Short Story: ************************************************************************** 1. Create top level directory structure - See APPENDIX 1. 2. Checkout Derby to ${DERBYDIR} - preferably NOT the very latest version since we want to use ${TOOLDIR}/updateDerby to create version info for reports. 2. Copy and modify, from tools/testing/reporting/TEMPLATES/ to ${DERBYDIR}. Copy and modify index.html, index.shtml from tools/testing/reporting/TEMPLATES/ to ${DERBYDIR}/../ 3. ${TOOLDIR}/initDERBYDIR 4. ${TOOLDIR}/updateDerby [revision] 5. ${TOOLDIR}/buildDerby "[MKBUILDZIP]" [antpropertyFile] 6. Create ${DERBYDIR}/testing/builds/baseline.size from ${DERBYDIR}/testing/builds/.size 7. Edit ${DERBYDIR}/testing/testhostlist 8. ${TOOLDIR}/testDerby ${DERBYDIR}/testing/testhostlist 8. touch ${DERBYDIR}/testing/testlog/${PLATFORM}/externallyVisible for platforms that should be visible in public reports. 9. ${TOOLDIR}/createBaselineFiles 10. ${TOOLDIR}/mkAllDerbyTestInfo Optional: ${TOOLDIR}/mkAllDerbyTestInfo.public Optional: ${TOOLDIR}/mkAllPlotDataAndPlots [INIT] # Use INIT when new baselines created. After having established the sandbox and report structure you will normally do 4., 5., 8. and 10. ${TOOLDIR}/updateBuildTestDerby "[MKBUILDZIP]" "[revision]" [antpropertyfile] executes 4, 5 and 8. Long Story **************************************************************************** The scripts assume Derby is checked out to a directory ${DERBYDIR} such that we will have e.g. DERBYDIR=${HOME}/Apache/Derby BRANCH_DIR=trunk derby_source=${DERBYDIR}/${BRANCH_DIR} or DERBYDIR=${HOME}/Apache/Derby-10.1 BRANCH_DIR=10.1 derby_source=${DERBYDIR}/${BRANCH_DIR} The directory structure I have below ${DERBYDIR} is shown in APPENDIX 1.. In ${DERBYDIR}/ I have and which is sourced to set up the environment for update and build( and testing( Templates which can be copied to ${DERBYDIR}/ and modified to suite your environment are found in ${derby_source}/tools/testing/reporting/TEMPLATES/. The scripts are in TOOLDIR=${DERBYDIR}/${BRANCH_DIR}/tools/testing/reporting/scripts Templates for and are in TEMPLATEDIR=${DERBYDIR}/${BRANCH_DIR}/tools/testing/reporting/TEMPLATES Main scripts ************ 1. ${TOOLDIR}/updateDerby [revision] (Do '. ./' first) ================================== cd's to 'derby_source=${DERBYDIR}/${BRANCH_DIR}' as defined in Does 'svn update'. Creates/adds to testing/revisionlist. Creates testing/UpdateInfo/.txt Updates status files(updateOK, update.out) in UpdateLog. Creates directory UpdateLog// with status info. used in test reports. 2. ${TOOLDIR}/buildDerby "[MKBUILDZIP]" "[antpropertyFile]" (Do '. ./' first) ================================= cd's to 'derby_source=${DERBYDIR}/${BRANCH_DIR}' as defined in If UpdateLog/updateOK was not created because svn update in 1. was not done, build is not attempted. If build is successful BuildLog/buildOK is created. Creates BuildLog// with info used in test reports. After the first successful build you should copy ${DERBYDIR}/testing/builds/.size to ${DERBYDIR}/testing/builds/baseline.size and edit it to the format for the baseline.size file shown in this example: # FIXME: create a script... # 474376 # derby.jar 2257078 derbynet.jar 186619 derbyclient.jar 375758 derbytools.jar 157327 derbyrun.jar 11771 derbyTesting.jar 5563839 Or you might want to use data for some other build... 3. ${TOOLDIR}/testDerby ${HOSTLISTFILE} (Do . ./ first) ==================================== Will exit if UpdateLog/updateOK is not found. ${HOSTLISTFILE} (Usually ${DERBYDIR}/testing/testhostlist) must contain the list of machines where tests should be run. Assumes ${DERBYDIR} is accessible on all hosts. Uses rsh (or ssh if you choose so) to connect to the hosts and run "${TOOLDIR}/startDerbyTests ${DERBYDIR}. If you just want to run the tests on the build host, remove the loop over machines and run startDerbyTests locally. ${TOOLDIR}/startDerbyTests executes ${TOOLDIR}/runAllTests using ${DERBYDIR}/testing/testlist which lists the Derby testsuites to be run (one testsuite name per line). Tests are executed in TESTEXECUTIONDIR: e.g. TESTEXECUTIONDIR="/export/home/tmp/${USER}/testingDerby/" defined in Test results are reported in ${DERBYDIR}/testing/testlog//. ${DERBYDIR}/testing/testlog/ MUST exist. A zip file containing the ${DERBYDIR}/testing/testlog// is # FIXME FIXME also included in ${DERBYDIR}/testing/testlog//. Files matching exceptions listed in ${DERBYDIR}/testing/ExcludeFromZip are NOT included. I use the following exception: **.dat **.ctrl **Tester*.out ${TOOLDIR}/updateBuildTestDerby "[MKBUILDZIP]" "[revision]" [antpropertyfile] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ executes 1, 2 and 3. 4. Creating web presentations ========================== Important: cd to ${DERBYDIR} and do '. ./'. Execute '${TOOLDIR}/createBaselineFiles ' to create a baseline for testsuite execution times for all platforms. Or '${TOOLDIR}/createBaselineFilesOnePlatform ' to create a baseline for one specific platform. (/Directory name as found in ${DERBYDIR}/testing/testlog/). To make data for a platform publicly visible do 'touch ${DERBYDIR}/testing/testlog/${PLATFORM}/externallyVisible'. The web pages are created by the scripts (check for parameters!) ${TOOLDIR}/testSummariesDerby [details] : builds a page for platforms/testsuites. ${TOOLDIR}/mkAllDerbyTestInfo ${TOOLDIR}/mkAllDerbyTestInfo.public : builds pages for current, previous and 2 newest numbered revisions : ${TOOLDIR}/testSummariesDerby ${LATESTREVISION} ${TOOLDIR}/testSummariesDerby ${PREVIOUSREVISION} ${TOOLDIR}/testSummariesDerby current ${TOOLDIR}/testSummariesDerby previous builds pages for revisions/testsuites : (${TOOLDIR}/testHistoriesDerby) builds pages for platforms/revisions : (${TOOLDIR}/testPlatformsDerby) builds top level presentation page : (${TOOLDIR}/mkDerbyTestIndex) 'mkAllDerbyTestInfo' and 'mkAllDerbyTestInfo.public' creates index/top level pages for a limited number of tests over revisions. To create a complete index over *all* tests where test results have been collected do '${TOOLDIR}/mkDerbyTestIndex_all details' and '${TOOLDIR}/mkDerbyTestIndex_all'. The index/top level pages contain a link to these labeled "See full history here!". With the parameter 'details', pages are created in ${DERBYDIR}/testing/Full/, without the parameter 'details', pages are created in ${DERBYDIR}/testing/Limited/. 4.1 Creating test suite duration plots ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Duration plots are only visible on "Full" pages. Do '${TOOLDIR}/mkAllPlotDataAndPlots [INIT]', using 'INIT' the first time and after baseline files have been modified. NB. Requires gnuplot! 4.2 Adding new platforms ++++++++++++++++++++ Assuming test runs have been completed for the new platforms: 4.2.1 Create baseline files --------------------- 'cd ${DERBYDIR};. ./;. ./'. For each of the newly added platforms do '${TOOLDIR}/createBaselineFilesOnePlatform ${REVISION} ${PLATFORM}'. Remember to do '${TOOLDIR}/mkAllPlotDataAndPlots INIT' to reestablish all plots using the new baseline. 4.2.2 Present results on "Limited" pages -------------------------- To show results for the newly added platforms in "Limited" pages create the file externallyVisible in ${DERBYDIR}/testing/testlog/${PLATFORM}/. E.g. 'touch ${DERBYDIR}/testing/testlog/${PLATFORM}/externallyVisible'. 4.3 Adding revision specific Notes to index pages +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you want to display notes on a revision add a .txt file to ${DERBYDIR}/testing/Notes/. HTML formatting is accepted. The note is also displayed in the 'testSummary-.html' file. ============================== OBSERVE: All commands sending mail for update, build and test status are commented out and must be explicitly enabled! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##################### OBSERVE: All commands using scp or ssh to copy or manipulate information on the external publishing web host are commented out and must be explicitly enabled! FIXME: Will be removed alltogether: Use e.g. 'rsync' instead for publishing. ##################### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPENDIX 1. ========== ${DERBYDIR} structure: BuildLog/ ... 474376/ ... 474695/ buildDetails buildInfo buildInfo.err info localChanges sysinfo.err sysinfo.txt buildOK currentSysInfo.txt lastBuildInfo FailReports/ ... 474376.html ... 474695.html Failures -> trunk/tools/testing/reporting/Failures TestRunLogs/ hostA.err hostA.log .... hostN.err nostN.log UpdateInfo/ ... 474376.txt ... 474695.txt LatestUpdateRevision.txt UpdateLog/ ... 474376/ ... 474695/ UpdateTime status-u.err status-u.out svn--version update.err update.out update.out updateOK builds/ ... 474376.size ... 474695.size baseline.size summary-full.txt summary.txt testing/ ExcludeFromZip Full/ Limited/ Notes/ ReadyToStartOnCygWin UpdateInfo -> ../UpdateInfo builds -> ../builds revisionlist showtestlist -> testlist testhostlist testlist testlog/ ... Linux-2.6.9-34.ELsmp_x86_64-x86_64/ SunOS-5.10_i86pc-i386/ SunOS-5.10_sun4u-sparc/ ... 474695-cpu_mem 474695-system 474695.csv 474695.javainfo 474695.txt ... baseline.csv current.csv externallyVisible previous.csv suiteStart.txt ... trunk/ # or 10.1 or .... ... ...