Changes in Derby *) For Network Server, clear back to appropriate point if query fails instead of clearing buffer. (Derby-5) [Army Brown ] *) Enable use of functions in triggers (Derby-6) [Jack Klebanoff ] *) Triggers do not evaluate functions in VALUES trigger actions. (Derby-14) *) Method calls on a closed Connection from a PooledConnection no longer cause connection closed events to be sent to any listeners. Minor clean up of BrokeredConnection as well, remove an unused constructor, make the control field final and remove incorrect comment and unused imports. (Derby-24) [Dan Debrunner ] *) Connection.close() on a closed connection is defined by JDBC javadoc to be a no-op. (Derby-30) [Dan Debrunner] *) Multiple jvms prevented from booting the same database in parallel to avoid accidental corruptions in Unix environments. (Derby-32) [Suresh Thalamati ] *) Allow default to be specified for CHAR FOR BIT DATA columns (Derby-34) [Satheesh Bandaram ] *) Fix dss chaining problems for network server. (Derby-35) [Army Brown] *) LOCKS is no longer a reserved keyword (Derby-38) [Mamta Satoor ] *) Allow BIGINT default values in create table. (Derby-40) [Satheesh Bandaram] *) Encryption key length no longer stored in (Derby-42) [Sunitha Kambhampati ] *) Enable LIKE ? ESCAPE ? syntax that was disabled before (Derby-44) [Satheesh Bandaram] *) Allow expressions that result in string types as arguments to a LIKE expression (Derby-45) [Satheesh Bandaram] *) Make RETAIN a non-reserved keyword (Derby-54) [Satheesh Bandaram] *) Faster create database by moving DatabaseMetaData SPS creation into the DataDictionary. Means creation of these statements is not logged and compilation is delayed until the matching DatabaseMetaData method is first called. [Dan Debrunner] *) dblook argument handling has been improved. Bad arguments now generate an error, and connection URLs in quotes are handled properly. [Jalud Abdulmenan ] *) Localization of dblook messages enabled. [Satheesh Bandaram] *) Extension Packaging: 1. The monitor is changed to read multiple files, using method ClassLoader.getSystemResources. 2. The monitor reads sub-sub-protocol properties from the files, instead of just the system properties. 3. Sub-sub-protocol property values can name either a StorageFactory or a PersistentService implementation. Previously it could only name a StorageFactory implementation. [Jack Klebanoff] *) Latent bug fixed in Its canSupport method throws an exception if it is called with a null startParams argument. [Jack Klebanoff] *) Prevent empty log switches by rechecking the conditions that trigger the log switched in synchronized blocks, and make backward scans skip the empty log files. In multi-threaded application when many threads are executing commits in parallel, empty log files might be created. Recovery log scan does not expect empty log files while scanning log records to undo incomplete transactions. [Suresh Thalamati] *) Add derby.war file [Kathey Marsden ] *) Fix display of NetServlet messages. [Lynh Nguyen ] *) Database Metadata now returns correct size for maximum column name length, maximum schema name length, etc. [Satheesh Bandaram] *) Add static property derby.drda.keepAlive to Network Server, to set the use of TCP keepalive for Network Server connections on the server side, with the use of keepalive on by default. [Kathey Marsden] *) Ensure BrokeredStatement and PreparedStatement always throw a Statement is closed exception if the statement is closed. [Dan Debrunner]