-= Start dblook Functional Tests. =- Creating database 'wombat' from ddl script 'dblook_makeDB.sql' Dumping system tables for 'wombat' ----------------=================--------------- System Tables for: wombat ----------------=================--------------- ========== SYSALIASES ========== "proc "In Quotes with spaces" APP org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest P P false inoutparams3(INOUT A CHAR(10),IN B INTEGER) LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA MODIFIES SQL DATA DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 2 ---- OP4 BAR org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest P P false inoutparams4(OUT A DECIMAL(4,2),IN B VARCHAR(255)) LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA MODIFIES SQL DATA ---- PROC1 APP org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest P P false inoutparams3(INOUT A CHAR(10),IN B INTEGER) LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA CONTAINS SQL DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 4 ---- PROC2 Foo Bar org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest P P false sqlControl(OUT E1 VARCHAR(128),OUT E2 VARCHAR(128),OUT E3 VARCHAR(128),OUT E4 VARCHAR(128),OUT E5 VARCHAR(128),OUT E6 VARCHAR(128),OUT E7 VARCHAR(128)) LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA READS SQL DATA ---- SQQLCONTROL_1 FOO org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest P P false sqlControl(OUT E1 VARCHAR(128),OUT E2 VARCHAR(128),OUT E3 VARCHAR(128),OUT E4 VARCHAR(128),OUT E5 VARCHAR(128),OUT E6 VARCHAR(128),OUT E7 VARCHAR(128)) LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA NO SQL ---- procTwo APP org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest P P false inoutparams3(INOUT A CHAR(10),IN B INTEGER) LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA MODIFIES SQL DATA DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 2 ---- ========== SYSCHECKS ========== (i > 0) (2) ---- "ck2 ("""iq2" > 0) (2) ---- NOTEVIL (vc != 'evil') (3) ---- c"k1 ("i""q2" > 4) (2) ---- chkOne (k < 0) (2) ---- ck2" ("iq2""" > 4) (2) ---- ========== SYSCOLUMNS ========== --- Columns for Tables --- "tquoteTwo "iq1 1 INTEGER null null null null ---- "tquoteTwo "iq2 2 INTEGER null null null null ---- MULTI WORD NAME C 1 CHAR(2) null null null null ---- REMOVED X 1 INTEGER null null null null ---- T10 K 2 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- T10 UK 3 CHAR(3) NOT NULL null null null null ---- T10 VACH 1 VARCHAR(12) null null null null ---- T11 LOLA 2 INTEGER null null null null ---- T11 MYCHAR 1 CHAR(8) null null null null ---- T1 C 2 CHAR(8) null null null null ---- T1 C 2 CLOB(15) null null null null ---- T1 D 3 DATE null null null null ---- T1 F 4 DOUBLE NOT NULL null null null null ---- T1 I 1 INTEGER null null null null ---- T1 P1 1 VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL null null null null ---- T2 B 2 BLOB(20) null null null null ---- T2 C 3 CLOB(15) null null null null ---- T2 P1 1 VARCHAR(10) null null null null ---- T3 B 2 BLOB(20) null null null null ---- T3 ID 3 INTEGER NOT NULL null null 2 4 ---- T3 P1 1 VARCHAR(10) 'okie' null null ---- T4 I 1 INTEGER 2 null null ---- T4 J 2 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- T4 K 3 INTEGER NOT NULL null null 1 1 ---- T5 COST 1 DOUBLE null null null null ---- T6 LETTER 2 CHAR(1) null null null null ---- T6 NUM 1 INTEGER null null null null ---- T7 DEUX 2 INTEGER null null null null ---- T7 UN 1 INTEGER null null null null ---- T8 FKCHAR 2 CHAR(5) null null null null ---- T8 SOMEINT 1 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- T8T1T4 C1 1 CHAR(4) 'okie' null null ---- T8T1T4 C2 2 CHAR(4) 'doki' null null ---- T9 CH 2 CHAR(8) NOT NULL null null null null ---- T9 FKINT 1 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- V"3 I 1 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- V1 DEE 2 CHAR(8) null null null null ---- V1 DOKIE 3 VARCHAR(10) null null null null ---- V1 DOO 1 INTEGER null null null null ---- V1 DUM 1 DATE null null null null ---- V1 DWA 2 CHAR(1) null null null null ---- V2 C 2 CLOB(15) null null null null ---- V2 P1 1 VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL null null null null ---- X X 1 INTEGER null null null null ---- tWithKeys C 1 CHAR(5) NOT NULL null null null null ---- tWithKeys I 2 INTEGER null null null null ---- tWithKeys VC 3 VARCHAR(10) null null null null ---- tee""Hee N 1 CHAR(1) NOT NULL null null null null ---- tquote"One i"q1 1 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- tquote"One i"q2 2 INTEGER 8 null null ---- tquoteThree" iq1" 1 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- tquoteThree" iq2" 2 INTEGER null null null null ---- viewTwo LOLA 2 INTEGER null null null null ---- viewTwo MYCHAR 1 CHAR(8) null null null null ---- --- Columns for Statements --- ========== SYSCONGLOMERATES ========== "Quoted"Schema" tee""Hee true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- "Quoted"Schema" tee""Hee Ix"5 true BTREE (1 DESC) false ---- "Quoted"Schema" tee""Hee tee""Hee false null false ---- APP "tquoteTwo true BTREE (1) true ---- APP "tquoteTwo "tquoteTwo false null false ---- APP REMOVED REMOVED false null false ---- APP T11 true BTREE (1, 2) true ---- APP T11 T11 false null false ---- APP T1 IX1 true BTREE (4, 1) false ---- APP T1 T1 false null false ---- APP T2 T2 false null false ---- APP T8T1T4 T8T1T4 false null false ---- APP X X false null false ---- APP tquote"One true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- APP tquote"One tquote"One false null false ---- APP tquoteThree" true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- APP tquoteThree" tquoteThree" false null false ---- BAR MULTI WORD NAME MULTI WORD NAME false null false ---- BAR T1 true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- BAR T1 T1 false null false ---- BAR T3 IX2 true BTREE (1 DESC, 3 DESC) false ---- BAR T3 T3 false null false ---- BAR T4 IX4 true UNIQUE BTREE (3) false ---- BAR T4 T4 false null false ---- BAR T8 true BTREE (2) true ---- BAR T8 true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- BAR T8 T8 false null false ---- BAR tWithKeys true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- BAR tWithKeys IX3 true BTREE (1 DESC) false ---- BAR tWithKeys tWithKeys false null false ---- FOO T10 true UNIQUE BTREE (2) true ---- FOO T10 true UNIQUE BTREE (3) true ---- FOO T10 T10 false null false ---- FOO T9 true BTREE (1) true ---- FOO T9 true UNIQUE BTREE (2, 1) true ---- FOO T9 T9 false null false ---- Foo Bar T5 CostIndex true UNIQUE BTREE (1) false ---- Foo Bar T5 T5 false null false ---- Foo Bar T6 T6 false null false ---- Foo Bar T7 T7 false null false ---- ========== SYSCONSTRAINTS ========== "ck2 "tquoteTwo "ck2 C APP E 0 ---- "effkay1 "tquoteTwo "effkay1 F APP E 0 ---- T10 P FOO E 1 ---- T10 U FOO E 0 ---- T8 F BAR E 0 ---- T8 P BAR E 0 ---- tWithKeys C BAR E 0 ---- tWithKeys P BAR E 1 ---- NOTEVIL tWithKeys NOTEVIL C BAR E 0 ---- T11 F APP E 0 ---- UNQ T1 UNQ U BAR E 0 ---- c"k1 tquote"One c"k1 C APP E 0 ---- chkOne T10 chkOne C FOO E 0 ---- ck2" tquoteThree" ck2" C APP E 0 ---- fkOne T9 fkOne F FOO E 0 ---- pee"kay1 tquote"One pee"kay1 P APP E 1 ---- pkTwo T9 pkTwo P FOO E 1 ---- tee""Hee P "Quoted"Schema" E 0 ---- unqkay1" tquoteThree" unqkay1" U APP E 0 ---- ========== SYSDEPENDS ========== "effkay1 APP."effkay1 -> APP.pee"kay1 Constraint pee"kay1 Constraint ---- APP. -> FOO.pkTwo Constraint pkTwo Constraint ---- BAR. -> BAR. Constraint Constraint ---- fkOne FOO.fkOne -> FOO. Constraint Constraint ---- "Quoted"Schema". -> "Quoted"Schema".tee""Hee StoredPreparedStatement tee""Hee Table ---- APP. -> BAR.T4 StoredPreparedStatement T4 ColumnsInTable ---- APP. -> BAR.tWithKeys StoredPreparedStatement tWithKeys ColumnsInTable ---- APP. -> APP. StoredPreparedStatement Conglomerate ---- APP. ->
APP.REMOVED StoredPreparedStatement REMOVED Table ---- APP. ->
APP.X StoredPreparedStatement X Table ---- APP. ->
BAR.T3 StoredPreparedStatement T3 Table ---- APP. ->
BAR.tWithKeys StoredPreparedStatement tWithKeys Table ---- BAR. ->
BAR.T8 StoredPreparedStatement T8 Table ---- Foo Bar. ->
BAR.T1 StoredPreparedStatement T1 Table ---- "Quoted"Schema"."trig"One" -> "Quoted"Schema". Trigger StoredPreparedStatement ---- "Quoted"Schema"."trig"One" ->
"Quoted"Schema".tee""Hee Trigger tee""Hee Table ---- APP.TRIGFOUR -> APP. Trigger StoredPreparedStatement ---- APP.TRIGFOUR ->
APP.X Trigger X Table ---- APP.TRIGONE -> APP. Trigger StoredPreparedStatement ---- APP.TRIGONE ->
BAR.T3 Trigger T3 Table ---- APP.TrigThree -> APP. Trigger StoredPreparedStatement ---- APP.TrigThree ->
BAR.tWithKeys Trigger tWithKeys Table ---- BAR.REFTRIG -> BAR. Trigger StoredPreparedStatement ---- BAR.REFTRIG ->
BAR.T8 Trigger T8 Table ---- Foo Bar.TRIG2 -> Foo Bar. Trigger StoredPreparedStatement ---- Foo Bar.TRIG2 ->
BAR.T1 Trigger T1 Table ---- V1 APP.V1 -> APP.T1 View T1 ColumnsInTable ---- V1 APP.V1 -> BAR.T3 View T3 ColumnsInTable ---- V2 APP.V2 -> BAR.T1 View T1 ColumnsInTable ---- viewTwo BAR.viewTwo -> APP.T11 View T11 ColumnsInTable ---- V1 FOO.V1 -> Foo Bar.T6 View T6 ColumnsInTable ---- APP. -> BAR. StoredPreparedStatement Conglomerate ---- APP. -> BAR. StoredPreparedStatement Conglomerate ---- ========== SYSFILES ========== FOO FOOJAR ---- ========== SYSFOREIGNKEYS ========== U R ---- "effkay1 pee"kay1 R R ---- fkOne R S ---- pkTwo R R ---- ========== SYSKEYS ========== ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- UNQ ---- pee"kay1 ---- pkTwo ---- unqkay1" ---- ========== SYSSCHEMAS ========== "Quoted"Schema" "Quoted"Schema" APP ---- APP APP APP ---- BAR BAR APP ---- FOO FOO APP ---- Foo Bar Foo Bar APP ---- ========== SYSSTATEMENTS ========== APP T insert into removed select * from new org.apache.derby.catalog.TriggerOldTransitionRows() OLD where x not in (select x from new org.apache.derby.catalog.TriggerNewTransitionRows() NEW where x < 10) APP null ---- APP T select c from bar."tWithKeys" APP null ---- APP T update bar.t4 set j=8 where i=2 APP null ---- "Quoted"Schema" T values(8) APP null ---- BAR T select * from new org.apache.derby.catalog.TriggerOldTransitionRows() OLDTABLE APP null ---- Foo Bar T values (1), (2) APP null ---- ========== SYSTABLES ========== "tquoteTwo "tquoteTwo T APP R ---- MULTI WORD NAME MULTI WORD NAME T BAR R ---- REMOVED REMOVED T APP R ---- T10 T10 T FOO R ---- T11 T11 T APP R ---- T1 T1 T APP R ---- T1 T1 T BAR R ---- T2 T2 T APP R ---- T3 T3 T BAR R ---- T4 T4 T BAR R ---- T5 T5 T Foo Bar R ---- T6 T6 T Foo Bar R ---- T7 T7 T Foo Bar R ---- T8T1T4 T8T1T4 T APP R ---- T8 T8 T BAR R ---- T9 T9 T FOO R ---- V"3 V"3 V APP R ---- V1 V1 V APP R ---- V1 V1 V FOO R ---- V2 V2 V APP R ---- X X T APP R ---- tWithKeys tWithKeys T BAR R ---- tee""Hee tee""Hee T "Quoted"Schema" R ---- tquote"One tquote"One T APP R ---- tquoteThree" tquoteThree" T APP R ---- viewTwo viewTwo V BAR R ---- ========== SYSTRIGGERS ========== "trig"One" "Quoted"Schema" I A R E tee""Hee null null values(8) false false null null ---- REFTRIG BAR D A S E T8 null null select * from oldtable true false OLDTABLE null ---- TRIG2 Foo Bar D B S E T1 null null values (1), (2) false false null null ---- TRIGFOUR APP U A S E X null (1) insert into removed select * from old where x not in (select x from new where x < 10) true true OLD NEW ---- TRIGONE APP I A R E T3 null null update bar.t4 set j=8 where i=2 false false null null ---- TrigThree APP U A R E tWithKeys null (1,2) select c from bar."tWithKeys" false false null null ---- ========== SYSVIEWS ========== V"3 create view "V""3"(i) as values (8), (28), (78) N APP ---- V1 create view v1 (dum, dee, dokie) as select a.d, a.c, b.p1 from t1 as a, bar.t3 as b N APP ---- V1 create view v1 (doo, dwa) as select num, letter from "Foo Bar".t6 N FOO ---- V2 create view v2 as select * from bar.t1 N APP ---- viewTwo create view bar."viewTwo" as select * from app.t11 N APP ---- -- ******************************************* Dumping full schema for 'wombat' to file 'wombat.sql': ******************************************* File dblook.log was empty. Creating database 'wombat_new' from ddl script 'wombat.sql' Dumping system tables for 'wombat_new' ----------------=================--------------- System Tables for: wombat_new ----------------=================--------------- ========== SYSALIASES ========== "proc "In Quotes with spaces" APP org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest P P false inoutparams3(INOUT A CHAR(10),IN B INTEGER) LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA MODIFIES SQL DATA DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 2 ---- OP4 BAR org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest P P false inoutparams4(OUT A DECIMAL(4,2),IN B VARCHAR(255)) LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA MODIFIES SQL DATA ---- PROC1 APP org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest P P false inoutparams3(INOUT A CHAR(10),IN B INTEGER) LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA CONTAINS SQL DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 4 ---- PROC2 Foo Bar org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest P P false sqlControl(OUT E1 VARCHAR(128),OUT E2 VARCHAR(128),OUT E3 VARCHAR(128),OUT E4 VARCHAR(128),OUT E5 VARCHAR(128),OUT E6 VARCHAR(128),OUT E7 VARCHAR(128)) LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA READS SQL DATA ---- SQQLCONTROL_1 FOO org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest P P false sqlControl(OUT E1 VARCHAR(128),OUT E2 VARCHAR(128),OUT E3 VARCHAR(128),OUT E4 VARCHAR(128),OUT E5 VARCHAR(128),OUT E6 VARCHAR(128),OUT E7 VARCHAR(128)) LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA NO SQL ---- procTwo APP org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest P P false inoutparams3(INOUT A CHAR(10),IN B INTEGER) LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA MODIFIES SQL DATA DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 2 ---- ========== SYSCHECKS ========== (i > 0) (2) ---- "ck2 ("""iq2" > 0) (2) ---- NOTEVIL (vc != 'evil') (3) ---- c"k1 ("i""q2" > 4) (2) ---- chkOne (k < 0) (2) ---- ck2" ("iq2""" > 4) (2) ---- ========== SYSCOLUMNS ========== --- Columns for Tables --- "tquoteTwo "iq1 1 INTEGER null null null null ---- "tquoteTwo "iq2 2 INTEGER null null null null ---- MULTI WORD NAME C 1 CHAR(2) null null null null ---- REMOVED X 1 INTEGER null null null null ---- T10 K 2 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- T10 UK 3 CHAR(3) NOT NULL null null null null ---- T10 VACH 1 VARCHAR(12) null null null null ---- T11 LOLA 2 INTEGER null null null null ---- T11 MYCHAR 1 CHAR(8) null null null null ---- T1 C 2 CHAR(8) null null null null ---- T1 C 2 CLOB(15) null null null null ---- T1 D 3 DATE null null null null ---- T1 F 4 DOUBLE NOT NULL null null null null ---- T1 I 1 INTEGER null null null null ---- T1 P1 1 VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL null null null null ---- T2 B 2 BLOB(20) null null null null ---- T2 C 3 CLOB(15) null null null null ---- T2 P1 1 VARCHAR(10) null null null null ---- T3 B 2 BLOB(20) null null null null ---- T3 ID 3 INTEGER NOT NULL null null 2 4 ---- T3 P1 1 VARCHAR(10) 'okie' null null ---- T4 I 1 INTEGER 2 null null ---- T4 J 2 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- T4 K 3 INTEGER NOT NULL null null 1 1 ---- T5 COST 1 DOUBLE null null null null ---- T6 LETTER 2 CHAR(1) null null null null ---- T6 NUM 1 INTEGER null null null null ---- T7 DEUX 2 INTEGER null null null null ---- T7 UN 1 INTEGER null null null null ---- T8 FKCHAR 2 CHAR(5) null null null null ---- T8 SOMEINT 1 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- T8T1T4 C1 1 CHAR(4) 'okie' null null ---- T8T1T4 C2 2 CHAR(4) 'doki' null null ---- T9 CH 2 CHAR(8) NOT NULL null null null null ---- T9 FKINT 1 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- V"3 I 1 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- V1 DEE 2 CHAR(8) null null null null ---- V1 DOKIE 3 VARCHAR(10) null null null null ---- V1 DOO 1 INTEGER null null null null ---- V1 DUM 1 DATE null null null null ---- V1 DWA 2 CHAR(1) null null null null ---- V2 C 2 CLOB(15) null null null null ---- V2 P1 1 VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL null null null null ---- X X 1 INTEGER null null null null ---- tWithKeys C 1 CHAR(5) NOT NULL null null null null ---- tWithKeys I 2 INTEGER null null null null ---- tWithKeys VC 3 VARCHAR(10) null null null null ---- tee""Hee N 1 CHAR(1) NOT NULL null null null null ---- tquote"One i"q1 1 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- tquote"One i"q2 2 INTEGER 8 null null ---- tquoteThree" iq1" 1 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- tquoteThree" iq2" 2 INTEGER null null null null ---- viewTwo LOLA 2 INTEGER null null null null ---- viewTwo MYCHAR 1 CHAR(8) null null null null ---- --- Columns for Statements --- ========== SYSCONGLOMERATES ========== "Quoted"Schema" tee""Hee true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- "Quoted"Schema" tee""Hee Ix"5 true BTREE (1 DESC) false ---- "Quoted"Schema" tee""Hee tee""Hee false null false ---- APP "tquoteTwo true BTREE (1) true ---- APP "tquoteTwo "tquoteTwo false null false ---- APP REMOVED REMOVED false null false ---- APP T11 true BTREE (1, 2) true ---- APP T11 T11 false null false ---- APP T1 IX1 true BTREE (4, 1) false ---- APP T1 T1 false null false ---- APP T2 T2 false null false ---- APP T8T1T4 T8T1T4 false null false ---- APP X X false null false ---- APP tquote"One true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- APP tquote"One tquote"One false null false ---- APP tquoteThree" true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- APP tquoteThree" tquoteThree" false null false ---- BAR MULTI WORD NAME MULTI WORD NAME false null false ---- BAR T1 true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- BAR T1 T1 false null false ---- BAR T3 IX2 true BTREE (1 DESC, 3 DESC) false ---- BAR T3 T3 false null false ---- BAR T4 IX4 true UNIQUE BTREE (3) false ---- BAR T4 T4 false null false ---- BAR T8 true BTREE (2) true ---- BAR T8 true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- BAR T8 T8 false null false ---- BAR tWithKeys true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- BAR tWithKeys IX3 true BTREE (1 DESC) false ---- BAR tWithKeys tWithKeys false null false ---- FOO T10 true UNIQUE BTREE (2) true ---- FOO T10 true UNIQUE BTREE (3) true ---- FOO T10 T10 false null false ---- FOO T9 true BTREE (1) true ---- FOO T9 true UNIQUE BTREE (2, 1) true ---- FOO T9 T9 false null false ---- Foo Bar T5 CostIndex true UNIQUE BTREE (1) false ---- Foo Bar T5 T5 false null false ---- Foo Bar T6 T6 false null false ---- Foo Bar T7 T7 false null false ---- ========== SYSCONSTRAINTS ========== "ck2 "tquoteTwo "ck2 C APP E 0 ---- "effkay1 "tquoteTwo "effkay1 F APP E 0 ---- T10 P FOO E 1 ---- T10 U FOO E 0 ---- T8 F BAR E 0 ---- T8 P BAR E 0 ---- tWithKeys C BAR E 0 ---- tWithKeys P BAR E 1 ---- NOTEVIL tWithKeys NOTEVIL C BAR E 0 ---- T11 F APP E 0 ---- UNQ T1 UNQ U BAR E 0 ---- c"k1 tquote"One c"k1 C APP E 0 ---- chkOne T10 chkOne C FOO E 0 ---- ck2" tquoteThree" ck2" C APP E 0 ---- fkOne T9 fkOne F FOO E 0 ---- pee"kay1 tquote"One pee"kay1 P APP E 1 ---- pkTwo T9 pkTwo P FOO E 1 ---- tee""Hee P "Quoted"Schema" E 0 ---- unqkay1" tquoteThree" unqkay1" U APP E 0 ---- ========== SYSDEPENDS ========== "effkay1 APP."effkay1 -> APP.pee"kay1 Constraint pee"kay1 Constraint ---- APP. -> FOO.pkTwo Constraint pkTwo Constraint ---- BAR. -> BAR. Constraint Constraint ---- fkOne FOO.fkOne -> FOO. Constraint Constraint ---- "Quoted"Schema". ->
"Quoted"Schema".tee""Hee StoredPreparedStatement tee""Hee Table ---- APP. -> BAR.T4 StoredPreparedStatement T4 ColumnsInTable ---- APP. -> BAR.tWithKeys StoredPreparedStatement tWithKeys ColumnsInTable ---- APP. -> APP. StoredPreparedStatement Conglomerate ---- APP. -> BAR. StoredPreparedStatement Conglomerate ---- APP. -> BAR.IX3 StoredPreparedStatement Conglomerate ---- APP. ->
APP.REMOVED StoredPreparedStatement REMOVED Table ---- APP. ->
APP.X StoredPreparedStatement X Table ---- APP. ->
BAR.T3 StoredPreparedStatement T3 Table ---- APP. ->
BAR.tWithKeys StoredPreparedStatement tWithKeys Table ---- BAR. ->
BAR.T8 StoredPreparedStatement T8 Table ---- Foo Bar. ->
BAR.T1 StoredPreparedStatement T1 Table ---- "Quoted"Schema"."trig"One" -> "Quoted"Schema". Trigger StoredPreparedStatement ---- "Quoted"Schema"."trig"One" ->
"Quoted"Schema".tee""Hee Trigger tee""Hee Table ---- APP.TRIGFOUR -> APP. Trigger StoredPreparedStatement ---- APP.TRIGFOUR ->
APP.X Trigger X Table ---- APP.TRIGONE -> APP. Trigger StoredPreparedStatement ---- APP.TRIGONE ->
BAR.T3 Trigger T3 Table ---- APP.TrigThree -> APP. Trigger StoredPreparedStatement ---- APP.TrigThree ->
BAR.tWithKeys Trigger tWithKeys Table ---- BAR.REFTRIG -> BAR. Trigger StoredPreparedStatement ---- BAR.REFTRIG ->
BAR.T8 Trigger T8 Table ---- Foo Bar.TRIG2 -> Foo Bar. Trigger StoredPreparedStatement ---- Foo Bar.TRIG2 ->
BAR.T1 Trigger T1 Table ---- V1 APP.V1 -> APP.T1 View T1 ColumnsInTable ---- V1 APP.V1 -> BAR.T3 View T3 ColumnsInTable ---- V2 APP.V2 -> BAR.T1 View T1 ColumnsInTable ---- viewTwo BAR.viewTwo -> APP.T11 View T11 ColumnsInTable ---- V1 FOO.V1 -> Foo Bar.T6 View T6 ColumnsInTable ---- ========== SYSFILES ========== FOO FOOJAR ---- ========== SYSFOREIGNKEYS ========== U R ---- "effkay1 pee"kay1 R R ---- fkOne R S ---- pkTwo R R ---- ========== SYSKEYS ========== ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- UNQ ---- pee"kay1 ---- pkTwo ---- unqkay1" ---- ========== SYSSCHEMAS ========== "Quoted"Schema" "Quoted"Schema" APP ---- APP APP APP ---- BAR BAR APP ---- FOO FOO APP ---- Foo Bar Foo Bar APP ---- ========== SYSSTATEMENTS ========== APP T insert into removed select * from new org.apache.derby.catalog.TriggerOldTransitionRows() OLD where x not in (select x from new org.apache.derby.catalog.TriggerNewTransitionRows() NEW where x < 10) APP null ---- APP T select c from bar."tWithKeys" APP null ---- APP T update bar.t4 set j=8 where i=2 APP null ---- "Quoted"Schema" T values(8) APP null ---- BAR T select * from new org.apache.derby.catalog.TriggerOldTransitionRows() OLDTABLE APP null ---- Foo Bar T values (1), (2) APP null ---- ========== SYSTABLES ========== "tquoteTwo "tquoteTwo T APP R ---- MULTI WORD NAME MULTI WORD NAME T BAR R ---- REMOVED REMOVED T APP R ---- T10 T10 T FOO R ---- T11 T11 T APP R ---- T1 T1 T APP R ---- T1 T1 T BAR R ---- T2 T2 T APP R ---- T3 T3 T BAR R ---- T4 T4 T BAR R ---- T5 T5 T Foo Bar R ---- T6 T6 T Foo Bar R ---- T7 T7 T Foo Bar R ---- T8T1T4 T8T1T4 T APP R ---- T8 T8 T BAR R ---- T9 T9 T FOO R ---- V"3 V"3 V APP R ---- V1 V1 V APP R ---- V1 V1 V FOO R ---- V2 V2 V APP R ---- X X T APP R ---- tWithKeys tWithKeys T BAR R ---- tee""Hee tee""Hee T "Quoted"Schema" R ---- tquote"One tquote"One T APP R ---- tquoteThree" tquoteThree" T APP R ---- viewTwo viewTwo V BAR R ---- ========== SYSTRIGGERS ========== "trig"One" "Quoted"Schema" I A R E tee""Hee null null values(8) false false null null ---- REFTRIG BAR D A S E T8 null null select * from oldtable true false OLDTABLE null ---- TRIG2 Foo Bar D B S E T1 null null values (1), (2) false false null null ---- TRIGFOUR APP U A S E X null (1) insert into removed select * from old where x not in (select x from new where x < 10) true true OLD NEW ---- TRIGONE APP I A R E T3 null null update bar.t4 set j=8 where i=2 false false null null ---- TrigThree APP U A R E tWithKeys null (1,2) select c from bar."tWithKeys" false false null null ---- ========== SYSVIEWS ========== V"3 create view "V""3"(i) as values (8), (28), (78) N APP ---- V1 create view v1 (dum, dee, dokie) as select a.d, a.c, b.p1 from t1 as a, bar.t3 as b N APP ---- V1 create view v1 (doo, dwa) as select num, letter from "Foo Bar".t6 N FOO ---- V2 create view v2 as select * from bar.t1 N APP ---- viewTwo create view bar."viewTwo" as select * from app.t11 N APP ---- Database 'wombat_new' deleted. -- ******************************************* Dumping DDL for all objects with schema 'BAR', excluding views: ******************************************* File dblook.log was empty. Creating database 'wombat_new' from ddl script 'wombat.sql' Dumping system tables for 'wombat_new' ----------------=================--------------- System Tables for: wombat_new ----------------=================--------------- ========== SYSALIASES ========== OP4 BAR org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest P P false inoutparams4(OUT A DECIMAL(4,2),IN B VARCHAR(255)) LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA MODIFIES SQL DATA ---- ========== SYSCHECKS ========== (i > 0) (2) ---- NOTEVIL (vc != 'evil') (3) ---- ========== SYSCOLUMNS ========== --- Columns for Tables --- MULTI WORD NAME C 1 CHAR(2) null null null null ---- T1 C 2 CLOB(15) null null null null ---- T1 P1 1 VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL null null null null ---- T3 B 2 BLOB(20) null null null null ---- T3 ID 3 INTEGER NOT NULL null null 2 4 ---- T3 P1 1 VARCHAR(10) 'okie' null null ---- T4 I 1 INTEGER 2 null null ---- T4 J 2 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- T4 K 3 INTEGER NOT NULL null null 1 1 ---- T8 FKCHAR 2 CHAR(5) null null null null ---- T8 SOMEINT 1 INTEGER NOT NULL null null null null ---- tWithKeys C 1 CHAR(5) NOT NULL null null null null ---- tWithKeys I 2 INTEGER null null null null ---- tWithKeys VC 3 VARCHAR(10) null null null null ---- --- Columns for Statements --- ========== SYSCONGLOMERATES ========== BAR MULTI WORD NAME MULTI WORD NAME false null false ---- BAR T1 true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- BAR T1 T1 false null false ---- BAR T3 IX2 true BTREE (1 DESC, 3 DESC) false ---- BAR T3 T3 false null false ---- BAR T4 IX4 true UNIQUE BTREE (3) false ---- BAR T4 T4 false null false ---- BAR T8 true BTREE (2) true ---- BAR T8 true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- BAR T8 T8 false null false ---- BAR tWithKeys true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- BAR tWithKeys IX3 true BTREE (1 DESC) false ---- BAR tWithKeys tWithKeys false null false ---- ========== SYSCONSTRAINTS ========== T8 F BAR E 0 ---- T8 P BAR E 0 ---- tWithKeys C BAR E 0 ---- tWithKeys P BAR E 1 ---- NOTEVIL tWithKeys NOTEVIL C BAR E 0 ---- UNQ T1 UNQ U BAR E 0 ---- ========== SYSDEPENDS ========== BAR. -> BAR. Constraint Constraint ---- BAR. ->
BAR.T8 StoredPreparedStatement T8 Table ---- BAR.REFTRIG -> BAR. Trigger StoredPreparedStatement ---- BAR.REFTRIG ->
BAR.T8 Trigger T8 Table ---- ========== SYSFILES ========== ========== SYSFOREIGNKEYS ========== U R ---- ========== SYSKEYS ========== ---- ---- UNQ ---- ========== SYSSCHEMAS ========== APP APP APP ---- BAR BAR APP ---- ========== SYSSTATEMENTS ========== BAR T select * from new org.apache.derby.catalog.TriggerOldTransitionRows() OLDTABLE APP null ---- ========== SYSTABLES ========== MULTI WORD NAME MULTI WORD NAME T BAR R ---- T1 T1 T BAR R ---- T3 T3 T BAR R ---- T4 T4 T BAR R ---- T8 T8 T BAR R ---- tWithKeys tWithKeys T BAR R ---- ========== SYSTRIGGERS ========== REFTRIG BAR D A S E T8 null null select * from oldtable true false OLDTABLE null ---- ========== SYSVIEWS ========== Database 'wombat_new' deleted. -- ******************************************* Dumping DDL for all objects with schema 'BAR' that are related to tables 'T3', 'tWithKeys', and 'MULTI WORD NAME': ******************************************* File dblook.log was empty. Creating database 'wombat_new' from ddl script 'wombat.sql' Dumping system tables for 'wombat_new' ----------------=================--------------- System Tables for: wombat_new ----------------=================--------------- ========== SYSALIASES ========== ========== SYSCHECKS ========== (i > 0) (2) ---- NOTEVIL (vc != 'evil') (3) ---- ========== SYSCOLUMNS ========== --- Columns for Tables --- MULTI WORD NAME C 1 CHAR(2) null null null null ---- T3 B 2 BLOB(20) null null null null ---- T3 ID 3 INTEGER NOT NULL null null 2 4 ---- T3 P1 1 VARCHAR(10) 'okie' null null ---- tWithKeys C 1 CHAR(5) NOT NULL null null null null ---- tWithKeys I 2 INTEGER null null null null ---- tWithKeys VC 3 VARCHAR(10) null null null null ---- --- Columns for Statements --- ========== SYSCONGLOMERATES ========== BAR MULTI WORD NAME MULTI WORD NAME false null false ---- BAR T3 IX2 true BTREE (1 DESC, 3 DESC) false ---- BAR T3 T3 false null false ---- BAR tWithKeys true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- BAR tWithKeys IX3 true BTREE (1 DESC) false ---- BAR tWithKeys tWithKeys false null false ---- ========== SYSCONSTRAINTS ========== tWithKeys C BAR E 0 ---- tWithKeys P BAR E 0 ---- NOTEVIL tWithKeys NOTEVIL C BAR E 0 ---- ========== SYSDEPENDS ========== ========== SYSFILES ========== ========== SYSFOREIGNKEYS ========== ========== SYSKEYS ========== ---- ========== SYSSCHEMAS ========== APP APP APP ---- BAR BAR APP ---- ========== SYSSTATEMENTS ========== ========== SYSTABLES ========== MULTI WORD NAME MULTI WORD NAME T BAR R ---- T3 T3 T BAR R ---- tWithKeys tWithKeys T BAR R ---- ========== SYSTRIGGERS ========== ========== SYSVIEWS ========== Database 'wombat_new' deleted. -- ******************************************* Dumping DDL for all objects related to 'T1' and 'TWITHKEYS': ******************************************* File dblook.log was empty. Creating database 'wombat_new' from ddl script 'wombat.sql' FAILED: to execute cmd from DDL script: create view v1 (dum, dee, dokie) as select a.d, a.c, b.p1 from t1 as a, bar.t3 as b Table 'BAR.T3' does not exist. Dumping system tables for 'wombat_new' ----------------=================--------------- System Tables for: wombat_new ----------------=================--------------- ========== SYSALIASES ========== ========== SYSCHECKS ========== ========== SYSCOLUMNS ========== --- Columns for Tables --- T1 C 2 CHAR(8) null null null null ---- T1 C 2 CLOB(15) null null null null ---- T1 D 3 DATE null null null null ---- T1 F 4 DOUBLE NOT NULL null null null null ---- T1 I 1 INTEGER null null null null ---- T1 P1 1 VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL null null null null ---- V2 C 2 CLOB(15) null null null null ---- V2 P1 1 VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL null null null null ---- --- Columns for Statements --- ========== SYSCONGLOMERATES ========== APP T1 IX1 true BTREE (4, 1) false ---- APP T1 T1 false null false ---- BAR T1 true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- BAR T1 T1 false null false ---- ========== SYSCONSTRAINTS ========== UNQ T1 UNQ U BAR E 0 ---- ========== SYSDEPENDS ========== Foo Bar. ->
BAR.T1 StoredPreparedStatement T1 Table ---- Foo Bar.TRIG2 -> Foo Bar. Trigger StoredPreparedStatement ---- Foo Bar.TRIG2 ->
BAR.T1 Trigger T1 Table ---- V2 APP.V2 -> BAR.T1 View T1 ColumnsInTable ---- ========== SYSFILES ========== ========== SYSFOREIGNKEYS ========== ========== SYSKEYS ========== UNQ ---- ========== SYSSCHEMAS ========== APP APP APP ---- BAR BAR APP ---- Foo Bar Foo Bar APP ---- ========== SYSSTATEMENTS ========== Foo Bar T values (1), (2) APP null ---- ========== SYSTABLES ========== T1 T1 T APP R ---- T1 T1 T BAR R ---- V2 V2 V APP R ---- ========== SYSTRIGGERS ========== TRIG2 Foo Bar D B S E T1 null null values (1), (2) false false null null ---- ========== SYSVIEWS ========== V2 create view v2 as select * from bar.t1 N APP ---- Database 'wombat_new' deleted. -- ******************************************* Dumping DDL for all objects with schema '"Quoted"Schema"': ******************************************* File dblook.log was empty. Creating database 'wombat_new' from ddl script 'wombat.sql' Dumping system tables for 'wombat_new' ----------------=================--------------- System Tables for: wombat_new ----------------=================--------------- ========== SYSALIASES ========== ========== SYSCHECKS ========== ========== SYSCOLUMNS ========== --- Columns for Tables --- tee""Hee N 1 CHAR(1) NOT NULL null null null null ---- --- Columns for Statements --- ========== SYSCONGLOMERATES ========== "Quoted"Schema" tee""Hee true UNIQUE BTREE (1) true ---- "Quoted"Schema" tee""Hee Ix"5 true BTREE (1 DESC) false ---- "Quoted"Schema" tee""Hee tee""Hee false null false ---- ========== SYSCONSTRAINTS ========== tee""Hee P "Quoted"Schema" E 0 ---- ========== SYSDEPENDS ========== "Quoted"Schema". ->
"Quoted"Schema".tee""Hee StoredPreparedStatement tee""Hee Table ---- "Quoted"Schema"."trig"One" -> "Quoted"Schema". Trigger StoredPreparedStatement ---- "Quoted"Schema"."trig"One" ->
"Quoted"Schema".tee""Hee Trigger tee""Hee Table ---- ========== SYSFILES ========== ========== SYSFOREIGNKEYS ========== ========== SYSKEYS ========== ---- ========== SYSSCHEMAS ========== "Quoted"Schema" "Quoted"Schema" APP ---- APP APP APP ---- ========== SYSSTATEMENTS ========== "Quoted"Schema" T values(8) APP null ---- ========== SYSTABLES ========== tee""Hee tee""Hee T "Quoted"Schema" R ---- ========== SYSTRIGGERS ========== "trig"One" "Quoted"Schema" I A R E tee""Hee null null values(8) false false null null ---- ========== SYSVIEWS ========== Database 'wombat_new' deleted. -- ******************************************* Dumping DDL w/ invalid url, and writing error to the log: ******************************************* File dblook.log was NOT empty. Contents are: ############## Begin File Contents ################ java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver -- **--> DEBUG: No suitable driver ############## End File Contents ################ Creating database 'wombat_new' from ddl script 'wombat.sql' Dumping system tables for 'wombat_new' ----------------=================--------------- System Tables for: wombat_new ----------------=================--------------- ========== SYSALIASES ========== ========== SYSCHECKS ========== ========== SYSCOLUMNS ========== --- Columns for Tables --- --- Columns for Statements --- ========== SYSCONGLOMERATES ========== ========== SYSCONSTRAINTS ========== ========== SYSDEPENDS ========== ========== SYSFILES ========== ========== SYSFOREIGNKEYS ========== ========== SYSKEYS ========== ========== SYSSCHEMAS ========== APP APP APP ---- ========== SYSSTATEMENTS ========== ========== SYSTABLES ========== ========== SYSTRIGGERS ========== ========== SYSVIEWS ========== Database 'wombat_new' deleted. -= Start dblook Message Tests =- Database 'wombat' deleted. Creating database 'wombat' from ddl script 'dblook_makeDB_2.sql' ************ Msg Test 1 ************ -- ******************************************* Dumping full schema for 'wombat' to file 'wombat.sql': ******************************************* File wombat.sql was NOT empty. Contents are: ############## Begin File Contents ################ -- ============================ -- This file was created using Derby's dblook utility. -- Timestamp: xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx -- Source database is: -- Connection URL is: -- appendLogs: false -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for schemas -- ---------------------------------------------- CREATE SCHEMA "BAR" -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for jars -- **** NOTE **** In order for jar files to be loaded correctly, -- you must either 1) ensure that the DBJARS directory (created -- automatically by dblook) exists where it was created (i.e. at -- the path shown in the statements below), or else 2) change the -- path in the statements below to reflect the current location of -- DBJARS. If the DBJARS directory does not exist, or if it -- has been moved and the path is not correct, the following DDL -- statements will throw errors, and the jar files will NOT be -- loaded. -- ---------------------------------------------- CALL SQLJ.INSTALL_JAR() -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for stored procedures -- ---------------------------------------------- CREATE PROCEDURE "APP"."PROC1" (INOUT A CHAR(10),IN B INTEGER) LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA CONTAINS SQL DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 4 EXTERNAL NAME 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest.inoutparams3' -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for tables -- ---------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE "BAR"."T1" ("C" CHAR(5) NOT NULL, "I" INTEGER, "VC" VARCHAR(10), "FKCHAR" CHAR(5)) -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for indexes -- ---------------------------------------------- CREATE INDEX "BAR"."IX1" ON "BAR"."T1" ("I" DESC) -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for keys -- ---------------------------------------------- -- primary/unique ALTER TABLE "BAR"."T1" ADD CONSTRAINT "xxxxGENERATED-IDxxxx" PRIMARY KEY ("C") -- foreign ALTER TABLE "BAR"."T1" ADD CONSTRAINT "xxxxGENERATED-IDxxxx" FOREIGN KEY ("FKCHAR") REFERENCES "BAR"."T1" ("C") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for checks -- ---------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE "BAR"."T1" ADD CONSTRAINT "NOTEVIL" CHECK (vc != 'evil') -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for views -- ---------------------------------------------- SET SCHEMA "APP" create view v1 (dum, dee, dokie) as select a.c, a.i, a.vc from bar.t1 as a -- Reverting back to default schema 'APP' SET SCHEMA "APP" -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for triggers -- ---------------------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER "APP"."TRIGONE" AFTER INSERT ON "BAR"."T1" FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2SQL update bar.t1 set i = 4 where i = 2 ############## End File Contents ################ File dblook.log was empty. ************ Msg Test 2 ************ File wombat.sql was NOT empty. Contents are: ############## Begin File Contents ################ -- ============================ -- This file was created using Derby's dblook utility. -- Timestamp: xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx -- Source database is: -- Connection URL is: -- The dblook utility will consider only specified tables. -- Specified schema is: bar -- appendLogs: false -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for schemas -- ---------------------------------------------- CREATE SCHEMA "BAR"; -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for tables -- ---------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE "BAR"."T1" ("C" CHAR(5) NOT NULL, "I" INTEGER, "VC" VARCHAR(10), "FKCHAR" CHAR(5)); -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for indexes -- ---------------------------------------------- CREATE INDEX "BAR"."IX1" ON "BAR"."T1" ("I" DESC); -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for keys -- ---------------------------------------------- -- primary/unique ALTER TABLE "BAR"."T1" ADD CONSTRAINT "xxxxGENERATED-IDxxxx" PRIMARY KEY ("C"); -- foreign ALTER TABLE "BAR"."T1" ADD CONSTRAINT "xxxxGENERATED-IDxxxx" FOREIGN KEY ("FKCHAR") REFERENCES "BAR"."T1" ("C") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION; -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for checks -- ---------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE "BAR"."T1" ADD CONSTRAINT "NOTEVIL" CHECK (vc != 'evil'); ############## End File Contents ################ File dblook.log was empty. ************ Msg Test 3 ************ USAGE: java org.apache.derby.tools.dblook -d [OPTIONS] where the source URL is the full URL, including the connection protocol and any connection attributes that might apply. For example, use 'jdbc:derby:myDB', or 'jdbc:derby:net://localhost:1527/myDB:user=usr;'. options include: -z to specify a schema to which the DDL generation should be limited. Only database objects with that schema will have their DDL generated. -t ... to specify a list of tables for which the DDL will be generated; any tables not in the list will be ignored. -td to specify what should be appended to the end of each DDL statement. This defaults to ';'. -noview to prevent the generation of DDL for views. -append to keep from overwriting the output files. -verbose to have error messages printed to the console (in addition to the log file). If not specified, errors will only be printed to the log file. -o to specify the file name to which the generated DDL will be written. If not specified, default is the console. ************ Msg Test 4 ************ -- Timestamp: xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx -- Source database is: -- Connection URL is: -- appendLogs: false -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for schemas -- ---------------------------------------------- CREATE SCHEMA "BAR" # -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for jars -- **** NOTE **** In order for jar files to be loaded correctly, -- you must either 1) ensure that the DBJARS directory (created -- automatically by dblook) exists where it was created (i.e. at -- the path shown in the statements below), or else 2) change the -- path in the statements below to reflect the current location of -- DBJARS. If the DBJARS directory does not exist, or if it -- has been moved and the path is not correct, the following DDL -- statements will throw errors, and the jar files will NOT be -- loaded. -- ---------------------------------------------- CALL SQLJ.INSTALL_JAR() -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for stored procedures -- ---------------------------------------------- CREATE PROCEDURE "APP"."PROC1" (INOUT A CHAR(10),IN B INTEGER) LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA CONTAINS SQL DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 4 EXTERNAL NAME 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.ProcedureTest.inoutparams3' # -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for tables -- ---------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE "BAR"."T1" ("C" CHAR(5) NOT NULL, "I" INTEGER, "VC" VARCHAR(10), "FKCHAR" CHAR(5)) # -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for indexes -- ---------------------------------------------- CREATE INDEX "BAR"."IX1" ON "BAR"."T1" ("I" DESC) # -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for keys -- ---------------------------------------------- -- primary/unique ALTER TABLE "BAR"."T1" ADD CONSTRAINT "xxxxGENERATED-IDxxxx" PRIMARY KEY ("C") # -- foreign ALTER TABLE "BAR"."T1" ADD CONSTRAINT "xxxxGENERATED-IDxxxx" FOREIGN KEY ("FKCHAR") REFERENCES "BAR"."T1" ("C") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION # -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for checks -- ---------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE "BAR"."T1" ADD CONSTRAINT "NOTEVIL" CHECK (vc != 'evil') # -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for views -- ---------------------------------------------- SET SCHEMA "APP" # create view v1 (dum, dee, dokie) as select a.c, a.i, a.vc from bar.t1 as a # -- Reverting back to default schema 'APP' SET SCHEMA "APP" # -- ---------------------------------------------- -- DDL Statements for triggers -- ---------------------------------------------- CREATE TRIGGER "APP"."TRIGONE" AFTER INSERT ON "BAR"."T1" FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2SQL update bar.t1 set i = 4 where i = 2 # ************ Msg Test 5 ************ File dblook.log was NOT empty. Contents are: ############## Begin File Contents ################ -- **--> DEBUG: Failed to load jar file java.io.FileNotFoundException: ############## End File Contents ################ [ Done. ]