ij> -- -- testing a cache size of 1 -- a little bit self-defeating since you can never remove -- the emptyCache statement from the cache and the -- statement to test what is in removes the previous one... -- autocommit off; ij> -- set up aliases CREATE FUNCTION ConsistencyChecker() RETURNS VARCHAR(128) EXTERNAL NAME 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ConsistencyChecker.runConsistencyChecker' LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> CREATE PROCEDURE EC() EXTERNAL NAME 'org.apache.derby.diag.StatementCache.emptyCache' LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> autocommit off; ij> run resource 'stmtCacheAliases.subsql'; ij> -- -- this script registers the various consistency checks for -- statement caching as simple aliases for ease of scripting -- create view SC_CONTENTS as select CAST (SUBSTR (CAST (SQL_TEXT as char(200)), 1, 30) AS CHAR(30)) AS SQL_TEXT from new org.apache.derby.diag.StatementCache() as SCVD; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> commit; ij> -- see that it starts out almost empty; well, just us... select count(*) from SC_CONTENTS; 1 ----------- 1 ij> -- see if we can detect ourselves in the cache; -- again, because the size is one, this is the -- only statement we can look for... select SQL_TEXT from SC_CONTENTS; SQL_TEXT ------------------------------ -- see if we can detect oursel ij> prepare p1 as 'values 1'; ij> select SQL_TEXT from SC_CONTENTS; SQL_TEXT ------------------------------ select SQL_TEXT from SC_CONTEN ij> -- kick 'em all out and then test the size call EC(); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> select count(*) from SC_CONTENTS; 1 ----------- 1 ij> execute p1; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select SQL_TEXT from SC_CONTENTS; SQL_TEXT ------------------------------ select SQL_TEXT from SC_CONTEN ij> remove p1; ij> call EC(); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> select count(*) from SC_CONTENTS; 1 ----------- 1 ij> -- expect everything to be okay -- is a dependency on EMPTYCACHE values ConsistencyChecker(); 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No open scans, etc. 2 dependencies found ij> commit; ij> -- clean up aliases run resource 'stmtCacheAliasesRemove.subsql'; ij> -- -- this script de-registers the various consistency checks for -- statement caching -- drop view SC_CONTENTS; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> commit; ij>