# excluding resultsetStream.java because this test uses java.io.FileInputStream throughout the test # excluding TestErrorStreamTarget.java since it's not relevant for clients # excluding scrollCursors2.java because updatable resultsets & scroll sensitive cursors are not supported # excluding batchUpdate.java for it hits a problem in networkserver ('beetle' 5561) # excluding statementJdbc20.java because this tests fetch_reverse throughout the test # excluding jdbcapi/testRelative.java because this is a new test contributed by Shreyas Kaushik and needs to be debugged with JCC in order to get it running with network server # excluding jdbcapi/SetQueryTimeoutTest.java because neither the JCC driver nor the ClientDriver support setQueryTimeout() yet. # excluding lang/updatableResultSet.java because changes are required in JCC Driver for this test to run correctly # excluding jdbcapi/rsgetXXXcolumnNames.java as it fails incorrectly, according to JDBC spec. Forwarding test case to JCC team. # excluding jdbcapi/resultsetJdbc30.java because the features tested are not implemented by JCC driver or ClientDriver # excluding jdbcapi/checkDataSource30.java - Client behaves differently. Need to look into this # excluding jdbcapi/statementJdbc30.java - Client behaves differently. Need to look into this # excluding jdbcapi/holdCursorJava.java - JCC behaves differently with hold cursors. # excluding jdbcapi/dataSourceReference.java - client side only tests, tests all data sources # regardless of framework # excluding largedata/LobLimits.java to run with the network server because currently lobs are materialized and this test tests for 2G lobs. # see DERBY-326 and DERBY-550 issues jdbcapi/resultsetStream.java lang/errorStream.java lang/scrollCursors2.java jdbcapi/batchUpdate.java jdbcapi/statementJdbc20.java jdbcapi/testRelative.java jdbcapi/rsgetXXXcolumnNames.java jdbcapi/SetQueryTimeoutTest.java lang/updatableResultSet.java jdbcapi/blobSetBinaryStream.java jdbcapi/resultsetJdbc30.java jdbcapi/checkDataSource30.java jdbcapi/statementJdbc30.java lang/holdCursorJava.java jdbcapi/dataSourceReference.java #no XA for JCC jdbcapi/savepointJdbc30_XA.java # excluding jdbcapi/derbyStress.java - jcc runs out of memory with this test jdbcapi/derbyStress.java largedata/LobLimits.java # Excluding checkDataSource and checkDataSource30 because JCC has no XA jdbcapi/checkDataSource30.java jdbcapi/checkDataSource.java jdbcapi/SURTest_ij.sql # Excluding ResultSetClose test since an exception in a statement results in all # the result sets associated with the connection closing jdbcapi/ResultSetCloseTest.junit