Test resultsetStream starting getColumnCount(): 1 Checksum of first 200 bytes 3061553656 Size of file = 3470 getColumnCount(): 2 Checksum of first 200 bytes 3061553656 second columns is 3470 FAILS DUE TO BUG 5710 getColumnCount(): 1 len=56 number of reads=56 EXPECTED SQLSTATE(XN017): Network protocol error: end of stream prematurely reached, parameter #2. Remaining data has been padded with 0x0. EXPECTED SQLSTATE(XN015): Network protocol error: the specified size of the InputStream, parameter #2, is less than the actual InputStream length. Test of getAsciiStream U+0041U+0042U+0043U+0044U+0045U+0046U+0047U+00c0U+00c1U+00c2U+00c3U+00c4U+00c5U+00ffU+003fU+003fU+003fU+003fU+003fU+003f U+0041U+0042U+0043U+0044U+0045U+0046U+0047U+00c0U+00c1U+00c2U+00c3U+00c4U+00c5U+00ffU+0100U+3042U+3044U+3046U+3048U+304a Test resultsetStream finished