ij> -- ** insert implicitConversionsPositive.sql -- tests for implicit conversions between string and non-string types -- and vice versa -- create an all types table create table all1(si smallint, i int, li bigint, r real, dp double precision, dc decimal(5,1), num numeric(5,1), b char(2) for bit data, bv varchar(2) for bit data, lbv long varchar FOR bit data, dt date, tm time, tms timestamp, c char(1), vc varchar(1), lvc long varchar); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- populate table insert into all1 values (2, 3, 4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7, 8.8, X'0020', X'0020', X'0020', date('1996-09-09'), time('12:12:12'), timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'), '1', '2', '33333333'); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- unions between string and non-string types values cast(1 as smallint), cast('2' as char(1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1 as smallint), cast('2' as varchar(1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'SMALLINT' and 'VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1 as smallint), cast('2' as long varchar); ERROR 42X61: Types 'SMALLINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as char(1)), cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as varchar(1)), cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42X61: Types 'VARCHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as long varchar), cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42X61: Types 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1 as int), cast('2' as char(1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1 as int), cast('2' as varchar(1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'INTEGER' and 'VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1 as int), cast('2' as long varchar); ERROR 42X61: Types 'INTEGER' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as char(1)), cast(1 as int); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as varchar(1)), cast(1 as int); ERROR 42X61: Types 'VARCHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as long varchar), cast(1 as int); ERROR 42X61: Types 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1 as bigint), cast('2' as char(1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1 as bigint), cast('2' as varchar(1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'BIGINT' and 'VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1 as bigint), cast('2' as long varchar); ERROR 42X61: Types 'BIGINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as char(1)), cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as varchar(1)), cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42X61: Types 'VARCHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as long varchar), cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42X61: Types 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1.1 as real), cast('2' as char(1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1.1 as real), cast('2' as varchar(1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'REAL' and 'VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1.1 as real), cast('2' as long varchar); ERROR 42X61: Types 'REAL' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as char(1)), cast(1.1 as real); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as varchar(1)), cast(1.1 as real); ERROR 42X61: Types 'VARCHAR' and 'REAL' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as long varchar), cast(1.1 as real); ERROR 42X61: Types 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'REAL' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1.1 as double precision), cast('2' as char(1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1.1 as double precision), cast('2' as varchar(1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'DOUBLE' and 'VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1.1 as double precision), cast('2' as long varchar); ERROR 42X61: Types 'DOUBLE' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as char(1)), cast(1.1 as double precision); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as varchar(1)), cast(1.1 as double precision); ERROR 42X61: Types 'VARCHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as long varchar), cast(1.1 as double precision); ERROR 42X61: Types 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1.1 as decimal(5,1)), cast('2' as char(1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1.1 as decimal(5,1)), cast('2' as varchar(1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'DECIMAL' and 'VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1.1 as decimal(5,1)), cast('2' as long varchar); ERROR 42X61: Types 'DECIMAL' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as char(1)), cast(1.1 as decimal(5,1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as varchar(1)), cast(1.1 as decimal(5,1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'VARCHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('2' as long varchar), cast(1.1 as decimal(5,1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1.1 as decimal(5,1)), '0.002'; ERROR 42X61: Types 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1.1 as decimal(5,1)), '0.002'; ERROR 42X61: Types 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values '0.002', cast(1.1 as decimal(5,1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not UNION compatible. ij> values '0.002', cast(1.1 as decimal(5,1)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not UNION compatible. ij> values 'abcde', 'fghij'; 1 ----- abcde fghij ij> values 'abcde', cast('fghij' as varchar(5)); 1 ----- abcde fghij ij> values 'abcde', cast('fghij' as long varchar); 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- abcde fghij ij> values cast('abcde' as varchar(5)), 'fghij'; 1 ----- abcde fghij ij> values cast('abcde' as long varchar), 'fghij'; 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- abcde fghij ij> -- DB2 UDB allows comparisons between hex constants and character constants -- DB2 CS does not allow comparisons between hex constants and character constants values X'01', '3'; ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values X'01', cast('3' as varchar(5)); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values X'01', cast('3' as long varchar); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values '3', X'01'; ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('3' as varchar(5)), X'01'; ERROR 42X61: Types 'VARCHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast('3' as long varchar), X'01'; ERROR 42X61: Types 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not UNION compatible. ij> values date('1996-09-09'), '1995-08-08'; 1 ---------- 1996-09-09 1995-08-08 ij> values date('1996-09-09'), cast('1995-08-08' as varchar(10)); 1 ---------- 1996-09-09 1995-08-08 ij> values date('1996-09-09'), cast('1995-08-08' as long varchar); ERROR 42X61: Types 'DATE' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values '1995-08-08', date('1996-09-09'); 1 ---------- 1995-08-08 1996-09-09 ij> values cast('1995-08-08' as varchar(10)), date('1996-09-09'); 1 ---------- 1995-08-08 1996-09-09 ij> values cast('1995-08-08' as long varchar), date('1996-09-09'); ERROR 42X61: Types 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DATE' are not UNION compatible. ij> values time('12:12:12'), '11:11:11'; 1 -------- 12:12:12 11:11:11 ij> values time('12:12:12'), cast('11:11:11' as varchar(8)); 1 -------- 12:12:12 11:11:11 ij> values time('12:12:12'), cast('11:11:11' as long varchar); ERROR 42X61: Types 'TIME' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values '11:11:11', time('12:12:12'); 1 -------- 11:11:11 12:12:12 ij> values cast('11:11:11' as varchar(8)), time('12:12:12'); 1 -------- 11:11:11 12:12:12 ij> values cast('11:11:11' as long varchar), time('12:12:12'); ERROR 42X61: Types 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'TIME' are not UNION compatible. ij> values timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'), 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'; 1 -------------------------- xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx ij> values timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'), cast('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' as varchar(30)); 1 -------------------------- xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx ij> values timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'), cast('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' as long varchar); ERROR 42X61: Types 'TIMESTAMP' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx', timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 -------------------------- xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx ij> values cast('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' as varchar(30)), timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 -------------------------- xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx ij> values cast('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' as long varchar), timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); ERROR 42X61: Types 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'TIMESTAMP' are not UNION compatible. ij> -- comparisons at the language level select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) = '1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) > '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) >= '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) < '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) <= '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) <> '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) = cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) > cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) >= cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) < cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) <= cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) <> cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1' = cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' > cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' >= cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' < cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' <= cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' <> cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) = cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) > cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) >= cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) < cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) <= cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) <> cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) = '1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) > '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) >= '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) < '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) <= '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) <> '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) = cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) > cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) >= cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) < cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) <= cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) <> cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1' = cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' > cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' >= cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' < cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' <> cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' <= cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) = cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) > cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) >= cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) < cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) <> cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) <= cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) = '1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) > '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) >= '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) < '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) <= '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) <> '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) = cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) > cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) >= cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) < cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) <= cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) <> cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1' = cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' > cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' >= cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' < cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' <= cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' <> cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) = cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) > cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) >= cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) < cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) <= cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) <> cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as real) = '1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as real) > '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as real) >= '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as real) < '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as real) <> '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as real) <= '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as real) = cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as real) > cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as real) >= cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as real) < cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as real) <> cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as real) <= cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1' = cast(1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' > cast(1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' >= cast(1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' < cast(1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' <= cast(1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' <> cast(1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) = cast(1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) > cast(1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) >= cast(1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) < cast(1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) <= cast(1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) <> cast(1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as double precision) = '1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as double precision) > '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as double precision) >= '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as double precision) < '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as double precision) <= '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as double precision) <> '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as double precision) = cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as double precision) > cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as double precision) >= cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as double precision) < cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as double precision) <= cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as double precision) <> cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1' = cast(1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' > cast(1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' >= cast(1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' < cast(1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' <= cast(1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' <> cast(1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) = cast(1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) > cast(1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) >= cast(1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) < cast(1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) <= cast(1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) <> cast(1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as numeric) = '1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as numeric) > '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as numeric) >= '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as numeric) < '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as numeric) <= '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as numeric) <> '2'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as numeric) = cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as numeric) > cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as numeric) >= cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as numeric) < cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as numeric) <= cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as numeric) <> cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1' = cast(1 as numeric); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' > cast(1 as numeric); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' >= cast(1 as numeric); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' < cast(1 as numeric); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' <= cast(1 as numeric); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '2' <> cast(1 as numeric); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) = cast(1 as numeric); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) > cast(1 as numeric); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) >= cast(1 as numeric); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) < cast(1 as numeric); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) <= cast(1 as numeric); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) <> cast(1 as numeric); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> -- the following queries return 1 if the search condition is satisfied -- and returns nothing if the search condition is not satisfied select 1 from all1 where '1996-09-09' = date('1996-09-09'); 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where '1996-9-10' > date('1996-09-09'); 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where '1996-9-10' >= date('1996-09-09'); 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where '1996-9-10' < date('1996-09-09'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where '1996-9-10' <= date('1996-09-09'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where '1996-9-10' <> date('1996-09-09'); 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char) = date('1996-09-09'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char)> date('1996-09-09'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char)>= date('1996-09-09'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char)< date('1996-09-09'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char)<= date('1996-09-09'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char)<> date('1996-09-09'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where date('1996-09-09') = '1996-09-09'; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where date('1996-9-10') > '1996-09-09'; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where date('1996-9-10') >= '1996-09-09'; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where date('1996-9-10') < '1996-09-09'; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where date('1996-9-10') <= '1996-09-09'; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where date('1996-9-10') <> '1996-09-09'; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where date('1996-09-09') = cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where date('1996-9-10') > cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where date('1996-9-10') >= cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where date('1996-9-10') < cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where date('1996-9-10') <= cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where date('1996-9-10') <> cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where '12:12:12' = time('12:12:12'); 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where '12:13:12' > time('12:12:12'); 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where '12:13:12' >= time('12:12:12'); 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where '12:13:12' < time('12:12:12'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where '12:13:12' <= time('12:12:12'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where '12:13:12' <> time('12:12:12'); 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char) = time('12:12:12'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char) > time('12:12:12'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char) >= time('12:12:12'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char) < time('12:12:12'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char) <= time('12:12:12'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char) <> time('12:12:12'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where time('12:12:12') = '12:12:12'; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where time('12:13:12') > '12:12:12'; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where time('12:13:12') >= '12:12:12'; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where time('12:13:12') < '12:12:12'; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where time('12:13:12') <= '12:12:12'; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where time('12:13:12') <> '12:12:12'; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where time('12:12:12') = cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where time('12:13:12') > cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where time('12:13:12') >= cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where time('12:13:12') < cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where time('12:13:12') <= cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where time('12:13:12') <> cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' = timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' > timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' >= timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' < timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' <= timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' <> timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char) = timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char) > timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char) >= timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char) < timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char) <= timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where cast(null as char) <> timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )= 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )> 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )>= 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )< 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )<= 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )<> 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )= cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )> cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )>= cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )< cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )<= cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )<> cast(null as char); 1 ----------- ij> select si from all1 where ' ' = X'0020'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where ' ' > X'001F'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where ' ' >= X'001F'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where ' ' < X'001F'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where ' ' <= X'001F'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where ' ' <> X'001F'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) = X'0020'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) > X'001F'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) >= X'001F'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) < X'001F'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) <= X'001F'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(null as char) <> X'001F'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where X'0020' = ' '; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where X'001F' > ' '; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where X'001F' >= ' '; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where X'001F' < ' '; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where X'001F' <= ' '; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where X'001F' <> ' '; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where X'0020' = cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where X'001F' > cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where X'001F' >= cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where X'001F' < cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where X'001F' <= cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where X'001F' <> cast(null as char); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> create table all_c1(c_ti char(3), c_si char(10), c_i char(30), c_li char(30), c_r char(50), c_dp char(50), c_dc char(10), c_num char(50), c_bool char(5), c_b char(8), vc_bv varchar(16), vc_lbv varchar(16), c_dt char(10), c_tm char(16), c_tms char(21), c_c char(30), vc_vc char(30), c_lvc char(30)); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into all_c1 values ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5.5', '6.6', '7.7', '8.8', 'true', ' ', ' ', ' ', '1996-09-09', '12:12:12', 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx', '1', '2', '33333333'); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- test qualifiers with conversion from (var)char select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si = c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si > c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si >= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si < c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si <= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si <> c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i = c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i > c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i >= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i < c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i <= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i <> c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li = c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li > c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li >= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li < c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li <= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li <> c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r = c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r > c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r >= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r < c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r <= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r <> c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp = c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp > c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp >= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp < c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp <= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp <> c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc = c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc > c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc >= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc < c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc <= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc <> c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b = c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b > c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b >= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b < c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b <= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b <> c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv <> vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv <> vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt = c_dt; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt > c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt >= c_dt; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt < c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt <= c_dt; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt <> c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm = c_tm; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm > c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm >= c_tm; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm < c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm <= c_tm; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm <> c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms = c_tms; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms > c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms >= c_tms; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms < c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms <= c_tms; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms <> c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc = c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc > c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc >= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc < c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc <= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc <> c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> autocommit off; ij> delete from all_c1; 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into all_c1 (c_ti) values (null); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si = c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si > c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si >= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si < c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si <= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si <> c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i = c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i > c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i >= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i < c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i <= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i <> c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li = c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li > c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li >= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li < c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li <= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li <> c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r = c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r > c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r >= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r < c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r <= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r <> c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp = c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp > c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp >= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp < c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp <= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp <> c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc = c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc > c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc >= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc < c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc <= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc <> c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b = c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b > c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b >= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b < c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b <= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b <> c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv <> vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv <> vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt = c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt > c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt >= c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt < c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt <= c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt <> c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm = c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm > c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm >= c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm < c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm <= c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm <> c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms = c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms > c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms >= c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms < c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms <= c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms <> c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc = c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc > c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc >= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc < c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc <= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc <> c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> rollback; ij> -- test start and stop positions for conversions to (var)char create index all_c1_ti on all_c1(c_ti); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all_c1_si on all_c1(c_si); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all_c1_i on all_c1(c_i); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all_c1_li on all_c1(c_li); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all_c1_r on all_c1(c_r); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all_c1_dp on all_c1(c_dp); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all_c1_dc on all_c1(c_dc); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all_c1_num on all_c1(c_num); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all_c1_bool on all_c1(c_bool); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all_c1_b on all_c1(c_b); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all_c1_bv on all_c1(vc_bv); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all_c1_dt on all_c1(c_dt); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all_c1_tm on all_c1(c_tm); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all_c1_tms on all_c1(c_tms); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all_c1_lvc on all_c1(c_lvc); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si = c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si > c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si >= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si < c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si <= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i = c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i > c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i >= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i < c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i <= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li = c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li > c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li >= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li < c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li <= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r = c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r > c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r >= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r < c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r <= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp = c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp > c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp >= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp < c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp <= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc = c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc > c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc >= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc < c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc <= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b = c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b > c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b >= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b < c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b <= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt = c_dt; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt > c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt >= c_dt; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt < c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt <= c_dt; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm = c_tm; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm > c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm >= c_tm; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm < c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm <= c_tm; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms = c_tms; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms > c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms >= c_tms; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms < c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms <= c_tms; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc = c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc > c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc >= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc < c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc <= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> delete from all_c1; 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into all_c1 (c_ti) values (null); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si = c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si > c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si >= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si < c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where si <= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i = c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i > c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i >= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i < c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where i <= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li = c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li > c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li >= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li < c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where li <= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r = c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r > c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r >= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r < c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where r <= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp = c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp > c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp >= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp < c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dp <= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc = c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc > c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc >= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc < c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dc <= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b = c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b > c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b >= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b < c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where b <= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where bv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lbv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt = c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt > c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt >= c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt < c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where dt <= c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm = c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm > c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm >= c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm < c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tm <= c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms = c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms > c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms >= c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms < c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where tms <= c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc = c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc > c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc >= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc < c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all_c1, all1 where lvc <= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> -- drop the indexes; rollback; ij> -- test qualifiers with conversion to (var)char select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si = c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si > c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si >= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si < c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si <= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si <> c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i = c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i > c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i >= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i < c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i <= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i <> c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li = c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li > c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li >= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li < c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li <= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li <> c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r = c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r > c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r >= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r < c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r <= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r <> c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp = c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp > c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp >= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp < c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp <= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp <> c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc = c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc > c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc >= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc < c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc <= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc <> c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b = c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b > c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b >= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b < c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b <= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b <> c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv <> vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv <> vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt = c_dt; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt > c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt >= c_dt; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt < c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt <= c_dt; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt <> c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm = c_tm; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm > c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm >= c_tm; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm < c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm <= c_tm; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm <> c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms = c_tms; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms > c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms >= c_tms; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms < c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms <= c_tms; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms <> c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc = c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc > c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc >= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc < c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc <= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc <> c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> delete from all1; 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into all1 (si) values (null); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si = c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si > c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si >= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si < c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si <= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si <> c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i = c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i > c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i >= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i < c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i <= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i <> c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li = c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li > c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li >= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li < c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li <= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li <> c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r = c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r > c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r >= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r < c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r <= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r <> c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp = c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp > c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp >= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp < c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp <= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp <> c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc = c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc > c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc >= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc < c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc <= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc <> c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b = c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b > c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b >= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b < c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b <= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b <> c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv <> vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv <> vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt = c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt > c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt >= c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt < c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt <= c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt <> c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm = c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm > c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm >= c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm < c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm <= c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm <> c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms = c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms > c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms >= c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms < c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms <= c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms <> c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc = c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc > c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc >= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc < c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc <= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc <> c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> rollback; ij> -- test start and stop positions for conversions to (var)char create index all1_si on all1(si); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_i on all1(i); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_li on all1(li); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_r on all1(r); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_dp on all1(dp); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_dc on all1(dc); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_num on all1(num); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_b on all1(b); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_bv on all1(bv); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_lbv on all1(lbv); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_dt on all1(dt); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_tm on all1(tm); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_tms on all1(tms); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si = c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si > c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si >= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si < c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si <= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i = c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i > c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i >= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i < c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i <= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li = c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li > c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li >= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li < c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li <= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r = c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r > c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r >= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r < c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r <= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp = c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp > c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp >= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp < c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp <= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc = c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc > c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc >= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc < c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc <= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b = c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b > c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b >= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b < c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b <= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt = c_dt; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt > c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt >= c_dt; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt < c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt <= c_dt; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm = c_tm; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm > c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm >= c_tm; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm < c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm <= c_tm; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms = c_tms; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms > c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms >= c_tms; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms < c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms <= c_tms; 1 ----------- 1 ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc = c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc > c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc >= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc < c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc <= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> delete from all1; 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into all1(si) values (null); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si = c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si > c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si >= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si < c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where si <= c_si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i = c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i > c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i >= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i < c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where i <= c_i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li = c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li > c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li >= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li < c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where li <= c_li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r = c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r > c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r >= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r < c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where r <= c_r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp = c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp > c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp >= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp < c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dp <= c_dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc = c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc > c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc >= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc < c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dc <= c_dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b = c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b > c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b >= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b < c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where b <= c_b; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where bv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv = vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv > vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv >= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv < vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lbv <= vc_bv; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt = c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt > c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt >= c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt < c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where dt <= c_dt; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm = c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm > c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm >= c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm < c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tm <= c_tm; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms = c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms > c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms >= c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms < c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where tms <= c_tms; 1 ----------- ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc = c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc > c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc >= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc < c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1, all_c1 where lvc <= c_lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> -- drop the indexes; rollback; ij> delete from all_c1; 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- insert with implicit conversions to (var)char insert into all_c1 select * from all1; ERROR 42802: The number of values assigned is not the same as the number of specified or implied columns. ij> select c_ti, si, c_si, i, c_i from all1, all_c1; C_TI|SI |C_SI |I |C_I ----------------------------------------------------------------- ij> select li, c_li, r, c_r, dp, c_dp from all1, all_c1; LI |C_LI |R |C_R |DP |C_DP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ij> select dc, c_dc, num, c_num, c_bool from all1, all_c1; DC |C_DC |NUM |C_NUM |C_BO& ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ij> select b, c_b, bv, vc_bv, lbv, vc_lbv, dt, c_dt from all1, all_c1; B |C_B |BV |VC_BV |LBV |VC_LBV |DT |C_DT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ij> select tm, c_tm, tms, c_tms, c, c_c from all1, all_c1; TM |C_TM |TMS |C_TMS |C |C_C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ij> select vc, vc_vc, lvc, c_lvc from all1, all_c1; VC |VC_VC |LVC |C_LVC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ij> -- insert with implicit conversions from (var)char insert into all1 select c_ti, c_si, c_i, c_li, c_r, c_dp, c_dc, c_num, c_bool, ' ', ' ', ' ', c_dt, c_tm, c_tms, '1', '2' from all_c1; ERROR 42802: The number of values assigned is not the same as the number of specified or implied columns. ij> select c_ti, si, c_si, i, c_i from all1, all_c1; C_TI|SI |C_SI |I |C_I ----------------------------------------------------------------- ij> select li, c_li, r, c_r, dp, c_dp from all1, all_c1; LI |C_LI |R |C_R |DP |C_DP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ij> select dc, c_dc, num, c_num, c_bool from all1, all_c1; DC |C_DC |NUM |C_NUM |C_BO& ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ij> select b, c_b, bv, vc_bv, lbv, vc_lbv, dt, c_dt from all1, all_c1; B |C_B |BV |VC_BV |LBV |VC_LBV |DT |C_DT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ij> select tm, c_tm, tms, c_tms, c, c_c from all1, all_c1; TM |C_TM |TMS |C_TMS |C |C_C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ij> select vc, vc_vc, lvc, c_lvc from all1, all_c1; VC |VC_VC |LVC |C_LVC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ij> rollback; ij> -- more insert conversions create table t5_2(dc decimal(5,2), num numeric(5,2)); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- bug 827, NormalizeResultSet with char->decimal conversions insert into t5_2 values ('11.95', '95.11'); ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'DECIMAL' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> select * from t5_2; DC |NUM ----------------- ij> rollback; ij> -- update tests alter table all1 add column c30 char(30) ; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> alter table all1 add column vc30 varchar(30) ; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> alter table all1 add column lvc2 long varchar ; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> select * from all1; SI |I |LI |R |DP |DC |NUM |B |BV |LBV |DT |TM |TMS |C |VC |LVC |C30 |VC30 |LVC2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 |3 |4 |5.5 |6.6 |7.7 |8.8 |0020|0020|0020 |1996-09-09|12:12:12|xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx|1 |2 |33333333 |NULL |NULL |NULL ij> update all1 set si = '11'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'SMALLINT' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set i = '11'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'INTEGER' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set li = '11'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'BIGINT' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set r = '11.11'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'REAL' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set dp = '11.11'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'DOUBLE' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set dc = '11.11'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'DECIMAL' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set num = '11.11'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'NUMERIC' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set b = X'21'; 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> update all1 set bv = X'21'; 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> update all1 set lbv = X'21'; 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> update all1 set dt = '1900-01-01'; 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> update all1 set tm = '08:08:08'; 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> update all1 set tms = 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'; 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> update all1 set lvc = '44444444'; 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> select * from all1; SI |I |LI |R |DP |DC |NUM |B |BV |LBV |DT |TM |TMS |C |VC |LVC |C30 |VC30 |LVC2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 |3 |4 |5.5 |6.6 |7.7 |8.8 |2120|21 |21 |1900-01-01|08:08:08|xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx|1 |2 |44444444 |NULL |NULL |NULL ij> select c30, vc30, lvc2 from all1; C30 |VC30 |LVC2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NULL |NULL |NULL ij> update all1 set c30 = si, vc30 = si, lvc2 = si; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'CHAR' cannot hold values of type 'SMALLINT'. ij> update all1 set c30 = i, vc30 = i, lvc2 = i; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'CHAR' cannot hold values of type 'INTEGER'. ij> update all1 set c30 = li, vc30 = li, lvc2 = li; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'CHAR' cannot hold values of type 'BIGINT'. ij> update all1 set c30 = r, vc30 = r, lvc2 = r; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'CHAR' cannot hold values of type 'REAL'. ij> select c30, vc30, lvc2 from all1; C30 |VC30 |LVC2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NULL |NULL |NULL ij> update all1 set c30 = dp, vc30 = dp, lvc2 = dp; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'CHAR' cannot hold values of type 'DOUBLE'. ij> update all1 set c30 = dc, vc30 = dc, lvc2 = dc; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'CHAR' cannot hold values of type 'DECIMAL'. ij> update all1 set c30 = num, vc30 = num, lvc2 = num; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'CHAR' cannot hold values of type 'NUMERIC'. ij> select c30, vc30, lvc2 from all1; C30 |VC30 |LVC2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NULL |NULL |NULL ij> update all1 set c30 = b, vc30 = b, lvc2 = b; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'CHAR' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA'. ij> select c30, vc30, lvc2 from all1; C30 |VC30 |LVC2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NULL |NULL |NULL ij> update all1 set c30 = bv, vc30 = bv, lvc2 = bv; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'CHAR' cannot hold values of type 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA'. ij> update all1 set c30 = lbv, vc30 = lbv, lvc2 = lbv; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'CHAR' cannot hold values of type 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA'. ij> update all1 set c30 = dt, vc30 = dt, lvc2 = dt; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'LONG VARCHAR' cannot hold values of type 'DATE'. ij> update all1 set c30 = tm, vc30 = tm, lvc2 = tm; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'LONG VARCHAR' cannot hold values of type 'TIME'. ij> update all1 set c30 = tms, vc30 = tms, lvc2 = tms; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'LONG VARCHAR' cannot hold values of type 'TIMESTAMP'. ij> select c30, vc30, lvc2 from all1; C30 |VC30 |LVC2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NULL |NULL |NULL ij> rollback; ij> autocommit off; ij> -- bug 5838 - arithmetic operators should not be applied to character strings -- the following arithmetic operations should fail values 1 + '2'; 1 ----------- 3 ij> values 1 - '2'; 1 ----------- -1 ij> values 1 * '2'; 1 ----------- 2 ij> values 4 / '2'; 1 ----------- 2 ij> values 1.1 + '2'; 1 -------- 3.10 ij> values 1.1 - '2'; 1 -------- -0.90 ij> values 1.1 * '2'; 1 --------- 2.200 ij> values 4.4 / '2'; 1 ---------------------------------- 2.2000000000000000000000000000 ij> values 1.1 + '2.2'; 1 ------------ 3.3000 ij> values 1.1 - '2.2'; 1 ------------ -1.1000 ij> values 1.1 * '2.2'; 1 ------------- 2.42000 ij> values 4.4 / '2.2'; 1 ---------------------------------- 2.00000000000000000000000000 ij> -- concatentation values '$' || cast(1 as smallint) || '$'; ERROR 42846: Cannot convert types 'SMALLINT' to 'VARCHAR'. ij> values '$' || 1 || '$'; ERROR 42846: Cannot convert types 'INTEGER' to 'VARCHAR'. ij> values '$' || cast(1 as bigint) || '$'; ERROR 42846: Cannot convert types 'BIGINT' to 'VARCHAR'. ij> values '$' || cast(1.1 as real) || '$'; ERROR 42846: Cannot convert types 'REAL' to 'VARCHAR'. ij> values '$' || cast(1.1 as double precision) || '$'; ERROR 42846: Cannot convert types 'DOUBLE' to 'VARCHAR'. ij> values '$' || 1.1 || '$'; ERROR 42846: Cannot convert types 'DECIMAL' to 'VARCHAR'. ij> values '$' || cast(1.1 as decimal(8,3)) || '$'; ERROR 42846: Cannot convert types 'DECIMAL' to 'VARCHAR'. ij> values '$' || 'abcd' || '$'; 1 ------ $abcd$ ij> values '$' || date('1996-09-09') || '$'; 1 ------------ $1996-09-09$ ij> values '$' || time('10:11:12') || '$'; 1 ---------- $10:11:12$ ij> values '$' || timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )|| '$'; 1 ---------------------------- $xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx$ ij> -- length functions values length(cast(1 as smallint)); 1 ----------- 2 ij> values length(cast(1 as int)); 1 ----------- 4 ij> values length(cast(1 as bigint)); 1 ----------- 8 ij> values length(cast(1.1 as real)); 1 ----------- 4 ij> values length(cast(1.1 as double precision)); 1 ----------- 8 ij> values length(1.1); 1 ----------- 2 ij> values length(cast(1.1 as decimal(8,3))); 1 ----------- 5 ij> values length('four'); 1 ----------- 4 ij> values length(date('1996-09-10')); 1 ----------- 4 ij> values length(time('10:11:12')); 1 ----------- 3 ij> values length(timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx')); 1 ----------- 10 ij> -- extract values year( '1996-01-10'); 1 ----------- 1996 ij> values month( '1996-01-10'); 1 ----------- 1 ij> values day( '1996-01-10'); 1 ----------- 10 ij> values hour( '10:11:12'); 1 ----------- 10 ij> values minute( '10:11:12'); 1 ----------- 11 ij> values second( '10:11:12'); 1 ----------- 12 ij> -- like select si from all1 where 1 like '%'; ERROR 42884: No authorized routine named 'LIKE' of type 'FUNCTION' having compatible arguments was found. ij> -- bug 5845 select 1 from all1 where date('1996-09-10') like '19%'; ERROR 42884: No authorized routine named 'LIKE' of type 'FUNCTION' having compatible arguments was found. ij> select si from all1 where '1' like 1; ERROR 42884: No authorized routine named 'LIKE' of type 'FUNCTION' having compatible arguments was found. ij> -- integer 1 gets converted to 1 followed by 0 spaces -- so for kicks put a single space and make sure it is -- not the same select si from all1 where '1 ' like 1; ERROR 42884: No authorized routine named 'LIKE' of type 'FUNCTION' having compatible arguments was found. ij> select si from all1 where '1996-09-10' like date('1996-09-10'); ERROR 42884: No authorized routine named 'LIKE' of type 'FUNCTION' having compatible arguments was found. ij> prepare p1 as 'select 1 from all1 where si like ?'; ERROR 42884: No authorized routine named 'LIKE' of type 'FUNCTION' having compatible arguments was found. ij> execute p1 using 'values 1'; IJ ERROR: Unable to establish prepared statement P1 ij> execute p1 using 'values ''1'''; IJ ERROR: Unable to establish prepared statement P1 ij> -- conversions involving non-canonical date, time, and timestamp strings create table t (d date, t time, ts timestamp); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index txd on t(d); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index txt on t(t); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index txts on t(ts); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into t values (CHAR('2000-01-07'), CHAR('20:06:58'), CHAR('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx')); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> insert into t values (CHAR('2000-1-06'), CHAR('20:06:57'), CHAR('2000-01-7 20:06:58.8000')); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> VALUES SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_CHECK_TABLE('APP', 'T'); 1 ----------- 1 ij> -- bug 2247, make sure that constant retyping -- (avoiding unnecessary normalization at execution) -- does not screw up implicit conversions create table x(x varchar(10)); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> insert into x values 123; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'VARCHAR' cannot hold values of type 'INTEGER'. ij> select * from x; X ---------- ij> -- clean up drop table all_c1; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop table t; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> drop table x; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> commit; ij> disconnect; ij> -- ** insert implicitConversionsNegative.sql -- negate tests for implicit conversions -- to/from (var)char -- union connect 'jdbc:derby:wombat'; ij> autocommit on; ij> values cast(1 as smallint), 'a'; ERROR 42X61: Types 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values 'a', cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1 as smallint), '1.1'; ERROR 42X61: Types 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values '1.1', cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not UNION compatible. ij> values 1, 'a'; ERROR 42X61: Types 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values 'a', 1; ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not UNION compatible. ij> values 1, '1.1'; ERROR 42X61: Types 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values '1.1', a; ERROR 42X04: Column 'A' is not in any table in the FROM list or it appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or it appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'A' is not a column in the target table. ij> values cast(1 as bigint), 'a'; ERROR 42X61: Types 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values 'a', cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1 as bigint), '1.1'; ERROR 42X61: Types 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values '1.1', cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1.1 as real), 'a'; ERROR 42X61: Types 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values 'a', cast(1.1 as real); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not UNION compatible. ij> values cast(1.1 as double precision), 'a'; ERROR 42X61: Types 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values 'a', cast(1.1 as double precision); ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not UNION compatible. ij> values 1.1, 'a'; ERROR 42X61: Types 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not UNION compatible. ij> values 'a', 1.1; ERROR 42X61: Types 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not UNION compatible. ij> values true, 'a'; ERROR 42X01: Syntax error: true. ij> values 'a', true; ERROR 42X01: Syntax error: true. ij> values date('1996-09-09'), 'a'; 1 ---------- 1996-09-09 ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> values 'a', date('1996-09-09'); 1 ---------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> values time('11:11:11'), 'a'; 1 -------- 11:11:11 ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> values 'a', time('11:11:11'); 1 -------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> values timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'), 'a'; 1 -------------------------- xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> values 'a', timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 -------------------------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> -- comparisons at the language level select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) = '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) > '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) >= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) < '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) <= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) <> 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as smallint) <> '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' = cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' = cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' > cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' > cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' >= cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' >= cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' < cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' < cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <= cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' <= cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <> cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' <> cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) = '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) > '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) >= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) < '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) <= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) <> 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as int) <> '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' = cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' = cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' > cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' > cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' >= cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' >= cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' < cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' < cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <= cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' <= cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <> cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' <> cast(1 as int); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) = '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) > '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) >= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) < '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) <= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) <> 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1 as bigint) <> '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' = cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' = cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' > cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' > cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' >= cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' >= cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' < cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' < cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <= cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' <= cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <> cast(1 as bigint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where '1.1' <> cast(1 as smallint); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1.1 as real) = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1.1 as real) > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1.1 as real) >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1.1 as real) < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1.1 as real) <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1.1 as real) <> 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' = cast(1.1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' > cast(1.1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' >= cast(1.1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' < cast(1.1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <= cast(1.1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <> cast(1.1 as real); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1.1 as double precision) = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1.1 as double precision) > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1.1 as double precision) >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1.1 as double precision) < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1.1 as double precision) <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where cast(1.1 as double precision) <> 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' = cast(1.1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' > cast(1.1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' >= cast(1.1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' < cast(1.1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <= cast(1.1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <> cast(1.1 as double precision); ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 1.1 = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 1.1 > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 1.1 >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 1.1 < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 1.1 <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 1.1 <> 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' = 1.1; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' > 1.1; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' >= 1.1; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' < 1.1; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <= 1.1; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <> 1.1; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select si from all1 where date('1996-09-09') = 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where date('1996-09-09') > 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where date('1996-09-09') >= 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where date('1996-09-09') < 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where date('1996-09-09') <= 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where date('1996-09-09') <> 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' = date('1996-09-09'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' > date('1996-09-09'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' >= date('1996-09-09'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' < date('1996-09-09'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <= date('1996-09-09'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <> date('1996-09-09'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where time('11:11:11') = 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where time('11:11:11') > 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where time('11:11:11') >= 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where time('11:11:11') < 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where time('11:11:11') <= 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where time('11:11:11') <> 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' = time('11:11:11'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' > time('11:11:11'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' >= time('11:11:11'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' < time('11:11:11'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <= time('11:11:11'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <> time('11:11:11'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )= 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )> 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )>= 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )< 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )<= 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx' )<> 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' = timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' > timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' >= timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' < timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <= timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select si from all1 where 'a' <> timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> -- create an all types table drop table all1; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create table all1(si smallint, i int, li bigint, r real, dp double precision, dc decimal(5,1), num numeric(5,1), b char for bit data, bv varchar(1) for bit data, lbv long varchar for bit data, dt date, tm time, tms timestamp, c char(1), vc varchar(1), lvc long varchar); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- populate table insert into all1 values (2, 3, 4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7, 8.8, X'20', X'20', X'20', date('1996-09-09'), time('12:12:12'), timestamp('xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'), '1', '2', '333333333333333333'); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- tests for comparisons as qualifiers select 1 from all1 where si = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si = '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si > '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si >= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si < '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si <= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si <> 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si <> '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' = si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' > si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' >= si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' < si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' <= si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <> si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' <> si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i = '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i > '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i >= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i < '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i <= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i <> 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i <> '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' = i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' > i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' >= i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' < i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' <= i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <> i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' <> i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li = '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li > '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li >= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li < '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li <= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li <> 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li <> '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' = li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' > li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' >= li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' < li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' <= li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <> li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' <> li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where r = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where r > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where r >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where r < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where r <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where r <> 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <> r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dp = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dp > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dp >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dp < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dp <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dp <> 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <> dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dc = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dc > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dc >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dc < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dc <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dc <> 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <> dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where num = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where num > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where num >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where num < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where num <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where num <> 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = num; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > num; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= num; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < num; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= num; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <> num; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dt = 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where dt > 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where dt >= 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where dt < 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where dt <= 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where dt <> 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = dt; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > dt; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= dt; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < dt; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= dt; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <> dt; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tm = 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tm > 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tm >= 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tm < 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tm <= 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tm <> 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = tm; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > tm; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= tm; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < tm; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= tm; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <> tm; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tms = 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tms > 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tms >= 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tms < 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tms <= 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tms <> 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = tms; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > tms; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= tms; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < tms; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= tms; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <> tms; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> autocommit off; ij> -- test start and stop positions for conversions to (var)char create index all1_si on all1(si); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_i on all1(i); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_li on all1(li); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_r on all1(r); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_dp on all1(dp); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_dc on all1(dc); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_num on all1(num); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_b on all1(b); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_bv on all1(bv); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_lbv on all1(lbv); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_dt on all1(dt); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_tm on all1(tm); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> create index all1_tms on all1(tms); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> select 1 from all1 where si = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si = '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si > '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si >= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si < '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where si <= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' = si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' > si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' >= si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' < si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' <= si; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i = '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i > '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i >= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i < '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where i <= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' = i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' > i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' >= i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' < i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' <= i; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li = '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li > '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li >= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li < '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where li <= '1.1'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' = li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' > li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' >= li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' < li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where '1.1' <= li; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where r = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where r > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where r >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where r < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where r <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'REAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= r; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'REAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dp = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dp > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dp >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dp < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dp <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= dp; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dc = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dc > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dc >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dc < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dc <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= dc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where num = 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where num > 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where num >= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where num < 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where num <= 'a'; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'NUMERIC' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = num; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > num; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= num; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < num; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= num; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'CHAR' and 'NUMERIC' are not supported. ij> select 1 from all1 where dt = 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where dt > 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where dt >= 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where dt < 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where dt <= 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = dt; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > dt; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= dt; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < dt; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= dt; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tm = 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tm > 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tm >= 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tm < 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tm <= 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = tm; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > tm; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= tm; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < tm; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= tm; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tms = 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tms > 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tms >= 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tms < 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where tms <= 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' = tms; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' > tms; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' >= tms; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' < tms; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select 1 from all1 where 'a' <= tms; 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> rollback; ij> -- insert tests insert into all1(si) values 'a'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'SMALLINT' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> insert into all1(si) values '1.1'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'SMALLINT' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> insert into all1(i) values 'a'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'INTEGER' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> insert into all1(i) values '1.1'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'INTEGER' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> insert into all1(li) values 'a'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'BIGINT' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> insert into all1(li) values '1.1'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'BIGINT' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> insert into all1(r) values 'a'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'REAL' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> insert into all1(dp) values 'a'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'DOUBLE' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> insert into all1(dc) values 'a'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'DECIMAL' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> insert into all1(num) values 'a'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'NUMERIC' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> insert into all1(dt) values 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> insert into all1(tm) values 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> insert into all1(tms) values 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> -- update tests update all1 set si = 'a'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'SMALLINT' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set si = '1.1'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'SMALLINT' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set i = 'a'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'INTEGER' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set i = '1.1'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'INTEGER' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set li = 'a'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'BIGINT' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set li = '1.1'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'BIGINT' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set r = 'a'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'REAL' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set dp = 'a'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'DOUBLE' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set dc = 'a'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'DECIMAL' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set num = 'a'; ERROR 42821: Columns of type 'NUMERIC' cannot hold values of type 'CHAR'. ij> update all1 set dt = 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> update all1 set tm = 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> update all1 set tms = 'a'; ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> rollback; ij> -- arithmetic -- arithmetic on 2 non-numeric strings values '1' + '2'; ERROR 42Y95: The '+' operator with a left operand type of 'CHAR' and a right operand type of 'CHAR' is not supported. ij> -- non-numeric strings values 1 + 'a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22018: Invalid character string format for type INTEGER. ij> values 1 + '1a'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22018: Invalid character string format for type INTEGER. ij> values 'a' + 1; 1 ----------- ERROR 22018: Invalid character string format for type INTEGER. ij> values '1a' + 1; 1 ----------- ERROR 22018: Invalid character string format for type INTEGER. ij> -- numeric string of wrong type values 1 + '1.1'; 1 ----------- ERROR 22018: Invalid character string format for type INTEGER. ij> values '1.1' + 1; 1 ----------- ERROR 22018: Invalid character string format for type INTEGER. ij> -- extract -- non-date strings values year( '1'); 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> values month( '1'); 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> values day( '1'); 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> values hour( '1'); 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> values minute( '1'); 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> values second( '1'); 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> -- string does not match default -- date for year/month/day -- time for hour/minute/second values year( 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- 1996 ij> values year( '10:11:12.5'); 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> values month( 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- 9 ij> values month( '10:11:12.5'); 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> values day( 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- 10 ij> values day( '10:11:12.5'); 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> values hour( 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- 10 ij> values hour( '1996-09-10'); 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> values minute( 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- 11 ij> values minute( '1996-09-10'); 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> values second( 'xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx'); 1 ----------- 12 ij> values second( '1996-09-10'); 1 ----------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> -- sum and avg not supported on string types select sum('1') from all1; ERROR 42Y22: Aggregate SUM cannot operate on type CHAR. ij> select avg('1') from all1; ERROR 42Y22: Aggregate AVG cannot operate on type CHAR. ij> -- joins select * from all1 a, all1 b where a.si = b.c; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select * from all1 a, all1 b where a.si = b.vc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select * from all1 a, all1 b where a.si = b.lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select * from all1 a, all1 b where b.si = a.c; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' are not supported. ij> select * from all1 a, all1 b where b.si = a.vc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select * from all1 a, all1 b where b.si = a.lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'SMALLINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select * from all1 a, all1 b where a.dt = b.c; SI |I |LI |R |DP |DC |NUM |B |BV |LBV |DT |TM |TMS |C |VC |LVC |SI |I |LI |R |DP |DC |NUM |B |BV |LBV |DT |TM |TMS |C |VC |LVC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select * from all1 a, all1 b where a.dt = b.vc; SI |I |LI |R |DP |DC |NUM |B |BV |LBV |DT |TM |TMS |C |VC |LVC |SI |I |LI |R |DP |DC |NUM |B |BV |LBV |DT |TM |TMS |C |VC |LVC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select * from all1 a, all1 b where a.dt = b.lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> select * from all1 a, all1 b where b.dt = a.c; SI |I |LI |R |DP |DC |NUM |B |BV |LBV |DT |TM |TMS |C |VC |LVC |SI |I |LI |R |DP |DC |NUM |B |BV |LBV |DT |TM |TMS |C |VC |LVC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select * from all1 a, all1 b where b.dt = a.vc; SI |I |LI |R |DP |DC |NUM |B |BV |LBV |DT |TM |TMS |C |VC |LVC |SI |I |LI |R |DP |DC |NUM |B |BV |LBV |DT |TM |TMS |C |VC |LVC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR 22007: The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. ij> select * from all1 a, all1 b where b.dt = a.lvc; ERROR 42818: Comparisons between 'DATE' and 'LONG VARCHAR' are not supported. ij> -- clean up drop table all1; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> commit; ij>