ReplicationRun.testReplication ****************************** The test method testReplication in org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.replicationTests.ReplicationRun executes the replication tests: Short story: ------------ startServer - start server on master host. startServer - start server on slave host. startReplication - tells master server that the/a database is to be replicated on the slave server. startSlave - tells slave server to act as slave for the database on master server which is to be replicated. runTest - runs the specified test while replication is active. stopReplication - tells the master server to stop replicating the database - "NOOP" in PoC (Proof of concept) code. stopServer - In the PoC code shutdown of or killing the master server forces failover on the slave. Detailed story: -------------- initEnvironment() - gets test specifications from the ${user.dir}/ file. initMaster(masterServerHost,replicatedDb) - The PoC code (Proof of concept) requires that the master database is copied by OS commands from some original database (possibly empty) to the master database (in /db_master/). Also see startServer(masterJvmVersion, derbyMasterVersion, masterServerHost, ALL_INTERFACES, masterServerPort, masterDatabasePath +PS+ masterDbSubPath) - start the master server startLoad(masterPreRepl, masterDbSubPath, masterServerHost, masterServerPort) - Optionally start load on the master server. startServer(slaveJvmVersion, derbySlaveVersion, slaveServerHost, ALL_INTERFACES, slaveServerPort, slaveDatabasePath +PS+ slaveDbSubPath) - start the slave server startReplication(jvmVersion, replicatedDb, masterServerHost, // Where the startreplication command must be given masterServerPort, // master server interface accepting client requests masterServerHost, // An interface on the master: masterClientInterface (==masterServerHost), slaveServerPort, slaveServerHost, slaveReplPort) - tell master server to start replication 'replicatedDb' on 'slaveServerHost'. startLoad(masterPostRepl, masterDbSubPath, masterServerHost, masterServerPort) - Optionally start load on master server. startLoad(slavePreSlave, slaveDbSubPath, slaveServerHost, slaveServerPort) - Optionally start load on slave server. startSlave(jvmVersion, replicatedDb, masterServerHost, // masterClientInterface (==masterServerHost) masterServerPort, // masterServerPort slaveServerHost, // slaveClientInterface // where the startslave command must be given slaveServerPort, slaveServerHost, // for slaveReplInterface slaveReplPort) - Tell slave server to take replication slave role for database 'replicatedDb' on (master) server 'masterServerHost' with port 'masterServerPort'. startLoad(masterPostSlave, masterDbSubPath, masterServerHost, masterServerPort) - Optionally start load on master server. startLoad(slavePostSlave, slaveDbSubPath, slaveServerHost, slaveServerPort) - Optionally start load on slave server. runTest(replicationTest, jvmVersion, testClientHost, masterServerHost, masterServerPort, replicatedDb) - Run the 'replicationTest' against the 'replicatedDb' on the master server. stopReplication(replicatedDb) - Tell master server to stop replication of 'replicatedDb'. A "NOOP" on PoC: stopServer(masterJvmVersion, derbyMasterVersion, // V2b: forces failover on slave masterServerHost, masterServerPort) - In the PoC shutdown of or killing the master server forces failover on the slave server, i.e. "simulating" a "failover" command on the slave! verifySlave() - run the sql script or JUnit "test" to verify correct state in the replicated database on the slave server. Full story: ----------- See org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.replicationTests.ReplicationRun.