Running the JDO 3.1 Technology Compatibility Kit



In order to demonstrate compliance with the Java Data Objects specification, an implementation must successfully run all of the TCK tests that are not on the "excluded" list. The implementation is hereinafter referred to as the IUT (Implementation Under Test).

The results must be posted on a publicly accessible web site for examination by the public. The posting includes the output of the test run, which consists of multiple log files containing configuration information and test results. For an example of the required posting, please see


In order to run the TCK, you must install Maven 2.x Maven is the driver of the test programs.

You must test the IUT on all configurations that the IUT supports. This includes different hardware and operating systems, different versions of Java, and different datastores. The TCK supports Java versions 1.5 to 1.6.


Download the or jdo.3.x-src.gz file from the distribution location. Unpack the archive file into a directory of your choice. Follow the instructions in the root level README.html file for building and running the JDO TCK. Please take note of the following files:

Modifying the Configuration

The Implementation Under Test (IUT) can be installed into the lib/iut directory. Any jar files in this directory are added to the class path used to run the tests.

There are properties in the file in the TCK directory that must be changed to configure the IUT execution and enhancement (optional) environment. These properties begin with iut.runtck and iut.enhancer.

There is are three properties files that must be modified to be IUT-specific, all located in the TCK src/conf directory. The file contains information used to construct the PersistenceManagerFactory used in the tests. iut-jdoconfig.xml and iut-persistence.xml also contain PersistenceManagerFactory properties used only in tests in the org.apache.jdo.tck.api.persistencemanagerfactory.config package.

SQL DDL files are provided for the sql table definitions. The existing files must not be changed, but files may be added in the directory in order to provide DDL for additional databases supported by the JDO implementation under test.

Running the Tests

Follow the instructions in README.html for running the TCK on the JDO Reference Implementation and the Implementation Under Test. This will produce console output plus a directory in the tck/target/logs directory whose name contains the date/time the tests were started. This directory contains the output of the tests. This is the directory to be published.

Some of the TCK tests require the implementation to support up to 20 instances of PersistenceManager with open transactions simultaneously.

Debugging the IUT while Running TCK tests

Execute "mvn jdo-exectck:help" in the TCK directory in order to get information on running the TCK tests with a debugger. In particular, properties jdo.tck.cleanupaftertest, jdo.tck.cfglist, jdo.tck.identitytypes, and jdo.tck.dblist may be useful.

If you make a change to the IUT enhancer while debugging the TCK tests (for implementations that use an enhancer) you must remove the target/classes directory before continuing in order to make sure that the classes are re-enhanced by the changed code.

Publishing the Results of the TCK Tests

With a successful test run, the log directory with the results of the tests must be published on a publicly-available web site. The unmodified directory is the self-certification of the successful TCK test run.

First Level TCK Appeals Process

If any test does not pass on the JDO implementation under test, this may be due to an error in the implementation or in the TCK test. If you believe that the failure is due to an error in the TCK test, you may challenge the test. To do so, send email to: with a subject line containing "CHALLENGE" and the name of the test program, e.g.; and the body of the email containing the details of the challenge.

The Maintenance Lead will respond within 15 working days with a decision on whether there is an error in the test case. If the issue is found by the Maintenance Lead to be due to an error in the test case, the Maintenance Lead might patch the erroneous test or add the test to the exclude list. The user can obtain the TCK updates by checking out the latest minor version branch, 3.n.1. If a fix is not provided within 15 working days of the receipt of the challenge, then the user may put the test into the TCK file src/conf/exclude.list and it will not be run as part of the TCK.

Decisions of the Maintenance Lead may be appealed to the full expert group. A vote of the full expert group will be conducted by the Maintenance Lead, and a majority of votes cast will decide the issue. The Maintenance Lead has one vote, as does each member of the expert group at the time of the vote.