Apache Directory Daemon Copyright 2007 The Apache Software Foundation This product includes software developed at The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/). This product uses JUnit (http://junit.org/). This product includes a distribution of NLOG4J (http://www.slf4j.org/nlog4j/). This product includes a distribution of Antlr 2 (http://antlr.org). This product includes a distribution of JDBM (http://jdbm.sourceforge.net). This product includes forked classes from the Legion of the Bouncy Castle (http://www.bouncycastle.org). This product includes a distribution of Spring Framework (http://www.springframework.org). This product includes a distribution of Izpack Installer (http://www.izforge.com/izpack/). This product includes a distribution of Inno Setup Installer (http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php). This product includes derivatives of forked schema files from OpenLDAP (http://openldap.org)