ObJectRelationalBridge -- Bridging Java Objects and Relational Databases ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) is an Object/Relational mapping tool that provides transparent persistence for Java Objects against relational databases. OJB supports multiple APIs: - A full featured ODMG 3.0 compliant API. - A JDO compliant API - A low-level PersistenceBroker API which serves as the OJB persistence kernel. OJB can be used in single VM mode or in a distributed, loadbalanced Client/Server mode. OJB uses an XML based dynamic Object/Relational Mapping that can be manipulated at runtime through a simple Meta-Object-Protocol (MOP). OJB provides several advanced O/R features like M:N associations, a pluggable ObjectCache, lazy materialization through virtual proxies and a distributed lock-management with configurable Transaction-Isolation Levels. Changes in Release 0.9 new features: - Servlet Implementation of PersistenceBrokerServer, allows to easily deploy the OJB Server as a normal Http-Servlet - JDO prototype and sample application. Cuurently we are using the bytecode enhancer from the JDO Reference Implementation. We are not allowed to ship the jdori.jar from SUN's reference implementation. If you play around with our JDO sample, just download jdori.jar from SUN and add it to the ojb-0-9/lib directory! - complete redesign of the repository grammar. To help users to migrate their existing repository.xml files we provide a XSLT stylesheet (see ojb-0-9/src/test/test/ojb/0.8to0.9.xsl) - performance test-suite for the ODMG implementation - Full JTA and JCA integration! - PersistenceBroker interface now extends the org.odbms.ObjectContainer interface to provide a better integration for the S.O.D.A query API. bug fixes: - tons of bug fixes Refactorings: - performance enhancements - redesign of SqlGenerator - redesign of the build process, now using Torque and Maven - redesign of Repository parser - ConversionStrategies have been moved from the class-level to the field-level. With this release we are feature complete for the 1.0 release! For 1.0 you should not expect more features to be added. In OJB 1.0 we will have more bug fixes, better documentation and we will add the prefix "org.apache" to all ojb packages to reflect our new home at Jakarta. Important note: We did not yet change the documentation to reflect the changes to the repository.dtd. We will try to correct it asap. More information is available at http://objectbridge.sourceforge.net Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, Thomas Mahler, et al.