TestA - some syntax testing for Coalesce/Value function TestAla - select coalesce from tA will give error because no arguments were supplied to the function expected exception Column 'COALESCE' is not in any table in the FROM list or it appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or it appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'COALESCE' is not a column in the target table. TestAlb - select value from tA will give error because no arguments were supplied to the function expected exception Column 'VALUE' is not in any table in the FROM list or it appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or it appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'VALUE' is not a column in the target table. TestA2a - select coalesce from tA will give error because no arguments were supplied inside the parentheses expected exception Syntax error: Encountered ")" at line 1, column 17. TestA2b - select value from tA will give error because no arguments were supplied inside the parentheses expected exception Syntax error: Encountered ")" at line 1, column 14. TestA3a - select coalesce from tA with only one argument will give error expected exception The number of arguments for function 'COALESCE' is incorrect. TestA3b - select value from tA with only one argument will give error expected exception The number of arguments for function 'VALUE' is incorrect. TestA4a - select coalesce from tA with incorrect column name will give error expected exception Column 'C111' is not in any table in the FROM list or it appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or it appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'C111' is not a column in the target table. TestA4b - select value from tA with incorrect column name will give error expected exception Column 'C111' is not in any table in the FROM list or it appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or it appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement then 'C111' is not a column in the target table. TestA5a - create table with table name as coalesce and column name as coalesce will pass because coalesce is not a reserved-word COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1} TestA5b - create table with table name as value and column name as value will pass because value is not a reserved-word COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1} TestA6a - All arguments to coalesce function passed as parameters is an error expected exception All the arguments to the COALESC/VALUE function can not be parameters. Need to have at least one non-parameter argument. TestA6b - All arguments to value function passed as parameters is an error expected exception All the arguments to the COALESC/VALUE function can not be parameters. Need to have at least one non-parameter argument. Set up by creating table for testing all datatypes combinations create table AllDataTypesTable (SMALLINTCOL SMALLINT,INTEGERCOL INTEGER,BIGINTCOL BIGINT,DECIMALCOL DECIMAL(10,5),REALCOL REAL,DOUBLECOL DOUBLE,CHARCOL CHAR(60),VARCHARCOL VARCHAR(60),LONGVARCHARCOL LONG VARCHAR,CHARFORBITCOL CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA,VARCHARFORBITCOL VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA,LVARCHARFORBITCOL LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA,CLOBCOL CLOB(1k),DATECOL DATE,TIMECOL TIME,TIMESTAMPCOL TIMESTAMP,BLOBCOL BLOB(1k)) insert into AllDataTypesTable values(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL) insert into AllDataTypesTable values(0,11,22,3.3,4.4,5.5,'1992-01-06','1992-01-07','1992-01-08',X'10aa',X'10bb',X'10cc','13','2000-01-01','15:30:20','xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx,NULL) insert into AllDataTypesTable values(1,111,222,3.33,4.44,5.55,'1992-01-16','1992-01-17','1992-01-18',NULL,NULL,NULL,'14','2000-01-01','15:30:20','xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx,NULL) insert into AllDataTypesTable values(2,NULL,3333,NULL,4.444,NULL,NULL,'15:30:20','xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx,X'10aaaa',X'10bbbb',X'10cccc',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL) Start testing all compatible datatypes combinations in COALESCE/VALUE function SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : SMALLINT, precision : 5, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {0} {1} {2} SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {0} {1} {2} SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {0} {1} {2} SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 24, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {0.00000} {1.00000} {2.00000} SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {0.0} {1.0} {2.0} SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL,REALCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {0.0} {1.0} {2.0} SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {11} {111} {2} SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {11} {111} {2} SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {11} {111} {2} SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 24, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {11.00000} {111.00000} {2.00000} SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {11.0} {111.0} {2.0} SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL,REALCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {11.0} {111.0} {2.0} SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {22} {222} {3333} SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {22} {222} {3333} SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {22} {222} {3333} SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 24, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {22.00000} {222.00000} {3333.00000} SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {22.0} {222.0} {3333.0} SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL,REALCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {22.0} {222.0} {3333.0} SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 10, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.30000} {3.33000} {2.00000} SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 15, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.30000} {3.33000} {2.00000} SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 24, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.30000} {3.33000} {2.00000} SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 24, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.30000} {3.33000} {2.00000} SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.3} {3.33} {2.0} SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL,REALCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.3} {3.33} {2.0} SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL,REALCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {2.0} SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {2.0} SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {2.0} SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {2.0} SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {2.0} SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL,REALCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {2.0} SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {1992-01-06 } {1992-01-16 } {null} SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-06 } {1992-01-16 } {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-06 } {1992-01-16 } {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 32700, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-06 } {1992-01-16 } {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable expected exception because mixing CLOB and DATA/TIME/TIMESTAMP arugments The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL,DATECOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable expected exception because mixing CLOB and DATA/TIME/TIMESTAMP arugments The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL,DATECOL,TIMECOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable expected exception because mixing CLOB and DATA/TIME/TIMESTAMP arugments The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-07} {1992-01-17} {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-07} {1992-01-17} {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-07} {1992-01-17} {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 32700, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-07} {1992-01-17} {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable expected exception because mixing CLOB and DATA/TIME/TIMESTAMP arugments The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL,DATECOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable expected exception because mixing CLOB and DATA/TIME/TIMESTAMP arugments The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL,DATECOL,TIMECOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable expected exception because mixing CLOB and DATA/TIME/TIMESTAMP arugments The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-08} {1992-01-18} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-08} {1992-01-18} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-08} {1992-01-18} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 32700, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-08} {1992-01-18} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {10aa20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {null} {10aaaa202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {10aa20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {null} {10aaaa202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {null} {10aa20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {null} {10aaaa202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {10bb} {null} {10bbbb} SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {10bb} {null} {10bbbb} SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {null} {10bb} {null} {10bbbb} SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {null} {10cc} {null} {10cccc} SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {null} {10cc} {null} {10cccc} SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {null} {10cc} {null} {10cccc} SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 1024, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {13} {14} {null} SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 1024, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {13} {14} {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 32700, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {13} {14} {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 32700, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {13} {14} {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {2000-01-01} {2000-01-01} {null} SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {15:30:20} {15:30:20} {null} SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {15:30:20} {15:30:20} {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {15:30:20} {15:30:20} {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {null} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} {null} SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable COL1(datatype : BLOB, precision : 1024, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} Start testing all datatypes combinations in COALESCE/VALUE function SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands SMALLINT , SMALLINT will have result data type of SMALLINT COL1(datatype : SMALLINT, precision : 5, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {0} {1} {2} SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands SMALLINT , SMALLINT will have result data type of SMALLINT COL1(datatype : SMALLINT, precision : 5, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {0} {1} {2} SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands SMALLINT , INTEGER will have result data type of INTEGER COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {0} {1} {2} SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands SMALLINT , INTEGER will have result data type of INTEGER COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {0} {1} {2} SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands SMALLINT , BIGINT will have result data type of BIGINT COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {0} {1} {2} SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands SMALLINT , BIGINT will have result data type of BIGINT COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {0} {1} {2} SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands SMALLINT , DECIMAL(10,5) will have result data type of DECIMAL COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 10, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {0.00000} {1.00000} {2.00000} SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands SMALLINT , DECIMAL(10,5) will have result data type of DECIMAL COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 10, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {0.00000} {1.00000} {2.00000} SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands SMALLINT , REAL will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {0.0} {1.0} {2.0} SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands SMALLINT , REAL will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {0.0} {1.0} {2.0} SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands SMALLINT , DOUBLE will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {0.0} {1.0} {2.0} SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands SMALLINT , DOUBLE will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {0.0} {1.0} {2.0} SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(SMALLINTCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(SMALLINTCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands SMALLINT , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'SMALLINT' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands INTEGER , SMALLINT will have result data type of INTEGER COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {11} {111} {2} SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands INTEGER , SMALLINT will have result data type of INTEGER COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {11} {111} {2} SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands INTEGER , INTEGER will have result data type of INTEGER COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {11} {111} {null} SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands INTEGER , INTEGER will have result data type of INTEGER COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {11} {111} {null} SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands INTEGER , BIGINT will have result data type of BIGINT COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {11} {111} {3333} SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands INTEGER , BIGINT will have result data type of BIGINT COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {11} {111} {3333} SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands INTEGER , DECIMAL(10,5) will have result data type of DECIMAL COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 15, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {11.00000} {111.00000} {null} SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands INTEGER , DECIMAL(10,5) will have result data type of DECIMAL COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 15, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {11.00000} {111.00000} {null} SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands INTEGER , REAL will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {11.0} {111.0} {4.443999767303467} SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands INTEGER , REAL will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {11.0} {111.0} {4.443999767303467} SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands INTEGER , DOUBLE will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {11.0} {111.0} {null} SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands INTEGER , DOUBLE will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {11.0} {111.0} {null} SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(INTEGERCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(INTEGERCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands INTEGER , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'INTEGER' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands BIGINT , SMALLINT will have result data type of BIGINT COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {22} {222} {3333} SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands BIGINT , SMALLINT will have result data type of BIGINT COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {22} {222} {3333} SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands BIGINT , INTEGER will have result data type of BIGINT COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {22} {222} {3333} SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands BIGINT , INTEGER will have result data type of BIGINT COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {22} {222} {3333} SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands BIGINT , BIGINT will have result data type of BIGINT COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {22} {222} {3333} SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands BIGINT , BIGINT will have result data type of BIGINT COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {22} {222} {3333} SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands BIGINT , DECIMAL(10,5) will have result data type of DECIMAL COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 24, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {22.00000} {222.00000} {3333.00000} SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands BIGINT , DECIMAL(10,5) will have result data type of DECIMAL COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 24, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {22.00000} {222.00000} {3333.00000} SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands BIGINT , REAL will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {22.0} {222.0} {3333.0} SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands BIGINT , REAL will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {22.0} {222.0} {3333.0} SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands BIGINT , DOUBLE will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {22.0} {222.0} {3333.0} SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands BIGINT , DOUBLE will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {22.0} {222.0} {3333.0} SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BIGINTCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BIGINTCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BIGINT , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BIGINT' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DECIMAL(10,5) , SMALLINT will have result data type of DECIMAL COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 10, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.30000} {3.33000} {2.00000} SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DECIMAL(10,5) , SMALLINT will have result data type of DECIMAL COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 10, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.30000} {3.33000} {2.00000} SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DECIMAL(10,5) , INTEGER will have result data type of DECIMAL COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 15, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.30000} {3.33000} {null} SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DECIMAL(10,5) , INTEGER will have result data type of DECIMAL COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 15, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.30000} {3.33000} {null} SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DECIMAL(10,5) , BIGINT will have result data type of DECIMAL COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 24, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.30000} {3.33000} {3333.00000} SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DECIMAL(10,5) , BIGINT will have result data type of DECIMAL COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 24, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.30000} {3.33000} {3333.00000} SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DECIMAL(10,5) , DECIMAL(10,5) will have result data type of DECIMAL COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 10, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.30000} {3.33000} {null} SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DECIMAL(10,5) , DECIMAL(10,5) will have result data type of DECIMAL COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 10, scale : 5) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.30000} {3.33000} {null} SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DECIMAL(10,5) , REAL will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.3} {3.33} {4.443999767303467} SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DECIMAL(10,5) , REAL will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.3} {3.33} {4.443999767303467} SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DECIMAL(10,5) , DOUBLE will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.3} {3.33} {null} SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DECIMAL(10,5) , DOUBLE will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {3.3} {3.33} {null} SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DECIMALCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DECIMALCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DECIMAL(10,5) , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DECIMAL' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands REAL , SMALLINT will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands REAL , SMALLINT will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands REAL , INTEGER will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands REAL , INTEGER will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands REAL , BIGINT will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands REAL , BIGINT will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands REAL , DECIMAL(10,5) will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands REAL , DECIMAL(10,5) will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands REAL , REAL will have result data type of REAL COL1(datatype : REAL, precision : 7, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {4.4} {4.44} {4.444} SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands REAL , REAL will have result data type of REAL COL1(datatype : REAL, precision : 7, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {4.4} {4.44} {4.444} SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands REAL , DOUBLE will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands REAL , DOUBLE will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {4.400000095367432} {4.440000057220459} {4.443999767303467} SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(REALCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(REALCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands REAL , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'REAL' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DOUBLE , SMALLINT will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {2.0} SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DOUBLE , SMALLINT will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {2.0} SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DOUBLE , INTEGER will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {null} SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DOUBLE , INTEGER will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {null} SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DOUBLE , BIGINT will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {3333.0} SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DOUBLE , BIGINT will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {3333.0} SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DOUBLE , DECIMAL(10,5) will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {null} SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DOUBLE , DECIMAL(10,5) will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {null} SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DOUBLE , REAL will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {4.443999767303467} SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DOUBLE , REAL will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {4.443999767303467} SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DOUBLE , DOUBLE will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {null} SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DOUBLE , DOUBLE will have result data type of DOUBLE COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {5.5} {5.55} {null} SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DOUBLECOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DOUBLECOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DOUBLE , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DOUBLE' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) , CHAR(60) will have result data type of CHAR COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {1992-01-06 } {1992-01-16 } {null} SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) , CHAR(60) will have result data type of CHAR COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {1992-01-06 } {1992-01-16 } {null} SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) , VARCHAR(60) will have result data type of VARCHAR COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-06 } {1992-01-16 } {15:30:20} SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) , VARCHAR(60) will have result data type of VARCHAR COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-06 } {1992-01-16 } {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) , LONG VARCHAR will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-06 } {1992-01-16 } {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) , LONG VARCHAR will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-06 } {1992-01-16 } {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) , CLOB(1k) will have result data type of CLOB COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 1024, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-06 } {1992-01-16 } {null} SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) , CLOB(1k) will have result data type of CLOB COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 1024, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-06 } {1992-01-16 } {null} SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) , DATE will have result data type of DATE COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {1992-01-06} {1992-01-16} {null} SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) , DATE will have result data type of DATE COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {1992-01-06} {1992-01-16} {null} SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) , TIME will have result data type of TIME COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) , TIME will have result data type of TIME COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) , TIMESTAMP will have result data type of TIMESTAMP COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) , TIMESTAMP will have result data type of TIMESTAMP COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT COALESCE(CHARCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) , CHAR(60) will have result data type of VARCHAR COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-07} {1992-01-17} {15:30:20} SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) , CHAR(60) will have result data type of VARCHAR COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-07} {1992-01-17} {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) , VARCHAR(60) will have result data type of VARCHAR COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-07} {1992-01-17} {15:30:20} SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) , VARCHAR(60) will have result data type of VARCHAR COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 60, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-07} {1992-01-17} {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) , LONG VARCHAR will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-07} {1992-01-17} {15:30:20} SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) , LONG VARCHAR will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-07} {1992-01-17} {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) , CLOB(1k) will have result data type of CLOB COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 1024, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-07} {1992-01-17} {15:30:20} SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) , CLOB(1k) will have result data type of CLOB COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 1024, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-07} {1992-01-17} {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) , DATE will have result data type of DATE COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) , DATE will have result data type of DATE COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) , TIME will have result data type of TIME COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) , TIME will have result data type of TIME COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) , TIMESTAMP will have result data type of TIMESTAMP COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) , TIMESTAMP will have result data type of TIMESTAMP COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands LONG VARCHAR , CHAR(60) will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-08} {1992-01-18} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands LONG VARCHAR , CHAR(60) will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-08} {1992-01-18} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands LONG VARCHAR , VARCHAR(60) will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-08} {1992-01-18} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands LONG VARCHAR , VARCHAR(60) will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-08} {1992-01-18} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands LONG VARCHAR , LONG VARCHAR will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-08} {1992-01-18} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands LONG VARCHAR , LONG VARCHAR will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-08} {1992-01-18} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands LONG VARCHAR , CLOB(1k) will have result data type of CLOB COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 32700, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-08} {1992-01-18} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands LONG VARCHAR , CLOB(1k) will have result data type of CLOB COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 32700, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {1992-01-08} {1992-01-18} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LONGVARCHARCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LONGVARCHARCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of CHAR () FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : CHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {10aa20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {null} {10aaaa202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of CHAR () FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : CHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {10aa20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {null} {10aaaa202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {10aa20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {null} {10aaaa202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {10aa20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {null} {10aaaa202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {null} {10aa20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {null} {10aaaa202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {null} {10aa20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {null} {10aaaa202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CHARFORBITCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CHARFORBITCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {10bb} {null} {10bbbb} SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {10bb} {null} {10bbbb} SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {10bb} {null} {10bbbb} SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 60, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------- {null} {10bb} {null} {10bbbb} SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {null} {10bb} {null} {10bbbb} SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {null} {10bb} {null} {10bbbb} SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(VARCHARFORBITCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {null} {10cc} {null} {10cccc} SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {null} {10cc} {null} {10cccc} SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {null} {10cc} {null} {10cccc} SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {null} {10cc} {null} {10cccc} SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {null} {10cc} {null} {10cccc} SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA will have result data type of LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {null} {10cc} {null} {10cccc} SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(LVARCHARFORBITCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CLOB(1k) , CHAR(60) will have result data type of CLOB COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 1024, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {13} {14} {null} SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CLOB(1k) , CHAR(60) will have result data type of CLOB COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 1024, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {13} {14} {null} SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CLOB(1k) , VARCHAR(60) will have result data type of CLOB COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 1024, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {13} {14} {15:30:20} SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CLOB(1k) , VARCHAR(60) will have result data type of CLOB COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 1024, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {13} {14} {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CLOB(1k) , LONG VARCHAR will have result data type of CLOB COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 32700, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {13} {14} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CLOB(1k) , LONG VARCHAR will have result data type of CLOB COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 32700, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {null} {13} {14} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CLOB(1k) , CLOB(1k) will have result data type of CLOB COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 1024, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {13} {14} {null} SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands CLOB(1k) , CLOB(1k) will have result data type of CLOB COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 1024, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {13} {14} {null} SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(CLOBCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(CLOBCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands CLOB(1k) , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CLOB' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DATE , CHAR(60) will have result data type of DATE COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {2000-01-01} {2000-01-01} {null} SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DATE , CHAR(60) will have result data type of DATE COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {2000-01-01} {2000-01-01} {null} SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DATE , VARCHAR(60) will have result data type of DATE COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DATE , VARCHAR(60) will have result data type of DATE COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DATE , DATE will have result data type of DATE COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {2000-01-01} {2000-01-01} {null} SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands DATE , DATE will have result data type of DATE COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {2000-01-01} {2000-01-01} {null} SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(DATECOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(DATECOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands DATE , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'DATE' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands TIME , CHAR(60) will have result data type of TIME COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {15:30:20} {15:30:20} {null} SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands TIME , CHAR(60) will have result data type of TIME COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {15:30:20} {15:30:20} {null} SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands TIME , VARCHAR(60) will have result data type of TIME COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {15:30:20} {15:30:20} {15:30:20} SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands TIME , VARCHAR(60) will have result data type of TIME COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {15:30:20} {15:30:20} {15:30:20} SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands TIME , TIME will have result data type of TIME COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {15:30:20} {15:30:20} {null} SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands TIME , TIME will have result data type of TIME COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {15:30:20} {15:30:20} {null} SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMECOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMECOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIME , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIME' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands TIMESTAMP , CHAR(60) will have result data type of TIMESTAMP COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {null} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} {null} SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands TIMESTAMP , CHAR(60) will have result data type of TIMESTAMP COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {null} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} {null} SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands TIMESTAMP , VARCHAR(60) will have result data type of TIMESTAMP COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands TIMESTAMP , VARCHAR(60) will have result data type of TIMESTAMP COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- expected exception because char value does not match a time/timestamp format The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands TIMESTAMP , TIMESTAMP will have result data type of TIMESTAMP COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {null} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} {null} SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands TIMESTAMP , TIMESTAMP will have result data type of TIMESTAMP COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {null} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} {null} SELECT COALESCE(TIMESTAMPCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(TIMESTAMPCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands TIMESTAMP , BLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'TIMESTAMP' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,SMALLINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , SMALLINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'SMALLINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,INTEGERCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , INTEGER are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'INTEGER' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,BIGINTCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , BIGINT are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'BIGINT' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,DECIMALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , DECIMAL(10,5) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'DECIMAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,REALCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , REAL are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'REAL' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,DOUBLECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , DOUBLE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'DOUBLE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,CHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , CHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'CHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,VARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , VARCHAR(60) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,LONGVARCHARCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , LONG VARCHAR are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'LONG VARCHAR' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,CHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , CHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,VARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , VARCHAR(60) FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,LVARCHARFORBITCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,CLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , CLOB(1k) are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'CLOB' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,DATECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , DATE are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'DATE' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,TIMECOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , TIME are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'TIME' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,TIMESTAMPCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Operands BLOB(1k) , TIMESTAMP are incompatible for Coalesce/Value function expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'TIMESTAMP' is incompatible. SELECT COALESCE(BLOBCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands BLOB(1k) , BLOB(1k) will have result data type of BLOB COL1(datatype : BLOB, precision : 1024, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} SELECT VALUE(BLOBCOL,BLOBCOL) from AllDataTypesTable Coalesc/Value with operands BLOB(1k) , BLOB(1k) will have result data type of BLOB COL1(datatype : BLOB, precision : 1024, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {null} {null} {null} {null} TestF - focus on date datatypes TestF1a - coalesce(dateCol,dateCol) COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {1992-01-02} TestF1b - value(dateCol,dateCol) COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {1992-01-02} TestF2a - coalesce(dateCol,charCol) COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {1992-01-02} TestF2b - value(dateCol,charCol) COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {1992-01-02} TestF3a - coalesce(charCol,dateCol) COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {1992-01-03} TestF3b - value(charCol,dateCol) COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {1992-01-03} TestF4a - coalesce(dateCol,varcharCol) COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {1992-01-02} TestF4b - value(dateCol,varcharCol) COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {1992-01-02} TestF5a - coalesce(varcharCol,dateCol) COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {1992-01-03} TestF5b - value(varcharCol,dateCol) COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {null} {1992-01-03} TestF - Try invalid string representation of date into chars and varchars and then use them in coalesce function with date datatype TestF6a - coalesce(charCol,dateCol) will fail because one row has invalid string representation of date in the char column COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ expected exception The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. TestF6b - value(charCol,dateCol) will fail because one row has invalid string representation of date in the char column COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ expected exception The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. TestF7a - coalesce(varcharCol,dateCol) will fail because one row has invalid string representation of date in the varchar column COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ expected exception The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. TestF7b - value(varcharCol,dateCol) will fail because one row has invalid string representation of date in the varchar column COL1(datatype : DATE, precision : 10, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ expected exception The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. TestG - focus on time datatypes TestG1a - coalesce(timeCol,timeCol) COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {12:30:30} TestG1b - value(timeCol,timeCol) COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {12:30:30} TestG2a - coalesce(timeCol,charCol) COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {12:30:30} TestG2b - value(timeCol,charCol) COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {12:30:30} TestG3a - coalesce(charCol,timeCol) COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {12:30:31} TestG3b - value(charCol,timeCol) COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {12:30:31} TestG4a - coalesce(timeCol,varcharCol) COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {12:30:30} TestG4b - value(timeCol,varcharCol) COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {12:30:30} TestG5a - coalesce(varcharCol,timeCol) COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {12:30:31} TestG5b - value(varcharCol,timeCol) COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {12:30:31} TestG - Try invalid string representation of time into chars and varchars and then use them in coalesce function with time datatype TestG6a - coalesce(charCol,timeCol) will fail because one row has invalid string representation of time in the char column COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- expected exception The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. TestG6b - value(charCol,timeCol) will fail because one row has invalid string representation of time in the char column COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- expected exception The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. TestG7a - coalesce(varcharCol,timeCol) will fail because one row has invalid string representation of time in the varchar column COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- expected exception The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. TestG7b - value(varcharCol,timeCol) will fail because one row has invalid string representation of time in the varchar column COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- expected exception The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. TestG - Following will work fine with invalid string representation of time because timeCol is not null and hence we don't look at invalid time string in char/varchar columns TestG8a - coalesce(timeCol,charCol) will pass because timeCol is non-null for all rows in table TG and hence we don't look at charCol's invalid time string COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {12:30:30} {12:30:33} TestG8b - value(timeCol,charCol) will pass because timeCol is non-null for all rows in table TG and hence we don't look at charCol's invalid time string COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {12:30:30} {12:30:33} TestG9a - coalesce(timeCol,varcharCol) will pass because timeCol is non-null for all rows in table TG and hence we don't look at varcharCol's invalid time string COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {12:30:30} {12:30:33} TestG9b - value(timeCol,varcharCol) will pass because timeCol is non-null for all rows in table TG and hence we don't look at varcharCol's invalid time string COL1(datatype : TIME, precision : 0, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {null} {12:30:30} {12:30:33} TestH - focus on timestamp datatypes TestH1a - coalesce(timestampCol,timestampCol) COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {null} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} TestH1b - value(timestampCol,timestampCol) COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {null} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} TestH2a - coalesce(timestampCol,charCol) COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {null} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} TestH2b - value(timestampCol,charCol) COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {null} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} TestH3a - coalesce(charCol,timestampCol) COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {null} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} TestH3b - value(charCol,timestampCol) COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {null} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} TestH4a - coalesce(timestampCol,varcharCol) COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {null} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} TestH4b - value(timestampCol,varcharCol) COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {null} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} TestH5a - coalesce(varcharCol,timestampCol) COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {null} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} TestH5b - value(varcharCol,timestampCol) COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {null} {xxxxxxFILTERED-TIMESTAMPxxxxx} TestH - Try invalid string representation of timestamp into chars and varchars and then use them in coalesce function with timestamp datatype TestH6a - coalesce(charCol,timestampCol) will fail because one row has invalid string representation of timestamp in the char column COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- expected exception The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. TestH6b - value(charCol,timestampCol) will fail because one row has invalid string representation of timestamp in the char column COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- expected exception The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. TestH7a - coalesce(varcharCol,timestampCol) will fail because one row has invalid string representation of timestamp in the varchar column COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- expected exception The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. TestH7b - value(varcharCol,timestampCol) will fail because one row has invalid string representation of timestamp in the varchar column COL1(datatype : TIMESTAMP, precision : 0, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- expected exception The syntax of the string representation of a datetime value is incorrect. TestE - focus on smallint datatypes TestE1 - coalesce(smallintCol,smallintCol) COL1(datatype : SMALLINT, precision : 5, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {1} {null} TestE1a - coalesce(smallintCol,intCol) COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {1} {null} TestE1b - coalesce(smallintCol,bigintCol) COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {1} {null} TestE1c - coalesce(SMALLINT,DECIMAL) with decimal(w,x) will give result decimal(p,x) where p=x+max(w-x,5) and if that gives p>31, then p is set to 31 TestE1c1 - coalesce(smallintCol,decimalCol1) with decimal(22,2) will give result decimal(22,2) COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 22, scale : 2) --------------------------------------------------- {1.00} {null} TestE1c2 - coalesce(smallintCol,decimalCol2) with decimal(8,6) will give result decimal(11,6) COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 11, scale : 6) --------------------------------------------------- {1.000000} {null} TestE1c3 - coalesce(smallintCol,decimalCol3) with decimal(31,28) will give result decimal(31,28) rather than giving error for precision > 31 COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 31, scale : 28) ---------------------------------------------------- {1.0000000000000000000000000000} {null} TestE1d - coalesce(smallintCol,realCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {1.0} {null} TestE1e - coalesce(smallintCol,doubleCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {1.0} {null} TestE - focus on int datatypes TestE1 - coalesce(intCol,intCol) COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {2} {null} TestE1f - coalesce(intCol,smallintCol) COL1(datatype : INTEGER, precision : 10, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {2} {null} TestE1g - coalesce(intCol,bigintCol) COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {2} {null} TestE1h - coalesce(INT,DECIMAL) with decimal(w,x) will give result decimal(p,x) where p=x+max(w-x,11) and if that gives p>31, then p is set to 31 TestE1h1 - coalesce(intCol,decimalCol1) with decimal(22,2) will give result decimal(22,2) COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 22, scale : 2) --------------------------------------------------- {2.00} {null} TestE1h2 - coalesce(intCol,decimalCol2) with decimal(8,6) will give result decimal(17,6) COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 16, scale : 6) --------------------------------------------------- {2.000000} {null} TestE1h3 - coalesce(intCol,decimalCol3) with decimal(31,28) will give result decimal(31,28) rather than giving error for precision > 31 COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 31, scale : 28) ---------------------------------------------------- {2.0000000000000000000000000000} {null} TestE1i - coalesce(intCol,realCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {2.0} {null} TestE1j - coalesce(intCol,doubleCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {2.0} {null} TestE - focus on bigint datatypes TestE1 - coalesce(bigintCol,bigintCol) COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {3} {null} TestE1k - coalesce(bigintCol,smallintCol) COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {3} {null} TestE1l - coalesce(bigintCol,intCol) COL1(datatype : BIGINT, precision : 19, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {3} {null} TestE1m - coalesce(BIGINT,DECIMAL) with decimal(w,x) will give result decimal(p,x) where p=x+max(w-x,19) and if that gives p>31, then p is set to 31 TestE1m1 - coalesce(bigintCol,decimalCol1) with decimal(22,2) will give result decimal(22,2) COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 22, scale : 2) --------------------------------------------------- {3.00} {null} TestE1m2 - coalesce(bigintCol,decimalCol2) with decimal(8,6) will give result decimal(21,6) COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 25, scale : 6) --------------------------------------------------- {3.000000} {null} TestE1m3 - coalesce(bigintCol,decimalCol3) with decimal(31,28) will give result decimal(31,28) rather than giving error for precision > 31 COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 31, scale : 28) ---------------------------------------------------- {3.0000000000000000000000000000} {null} TestE1n - coalesce(bigintCol,realCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {3.0} {null} TestE1o - coalesce(bigintCol,doubleCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {3.0} {null} TestE - focus on decimal datatypes TestE1 - coalesce(DECIMAL,DECIMAL) with decimal(w,x), decimal(y,z) will give result decimal(p,s) where p=max(x,z)+max(w-x,y-z), s=max(x,z) and if that gives p>31, then p is set to 31 TestE11 - coalesce(decimalCol1,decimalCol1) with decimal(22,2) will give result decimal(22,2) COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 22, scale : 2) --------------------------------------------------- {4.00} {null} TestE12 - coalesce(decimalCol1,decimalCol2) with decimal(22,2) and decimal(8,6) will give result decimal(26,6) COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 26, scale : 6) --------------------------------------------------- {4.000000} {null} TestE13 - coalesce(decimalCol1,decimalCol3) with decimal(22,2) and decimal(31,28) will give result decimal(31,28) rather than giving error for precision > 31 COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 31, scale : 28) ---------------------------------------------------- {4.0000000000000000000000000000} {null} TestE1p - coalesce(decimalCol1,smallintCol) COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 22, scale : 2) --------------------------------------------------- {4.00} {null} TestE1q - coalesce(decimalCol1,intCol) COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 22, scale : 2) --------------------------------------------------- {4.00} {null} TestE1r - coalesce(decimalCol1,bigintCol) COL1(datatype : DECIMAL, precision : 22, scale : 2) --------------------------------------------------- {4.00} {null} TestE1s - coalesce(decimalCol1,realCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {4.0} {null} TestE1t - coalesce(decimalCol1,doubleCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {4.0} {null} TestE - focus on real datatypes TestE1 - coalesce(realCol,realCol) COL1(datatype : REAL, precision : 7, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------- {7.7} {null} TestE1u - coalesce(realCol,smallintCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {7.699999809265137} {null} TestE1v - coalesce(realCol,intCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {7.699999809265137} {null} TestE1w - coalesce(realCol,bigintCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {7.699999809265137} {null} TestE1x - coalesce(realCol,decimalCol1) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {7.699999809265137} {null} TestE1y - coalesce(realCol,doubleCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {7.699999809265137} {null} TestE - focus on double datatypes TestE1 - coalesce(doubleCol,doubleCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {3.4028235E38} {null} TestE1z - coalesce(doubleCol,smallintCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {3.4028235E38} {null} TestE2a - coalesce(doubleCol,intCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {3.4028235E38} {null} TestE2b - coalesce(doubleCol,bigintCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {3.4028235E38} {null} TestE2c - coalesce(doubleCol,decimalCol1) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {3.4028235E38} {null} TestE2d - coalesce(doubleCol,realCol) COL1(datatype : DOUBLE, precision : 15, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------- {3.4028235E38} {null} TestD - some miscellaneous testing for Coalesce/Value function TestD1a - test coalesce function in values clause COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 50, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {asdfghj } TestD1b - test value function in values clause COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 50, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------ {asdfghj } TestD2a - First argument to coalesce function passed as parameter with non-null value COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 254, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------- {first argument to coalesce } {first argument to coalesce } TestD2b - First argument to value function passed as parameter with non-null value COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 254, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------- {first argument to value } {first argument to value } TestD3a - First argument to coalesce function passed as parameter with null value COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 254, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------- {abcdefgh } {null} TestD3b - First argument to value function passed as parameter with null value COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 254, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------- {abcdefgh } {null} TestD4a - Pass incompatible value for parameter to coalesce function expected exception Invalid character string format for type INTEGER. TestB - Focus on CHAR as atleast one of the operands TestB1a - 2 CHAR operands coalesce(c1,c2) with c1(254) and c2(40) COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 254, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------- {c1 not null } {c1 not null but c2 is } {c2 not null but c1 is } {null} TestB1b - 2 CHAR operands value(c1,c2) with c1(254) and c2(40) COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 254, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------- {c1 not null } {c1 not null but c2 is } {c2 not null but c1 is } {null} TestB2a - 2 CHAR operands coalesce(c2,c1) with c2(40) and c1(254) COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 254, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------- {c2 not null } {c1 not null but c2 is } {c2 not null but c1 is } {null} TestB2b - 2 CHAR operands value(c2,c1) with c2(40) and c1(254) COL1(datatype : CHAR, precision : 254, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------- {c2 not null } {c1 not null but c2 is } {c2 not null but c1 is } {null} TestB3a - CHAR and VARCHAR operands coalesce(c1,vc1) with c1(254) and vc1(253) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 254, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {c1 not null } {c1 not null but c2 is } {null} {null} TestB3b - CHAR and VARCHAR operands value(c1,vc1) with c1(254) and vc1(253) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 254, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {c1 not null } {c1 not null but c2 is } {null} {null} TestB4a - VARCHAR and CHAR operands coalesce(vc1,c1) with vc1(253) and c1(254) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 254, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {vc1 not null} {vc1 is not null but vc2 is} {null} {null} TestB4b - VARCHAR AND CHAR operands value(vc1,c1) with vc1(253) and c1(254) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 254, scale : 0) ---------------------------------------------------- {vc1 not null} {vc1 is not null but vc2 is} {null} {null} TestB - Focus on VARCHAR as atleast one of the operands TestB5a - 2 VARCHAR operands coalesce(vc1,vc2) with vc1(253) and vc2(2000) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 2000, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------- {vc1 not null} {vc1 is not null but vc2 is} {vc2 is not null but vc1 is} {null} TestB5b - 2 VARCHAR operands value(vc1,vc2) with vc1(253) and vc2(2000) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 2000, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------- {vc1 not null} {vc1 is not null but vc2 is} {vc2 is not null but vc1 is} {null} TestB6a - 2 VARCHAR operands coalesce(vc2,vc1) with vc2(2000) and vc1(253) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 2000, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------- {vc2 not null} {vc1 is not null but vc2 is} {vc2 is not null but vc1 is} {null} TestB6b - 2 VARCHAR operands value(vc2,vc1) with vc2(2000) and vc1(253) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR, precision : 2000, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------- {vc2 not null} {vc1 is not null but vc2 is} {vc2 is not null but vc1 is} {null} TestB - Focus on LONG VARCHAR as atleast one of the operands TestB7a - CHAR and LONG VARCHAR operands coalesce(c1,lvc1) with c1(254) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {c1 not null } {c1 not null but c2 is } {lvc1 not null again} {null} TestB7b - CHAR and LONG VARCHAR operands value(c1,lvc1) with c1(254) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {c1 not null } {c1 not null but c2 is } {lvc1 not null again} {null} TestB8a - LONG VARCHAR and CHAR operands coalesce(lvc1,c1) with c1(254) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {lvc1 not null} {c1 not null but c2 is } {lvc1 not null again} {null} TestB8b - LONG VARCHAR and CHAR operands value(lvc1,c1) with c1(254) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {lvc1 not null} {c1 not null but c2 is } {lvc1 not null again} {null} TestB9a - VARCHAR and LONG VARCHAR operands coalesce(vc1,lvc1) with vc1(253) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {vc1 not null} {vc1 is not null but vc2 is} {lvc1 not null again} {null} TestB9b - VARCHAR and LONG VARCHAR operands value(vc1,lvc1) with vc1(253) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {vc1 not null} {vc1 is not null but vc2 is} {lvc1 not null again} {null} TestB10a - LONG VARCHAR and VARCHAR operands coalesce(lvc1,vc1) with vc1(253) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {lvc1 not null} {vc1 is not null but vc2 is} {lvc1 not null again} {null} TestB10b - LONG VARCHAR and VARCHAR operands value(lvc1,vc1) with vc1(253) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {lvc1 not null} {vc1 is not null but vc2 is} {lvc1 not null again} {null} TestB11a - LONG VARCHAR and LONG VARCHAR operands coalesce(lvc1,lvc2) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {lvc1 not null} {null} {lvc1 not null again} {null} TestB11b - LONG VARCHAR and LONG VARCHAR operands value(lvc1,lvc2) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------- {lvc1 not null} {null} {lvc1 not null again} {null} TestB - Focus on CLOB as atleast one of the operands TestB12a - CLOB and CHAR operands coalesce(clob1,c1) with clob1(200) and c1(254) COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 254, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------- {clob1 not null} {c1 not null but c2 is } {clob1 not null again} {null} TestB12b - CLOB and CHAR operands value(clob1,c1) with clob1(200) and c1(254) COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 254, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------- {clob1 not null} {c1 not null but c2 is } {clob1 not null again} {null} TestB13a - CHAR and CLOB operands coalesce(c1,clob2) with c1(254) and clob2(33K) COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 33792, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {c1 not null } {c1 not null but c2 is } {clob2 not null again} {null} TestB13b - CHAR and CLOB operands value(c1,clob2) with c1(254) and clob2(33K) COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 33792, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {c1 not null } {c1 not null but c2 is } {clob2 not null again} {null} TestB14a - CLOB and VARCHAR operands coalesce(clob1,vc1) with clob1(200) and vc1(253) COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 253, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------- {clob1 not null} {vc1 is not null but vc2 is} {clob1 not null again} {null} TestB14b - CLOB and VARCHAR operands value(clob1,vc1) with clob1(200) and vc1(253) COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 253, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------- {clob1 not null} {vc1 is not null but vc2 is} {clob1 not null again} {null} TestB15a - VARCHAR and CLOB operands coalesce(vc2,clob2) with vc2(2000) and clob2(33K) COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 33792, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {vc2 not null} {null} {vc2 is not null but vc1 is} {null} TestB15b - VARCHAR and CLOB operands value(vc2,clob2) with vc2(2000) and clob2(33K) COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 33792, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {vc2 not null} {null} {vc2 is not null but vc1 is} {null} TestB16a - CLOB and LONG VARCHAR operands coalesce(clob1,lvc1) with clob1(200). The result length will be 32700 (long varchar max length) COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 32700, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {clob1 not null} {null} {clob1 not null again} {null} TestB16b - CLOB and LONG VARCHAR operands value(clob1,lvc1) with clob1(200). The result length will be 32700 (long varchar max length) COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 32700, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {clob1 not null} {null} {clob1 not null again} {null} TestB17a - LONG VARCHAR and CLOB operands coalesce(lvc2,clob2) with clob2(33K). The result length will be 33K since clob length here is > 32700 (long varchar max length) COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 33792, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {lvc2 not null} {null} {lvc2 not null again} {null} TestB17b - LONG VARCHAR and CLOB operands value(lvc2,clob2) with clob2(33K). The result length will be 33K since clob length here is > 32700 (long varchar max length) COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 33792, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {lvc2 not null} {null} {lvc2 not null again} {null} TestB18a - CLOB and CLOB operands coalesce(clob1,clob2) with clob1(200) and clob2(33K). COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 33792, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {clob1 not null} {null} {clob1 not null again} {null} TestB18b - CLOB and CLOB operands value(clob1,clob2) with clob1(200) and clob2(33K). COL1(datatype : CLOB, precision : 33792, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {clob1 not null} {null} {clob1 not null again} {null} TestC - Focus on CHAR FOR BIT DATA as atleast one of the operands TestC1a - 2 CHAR FOR BIT DATA operands coalesce(cbd1,cbd2) with cbd1(254) and cbd2(40) COL1(datatype : CHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 254, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------------- {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574206362643220697320202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {63626432206e6f74206e756c6c20627574206362643120697320202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {null} TestC1b - 2 CHAR FOR BIT DATA operands value(cbd1,cbd2) with cbd1(254) and cbd2(40) COL1(datatype : CHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 254, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------------- {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574206362643220697320202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {63626432206e6f74206e756c6c20627574206362643120697320202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {null} TestC2a - 2 CHAR FOR BIT DATA operands coalesce(cbd2,cbd1) with cbd2(40) and cbd1(254) COL1(datatype : CHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 254, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------------- {63626432206e6f74206e756c6c20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574206362643220697320202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {63626432206e6f74206e756c6c20627574206362643120697320202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {null} TestC2b - 2 CHAR FOR BIT DATA operands value(cbd2,cbd1) with cbd2(40) and cbd1(254) COL1(datatype : CHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 254, scale : 0) ----------------------------------------------------------------- {63626432206e6f74206e756c6c20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574206362643220697320202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {63626432206e6f74206e756c6c20627574206362643120697320202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {null} TestC3a - CHAR FOR BIT DATA and VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands coalesce(cbd1,vcbd1) with cbd1(254) and vcbd1(253) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 254, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------------------------- {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574206362643220697320202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {null} {null} TestC3b - CHAR FOR BIT DATA and VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands value(cbd1,vcbd1) with cbd1(254) and vcbd1(253) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 254, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------------------------- {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574206362643220697320202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {null} {null} TestC4a - VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA and CHAR FOR BIT DATA operands coalesce(vcbd1,cbd1) with vcbd1(253) and cbd1(254) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 254, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------------------------- {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c} {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574207663626432206973} {null} {null} TestC4b - VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA AND CHAR FOR BIT DATA operands value(vcbd1,cbd1) with vcbd1(253) and cbd1(254) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 254, scale : 0) -------------------------------------------------------------------- {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c} {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574207663626432206973} {null} {null} TestC - Focus on VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA as atleast one of the operands TestC5a - 2 VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands coalesce(vcbd1,vcbd2) with vcbd1(253) and vcbd2(2000) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 2000, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------------------------- {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c} {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574207663626432206973} {7663626432206e6f74206e756c6c20627574207663626431206973} {null} TestC5b - 2 VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands value(vcbd1,vcbd2) with vcbd1(253) and vcbd2(2000) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 2000, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------------------------- {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c} {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574207663626432206973} {7663626432206e6f74206e756c6c20627574207663626431206973} {null} TestC6a - 2 VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands coalesce(vcbd2,vcbd1) with vcbd2(2000) and vcbd1(253) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 2000, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------------------------- {7663626432206e6f74206e756c6c} {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574207663626432206973} {7663626432206e6f74206e756c6c20627574207663626431206973} {null} TestC6b - 2 VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands value(vcbd2,vcbd1) with vcbd2(2000) and vcbd1(253) COL1(datatype : VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA, precision : 2000, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------------------------- {7663626432206e6f74206e756c6c} {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574207663626432206973} {7663626432206e6f74206e756c6c20627574207663626431206973} {null} TestC - Focus on LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA as atleast one of the operands TestC7a - CHAR FOR BIT DATA and LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands coalesce(cbd1,lvcbd1) with cbd1(254) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574206362643220697320202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20616761696e} {null} TestC7b - CHAR FOR BIT DATA and LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands value(cbd1,lvcbd1) with cbd1(254) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574206362643220697320202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20616761696e} {null} TestC8a - LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA and CHAR FOR BIT DATA operands coalesce(lvcbd1,cbd1) with cbd1(254) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c} {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574206362643220697320202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20616761696e} {null} TestC8b - LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA and CHAR FOR BIT DATA operands value(lvcbd1,cbd1) with cbd1(254) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c} {63626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574206362643220697320202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020} {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20616761696e} {null} TestC9a - VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA and LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands coalesce(vcbd1,lvcbd1) with vcbd1(253) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c} {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574207663626432206973} {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20616761696e} {null} TestC9b - VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA and LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands value(vcbd1,lvcbd1) with vcbd1(253) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c} {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574207663626432206973} {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20616761696e} {null} TestC10a - LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA and VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands coalesce(lvcbd1,vcbd1) with vcbd1(253) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c} {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574207663626432206973} {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20616761696e} {null} TestC10b - LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA and VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands value(lvcbd1,vcbd1) with vcbd1(253) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c} {7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20627574207663626432206973} {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20616761696e} {null} TestC11a - LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA and LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands coalesce(lvcbd1,lvcbd2) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c} {null} {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20616761696e} {null} TestC11b - LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA and LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands value(lvcbd1,lvcbd2) COL1(datatype : LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, precision : 32700, scale : 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c} {null} {6c7663626431206e6f74206e756c6c20616761696e} {null} TestC - Focus on BLOB as atleast one of the operands TestC12a - BLOB and CHAR FOR BIT DATA in coalesce(blob1,cbd1) will fail because BLOB is not compatible with FOR BIT DATA datatypes expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. TestC12b - BLOB and CHAR FOR BIT DATA in value(blob1,cbd1) will fail because BLOB is not compatible with FOR BIT DATA datatypes expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. TestC13a - CHAR FOR BIT DATA and BLOB operands coalesce(cbd1,blob2) will fail because BLOB is not compatible with FOR BIT DATA datatypes expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. TestC13b - CHAR FOR BIT DATA and BLOB operands value(cbd1,blob2) will fail because BLOB is not compatible with FOR BIT DATA datatypes expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. TestC14a - BLOB and VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands coalesce(blob1,vcbd1) will fail because BLOB is not compatible with FOR BIT DATA datatypes expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. TestC14b - BLOB and VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands value(blob1,vcbd1) will fail because BLOB is not compatible with FOR BIT DATA datatypes expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. TestC15a - VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA and BLOB operands coalesce(vcbd2,blob2) will fail because BLOB is not compatible with FOR BIT DATA datatypes expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. TestC15b - VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA and BLOB operands value(vcbd2,blob2) will fail because BLOB is not compatible with FOR BIT DATA datatypes expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. TestC16a - BLOB and LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands coalesce(blob1,lvcbd1) will fail because BLOB is not compatible with FOR BIT DATA datatypes expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. TestC16b - BLOB and LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA operands coalesce(blob1,lvcbd1) will fail because BLOB is not compatible with FOR BIT DATA datatypes expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'BLOB' and 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' is incompatible. TestC17a - LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA and BLOB operands coalesce(lvcbd2,blob2) will fail because BLOB is not compatible with FOR BIT DATA datatypes expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. TestC17b - LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA and BLOB operands value(lvcbd2,blob2) will fail because BLOB is not compatible with FOR BIT DATA datatypes expected exception The data type, length or value of arguments 'LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA' and 'BLOB' is incompatible. TestC18a - BLOB and BLOB operands coalesce(blob1,blob2) with blob1(200) and blob2(33K). COL1(datatype : BLOB, precision : 33792, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {626c6f6231206e6f74206e756c6c} {null} {626c6f6231206e6f74206e756c6c20616761696e} {null} TestC18b - BLOB and BLOB operands value(blob1,blob2) with blob1(200) and blob2(33K). COL1(datatype : BLOB, precision : 33792, scale : 0) --------------------------------------------------- {626c6f6231206e6f74206e756c6c} {null} {626c6f6231206e6f74206e756c6c20616761696e} {null}