This is a sample Struts webapp that performs the same functions as the OJB Tutorial 1. To work out-of-the-box it requires a configured Tomcat 5 or 5.5. Please also ensure that the environment variable CATALINA_HOME points to the root directory of your Tomcat installation. To deploy it simply invoke Ant like this when Tomcat does not run ant deploy You can also try to use this ant deploy-with-catalina while the Tomcat instance runs. This target uses Tomcat's Ant tasks to deploy the webapp. For it to work correctly, you need to have a Tomcat administrator user. Per default, the build file uses a user called 'admin' which you can enable in the file $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml like this: Please be aware that though this approach is more convenient (as you don't have to restart Tomcat), there may be problems, especially when using embedded databases (this webapp per default uses an embedded Hsqldb instance). You can adjust various properties in the related to database parameters (which database, the connection url etc.) and Tomcat properties (e.g. the url to access it, and the admin user). A note for the Eclipse users: an eclipse project file is provided, but in order to use it you need to define a classpath variable in Eclipse called CATALINA_HOME which points to the root directory of your tomcat installation.