Test declaredGlobalTempTableJava starting TEST1 : global temporary tables can only be in SESSION schema Expected message: The qualifier for a declared global temporary table name must be SESSION. TEST1 PASSED TEST2A : Declaring a global temporary table while in SYS schema will pass because temp tables always go in SESSION schema and never in default schema TEST2A PASSED TEST2B : Drop the declared global temporary table declared in TEST2A while in schema SYS TEST2B PASSED TEST3A : positive grammar tests for DECLARE command TEST3A PASSED TEST3B : negative grammar tests for DECLARE command Expected exception. Attempted to declare a temp table without NOT LOGGED. Syntax error: Encountered "" at line 1, column 42. Expected exception. Attempted to declare a temp table with multiple NOT LOGGED. Multiple or conflicting keywords involving the 'NOT LOGGED' clause are present. Expected exception. Attempted to declare a temp table with multiple ON COMMIT. Multiple or conflicting keywords involving the 'ON COMMIT' clause are present. Expected exception. Attempted to declare a temp table with multiple ON ROLLBACK. Multiple or conflicting keywords involving the 'ON ROLLBACK' clause are present. Expected exception. Attempted to declare a temp table with syntax error ON ROLLBACK PRESERVE ROWS. Syntax error: Encountered "PRESERVE" at line 1, column 67. Expected exception. Attempted to declare a temp table without NOT LOGGED. Syntax error: MISSING NOT LOGGED. TEST3B PASSED TEST4A : ALTER TABLE not allowed on global temporary tables Expected message: The requested function does not apply to global temporary tables. TEST4A PASSED TEST4B : ALTER TABLE on physical table in SESSION schema should work TEST4B PASSED TEST5A : LOCK TABLE not allowed on global temporary tables Expected message: The requested function does not apply to global temporary tables. TEST5A PASSED TEST5B : LOCK TABLE on physical table in SESSION schema should work TEST5B PASSED TEST6A : RENAME TABLE not allowed on global temporary tables Expected message: The requested function does not apply to global temporary tables. TEST6A PASSED TEST6B : RENAME TABLE on physical table in SESSION schema should work TEST6B PASSED TEST6C : RENAME COLUMN on physical table in SESSION schema should work TEST6C PASSED TEST8 : generated always as identity not supported for declared global temporary tables Expected message: The requested function does not apply to global temporary tables. TEST8 PASSED TEST9 : long datatypes not supported for declared global temporary tables Expected exception. Attempted to declare a temp table with blob. Long column type column or parameter 'C22' not permitted in declared global temporary tables or procedure definitions. Expected exception. Attempted to declare a temp table with clob. Long column type column or parameter 'C22' not permitted in declared global temporary tables or procedure definitions. Expected exception. Attempted to declare a temp table with long varchar. Long column type column or parameter 'C22' not permitted in declared global temporary tables or procedure definitions. Expected exception. Attempted to declare a temp table with user defined type. Syntax error: Encountered "" at line 1, column 56. TEST9 PASSED TEST10A : Primary key constraint not allowed on a declared global temporary table. Expected message: The requested function does not apply to global temporary tables. TEST10A PASSED TEST10B : Primary key constraint allowed on a physical table in SESSION schema. TEST10B PASSED TEST10C : Unique key constraint not allowed on a declared global temporary table. Expected message: The requested function does not apply to global temporary tables. TEST10C PASSED TEST10D : Foreign key constraint not allowed on a declared global temporary table. Expected message: The requested function does not apply to global temporary tables. TEST10D PASSED TEST11 : Attempt to declare the same global temporary table twice will fail. Plan to support WITH REPLACE in future Expected message: Declared global temporary table 'T2' already exists in Schema 'SESSION'. TEST11 PASSED TEST12 : Try to drop a declared global temporary table that doesn't exist. Expected message: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be performed on 'SESSION.T2' because it does not exist. TEST12 PASSED TEST13A : insert into declared global temporary table will pass. 1 - {56} TEST13A PASSED TEST13B : attempt to insert null into non-null column in declared global temporary table will fail. Declare the table with non-null column, insert a row and commit In the next transaction, attempt to insert a null value in the table will fail and we will loose all the rows from the table as part of internal rollback Expected message: Column 'C22' cannot accept a NULL value. should see no data in t2 C21,C22 --- --- TEST13B PASSED TEST13C : declare a temporary table with default and then insert into it. C21,C22,C23 --- --- --- {1,aa,null} {2,aa,APP} TEST13C PASSED TEST14 : Should be able to create Session schema manually. TEST14 PASSED TEST15 : Session schema can be dropped like any other user-defined schema. TEST15 PASSED TEST16 : Create a physical SESSION schema, drop it. Next attempt to drop SESSION schema will throw an exception because now we are dealing with in-memory SESSION schema and it can not be dropped by drop schema. In TEST16, now attempting to drop in-memory SESSION schema Expected message: Schema 'SESSION' does not exist TEST16 PASSED TEST17A : Check constraint not allowed on global temporary table Expected message: The requested function does not apply to global temporary tables. TEST17A PASSED TEST17B : Check constraint allowed on physical SESSION schema table TEST17B PASSED TEST18 : Test declared temporary table with ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS with and without open cursors Tests with holdable cursor are in a different class since holdability support is only under jdk14 and higher Temp table t2 with not holdable cursor open on it. Data should get deleted from t2 at commit time 1 - {2} Temp table t3 with no open cursors of any kind on it. Data should get deleted from t3 at commit time 1 - {2} After commit, verify the 2 tables Temp table t2 will have no data after commit 1 - {0} Temp table t3 will have no data after commit 1 - {0} TEST18 PASSED TEST19 : Declare a temporary table with ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS with and without open cursors Tests with holdable cursor are in a different class since holdability support is only under jdk14 and higher Temp table t2 with not holdable cursor open on it. Data should be preserved, holdability shouldn't matter 1 - {2} Temp table t3 with no open cursors of any kind on it. Data should be preserved, holdability shouldn't matter 1 - {2} After commit, verify the 2 tables Temp table t2 will have data after commit 1 - {2} Temp table t3 will have data after commit 1 - {2} TEST19 PASSED TEST20A : CREATE INDEX not allowed on global temporary table. Expected message: The requested function does not apply to global temporary tables. TEST20A PASSED TEST21A : CREATE INDEX on physical table in SESSION schema should work TEST21A PASSED TEST26A : CREATE VIEW not allowed on global temporary table. Expected message: The requested function can not reference tables in SESSION schema. TEST26A PASSED TEST27A : CREATE VIEW not allowed on physical table in SESSION schema Expected message: The requested function can not reference tables in SESSION schema. TEST27A PASSED TEST29A : DELETE FROM global temporary table allowed. 1 - {2} 1 - {0} TEST29A PASSED TEST31A : UPDATE on global temporary table allowed. TEST31A PASSED Multiple tests to make sure we do not do statement caching for statement referencing SESSION schema tables TEST34A : CREATE physical table and then DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE with the same name in session schema. C21 --- {21} C21,C22 --- --- {22,22} {23,23} C21,C22 --- --- {22,22} {23,23} C21 --- {21} TEST34A PASSED TEST34B : Physical table & TEMPORARY TABLE with the same name in session schema, try insert. C21 --- {21} C21 --- C21 --- {99} C21 --- {21} TEST34B PASSED TEST35A : Temporary table created in one connection should not be available in another connection 1 - {1} Expected message: Table 'SESSION.T2' does not exist. TEST35A PASSED TEST35B : Temp table in one connection should not conflict with temp table with same name in another connection C21,C22 --- --- {22,22} C21 --- {99} C21,C22 --- --- {22,22} TEST35B PASSED TEST36 : After creating SESSION schema and making it current schema, temporary tables should not require SESSION qualification TEST36 PASSED TEST37A : Prepared statement test - drop the temp table underneath C21,C22 --- --- {21,1} Expected message: Table 'SESSION.T2' does not exist. TEST37A PASSED TEST37B : Prepared statement test - drop and recreate the temp table with different definition underneath C21,C22 --- --- {21,1} Expected message: The number of values assigned is not the same as the number of specified or implied columns. TEST37B PASSED TEST38A : Rollback behavior - declare temp table, rollback, select should fail C21,C22 --- --- {21,1} TEST38A : select should fail since temp table got dropped as part of rollback Expected message: Table 'SESSION.T2' does not exist. TEST38A PASSED TEST38B : Rollback behavior - declare temp table, commit, drop temp table, rollback, select should pass C21,C22 --- --- {21,1} C21,C22 --- --- {21,1} TEST38B : select should pass since temp table drop was rolled back C21,C22 --- --- TEST38B PASSED TEST38C : Rollback behavior In the transaction: Declare temp table t2 with 3 columns C21,C22,C23 --- --- --- {1,1,1} Drop temp table t2 (with 3 columns) Attempted to select from temp table t2 but it failed as expected with exception Table 'SESSION.T2' does not exist. Declare temp table t2 again but this time with 2 columns C21,C22 --- --- Commit the transaction. Should have temp table t2 with 2 columns In the next transaction: C21,C22 --- --- Drop temp table t2 (with 2 columns) Declare temp table t2 again but this time with 1 column C21 --- Rollback this transaction. Should have temp table t2 with 2 columns C21,C22 --- --- TEST38C PASSED TEST38D : Rollback behavior for tables touched with DML In the transaction: Declare temp table t2 & t3 & t4 & t5 with preserve rows, insert data and commit C21,C22 --- --- {21,1} {22,2} {23,3} C31,C32 --- --- {31,1} {32,2} {33,3} C41,C42 --- --- {41,1} {42,2} {43,3} C51,C52 --- --- {51,1} {52,2} {53,3} In the next transaction: Declare temp table t6 with preserve rows, insert data and inspect data in all the tables C21,C22 --- --- {21,1} {22,2} {23,3} C31,C32 --- --- {31,1} {32,2} {33,3} C41,C42 --- --- {41,1} {42,2} {43,3} C51,C52 --- --- {51,1} {52,2} {53,3} C61,C62 --- --- {61,1} {62,2} {63,3} delete from t2 with t5 in it's where clause, look at t2 C21,C22 --- --- {21,1} {22,2} delete with where clause from t3 so that no rows get deleted, look at the rows C31,C32 --- --- {31,1} {32,2} {33,3} do not touch t4 rollback this transaction, should not see any rows in temp table t2 after rollback C21,C22 --- --- temp table t3 should have no rows because attempt was made to delete from it (even though nothing actually got deleted from it in the transaction) C31,C32 --- --- temp table t4 should have its data intact because it was not touched in the transaction that got rolled back C41,C42 --- --- {41,1} {42,2} {43,3} temp table t5 should have its data intact because it was only used in where clause and not touched in the transaction that got rolled back C51,C52 --- --- {51,1} {52,2} {53,3} temp table t6 got dropped as part of rollback of this transaction since it was declared in this same transaction Attempted to select from temp table t6 but it failed as expected with exception Table 'SESSION.T6' does not exist. TEST38D PASSED TEST39A : Verify that there is no entry in system catalogs for temporary tables Declare a temp table T2 and check system catalogs. Shouldn't find anything. Then drop the temp table TABLEID,TABLENAME,TABLETYPE,SCHEMAID,LOCKGRANULARITY ------- --------- --------- -------- --------------- TABLENAME,SCHEMANAME --------- ---------- Create physical schema SESSION, create a physical table T2 in SESSION schema and check system catalogs. Should be there TABLEID,TABLENAME,TABLETYPE,SCHEMAID,LOCKGRANULARITY ------- --------- --------- -------- --------------- {xxxxFILTERED-UUIDxxxx,T2,T,xxxxFILTERED-UUIDxxxx,R} TEST39A PASSED TEST39B : Verify that there is no entry in system catalogs for SESSION schmea after declare table Declare a temp table T2 and check system catalogs for SESSION schmea. Shouldn't find anything. Then drop the temp table SCHEMANAME ---------- TEST39B PASSED TEST40 : DatabaseMetaData.getTables() should not return temporary tables getTables() with no types: TABLE_CAT,TABLE_SCHEM,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_TYPE,REMARKS --------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ------- {,SYS,SYSALIASES,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SYS,SYSCHECKS,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SYS,SYSCOLUMNS,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SYS,SYSCONGLOMERATES,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SYS,SYSCONSTRAINTS,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SYS,SYSDEPENDS,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SYS,SYSFILES,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SYS,SYSFOREIGNKEYS,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SYS,SYSKEYS,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SYS,SYSSCHEMAS,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SYS,SYSSTATEMENTS,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SYS,SYSSTATISTICS,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SYS,SYSTABLES,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SYS,SYSTRIGGERS,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SYS,SYSVIEWS,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SYSIBM,SYSDUMMY1,SYSTEM TABLE,} {,SESSION,T3,TABLE,} TEST40 PASSED TEST41 : delete where current of on temporary tables C21,C22 --- --- {21,1} {22,1} C21,C22 --- --- {22,1} C21,C22 --- --- TEST41 PASSED TEST42 : update where current of on temporary tables C21,C22 --- --- {21,1} {22,1} C21,C22 --- --- {21,2} {22,1} C21,C22 --- --- {21,2} {22,2} TEST42 PASSED TEST44A : Prepared statement test - DML and rollback behavior In the transaction: Declare temp table t2, insert data using prepared statement and commit C21,C22 --- --- {21,1} In the next transaction: insert more data using same prepared statement and rollback. Should loose all the data in t2 C21,C22 --- --- TEST44A PASSED TEST44B : Prepared statement test - DML and rollback behavior In the transaction: Declare temp table t2, insert data and commit C21,C22 --- --- {21,1} In the next transaction: prepare a statement for insert into table but do not execute it and rollback Should not loose the data from t2 C21,C22 --- --- {21,1} TEST44B PASSED PASS Test declaredGlobalTempTable finished