ij> -- -- this test is for logical operators (AND, OR, etc.) -- -- create a table. Logical operators work on the results of comparisons, -- which are tested in a separate test, so the types of the columns being -- compared are irrelevant here. create table t (x int, y int); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- insert some values, including nulls insert into t values (1, 1); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into t values (1, 2); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into t values (2, 1); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into t values (2, 2); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into t values (null, 2); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into t values (1, null); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into t values (null, null); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- basic AND test select x, y from t where x = 1 and y = 2; X |Y ----------------------- 1 |2 ij> select x, y from t where y = 2 and x = 1; X |Y ----------------------- 1 |2 ij> select x, y from t where x = 1 and y = 3; X |Y ----------------------- ij> select x, y from t where y = 3 and x = 1; X |Y ----------------------- ij> create table s (x int); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into s values (1); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- there is no short-circuiting with AND: ie when the first operand is FALSE, -- the second operant still got evaluated for AND. Same behavior in DB2 as well. select x from s where x = 5 and 2147483647 + 10 = 2; ERROR 22003: The resulting value is outside the range for the data type INTEGER. ij> -- Does not matter it in what order the 2 operands are. Both of them always gets evaluated. select x from s where 2147483647 + 10 = 2 and x = 5; ERROR 22003: The resulting value is outside the range for the data type INTEGER. ij> -- Now try a chain of ANDs select x, y from t where x = 1 and x + 0 = 1 and y = 2 and y + 0 = 2; X |Y ----------------------- 1 |2 ij> -- basic OR test select x, y from t where x = 1 or y = 2; X |Y ----------------------- 1 |1 1 |2 2 |2 NULL |2 1 |NULL ij> select x, y from t where y = 2 or x = 1; X |Y ----------------------- 1 |1 1 |2 2 |2 NULL |2 1 |NULL ij> select x, y from t where x = 4 or y = 5; X |Y ----------------------- ij> select x, y from t where y = 5 or x = 4; X |Y ----------------------- ij> -- test short-circuiting: for OR, when the first operand is TRUE, the second -- operand should not be evaluated. We test this by deliberately causing an -- error in one of the operands. select x from s where x = 1 or 2147483647 + 10 = 2; X ----------- 1 ij> -- Now try it with the error on the left, just to be sure the error really -- happens. select x from s where 2147483647 + 10 = 2 or x = 1; X ----------- ERROR 22003: The resulting value is outside the range for the data type INTEGER. ij> -- Now try a chain of ORs select x, y from t where x = 1 or x + 0 = 1 or y = 2 or y + 0 = 2; X |Y ----------------------- 1 |1 1 |2 2 |2 NULL |2 1 |NULL ij> -- Test the precedence of AND versus OR. AND is supposed to have a higher -- precedence that OR, i.e. "a OR b AND c" is equivalent to "a OR (b AND c)" -- First test TRUE OR TRUE AND FALSE. This should evaluate to TRUE. If -- the precedence is wrong, it will evaluate to FALSE. select x from s where (1 = 1) or (2 = 2) and (3 = 4); X ----------- 1 ij> -- Now test FALSE AND TRUE OR TRUE. This should evaluate to to TRUE. If -- the precedence is wrong, it will evaluate to FALSE. select x from s where (1 = 2) and (3 = 3) or (4 = 4); X ----------- 1 ij> -- Now test whether parenthesized expressions work. Use the parentheses to -- force the OR to be evaluated before the AND. select x from s where ( (1 = 1) or (2 = 2) ) and (3 = 4); X ----------- ij> select x from s where (1 = 2) and ( (3 = 3) or (4 = 4) ); X ----------- ij> -- More involved testing of expression normalization -- Ands under ands under ands ... select * from s where ( ( ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) and ((1=1) and (1=1)) ) and ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) and ((1=1) and (1=1)) ) ) and ( ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) and ((1=1) and (1=1)) ) and ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) and ((1=1) and (1=1)) ) ) ); X ----------- 1 ij> -- Ors under ors under ors ... select * from s where ( ( ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) or ((1=1) or (1=1)) ) or ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) or ((1=1) or (1=1)) ) ) or ( ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) or ((1=1) or (1=1)) ) or ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) or ((1=1) or (1=1)) ) ) ); X ----------- 1 ij> -- Ands under ors under ors ... select * from s where ( ( ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) or ((1=1) and (1=1)) ) or ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) or ((1=1) and (1=1)) ) ) or ( ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) or ((1=1) and (1=1)) ) or ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) or ((1=1) and (1=1)) ) ) ); X ----------- 1 ij> -- Ors under ands under ands select * from s where ( ( ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) and ((1=1) or (1=1)) ) and ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) and ((1=1) or (1=1)) ) ) and ( ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) and ((1=1) or (1=1)) ) and ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) and ((1=1) or (1=1)) ) ) ); X ----------- 1 ij> -- left deep with ands select * from s where ( ( ( ( ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) and (1=1)) and (1=1)) and (1=1)) and (1=1)) and (1=1)); X ----------- 1 ij> -- left deep with ors select * from s where ( ( ( ( ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) or (1=1)) or (1=1)) or (1=1)) or (1=1)) or (1=1)); X ----------- 1 ij> select * from s where ( ( ( ( ( ((1=1) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- 1 ij> select * from s where ( ( ( ( ( ((1=2) or (1=2)) or (1=1)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- 1 ij> select * from s where ( ( ( ( ( ((1=2) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=1)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- 1 ij> select * from s where ( ( ( ( ( ((1=2) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=1)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- 1 ij> select * from s where ( ( ( ( ( ((1=2) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=1)) or (1=2)); X ----------- 1 ij> select * from s where ( ( ( ( ( ((1=2) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=1)); X ----------- 1 ij> -- right deep with ors select * from s where ( ( ( ( ( (1=1) or ((1=2) or (1=2)) ) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- 1 ij> select * from s where ( ( ( ( ( (1=2) or ((1=1) or (1=2)) ) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- 1 ij> select * from s where ( ( ( ( ( (1=2) or ((1=2) or (1=1)) ) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- 1 ij> select * from s where ( ( ( ( ( (1=2) or ((1=2) or (1=2)) ) or (1=1)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- 1 ij> select * from s where ( ( ( ( ( (1=2) or ((1=2) or (1=2)) ) or (1=2)) or (1=1)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- 1 ij> select * from s where ( ( ( ( ( (1=2) or ((1=2) or (1=2)) ) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=1)) or (1=2)); X ----------- 1 ij> select * from s where ( ( ( ( ( (1=2) or ((1=2) or (1=2)) ) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=1)); X ----------- 1 ij> -- ... and false and ... should get resolved to false select x from s where 2147483647 + 10 = 2 and (1=2); ERROR 22003: The resulting value is outside the range for the data type INTEGER. ij> select x from s where (1=2) and 2147483647 + 10 = 2; X ----------- ij> -- nots select x from s where not ( (1 = 1) or (2 = 2) ) and (3 = 4); X ----------- ij> select x from s where not ( ( (1 = 1) or (2 = 2) ) and (3 = 4) ); X ----------- 1 ij> select x from s where (1 = 2) and not ( (3 = 3) or (4 = 4) ); X ----------- ij> select x from s where not ( (1 = 2) and ( (3 = 3) or (4 = 4) ) ); X ----------- 1 ij> -- following NOTs in select clause won't work because it results in a transient boolean datatype select not ( (1 = 1) or (2 = 2) ) and (3 = 4) from s; ERROR 42X01: Syntax error: Encountered "not" at line 2, column 8. ij> -- select not ( ( (1 = 1) or (2 = 2) ) and (3 = 4) ) from s; ERROR 42X01: Syntax error: Encountered "not" at line 2, column 8. ij> -- select (1 = 2) and not ( (3 = 3) or (4 = 4) ) from s; ERROR 42X01: Syntax error: Encountered "=" at line 2, column 11. ij> -- select not ( (1 = 2) and ( (3 = 3) or (4 = 4) ) ) from s; ERROR 42X01: Syntax error: Encountered "not" at line 2, column 8. ij> -- Ands under ands under ands ... select * from s where not ( ( ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) and ((1=1) and (1=1)) ) and ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) and ((1=1) and (1=1)) ) ) and ( ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) and ((1=1) and (1=1)) ) and ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) and ((1=1) and (1=2)) ) ) ); X ----------- 1 ij> -- Ors under ors under ors ... select * from s where not ( ( ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) or ((1=1) or (1=1)) ) or ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) or ((1=1) or (1=1)) ) ) or ( ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) or ((1=1) or (1=1)) ) or ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) or ((1=1) or (1=2)) ) ) ); X ----------- ij> -- Ands under ors under ors ... select * from s where not ( ( ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) or ((1=1) and (1=1)) ) or ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) or ((1=1) and (1=1)) ) ) or ( ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) or ((1=1) and (1=1)) ) or ( ((1=1) and (1=1)) or ((1=1) and (1=2)) ) ) ); X ----------- ij> -- Ors under ands under ands select * from s where not ( ( ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) and ((1=1) or (1=1)) ) and ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) and ((1=1) or (1=1)) ) ) and ( ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) and ((1=1) or (1=1)) ) and ( ((1=1) or (1=1)) and ((1=1) or (1=2)) ) ) ); X ----------- ij> -- left deep with ands select * from s where not ( ( ( ( ( ((1=1) and (1=2)) and (1=1)) and (1=1)) and (1=1)) and (1=1)) and (1=1)); X ----------- 1 ij> -- left deep with ors select * from s where not ( ( ( ( ( ((1=2) or (1=1)) or (1=1)) or (1=1)) or (1=1)) or (1=1)) or (1=1)); X ----------- ij> select * from s where not ( ( ( ( ( ((1=2) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- 1 ij> select * from s where not ( ( ( ( ( ((1=2) or (1=2)) or (1=1)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- ij> select * from s where not ( ( ( ( ( ((1=2) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=1)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- ij> select * from s where not ( ( ( ( ( ((1=2) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=1)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- ij> select * from s where not ( ( ( ( ( ((1=2) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=1)) or (1=2)); X ----------- ij> select * from s where not ( ( ( ( ( ((1=2) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=1)); X ----------- ij> -- right deep with ors select * from s where not ( ( ( ( ( (1=1) or ((1=2) or (1=2)) ) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- ij> select * from s where not ( ( ( ( ( (1=2) or ((1=2) or (1=2)) ) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- 1 ij> select * from s where not ( ( ( ( ( (1=2) or ((1=2) or (1=1)) ) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- ij> select * from s where not ( ( ( ( ( (1=2) or ((1=2) or (1=2)) ) or (1=1)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- ij> select * from s where not ( ( ( ( ( (1=2) or ((1=2) or (1=2)) ) or (1=2)) or (1=1)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)); X ----------- ij> select * from s where not ( ( ( ( ( (1=2) or ((1=2) or (1=2)) ) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=1)) or (1=2)); X ----------- ij> select * from s where not ( ( ( ( ( (1=2) or ((1=2) or (1=2)) ) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=2)) or (1=1)); X ----------- ij> -- nots on nots select * from s where not ( not ( not ((1=2) or (1=1))) or (not ((1=2) or (1=2)) ) ); X ----------- ij> -- following nots on nots won't work because they result in transient boolean datatype in the select clause select not ( not ( not ((1=2) or (1=1))) or (not ((1=2) or (1=2)) ) ) from s; ERROR 42X01: Syntax error: Encountered "not" at line 2, column 8. ij> -- negative testing -- non boolean where clauses select * from s where 1; ERROR 42X19: The WHERE or HAVING clause or CHECK CONSTRAINT definition is a 'INTEGER' expression. It must be a BOOLEAN expression. ij> select * from s where 1 and (1=1); ERROR 42Y94: An AND or OR has a non-Boolean operand. The operands of AND and OR must evaluate to TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN. ij> select * from s where (1=1) and 1; ERROR 42Y94: An AND or OR has a non-Boolean operand. The operands of AND and OR must evaluate to TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN. ij> select * from s where 1 or (1=1); ERROR 42Y94: An AND or OR has a non-Boolean operand. The operands of AND and OR must evaluate to TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN. ij> select * from s where (1=1) or 1; ERROR 42Y94: An AND or OR has a non-Boolean operand. The operands of AND and OR must evaluate to TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN. ij> select * from s where not 1; ERROR 42X40: A NOT has a non-Boolean operand. The operand of NOT must evaluate to TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN. ij> -- Clean up drop table t; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop table s; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij>