# this file holds tests that cannot be successfully run with DerbyNetClient framework # with a remote server. Tests in this file will be skipped in addition to those in # DerbyNetClient.exclude when the property -DhostName is set to something else than the localhost # # excluding test - because... # store/bootLock.java - this test uses local connections to make sure # a database cannot be loaded by 2 different instances. # jdbcapi/secureUsers,secureUsers1, users and users2.sql # because they expect the server to have been started with special derby.properties # this test can be made to work by changing the properties from system properties # i.e. set in a derby.properties file - to be database properties - i.e. set using # SYSCS_SET_ procedure. # derbynet/dblook_test_net because it tries to search derby.log, which is on # the server machine # derbynet/getCurrentProperties for it exercises NetworkServerControl statements # that are only supported on localhost # derbynet/NSinSameJVM - tries to start the server # derbynet/DataSourcePermissions_net - tries to use NetworkServerControl statements # derbynet/maxthreads - tries to use NetworkServerControl statements # derbynet/runtimeinfo - tries to use NetworkServerControl statements # derbynet/sysinfo - tries to use NetworkServerControl statements # derbynet/sysinfo_withproperties - tries to use NetworkServerControl statements and for the test, server needs to be # started with specific property set - DERBY928 for reference # derbynet/testSecMec - this test requires property to be set when server is started with derby.drda.securityMechanism # thus not suitable for remote server testing in its current form. - DERBY-928 # derbynet/testProperties - tries to use NetworkServerControl statements # derbynet/timeslice - tries to use NetworkServerControl statements # derbynet/DerbyNetAutoStart - tries to start networkserver # derbynet/DerbyNetNewServer - tries to start networkserver and uses local connections to the db. # tools/ieptests - names files in extin dir, but they are on the server # tools/importExport - tries to confirm correct export by file-comparing the exported files, # which may be on a different machine and thus not found. # lang/wisconsin - optimization is quite different when running remote server. # junitTests/derbyNet/CompatibilityTest.java - tries to start and shutdown the server. # jdbcapi/checkDataSource.java - test leaves things in a bad state, causing the subsequent # tests to fail when run on same database. See DERBY-1760. # jdbcapi/checkDataSource30.java - ditto to checkDataSource. # derbynet/ShutDownDBWhenNSShutsDownTest.junit - test tries to look for db.lck file # lang/grantRevoke.java - this test expects certain properties in the remote server's # derby.properties file. # # store/bootLock.java jdbcapi/secureUsers.sql jdbcapi/secureUsers1.sql jdbcapi/users.sql jdbcapi/users2.sql derbynet/dblook_test_net.java derbynet/getCurrentProperties.java derbynet/NSinSameJVM.java derbynet/DataSourcePermissions_net.java derbynet/maxthreads.java derbynet/runtimeinfo.java derbynet/sysinfo.java derbynet/sysinfo_withproperties.java derbynet/testProperties.java derbynet/testSecMec.java derbynet/timeslice.java derbynet/DerbyNetAutoStart.java derbynet/DerbyNetNewServer.java tools/ieptests.sql tools/importExport.java lang/wisconsin.java junitTests/derbyNet/CompatibilityTest.java jdbcapi/checkDataSource.java jdbcapi/checkDataSource30.java derbynet/ShutDownDBWhenNSShutsDownTest.junit lang/grantRevoke.java