ij> -- Test whether the RllRAMAccessmanager is working right. The property file -- for this test sets the lock level to table so make sure we get a table lock. -- level locking). run resource 'LockTableQuery.subsql'; ij> create view lock_table as select cast(username as char(8)) as username, cast(t.type as char(8)) as trantype, cast(l.type as char(8)) as type, cast(lockcount as char(3)) as cnt, mode, cast(tablename as char(12)) as tabname, cast(lockname as char(10)) as lockname, state, status from new org.apache.derby.diag.LockTable() l right outer join new org.apache.derby.diag.TransactionTable() t on l.xid = t.xid where l.tableType <> 'S' and t.type='UserTransaction'; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> --on l.xid = t.xid where l.tableType <> 'S' or l.tableType is null -- order by -- tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname -- lock table with system catalog locks included. create view full_lock_table as select cast(username as char(8)) as username, cast(t.type as char(8)) as trantype, cast(l.type as char(8)) as type, cast(lockcount as char(3)) as cnt, mode, cast(tablename as char(12)) as tabname, cast(lockname as char(10)) as lockname, state, status from new org.apache.derby.diag.LockTable() l right outer join new org.apache.derby.diag.TransactionTable() t on l.xid = t.xid where l.tableType <> 'S' ; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- lock table with no join. create view lock_table2 as select cast(l.xid as char(8)) as xid, cast(l.type as char(8)) as type, cast(lockcount as char(3)) as cnt, mode, cast(tablename as char(12)) as tabname, cast(lockname as char(10)) as lockname, state from new org.apache.derby.diag.LockTable() l where l.tableType <> 'S' ; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> -- transaction table with no join. create view tran_table as select * from new org.apache.derby.diag.TransactionTable() t ; 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> autocommit off; ij> create table heap_only (a int); 0 rows inserted/updated/deleted ij> commit; ij> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test insert into empty heap, should just get table lock -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- insert into heap_only values (1); 1 row inserted/updated/deleted ij> select * from lock_table order by tabname, type desc, mode, cnt, lockname; USERNAME|TRANTYPE|TYPE |CNT |MODE|TABNAME |LOCKNAME |STATE|STATUS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- APP |UserTran|TABLE |1 |X |HEAP_ONLY |Tablelock |GRANT|ACTIVE ij> commit; ij>