Test batchUpdate starting Positive Statement: clear the batch and run the empty batch Positive Statement: testing 1 statement batch Positive Statement: testing 2 inserts and 1 update batch Positive Statement: 1000 statements batch Positive Statement: statement testing batch with autocommit true Positive Statement: add 3 statements, clear batch and execute batch Positive Statement: add 3 statements, clear batch, add 3 and execute batch Positive Statement: testing associated parameters Negative Statement: statement testing select as first stat in the batch Negative Statement: statement testing select as nth stat in the batch Negative Statement: statement testing select as last stat in the batch Negative Statement: statement testing execute in the middle of batch Negative Statement: statement testing executeQuery in the middle of batch Negative Statement: statement testing executeUpdate in the middle of batch Negative Statement: statement testing overflow error as first stat in the batch Negative Statement: statement testing overflow error as nth stat in the batch Negative Statement: statement testing overflow error as last stat in the batch Negative Statement: statement testing time out while getting the lock in the batch Positive Callable Statement: statement testing callable statement batch Negative Callable Statement: callable statement with output parameters in the batch Positive Prepared Stat: set no parameter values and run the batch Positive Prepared Stat: no settable parameters Positive Prepared Stat: set one set of parameter values and run the batch Positive Prepared Stat: set 3 set of parameter values and run the batch Positive Prepared Stat: set one set of parameter values to null and run the batch Positive Prepared Stat: 1000 parameter set batch Positive Prepared Stat: batch, rollback, batch and commit combinations Positive Prepared Stat: batch and commit combinations Positive Prepared Stat: batch, batch and rollback combinations Positive Prepared Stat: batch, batch and commit combinations Positive Prepared Stat: testing batch with autocommit true Positive Prepared Stat: add 3 statements, clear batch and execute batch Positive Prepared Stat: add 3 statements, clear batch, add 3 and execute batch Negative Prepared Stat: testing select in the batch Negative Prepared Stat: testing execute in the middle of batch Negative Prepared Stat: testing executeQuery in the middle of batch Negative Prepared Stat: testing executeUpdate in the middle of batch Negative Prepared Stat: testing overflow as first set of values Negative Prepared Stat: testing overflow as nth set of values Negative Prepared Stat: testing overflow as last set of values Negative Prepared Stat: testing transaction error, time out while getting the lock PASS Test batchUpdate finished