is a branch based upon the code (10.3 branch, revision 561794). This is to allow modification of and building derbyTesting.jar in order to run the junit tests against later 10.3 releases. This allows testing of the backwards compatability by having the tests mimic an users application. Changes are only made in this branch to testing code. Such changes are to allow error free test runs when Derby's behaviour has changed in an acceptable manor. Examples might be: - the expected SQL state thrown by a statement - fixes for test failures for tests not passing at the original revision - Removal of/changes to bug workarounds in the tests Ideally changes would be 'svn merge'd in from testing changes in the 10.3 branch. Changes should be resticted to java/testing or other testing related files. General idea is to build the jars with this codeline and then run the junit tests with derbyTesting.jar from this codeline and all the other jars from the later version or release candidate. The tests can be run by running suites.All or through the junit targets. Junit tests in theory should be easier to run against newer versions as they do not rely on diff'ing output.