APACHE DERBY STATUS: Last modified at [$Date$] by $Author$. Web site: http://db.apache.org/derby/ Project Status Description "Derby" began as a snapshot of the IBM's Cloudscape Java relational database. IBM contributed the code to The Apache Software Foundation and bases future versions of IBM Cloudscape on the Apache-managed code. To participate in Derby, you should join the mailing list. Just send an empty message to derby-dev-subscribe@db.apache.org. Derby graduated from incubation in July, 2005 and is now a full-fledged Apache DB project.. Project info * The Apache DB project owns the Derby subproject, and the subproject follows the Apache DB PMC's direction. Significant contributors to this sub- project (for example, after a significant interval of sustained contribution) will be proposed for commit access to the codebase. * The Derby sub-project's modules will be available as distinct and discrete downloads. Releases from the 10.1 branch: * : In development * : Unreleased * : Unreleased * : Snapshot, posted 10/5/2005 * : Released 8/3/2005 PENDING ISSUES ============== The 10.1.2.x release is currently blocked by the following issues: * DERBY-657: Release archives should have executable bits set for scripts and text files should have proper line endings. http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-657 * DERBY-652: Documentation and demos have incubator references http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-652 The first 10.1.2.x will be if no further showstopper issues are found. RESOLVED ISSUES SINCE LAST STATUS ================================= OTHER NEWS ========== The 10.1 branch was created on 6/10/2005 at SVN revision 189890. The 10.1 branch can be checked out of Subversion with the following command: svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/db/derby/branches/10.1/ RELEASE STATUS ============== A 10.1.2.x release is underway. A full list of changes from the original release to can be found here: http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?version=12310270&styleName=Html&projectId=10594&Create=Create A release candidate was posted on 10/22/2005. Several issues were found with the release candidate. The remaining issues are listed in the pending issues section above.