object identifier
     *       [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]            ; description
     *       SP "FQCN" SP fqcn                    ; fully qualified class name
     *       [ SP "BYTECODE" SP base64 ]          ; optional base64 encoded bytecode
     *       extensions WSP RPAREN                ; extensions
     * base64          = *(4base64-char)
     * base64-char     = ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/"
     * fqcn = fqcnComponent 1*( DOT fqcnComponent )
     * fqcnComponent = ???
*/ syntaxCheckerDescription returns [SyntaxCheckerDescription scd] { matchedProduction( "syntaxCheckerDescription()" ); ElementTracker et = new ElementTracker(); } : ( oid:STARTNUMERICOID { scd = new SyntaxCheckerDescription(numericoid(oid.getText())); } ) ( ( desc:DESC { et.track("DESC", desc); scd.setDescription(qdstring(desc.getText())); } ) | ( fqcn:FQCN { et.track("FQCN", fqcn); scd.setFqcn(fqcn.getText()); } ) | ( bytecode:BYTECODE { et.track("BYTECODE", bytecode); scd.setBytecode(bytecode.getText()); } ) | ( extension:EXTENSION { Extension ex = extension(extension.getText()); et.track(ex.key, extension); scd.addExtension(ex.key, ex.values); } ) )* RPAR { if( !isQuirksModeEnabled ) { // semantic check: required elements if( !et.contains("FQCN") ) { throw new SemanticException( "FQCN is required", null, 0, 0 ); } // semantic check: length should be divisible by 4 if( scd.getBytecode() != null && ( scd.getBytecode().length() % 4 != 0 ) ) { throw new SemanticException( "BYTECODE must be divisible by 4", null, 0, 0 ); } } } ; noidlen [String s] returns [NoidLen noidlen] { matchedProduction( "noidlen()" ); AntlrSchemaValueLexer lexer = new AntlrSchemaValueLexer(new StringReader(s)); AntlrSchemaValueParser parser = new AntlrSchemaValueParser(lexer); parser.setParserMonitor(monitor); noidlen = isQuirksModeEnabled ? parser.quirksNoidlen() : parser.noidlen(); } : ; extension [String s] returns [Extension extension] { matchedProduction( "extension()" ); AntlrSchemaExtensionLexer lexer = new AntlrSchemaExtensionLexer(new StringReader(s)); AntlrSchemaExtensionParser parser = new AntlrSchemaExtensionParser(lexer); extension = parser.extension(); } : ; numericoid [String s] returns [String numericoid] { matchedProduction( "numericoid()"); if(isQuirksModeEnabled) { numericoid = oid(s); } else { AntlrSchemaValueLexer lexer = new AntlrSchemaValueLexer(new StringReader(s)); AntlrSchemaValueParser parser = new AntlrSchemaValueParser(lexer); parser.setParserMonitor(monitor); numericoid = parser.numericoid(); } } : ; oid [String s] returns [String oid] { matchedProduction( "oid()" ); List oids = oids(s); if( oids.size() != 1 ) { throw new SemanticException( "Exactly one OID expected", null, 0, 0 ); } oid = oids.get(0); } : ; oids [String s] returns [List oids] { matchedProduction( "oids()" ); if(isQuirksModeEnabled) { oids = qdescrs(s); } else { AntlrSchemaValueLexer lexer = new AntlrSchemaValueLexer(new StringReader(s)); AntlrSchemaValueParser parser = new AntlrSchemaValueParser(lexer); parser.setParserMonitor(monitor); oids = parser.oids(); } } : ; qdescr [String s] returns [String qdescr] { matchedProduction( "qdescr()" ); List qdescrs = qdescrs(s); if( qdescrs.size() != 1 ) { throw new SemanticException( "Exactly one qdescrs expected", null, 0, 0 ); } qdescr = qdescrs.get(0); } : ; qdescrs [String s] returns [List qdescrs] { matchedProduction( "qdescrs()" ); AntlrSchemaValueLexer lexer = new AntlrSchemaValueLexer(new StringReader(s)); AntlrSchemaValueParser parser = new AntlrSchemaValueParser(lexer); parser.setParserMonitor(monitor); qdescrs = isQuirksModeEnabled ? parser.quirksQdescrs() : parser.qdescrs(); } : ; qdstring [String s] returns [String qdstring] { matchedProduction( "qdstring()" ); List qdstrings = qdstrings(s); if( qdstrings.size() != 1 ) { throw new SemanticException( "Exactly one qdstrings expected", null, 0, 0 ); } qdstring = qdstrings.get(0); } : ; qdstrings [String s] returns [List qdstrings] { matchedProduction( "qdstrings()" ); AntlrSchemaQdstringLexer lexer = new AntlrSchemaQdstringLexer(new StringReader(s)); AntlrSchemaQdstringParser parser = new AntlrSchemaQdstringParser(lexer); parser.setParserMonitor(monitor); qdstrings = parser.qdstrings(); } : ; ruleid [String s] returns [Integer ruleid] { matchedProduction( "ruleid()" ); AntlrSchemaValueLexer lexer = new AntlrSchemaValueLexer(new StringReader(s)); AntlrSchemaValueParser parser = new AntlrSchemaValueParser(lexer); parser.setParserMonitor(monitor); ruleid = parser.ruleid(); } : ; ruleids [String s] returns [List ruleids] { matchedProduction( "ruleids()" ); AntlrSchemaValueLexer lexer = new AntlrSchemaValueLexer(new StringReader(s)); AntlrSchemaValueParser parser = new AntlrSchemaValueParser(lexer); parser.setParserMonitor(monitor); ruleids = parser.ruleids(); } : ;