ij> -- tests for views -- set autocommit off autocommit off; ij> -- create some tables create table t1(i int, s smallint, f float, dp double precision); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create table t2(i int, s smallint, f float, dp double precision); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create table insert_test (f float); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- create some views create view sv1 (s_was_i, dp_was_s, i_was_f, f_was_dp) as select * from t1; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create view sv2 as select * from t1; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create view sv3 as select dp, f from t1 where i = s; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create view sv4(i) as values 1, 2, 3; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create view sv5 (c1) as select * from sv4; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create view cv1 (t1_i, t2_s, t1_f, t2_dp) as select t1.i, t2.s, t1.f, t2.dp from t1, t2 where t1.i between t2.s and t2.i; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create view cv2 as select * from sv1, sv3 where dp = f_was_dp; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create view cv3(i,s,f,dp) as select i, s, f, dp from sv2 union select dp_was_s, s_was_i, f_was_dp, i_was_f from sv1; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create view cv4 (distinct_i) as select distinct i from t1; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create view cv5(i,s) as select * from (select i, s from cv3 where i = s) xyz; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create view cv6 (c1, c2) as select a.c1 as x, b.c1 as y from sv5 a, sv5 b where a.c1 <> b.c1; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create view cv7 as select t.i, v.c1 from t1 t, cv6 v where t.i = v.c1; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create view cv8(col1, col2) as select 'Column 1', 'Value = ' || cast(c1 as char(5)) from cv7 where 1 in (select i from sv5); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- populate the tables insert into t1 values (1, 1, 1.0, 1.0); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into t1 values (1, 2, 3.0, 4.0); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into t1 values (8, 7, 6.0, 5.0); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into t2 values (1, 1, 1.0, 1.0); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into t2 values (1, 2, 3.0, 4.0); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into t2 values (8, 7, 6.0, 5.0); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- negative tests -- view with a parameter create view vneg as select * from t1 where i = ?; ERROR 42X98: Parameters are not allowed in a VIEW definition. ij> -- drop view on table drop view t1; ERROR X0Y16: 'T1' is not a view. If it is a table, then use DROP TABLE instead. ij> -- drop table on view drop table sv1; ERROR 42Y62: 'DROP TABLE' is not allowed on 'APP.SV1' because it is a view. ij> -- views and tables share same name space create view sv1(i) as values 1; ERROR X0Y32: Table/View 'SV1' already exists in Schema 'APP'. ij> create table sv1 (c1 int); ERROR X0Y32: Table/View 'SV1' already exists in Schema 'APP'. ij> create view t1(i) as values 1; ERROR X0Y32: Table/View 'T1' already exists in Schema 'APP'. ij> -- drop non-existant view drop view notexists; ERROR X0X05: Table 'NOTEXISTS' does not exist. ij> -- duplicate column name in view's column list create view shouldntwork (c1, c2, c1) as select i, s, f from t1; ERROR 42Y13: Column name 'C1' appears more than once in the create view statement. ij> -- # of columns in view's column list does not match that in view definition create view shouldntwork (c1, c2, c3) as select i, s from t1; ERROR 42X56: The number of columns in the view column list does not match the number of columns in the underlying query expression in the view definition for 'SHOULDNTWORK'. ij> create view shouldntwork (c1, c2, c3) as select i, s, f, dp from t1; ERROR 42X56: The number of columns in the view column list does not match the number of columns in the underlying query expression in the view definition for 'SHOULDNTWORK'. ij> -- try to drop a table out from under a view drop table t1; ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on object 'T1' because VIEW 'SV1' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on object 'T1' because VIEW 'SV2' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on object 'T1' because VIEW 'SV3' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on object 'T1' because VIEW 'CV1' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on object 'T1' because VIEW 'CV2' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on object 'T1' because VIEW 'CV3' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on object 'T1' because VIEW 'CV4' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on object 'T1' because VIEW 'CV5' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on object 'T1' because VIEW 'CV7' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on object 'T1' because VIEW 'CV8' is dependent on that object. ij> drop table t2; ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on object 'T2' because VIEW 'CV1' is dependent on that object. ij> -- try to drop a view out from under another view drop view sv1; ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP VIEW' cannot be performed on object 'SV1' because VIEW 'CV2' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP VIEW' cannot be performed on object 'SV1' because VIEW 'CV3' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP VIEW' cannot be performed on object 'SV1' because VIEW 'CV5' is dependent on that object. ij> drop view sv3; ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP VIEW' cannot be performed on object 'SV3' because VIEW 'CV2' is dependent on that object. ij> -- try to drop a view out from under a cursor get cursor c1 as 'select * from cv8'; ij> drop view cv8; ERROR X0X95: Operation 'DROP VIEW' cannot be performed on object 'CV8' because there is an open ResultSet dependent on that object. ij> drop view sv5; ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP VIEW' cannot be performed on object 'SV5' because VIEW 'CV6' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP VIEW' cannot be performed on object 'SV5' because VIEW 'CV7' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP VIEW' cannot be performed on object 'SV5' because VIEW 'CV8' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0X95: Operation 'DROP VIEW' cannot be performed on object 'SV5' because there is an open ResultSet dependent on that object. ij> drop view sv4; ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP VIEW' cannot be performed on object 'SV4' because VIEW 'SV5' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP VIEW' cannot be performed on object 'SV4' because VIEW 'CV6' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP VIEW' cannot be performed on object 'SV4' because VIEW 'CV7' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0Y23: Operation 'DROP VIEW' cannot be performed on object 'SV4' because VIEW 'CV8' is dependent on that object. ERROR X0X95: Operation 'DROP VIEW' cannot be performed on object 'SV4' because there is an open ResultSet dependent on that object. ij> close c1; ij> -- view updateability -- (No views are currently updateable) insert into sv1 values 1; ERROR 42Y24: View 'SV1' is not updatable. (Views are currently not updateable.) ij> delete from sv1; ERROR 42Y24: View 'SV1' is not updatable. (Views are currently not updateable.) ij> update sv1 set s_was_i = 0; ERROR 42Y24: View 'SV1' is not updatable. (Views are currently not updateable.) ij> get cursor c2 as 'select * from sv1 for update of s_was_i'; ERROR 42Y90: FOR UPDATE is not permitted on this type of statement. ij> -- create index on a view create index i1 on sv2(i); ERROR 42Y62: 'CREATE INDEX' is not allowed on 'APP.SV2' because it is a view. ij> -- positive tests select * from sv1; S_WAS_I |DP_WA&|I_WAS_F |F_WAS_DP ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 |1 |1.0 |1.0 1 |2 |3.0 |4.0 8 |7 |6.0 |5.0 ij> select * from sv2; I |S |F |DP ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 |1 |1.0 |1.0 1 |2 |3.0 |4.0 8 |7 |6.0 |5.0 ij> select * from sv3; DP |F --------------------------------------------- 1.0 |1.0 ij> select * from sv4; I ----------- 1 2 3 ij> select * from sv5; C1 ----------- 1 2 3 ij> select * from cv1; T1_I |T2_S |T1_F |T2_DP ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 |1 |1.0 |1.0 1 |1 |3.0 |1.0 8 |7 |6.0 |5.0 ij> select * from cv2; S_WAS_I |DP_WA&|I_WAS_F |F_WAS_DP |DP |F -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 |1 |1.0 |1.0 |1.0 |1.0 ij> select * from cv3; I |S |F |DP --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 |1 |1.0 |1.0 1 |2 |3.0 |4.0 2 |1 |4.0 |3.0 7 |8 |5.0 |6.0 8 |7 |6.0 |5.0 ij> select * from cv4 order by 1; DISTINCT_I ----------- 1 8 ij> select * from cv5; I |S ----------------------- 1 |1 ij> select * from cv6; C1 |C2 ----------------------- 1 |2 1 |3 2 |1 2 |3 3 |1 3 |2 ij> select * from cv7; I |C1 ----------------------- 1 |1 1 |1 1 |1 1 |1 ij> select * from cv8; COL1 |COL2 ---------------------- Column 1|Value = 1 Column 1|Value = 1 Column 1|Value = 1 Column 1|Value = 1 ij> select * from (select * from cv3) x order by 1,2; I |S |F |DP --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 |1 |1.0 |1.0 1 |2 |3.0 |4.0 2 |1 |4.0 |3.0 7 |8 |5.0 |6.0 8 |7 |6.0 |5.0 ij> select * from (select * from cv4) x order by 1; DISTINCT_I ----------- 1 8 ij> select * from (select * from cv5) x; I |S ----------------------- 1 |1 ij> -- verify that we can create and drop indexes on underlying tables create index i on t1(i); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop index i; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- verify the consistency of the indexes on the system catalogs select tablename, SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_CHECK_TABLE('SYS', tablename) from sys.systables where tabletype = 'S' and tablename != 'SYSDUMMY1'; TABLENAME |2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSCONGLOMERATES |1 SYSTABLES |1 SYSCOLUMNS |1 SYSSCHEMAS |1 SYSCONSTRAINTS |1 SYSKEYS |1 SYSDEPENDS |1 SYSALIASES |1 SYSVIEWS |1 SYSCHECKS |1 SYSFOREIGNKEYS |1 SYSSTATEMENTS |1 SYSFILES |1 SYSTRIGGERS |1 SYSSTATISTICS |1 ij> -- test inserts from a view insert into insert_test select * from sv5; 3 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> select * from insert_test; F ---------------------- 1.0 2.0 3.0 ij> -- drop the views drop view cv8; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop view cv7; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop view cv6; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop view cv5; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop view cv4; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop view cv3; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop view cv2; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop view cv1; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop view sv5; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop view sv4; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop view sv3; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop view sv2; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop view sv1; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- drop the tables drop table t1; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop table t2; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop table insert_test; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- verify the consistency of the indexes on the system catalogs select tablename, SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_CHECK_TABLE('SYS', tablename) from sys.systables where tabletype = 'S' and tablename != 'SYSDUMMY1'; TABLENAME |2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSCONGLOMERATES |1 SYSTABLES |1 SYSCOLUMNS |1 SYSSCHEMAS |1 SYSCONSTRAINTS |1 SYSKEYS |1 SYSDEPENDS |1 SYSALIASES |1 SYSVIEWS |1 SYSCHECKS |1 SYSFOREIGNKEYS |1 SYSSTATEMENTS |1 SYSFILES |1 SYSTRIGGERS |1 SYSSTATISTICS |1 ij> -- bug 2745 CREATE TABLE orgtable ( name VARCHAR(255), supervisorname VARCHAR(255), jobtitle VARCHAR(255) ); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> CREATE VIEW orgview AS SELECT name, supervisorname, jobtitle FROM orgtable; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> SELECT name,jobtitle FROM orgview WHERE name IN (SELECT supervisorname FROM orgview WHERE name LIKE 'WYATT%'); NAME |JOBTITLE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ij> drop view orgview; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop table orgtable; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- reset autocommit autocommit on; ij>