@version $Id$
ObJectRelationalBridge -- Bridging Java Objects and Relational Databases
Apache ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) is an Object/Relational mapping tool
that provides transparent transactional persistence for Java Objects
against relational databases. OJB provides ODMG and JDO interfaces.
More information is available at http://db.apache.org/ojb
Please refer to our issue tracker for more details on issues with id [OJB-xxx]
Release 1.0.5
* OJB.properties, repository.dtd files changed (also some default settings changed - see CHANGES).
Don't forget to replace older versions of OJB's configuration files with the new ones.
* General used collection-class for 1:n references changed. Orphan objects no longer be deleted
by default (to avoid unexpected behavior if referenced 1:n objects are moved from one to
another object). To restore old behavior change the CollectionTypes.OneToManyXYZ properties
in OJB.properties file
* Criteria class changed. Instead of 'void' the "addXYZ"-methods now return 'this' to improve
query building (OJB-121).
* Many documentation updates and improvements:
FAQ improved
xdoclet module
LOB content howto reworked
sequence manager
query section improved
basic-mapping and advanced-mapping guide enhanced and improved
performance guide reworked
* Work on the OTM-api is discontinued.
* PersistenceBroker interface: add new method #serviceLobHelper()
* RowReader interface: add new method
#readValuesFrom(ResultSetAndStatement rs, Map row, FieldDescriptor[] fields)
(to improve LOB field support)
* JdbcAccess implementation class constructor changed.
* Platform interface new methods added, Platform implementation classes constructor changed.
* SequenceManager interface: add new overload method #afterStore(...). All implementations derived
from class AbstractSequenceManager are still compatible.
* Rename sequence manager implemenation: SequenceManagerNativeImpl (now deprecated)
to SequenceManagerIdentityImpl
* Rename sequence manager mapping attributes: 'autoNaming'-->'seq.autoNaming',
'grabSize'-->'seq.grabSize'. The old attributes still work but declared deprecated.
* Some settings in OJB.properties and repository_database.xml are changed (use of CGLIB
for proxy creation, a in-memory sequence manager is used by default) to simplify usage
of OJB for new user.
* ODMG-api implementation, internal used locking interface changed to improve performance.
* Upgraded Torque to version 3.2
* [OJB-73] - xdoclet: generate onDelete="cascade" for foreign-key element if auto-delete is set
to true for collection descriptor
* [OJB-105] - Pluggable "null" definition for persistent fields.
Restriction: no consistency checking between PK-field and fields used for referring the PK.
FIXED: Auto-Detection for insert/update objects checks to avoid DB queries the PK fields of
the object. If at least one PK field is 'NULL' or if primitive field '0', OJB assume the
object is new and needs insert. Now this behavior is pluggable - see 'JDBC-types' docs section
* Pluggable class PersistenceChecker allow to change behavior of detecting persistent objects (differ
persistent objects from transient objects).
* [OJB-107] - Support for Clob/Blob field types in persistence capable objects. For more details
about handling LOB's with OJB, please see Howto "Using LOB Types" in docs.
* [OJB-112] - Tool for forward engineering from repository.xml (creates .xml file compatible
with DDLUtils and Torque)
* [OJB-129] - Add JDBC 3.0 "Retrieval of Auto Generated Keys" support
* Better support for attributes containing expressions ie. sum(0.9 * price * stock).
Restriction: All attributes contained in the expressions have to belong to the same table !
* Add new CGLib based PersistentField implementation. It requires JavaBeans compliant
getter/setter. Under specific conditions (JVM version <1.5) it could up to three times
faster than the direct field access via reflection.
* New support for quoting table and column names the ojb quoting character is '. This character
is replaced with the platform specific character when generating the sql. For example
'myTable' will be converted to "myTable", [myTable] etc. depending on Platform#getQuotedName.
* Support for sequence manager shortcut names added. Instead of the full class name of the
sequence manager implementation now it's possible to use shortcut names for the shipped
implementations: "memory", "hilo", "seqhilo", "identity", "sequence", "procedure", "msguid"
More details see 'sequence-manager' documentation.
* Support for per field-descriptor sequence generation added. Now it's possible to use a
specific sequence manager implemenation for each "autoincrement" field-descriptor:
Enable this mode by setting attribute seq.perField="true" in sequence-descriptor within the
jdbc-connection-descriptor. More details see 'sequence-manager' documentation.
* Support use of the ODMG-API within the PB-api on insert, update and delete of persistence capable
objects. Now it's possible to use the ODMG features (like persistence by reachability,
object change/state tracking) within the PB-api.
* Relationships based on non primarykey fields. These fields are defined in the new
attribute "target-field-ref" of inverse-foreignkey and foreignkey in collection- and
referenceDescriptor. If the target-field-ref is missing the primary key of the referenced
class is used.
* [OJB-88] - Documentation: Adapt LOB's howto, add docs for CLOB
* [OJB-100] - Allow the specification of names for database foreignkeys and indices
* [OJB-101] - Add support CLOB support in PlatformOracle9iImpl for XAPool prepared statements.
* [OJB-109] - Location of repository.xml
* [OJB-111] - Add PersistenceBroker leak detection (details see PB-Guide and OJB.properties file)
* [OJB-121] - Criteria add* methods should return "this"
* [OJB-123] - MySQL support for SequenceManagerStoredProcedureImpl
* [OJB-131] - Add native (database based) pagination/limit support
* Support for all scalar (database) functions in queries, more details see query-guide
* Internal used sequence manager to generate keys for transient objects is now pluggable via
custom attribute in the connection-descriptor
* 1:n and m:n references: Add declaration of general used collection-class implementations in the
OJB.properties file
Please refer to our Bug tracking site (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OJB)
to see details for a bug with id OJB-xxx.
* Fixed: Batch handling doesn't work properly with optimistic locking. Now OJB temporarily disable
batch-mode for all objects using optimistic locking on update/delete operations.
* Fixed: Batch handling doesn't work properly on insert when database identity columns are used.
Now OJB execute the batch statement after insert of objects using identity columns.
* Fixed: Batch handling doesn't work proper when adding new class-descriptor at runtime and when
using different metadata profiles.
* fix possible memory leak if the user change the descriptor-repository (root class of metadata
mappings) many times at runtime.
* [OJB-15] - Randomly concurrency problem in Identity class
* [OJB-85] - ODMG-api in managed environment: Transaction demarcation problems when using a
ConnectionFactory different from deprecated ConnectionFactoryManagedImpl
* [OJB-86] - OJB expects in method Implementation#newOQLQuery() an illegal return type
* [OJB-89] - ODMG: The LockManagerFactory doesn't configure LockManager implementations
which using OJB's Configurable interface
* [OJB-90] - Collection proxies do not follow equals/hashCode contract
* [OJB-91] - Query performance slowdown (about 20%) between 1.0.3 and 1.0.4
* [OJB-92] - Unneeded query with Composite FK which has null column(s), which also lead to not
respecting constraint with some db2 drivers.
* [OJB-93] - Super class record not being deleted.
* [OJB-94] - NPE when execute query (join via 1:n reference) on objects using
* [OJB-96] - Document changed Identity handling and PK field assignment
* [OJB-97] - ConnectionFactoryDBCPImpl: Rollback call after commit call when set useAutoCommit="2"
* [OJB-98] - OJB statup failure after update 1.0.3 -> 1.0.4
* [OJB-103] - TransactionExt.flush() call doesn't clear 1:1, 1:n link history
* [OJB-108] - Unsupported platforms stay unreported
* [OJB-113] - Fix support for JAVA_OBJECT jdbc type
* [OJB-114] - Concurrency issue with between RsIterator.finalize() and PersistenceBrokerAbstractImpl.
* [OJB-117] - OJB can't read metadata provided by separate jar file (in classpath)
* [OJB-118] - odmg-api, if two new object (associated via reference) are registered and
deleted within the same tx, odmg perform illegal insert of one object
* [OJB-119] - JDBC connection documentation out of date
* [OJB-120] - addExists() builds invalid SQL if subquery has orderby clause
* [OJB-122] - unable to exclude packages from being cached
* [OJB-128] - "query by example"ignore inherited fields (using 'table per subclass' mapping)
* [OJB-132] - Repository load fails on Turkish
* [OJB-133] - Query exception occur if a field name is equals to a database function/keyword
* xdoclet-module: fix inheritance problems, now table per hierarchy and table per subclass
created well
* xdoclet-module: fix problem with table per subclass inheritance and autoincrement, access
attribute settings, improve table per subclass declaration, now ojb.reference="super"
declaration is allowed
* Subqueries are not extent aware. see QueryTest#testSubQueryAgainstExtents
* Managed Environment: When run OJB in managed environment and using PBStateListener, the call of
PBStateListener#beforeClose(PBStateEvent event) is made twice when
a PB instance was closed in a JTA-tx (for the first time when PB.close() was called
in bean on the PB handle, second time when the JTA-tx completes)
Release 1.0.4
* Support for embedded & network Derby (only distinct count queries don't work yet)
* Added ability to prepare the database for OJB's unit tests via DdlUtils (instead of Torque)
Note that this is required when running the tests against Derby
* [OJB-10] - Configurable Proxy generation (including CGLIB based generation)
* [OJB-31] - Configurable JDBC driver-setting setFetchSize
* [OJB-14] - Setting custom JDBC driver tuning options trough jdbc-connection-descriptor
* [OJB-6] - Support for stored procedures returning ResultSet.
* [OJB-41] - ODMG-api: Allow cascading delete using auto-delete setting in metadata
* [OJB-66] - Allow to specify a sequence start element for SequenceManagerNextValImpl.
Fixed for Oracle, PostgreSQL, MaxDB/SapDB, DB2. Additionally sequence properties
like 'increment by', 'cache', 'order',... are supported too. See 'sequence manger'
guide and javadoc
* Add new ODMG extensions and configuration properties. All properties can be set
at runtime as global property in class ImplementationExt and for a specific
transaction in class TransactionExt:
- 'ordering' Allow to dis-/enable OJB's object ordering on transaction commit
- 'implicitLocking' Dis-/enable OJB's implicit locking
* Add new property 'TxCheck' in OJB.properties file. When enabled, on PB store and
delete calls OJB checks for a running PB-tx, if not found an error is logged in order to
avoid store/delete calls without a running PB-tx (while development).
* Internal OJB class configuration files are changed, don't forget to replace
these files on upgrade from older version (by default the internal used
classes are located in repository_internal.xml).
* Improved performance comparison tests ('ant perf-test' and 'ant performance').
Now the tests more fair for registered API's
* In order to facilitate [OJB-10] the constructor signature of VirtualProxy has been changed.
Pluggable class interfaces changed to support and fix OJB-31, OJB-6, OJB-63:
- StatementsForClassIF
- StatementManagerIF
- Platform
- RowReader
- SqlGenerator
* Configurable ProxyFactory is now available. Both JDK-based (default) and CGLIB
are provided. CGLIB-based generation allows for proxies to be generated for all
persistent classes, and not just ones that implement an interface.
* Change in behavior of property 'useAutoCommit="1"' in jdbc-connection-descriptor
detailed info can be found in reference guide of the repository file
* ConnectionFactoryManagedImpl is declared deprecated. Now OJB automatic detect the
running JTA-transaction and suppress critical method calls on the used connection
* Removed deprecated SequenceManager implementation SequenceManagerMySQLImpl
* Remove unused method #setReferenceFKs from SequenceManager interface
* ODMG-api: Method behavior of ImplementationImpl#setImplicitLocking(boolean) changed.
Now this method set the global property for 'implicitLocking'. Old version only changed the
implicit locking behavior for the current used transaction, this is moved to
* Internal used OJB_HL_SEQ table changed. Remove of deprecated column.
If the SequenceManagerHighLowImpl was used and problems occur after upgrade, please
drop and recreate this table without removed column
* Cleanup naming of 'PersistentField' implementation classes: Remove deprecated classes, rename
implementation classes, declare all ...ImplNew classes as deprecated.
See OJB.properties file.
* Upgraded ANTLR to v2.7.5 (OQL and JDOQL parser classes have been re-generated)
* Upgraded commons-dbcp to v1.2.1
* Upgraded commons-pool to v1.2
* Upgraded commons-beanutils to v1.7
* Upgraded commons-logging to v1.0.4
* Upgraded commons-collections to v3.1
* Upgraded hsql to v1.8.0.2
* Upgraded Torque to v3.1.1
* [OJB-18] - ODMG ordering problem with circular/bidirectional 1:1 references
* [OJB-25] - Inheritance (each subclass on separate table) PK problem with
nextval SequenceManager
* [OJB-26] - JDBC-ODBC bridge problem
* [OJB-27] - [ODMG] Foreign key violation
* [OJB-29] - Infinite loop in case of refresh=true and cycles in references
* [OJB-40] - CallableStatement check doesn't work with maxDB
* [OJB-42] - MsSQLServer, auto-generated querry error (m:n relation)
* [OJB-44] - ReferenceMap$Entry keeps growing over period of application usage.
* [OJB-52] - KeyConstraintViolatedException during store
* [OJB-54] - ConnectionFactoryManagedImpl may try to use pool
* [OJB-55] - Getting foreignkeyField's FieldDescriptor is failing if the foreignkey
field is defined in the base class
* [OJB-59] - Incorrect identity management in SequenceManagerNativeImpl
because of wrong platform settings
* [OJB-62] - addPathClass in QueryByCriteria does not consider inheritance
* [OJB-63] - Bug when query against objects mapped on multiple joined tables ("super"-references)
* [OJB-70] - Connection reset by peer: socket write error
* [OJB-76] - OJB MtoN implementor failes to work properly with composite M&N keys that
have some fields common.
* [OJB-77] - PlatformMsSQLServerImpl.getLastInsertIdentityQuery creates incorrect SQL
statement to pull the identity from the last
* Auto-Detection for insert/update objects checks to avoid DB queries the PK fields of the object.
If at least one PK field is 'NULL' or if primitive field '0', OJB assume the object is new and
needs insert. This will be configurable in next upcoming version. Workaround for PB-api: use method
PB#store(Object obj, ObjectModification mod) to state update or insert.
* Batch handling doesn't work properly with optimistic locking. This will be fixed
in version 1.1
* Subqueries are not extent aware. see QueryTest#testSubQueryAgainstExtents
* Managed Environment: When run OJB in managed environment and using PBStateListener, the call of
PBStateListener#beforeClose(PBStateEvent event) is made twice when
a PB instance was closed in a JTA-tx (for the first time when PB.close() was called
in bean on the PB handle, second time when the JTA-tx completes)
* otm-api: The OTM API has a known caching issue and should not be considered for code used
in production environments. The future of the OTM layer will be subject for discussion on the
OJB developers list, if you are using it - please subscribe to ojb-dev and make your voice heard.
* Oracle9i platform: when using statement batching, there is a 2k limit on BLOB + 4k limit on CLOB.
Release 1.0.3
- odmg-api: Named objects can now be non- and persistence capable objects. At least
the named object have to be serializable.
- Refactoring DCollection implementations, remove DListImpl_2 classes (code moved to DListImpl)
- Object2ByteArrFieldConversion: If source object on conversion javaToSQL is 'null', no longer
create an byte array simply return 'null'
Please refer to our Bug tracking site (http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/BrowseProject.jspa?id=10700)
to see details for a bug with id OJB-xxx.
- odmg-api: OJB-7 - Fix critical property setting in OJB.properties file
- odmg-api: OJB-8 - Fix bug when using cascading delete on empty 1:1 reference
- odmg-api: Fix bug with named object. On 'unbind' of a named object, if the object is a persistence
capable object (object with metadata mapping), the object itself will not be deleted. All other
(serializable) named objects will be deleted on unbind.
- odmg-api: Fix bug with named objects when using database based Identity columns
- odmg-api: Fix bug when persisting DCollection instances when using database based
Identity columns (SequenceManagerNativeImpl).
- Auto-Detection for insert/update objects checks to avoid DB queries the PK fields of the object.
If at least one PK field is 'NULL' or if primitive field '0', OJB assume the object is new and
needs insert. This will be configurable in next upcoming version. Workaround for PB-api: use method
PB#store(Object obj, ObjectModification mod) to state update or insert.
- Batch handling doesn't work proper with optimistic locking. This will be fixed
in version 1.1
- Subqueries are not extent aware. see QueryTest#testSubQueryAgainstExtents
- When a class mapped on multiple joined tables was used in a reference only objects
of the base type class will be instantiated, e.g. a Company class has
a 1:n reference 'employees' to a base class Employee and class Manager extends Employee,
then 'employees' only contains objects of type Employee even if the real type was Manager.
See in OJB test suite
Same problem occur when query the base class, then OJB only returns objects of base type instead
the real type.
- Managed Environment: When run OJB in managed environment and using PBStateListener, the call of
PBStateListener#beforeClose(PBStateEvent event) is made twice when
a PB instance was closed in a JTA-tx (for the first time when PB.close() was called
in bean on the PB handle, second time when the JTA-tx completes)
- otm-api: The OTM API has a known caching issue and should not be considered for code used
in production environments. The future of the OTM layer will be subject for discussion on the
OJB developers list, if you are using it - please subscribe to ojb-dev and make your voice heard.
- Oracle9i platform: when using statement batching, there is a 2k limit on BLOB + 4k limit on CLOB.
Release 1.0.2
- New ant-target ojb-quickstart creates archives of ready-to-run apps for tutorials 1 and 2
complete with pre-created Hsqldb databases (based on ojb-blank).
These archives are also available in the binary download area.
- Introduce first version of a two-level cache (transactional session cache with an application cache
handle with copies of cached objects). More detailed information see 'object cache' reference guide
in docs.
- All Oracle platforms will now transparently handle java.lang.Character fields mapped to
jdbc-types CHAR or VARCHAR, without any conversion class.
- Oracle9i plaform now handles CLOB>4k and BLOB>2k when DBCP and/or P6Spy are used.
- Oracle9i plaform can now be used with Oracle10g JDBC-driver. Escape processing statements are
removed and OracleConnection unwrapping have been adjusted to be compatible with 10g JDBC.
- XDoclet module:
* Important: generate-table-info now only prevents the generation of a table in the database
schema, the class-descriptor is unaffacted
* The new ojb.class#generate-repository-info attribute prevents the generation of
field/reference/collection descriptors in the repository as well as the table in the
database schema. This attribute should be used when using inheritance with interfaces/abstract
* Database foreignkeys are now generated for collections, as well
* It is possible to prevent the generation of database foreignkeys for individual references
or collections using the database-foreignkey attribute (ojb.collection/ojb.reference).
However this attribute cannot be used to force generation of database-foreignkeys
* Inheritance with interfaces/abstract classes (i.e. classes without table) is now handled
properly for types that are referenced by references/collections even if the relevant foreignkey
(reference/1:n collection) or primarykey (m:n collection) is not defined in the basetype itself
but only in the subtypes. The XDoclet module will determine these fields and generate virtual
field descriptors in the class-descriptor of the basetype (even if
generate-repository-info=false). Additionally, database foreignkeys are generated if the
subtypes map to the same table
* Additional attributes for generating documentation in the database schema:
- ojb.class#table-documentation
- ojb.field#column-documentation
- ojb.collection#indirection-table-documentation
- #foreignkey-documentation
- #remote-foreignkey-documentation
* Foreignkey columns of an m:n collection can be made primarykeys of the indirection table by
using the ojb.collection#indirection-table-primarykeys attribute
- ODMG-api refactoring!! All known issues in test suite are fixed. But the refactored odmg-api
version needs changes in auto-xxx settings in metadata and changed OJB.properties settings.
Please read carefully the 'CHANGES notes' below.
- Don't forget to replace the old repository.dtd and OJB.properties file (both files changed).
- If you plan to use OJB with an J2SE version older than 1.4, then you have to
replace the Geronimo jars with the corresponding ones from Sun's J2EE SDK. This
is because Geronimo is a J2EE 1.4 implementation and thus dependant upon
J2SE 1.4. Use instead the version of Sun's J2EE reference implementation that
correspond to your J2SE version. E.g. for J2SE 1.3 use the J2EE 1.3 SDK which
you can get from here: http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.3/index.jsp
- Performance improvement in handling of m:n relations
- Add new property 'sequenceStart' for SequenceManagerHighLowImpl and SequeceManagerInMemoryImpl
more info see docs section 'sequence manager'
- Recommended to read the updated 'object cache' reference guide to reflect on the changes made in
caching behavior.
- By default a new locking implementation was used for odmg, to enable the old deprecated odmg-locking,
please see comments in OJB.properties file.
- When using Oracl9i platform and DBCP connection factory, no PreparedStatement caching will occur
in the DBCP pool (Oracle JDBC-driver statement caching is performed by the platform as default).
statement pool, to avoid running out of server-side cursors when using Oracle9i platform.
- Oracle9i default platform should now be usable and have large LOB support in JBoss environemnts,
please try the default Oracle9i platform and report your results to the ojb-user list.
- Oracle9i default platform should now be usable and have large LOB support in BEA WebLogic,
please try the default Oracle9i platform in favor of WLOracle9i and report your results to
the ojb-user list.
- Oracle9i platform no longer throws exceptions when Oracle-specific extensions initializer fails,
this should enable Oracle9i platform to degrade smoothly in not yet handled managed environments.
- Oracle9i platform now uses ANSI SQL92 join syntax as per user-request. The Oracle platform
still uses Oracle join syntax to be compatible with Oracle 8 and older versions.
- CollectionProxy classes will now throw an exception in constructor, if trying
to use dynamic proxies with MetadataManager in 'per thread changes' mode but
without any metadata profile key loaded in the current thread. See note about
fix in CollectionProxy under "BUG FIXES" below.
- Minor changes in the repository.dtd. Add element object-cache to metadata interface and abstract
class declaration in class-descriptor. So replacement of old repository.dtd is needed.
- Remove object-cache declaration from OJB.properties file. Use the 'object-cache' element in
repository file (example see repository_database.xml file shipped with OJB) to specify the cache
implementation. More detailed information see caching reference guide in docs.
- Remove redundant ObjectCache implementations (ObjectCacheSoftImpl, ObjectCacheUnlimitiedImpl),
same behavior is possible with ObjectCacheDefaultImpl.
- Remove undocumented 'ObjectCacheFilter' (used to filter out whole packages or classes from
being cached). Filter out packages or classes from being cached is still possible, please see
'object cache' reference guide.
- !!!In managed enviroments the org.odmg.Transaction#abort() call no longer throws an
TransactionAbortedExceptionOJB, instead OJB does internal cleanup and set used
JTA-tx to setRollbackOnly if possible. Thus the client does no longer get an RemoteException.
The user have to throw an EJBException by himself to notify the client.
- Performance of the default RowReader (RowReaderDefaultImpl) was improved, when mapping
several classes to the same table ("ojb-conrete class" feature), now only the fields of the
associated class were performed in RowReader instead invoking all fields of the table used by
the mapped classes.
- Introduce new locking-package in kernel api. Now top-level api like odmg-api can use a kernel
lock manager to provide locking. Adapt odmg-locking to the new lock management and declare old
locking stuff in org.apache.ojb.odmg.locking package as deprecated. Add support for apache's
commons-transaction locking part.
- Use of database identity column (SequenceManagerNativeImpl). Move assign of PK values from
PersistenceBrokerImpl to JdbcAccessImpl#executeInsert. Remove usage of
SequenceManager#setReferenceFKs, will be handled by OJB in same way as without usage of
database identity column.
- odmg-api: Introduced new object reordering implementation (replaces old algorithm
in ObjectEnvelopeTable).
- odmg-api: Change used 'OqlCollectionClass' in OJB.properties from a DList impl to ArrayList
impl to improve performance. If you need the additional features of odmg DList comment in
the DList impl.
- odmg-api: ** All relations (1:1, 1:n and m:n) need auto-update/delete setting 'none' to
proper work.**
- odmg-api: Cascade delete is now configurable via OJB.properties file and at runtime using
TransactionExt#setCascadingDelete method (cast Transaction instance to TransactionExt)
Please refer to our Bug tracking site (http://issues.apache.org/scarab/servlet/scarab/)
under http://issues.apache.org/scarab/servlet/scarab/issues/id/OJBxxx
to see details for a bug with id OJBxxx.
- Fix problem with StatementManager when binding delete-statement parameters
with null-values for numeric type columns under certain conditions.
(Oracle9i and jdbc-type=NUMERIC with a conversion class that can return null-values
was such a combination, resulting in SQLException in OracleStatement#get_internal_type.)
- Fix bug in MetadataManager, when 'per thread changes' is enabled and CollectionProxy
proxies are used. Using proxies in this mode used to be undefined, since the lazy
loading might or might not succeed depending on in which thread the data was loaded.
OJB will now reload the metadata profile used when creating the proxy,
before attempting to reference any persistence capable classes.
(Fixes occasional ClassNotPersistenceCapable exceptions seen in multithreaded
applications when using 'per thread changes'.)
See http://mail-archives.apache.org/eyebrowse/ReadMsg?listName=ojb-dev@db.apache.org&msgNo=9143
- Managed Environment: Fix problem of abandoned connections and statements (e.g. detected
by JBoss) when query (iterator) result sets only partially materialized.
- Fix bug in ObjectCacheDefaultImpl resolve cache object conflicts, see
- LockManager#releaseLock, when a write lock was found all read locks will be released too.
- Fix problem with automatic generated sequence names in SequenceManagerHighLowImpl and
SequenceManagerInMemoryImpl when different DB use the same table and column name for auto
incremented fields.
See http://mail-archives.apache.org/eyebrowse/ReadMsg?listName=ojb-user@db.apache.org&msgNo=14528
- Fix materialization problem under heavy load, OJB no longer returns partially materialized
objects from cache.
See http://mail-archives.apache.org/eyebrowse/ReadMsg?listId=107&msgNo=14472
- Fix key constraint problems when insert m:n relation manually via "linking"
- Fix bug in SequenceManagerNativeImpl used to support DB identity columns, make counter for
temporary keys static to prevent lock not granted exceptions on insert of new objects.
- odmg-api: if within a transaction the client returns a different instance of an already
locked object (e.g. serialized through network) method tx.lock and tx.markDirty do not
replace the already locked object instance by the new one. Now it will do so.
- odmg-api: In managed environment odmg-api does clenup internal stuff (cache, locking) when
Synchronization#afterCompletion(int status) was called by the JTA-TxManager instead doing
all this stuff in #beforeCompletion()
- odmg-api: Assign FK for 1:1 relations when persistent objects are written to DB, instead
when objects were locked.
- odmg-api: Mixing of pessimistic and optimistic locking should be possible. Now all lock calls
on objects with optimistic locking enabled will be ignored.
- odmg-api: Fixed: If a user exchange already existing objects in 1:n references without changing
the size of the collection, the main object will not become dirty and the FK values of the
exchanged objects will not be updated. This is fixed.
- odmg-api: Fixed: Creation of m:n relation only works when objects created step by step (or
use PB-api as workaround), persist a whole object graph seems not to work proper. This is fixed.
- odmg-api: Fixed: Mapping classes on multiple joined tables was not supported in
ODMG-API implementation. This is fixed (!except the known issue when Query or refer to a
base class).
- Auto-Detection for insert/update objects checks to avoid DB queries the PK fields of the object.
If at least one PK field is 'NULL' or if primitive field '0', OJB assume the object is new and
needs insert. This will be configurable in next upcoming version. Workaround for PB-api: use
method PB#store(Object obj, ObjectModification mod) to state update or insert.
- Batch handling doesn't work proper with optimistic locking. This will be fixed
in version 1.1
- Subqueries are not extent aware. see QueryTest#testSubQueryAgainstExtents
- When a class mapped on multiple joined tables was used in a reference only objects
of the base type class will be instantiated, e.g. a Company class has
a 1:n reference 'employees' to a base class Employee and class Manager extends Employee,
then 'employees' only contains objects of type Employee even if the real type was Manager.
See in OJB test suite
Same problem occur when query the base class, then OJB only returns objects of base type instead
the real type.
- Managed Environment: When run OJB in managed environment and using PBStateListener, the call of
PBStateListener#beforeClose(PBStateEvent event) is made twice when
a PB instance was closed in a JTA-tx (for the first time when PB.close() was called
in bean on the PB handle, second time when the JTA-tx completes)
- otm-api: The OTM API has a known caching issue and should not be considered for code used
in production environments. The future of the OTM layer will be subject for discussion on the
OJB developers list, if you are using it - please subscribe to ojb-dev and make your voice heard.
- Oracle9i platform: when using statement batching, there is a 2k limit on BLOB + 4k limit on CLOB.
Release 1.0.1
- Add new service for Identity object creation - PersistenceBroker#serviveIdentity()
This service makes creation of Identiy objects to lookup objects by primary key much
easier. More info see PersistenceBroker Tutorial section "Find object by primary key".
For example, to lookup an object by its Identity with PB.getObjectByIdentity, for
a single Long PK field (with value '23') you can call:
Identity oid = broker.serviceIdentity().buildIdentity(MyClass.class, new Long(23));
result = (MyClass) broker.getObjectByIdentity(oid);
- Changed build dependency from Sun's SCSL licensed J2EE specification jars to the
Geronimo projects's ASL 2.0 licensed J2EE specification jars. Users now can build
the core of OJB (everything but the jdori plugin) directly from the source tarball
or CVS.
NOTE: If you plan to use OJB with an J2SE version older than 1.4, then you have to
replace the Geronimo jars with the corresponding ones from Sun's J2EE SDK. This
is because Geronimo is a J2EE 1.4 implementation and thus dependant upon
J2SE 1.4. Use instead the version of Sun's J2EE reference implementation that
correspond to your J2SE version. E.g. for J2SE 1.3 use the J2EE 1.3 SDK which
you can get from here: http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.3/index.jsp
- PersistenceBroker interface changed, add service method for IdentityFactory
- Performance improvement in RsIterator, first only map PK values from the
result set and check against the cache. If no match map all field values
from result set to internal Map class (old version always maps all values
from the result set to the internal Map class).
- add in ObjectCacheDefaultImpl new attribute 'cachingKeyType' this allows to
differ cached objects of same class for different databases.
Please refer to our Bug tracking site (http://issues.apache.org/scarab/servlet/scarab/)
under http://issues.apache.org/scarab/servlet/scarab/issues/id/OJBxxx
to see details for a bug with id OJBxxx.
- fixed issue in AnonymousPersistentFieldForInheritance, class now use
specified factory methods (in class-descriptor) for pc objects too
- fix for OJB275, include PK fields for "super" class-descriptor when using
"super" reference. Now on object insert, the PK values are copied from the
main object to the temporary created "super" objects.
- fixed issue in PersistenceBrokerFactorySyncImpl, always wrap requested PB
instance with PB handle object
- fixed issue in ObjectCachePerClassImpl, allow to set 'class-cache' to null
- fixed issue with CollectionProxy and RemovalAwareCollection
- RemovalAwareCollection is no longer the default collection-class for m:n-relationships
- ManageableCollection#afterStore is only called if cascadeStoring is CASCADE_OBJECT
- ojb no longer adds groupBy columns to the SELECT-clause, orderBy columns are still added
because of sapdb
- orderBy columns of the original query are used as joinAttributes in count-query
- ALIAS-prefix again works for report-queries (see QueryTest#testReportQueryAlias)
- odmg-api: Fix problem with TransactionExt#flush() call, always check for
changed objects
- odmg-api: Fix issue with FK assignment, referenced proxy object should not be materialized to assign
FK in main object.
- odmg-api: Fix Database#open(...) issue. In managed environments now no running JTA-tx was expected
- odmg-api: If a user exchange already existing objects in 1:n references without changing the size
of the collection, the main object will not become dirty and the FK values of the exchanged objects
will not be updated.
E.g. two objects obj_1 anf obj_2 with 1:n reference to ref objects, each with one
existing/persistent reference object, obj_1{ref_1} and obj_2{ref_2}.
Lock objects and exchange the references in collection obj_1{ref_2}
and obj_2{ref_1} and commit --> FK values of ref_1 and ref_2 will not be updated.
- odmg-api: Creation of m:n relation only works when objects created step by step (or use PB-api
as workaround), persist a whole object graph seems not to work proper.
- Batch handling doesn't work proper with optimistic locking. This will be fixed
in version 1.1
- Subqueries are not extent aware. see QueryTest#testSubQueryAgainstExtents
- When using native Identity columns, OJB uses a temporary dummy value for created OJB Identity objects
of new pc objects (negative long values are used as dummy values for Identity columns, the real value
is available after the object insert), so the FK assignment is only valid after store of the
referenced object (PB-api handles this correctly). TransactionImpl#lock assign the FK before the
referenced object was written to DB. This only effects the ODMG API.
- Mapping of an inheritance hierarchy to multiple joined tables fails in the ODMG
API only.
Release 1.0
- We introduce new PersistentField implementations in OJB.properties file called
PersistentFieldXXXXImplNew. Per default one of the new PersistentField implementations was
used. If you hit problems please send a report. You can reverting to old impl by
changing property 'PersistentFieldClass' in OJB.prperties file. The new versions
has much better performance in read/write nested fields (up to 50 times faster than
the 'old' implementions) and will replace the old classes on next version. Because
PersistentField is an important kernel class we wait for community response before
final replacement.
Please refer to our Bug tracking site (http://issues.apache.org/scarab/servlet/scarab/)
under http://issues.apache.org/scarab/servlet/scarab/issues/id/OJBxxx
to see details for a bug with id OJBxxx.
- The default ojb escape character '\' does not work for database using the same default as well and
should therefore be double-escaped. As a workaround always use a custom escape character:
Criteria crit = new Criteria();
crit.addLike("firstname", "h%|%");
This issue is fixed for MySql and PostgreSql so far.
- odmg-api: If a user exchange already existing objects in 1:n references without changing the size
of the collection, the main object will not become dirty and the FK values of the exchanged objects
will not be updated.
E.g. two objects obj_1 anf obj_2 with 1:n reference to ref objects, each with one
existing/persistent reference object, obj_1{ref_1} and obj_2{ref_2}.
Lock objects and exchange the references in collection obj_1{ref_2}
and obj_2{ref_1} and commit --> FK values of ref_1 and ref_2 will not be updated.
- odmg-api: Creation of m:n relation only works when objects created step by step (or use PB-api
as workaround), persist a whole object graph seems not to work proper.
- ReportQueries should not be used with columns referencing Classes with extents:
ReportQueryByCriteria q = QueryFactory.newReportQuery(ProductGroup.class, crit);
new String[] { "groupName", "sum(allArticlesInGroup.stock)", "sum(allArticlesInGroup.price)" });
ProductGroup.allArticlesInGroup points to class Article having multiple extents.
As a workaround the query can be 'reversed' :
ReportQueryByCriteria q = QueryFactory.newReportQuery(Article.class, crit);
q.setAttributes(new String[] { "productGroup.groupName", "sum(stock)", "sum(price)" });
Due to the fact the Article has extents multiple selects will be executed,
so the same ProductGroup may show up more than once.
Please see the testcases QueryTest#testReportQueryGroupByExtents1 and
- A count on ReportQueries containing groupBy does not deliver a correct result.
- Batch handling doesn't work proper with optimistic locking. This will be fixed
before long after 1.0
Release 1.0 rc7
- OJB.properties file has changed, don't forget to replace on update!
Among other things the property 'ImplementationClass' was needed to set in managed environments.
-OJB.properties file new properties:
The logging properties moved to a separate file - see below.
- Logging settings have moved to separate OJB-logging.properties file
- Logging initialization is now decoupled form OJB initialization; this is
described in the new reference guide for logging
- It is no longer necessary to provide an empty repository.xml file when starting
without repository and connection descriptors
- rename/move internal package org.apache.ojb.odmg.transaction to org.apache.ojb.broker.transaction.tm
In managed environments each (top-level) API use transaction manager access, thus the TM related
classes are moved to the PB kernel and OJB.properties entries change.
- Base class for ODMG api access within non- or managed environments is now
org.apache.ojb.odmg.OJB. The used org.odmg.Implementation interface implementation
is specified in OJB.properties.
- ConnectionManager is more strict on CM.releaseConnection() method calls. Now an
exception is thrown when CM is in a "local transaction" status when try to release
the connection. The local tx status of ConnectionManager and PersistenceBroker implementation
is now decoupled, useful in managed environments allows to "close the connection" without
change the PB tx-state.
- the indirection handler (for reference proxies), and the list and set proxy classes
can now be configured in the OJB.properties file
- new CollectionProxy interface introduced to allow the ODMG api to make use of alternate
collection proxy implementations.
Please refer to our Bug tracking site (http://issues.apache.org/scarab/servlet/scarab/)
under http://issues.apache.org/scarab/servlet/scarab/issues/id/OJBxxx
to see details for a bug with id OJBxxx.
- odmg-api: If a user exchange already existing objects in 1:n references without changing the size
of the collection, the main object will not become dirty and the FK values of the exchanged objects
will not be updated.
E.g. two objects obj_1 anf obj_2 with 1:n reference to ref objects, each with one
existing/persistent reference object, obj_1{ref_1} and obj_2{ref_2}.
Lock objects and exchange the references in collection obj_1{ref_2}
and obj_2{ref_1} and commit --> FK values of ref_1 and ref_2 will not be updated.
- odmg-api: Creation of m:n relation only works when objects created step by step (or use PB-api
as workaround), persist a whole object graph seems not to work proper.
- ReportQueries should not be used with columns referencing Classes with extents:
ReportQueryByCriteria q = QueryFactory.newReportQuery(ProductGroup.class, crit);
new String[] { "groupName", "sum(allArticlesInGroup.stock)", "sum(allArticlesInGroup.price)" });
ProductGroup.allArticlesInGroup points to class Article having multiple extents.
As a workaround the query can be 'reversed' :
ReportQueryByCriteria q = QueryFactory.newReportQuery(Article.class, crit);
q.setAttributes(new String[] { "productGroup.groupName", "sum(stock)", "sum(price)" });
Due to the fact the Article has extents multiple selects will be executed,
so the same ProductGroup may show up more than once.
Please see the testcases QueryTest#testReportQueryGroupByExtents1 and
- A count on ReportQueries containing groupBy does not deliver a correct result.
- Batch handling doesn't work proper with optimistic locking. This will be fixed
before long after 1.0
Release 1.0 rc6
- Repository.dtd has changed, don't forget to replace this file
- Upgraded to the new Apache License, Version 2.0
- No support for HSQLDB 1.7.2RC1 yet
- No support for Torque 3.1 yet
- Add new PersistenceBrokerFactory implementation for use in managed environments when *only* the
PB-api was used and participation in JTA transaction via Synchronization interface is needed.
- Add new configuration property 'autoSync' to ObjectCacheDefaultImpl. Used to enable a simple
synchronization mechanism to keep cache in sync with DB
- Add new attribute values for reference-/collection-descriptor auto-update/-delete attribute.
Now we have five possible values: none, link, object, true, false. The true, false values
are now deprecated but will NOT be removed in near future (so don't panic!).
- fix bug in internal table OJB_HL_SEQ, column type of MAX_ID was INTEGER but
needs BIGINT to support Long on java side
- no longer throw an exception when calling abortTransaction more than one time
or an internal rollback (by ConnectionManager on the used connection) was already done
- Add object-cache tag in standard jdbc-connection-descriptor in repository_database.xml
to enable new 'autoSync' property of ObjectCacheDefaultImpl for all operations made by
this DB connection
- Allow infinite lifetime of cached objects in ObjectCacheDefaultImpl (handle with care ;-))
- odmg-api implementation, disable restore of transient objects on transaction abort,
because we can't really restore the whole object with all references
- now using ANTLR 2.7.2 and Unicode support in OQL queries
- now using ANT 1.6.0
- RelationshipPrefetcher no longer modifies auto-retrieve setting of Relationship-Descriptor.
This may result in additional sql-queries but is safer in a multi-threaded environment.
- Added column methods to Criteria. addColumnEqualTo, addColumnIn etc. The column parameter
of these methods will not be translated during sql-generation. These methods are mainly used
for internal purpose.
Please refer to our Bug tracking site (http://issues.apache.org/scarab/servlet/scarab/)
under http://issues.apache.org/scarab/servlet/scarab/issues/id/OJBxxx
to see details for a bug with id OJBxxx.
- fix bug in MetadataManager, when 'per thread changes' is enabled and many different
DescriptorRepository instances were used, gc can't collect unused instances because
StatementManager doesn't release references to used DescriptorRepository instances.
- fix bug in ObjectCacheDefaultImpl, it doesn't make sense to use a soft reference
for the object wrapper of the cached object. Use a softreference for the cached
object instead
- fix bug in CacheDistributor (internal used ObjectCache implementation), each CacheDistributor
instance have to held ObjectCache instances for the associated PersistenceBroker instance
- fix documentation bug in ObjectCacheDefaultImpl, property 'timeout' use
seconds instead of milliseconds
- fix bug in new DList implementation (DListImpl_2), materialization of objects
failed when DList instance itself was persisted (using db.bind(...)) and
re-loaded within tx, but iteration over the list values was done outside of the tx
- The bogus ODMG Distributed Lockmanagement feature has been replaced by a new
Servlet based LockServer. Transaction isolation should now work properly even
accross a cluster of JVMs.
- fix bug in MtoNCollectionPrefetcher, multi-key handling is now supported.
- ClassCastException with ManageableCollection implementations on m:n relation.
m:n relation now can handle ManageableCollection collection classes in a correct way,
the collection class no longer needs to implement java.util.Collection.
- odmg-api: It is not possible to exchange objects in 1:n references.
E.g. two objects with 1:n reference, each with one reference object, obj_1{ref_1}
and obj_2{ref_2}. Lock objects and exchange the references in collection obj_1{ref_2}
and obj_2{ref_1} and commit.
Release 1.0 rc5
This is the last planned rc before the 1.0 release. If there are no major
bugs this release will be relabled as 1.0 after two weeks.
- With this release we are feature complete for the 1.0 release!
For 1.0 you should not expect more features to be added.
- slight changes in repository.dtd, OJB.properties were made
- internal kernel interface method signature changed:
in JdbcAccess two method signatures change
in StatementManagerIF one method signature change
These changes are necessary to fix a "design bug" in handling
of jdbc type metadata. See discussion on dev-list "[VOTE] Design bug fixed - check in?"
- ObjectCache implementation classes constructor arguments change. We
now pass a Properties argument too. Allows to set configuration properties
for each ObjectCache instance
- changed the JDORI plugin to now use the latest 1.0.1 version of the JDO reference implementation.
- OJB is now very strict in handling RsIterator instances. RsIterator is
bound very closely to the used PersistenceBroker instance.
Thus if you do a
call, the current RsIterator instance resources will be cleaned up automatic
and invalidate current instance.
- add possibility to declare ObjectCache implementation on class-descriptor
and jdbc-connection-descriptor level (means per class and per database connection) too
- add a new interface called org.apache.ojb.odmg.TransactionExt
to make additional proprietary methods available for user by
casting org.odmg.Transaction to TransactionExt
- behaviour of org.odmg.Transaction#checkpoint() changed. Now the
database transaction was commited when checkpoint was called, seems this
is more in unison with ODMG spec:
" Calling checkpoint commits persistent object modifications made within the
transaction since the last checkpoint to the database."
If you want to flush persistent object
modifications made within the ODMG transaction to the underlying database
transaction without commit the changes (old behaviour of checkpoint()),
please cast Transaction to TransactionExt and use new method flush().
- make odmg collections pluggable via OJB.properties file
- Restructuring and further enhancements of the documentation.
Please refer to our Bug tracking site under
http://scarab.werken.com/scarab/issues/id/OJBxxx to see details for a bug
with id OJBxxx.
- fix ClassLoader problem when merging DescriptorRepository instances
- fixed the JDORI problems with loading object via extend based queries.
now objects are brought under JDO control and equipped with a statemanager
in the load process.
Release 1.0 rc4
- With this release we are feature complete for the 1.0 release!
For 1.0 you should not expect more features to be added.
- added a XDoclet OJB Module that allows to generate repository.xml
and DDL from tagged Java sources to the "contrib" distribution.
- added an OJB Taglib that allows to use OJB directly from JSP pages
to the "contrib" distribution.
- update used xdoclet version in 'ejb-examples'
(see section deployment/'Build the OJB sample session beans')
to version 1.2xx
- Enhance MetadataManager, add new methods, simplify handling
of different persistent object metadata profiles (means different
org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.DescriptorRepository instances) at
- Provide a PUBLIC doctype declaration for the repository.xml
- add a convenience Constructor to QueryByCriteria that
builds a query selecting all instances of a class
- add isClosed() method to PersistenceBroker interface to
check if a broker instance was already closed.
- make OJB more strict in handling closed PersistenceBroker
instances. Now it's not any longer possible to use closed
PersistenceBroker instances.
- Package ...metadata.fieldaccess refactored/changed. Now
all PersistentField implementations support 'nested fields'.
See new entries in OJB.properties file.
- added new sections to documentation
- fix several bugs in documentation
- fixed writing to memo columns in MS Access
- fixed optimistic locking problem
- fixed jdo tutorial setup
Please refer to our Bug tracking site under
http://scarab.werken.com/scarab/issues/id/OJBxxx to see details for a bug
with id OJBxxx.
Release 1.0 rc3
- With this release we are feature complete for the 1.0 release!
For 1.0 you should not expect more features to be added.
- Intern table OJB_HL_SEQ (used by SequenceManagerHighLowImpl)
has changed! Now need an additional column 'VERSION' of type INTEGER
When updating from earlier version drop/reinstall table with additional field
- PersistenceBrokerAware interface changed, methods beforeStore and afterStore
split into xxxInsert/xxxUpdate methods, all methods now expect an PersistenceBroker
- PersistenceBrokerListener interface replaced by PBStateListener
- ManageableCollection interface add new method afterStore(...)
- Remove obsolete method 'invalidate(Identity oid)' from PB-api
- enhanced PB-api listener classes
- unified handling of events in PB-api
- adapt sequence manager implementations using 'long' instead 'int' keys
- SequenceManagerHighLowImpl now use optimistic locking to support sequencing
across different JVM (except j2ee conform app server, see sequence manager doc).
- Add new attribute 'autoNaming' to sequence manager implementations. Now
the implementations allow to switch on/off auto-generating of sequence names
- merging the three package o.a.ojb.broker.ta, .singlevm and .server into
a new package o.a.ojb.broker.core
- fixed problems with the JDO FieldManager to work with 1:1, 1:n and m:n
- OJB143, OJB152, OJB153, OJB156, OJB158, OJB159, OJB161
Please refer to our Bug tracking site under
http://scarab.werken.com/scarab/issues/id/OJBxxx to see details for a bug
with id OJBxxx.
Release 1.0 rc2
- With this release we are feature complete for the 1.0 release!
For 1.0 you should not expect more features to be added.
- improve cache package. Now the used cache is no longer a singleton.
- Add CacheFilter interface to allow easy pre-filtering of cache methods.
- Add Support for anonymous fields
- Several improvements to SQL generation
- improved handling of optimistic lock exceptions in ODMG
- lots
Release 1.0 rc1
- With this release we are feature complete for the 1.0 release!
For 1.0 you should not expect more features to be added.
- improved handling for non-distributable jars
- MetadataManager: new methods, allow merge of new ConnectionDescriptor and RepositoryDescriptor
(read from any repository file at runtime) with the existing ones.
- add custom attribute support for DescriptorRepository and JdbcConnectionDescriptor.
- repaired tutorial applications
- fixed several bugs in the JDO RI plugin
- compilation works for jdk 1.2 and 1.3 again
- connection problem when using PBKey only with jcdAlias name (e.g. PBKey("myAlias")),
now the user and password set in the repository file was used.
- add jcdAlias support for tutorial 1+2