Test savepointJdbc30 starting Tests common to DRDA and embedded Cloudscape Test1 - no unnamed savepoints allowed if autocommit is true Expected Exception is Cannot set savepoint when in auto-commit mode. Test1a - no named savepoints allowed if autocommit is true Expected Exception is Cannot set savepoint when in auto-commit mode. Test2 - Release and reuse a savepoint name Test3 - null name not allowed for named savepoints Expected Exception is Named savepoint needs a none-null name. Test4 - Verify names/ids of named/unnamed savepoints Expected Exception is This is an un-named savepoint. Expected Exception is This is a named savepoint. Test5a - create two savepoints in two different transactions and release the first one in the subsequent transaction Expected Exception is SAVEPOINT, s1 does not exist or is not active in the current transaction. Test5b - create two savepoints in two different transactions and rollback the first one in the subsequent transaction Expected Exception is SAVEPOINT, s1 does not exist or is not active in the current transaction. Test6a - create a savepoint, release it, create another with same name and release the first one Expected Exception is SAVEPOINT, s1 does not exist or is not active in the current transaction. Test6b - create a savepoint, release it, create another with same name and rollback the first one Expected Exception is SAVEPOINT, s1 does not exist or is not active in the current transaction. Test6c - Try to use a savepoint from another connection for release Expected Exception is Cannot release a savepoint that was not created by this connection. Test7a - swap savepoints across connections with release Expected Exception is Cannot release a savepoint that was not created by this connection. Test7b - swap savepoints across connections with rollback Expected Exception is Rollback to a savepoint not created by this connection. Test 9 test savepoint name Test 10 test savepoint name case sensitivity Test 11 rolling back a savepoint multiple times - should work Test 12 releasing a savepoint multiple times - should not work Expected Exception is SAVEPOINT, MyName does not exist or is not active in the current transaction. Test 13 shouldn't be able to use a savepoint from earlier transaction after setting autocommit on and off Expected Exception is SAVEPOINT, MyName does not exist or is not active in the current transaction. Test 14 A non-user initiated transaction rollback should release the internal savepoint array Expected Exception is A lock could not be obtained within the time requested Expected Exception is SAVEPOINT, MyName does not exist or is not active in the current transaction. Test 15 check savepoints in batch Test 16 grammar check for savepoint sq1 Expected Exception is Syntax error: MISSING ON ROLLBACK RETAIN CURSORS. Expected Exception is Multiple or conflicting keywords involving the 'ON ROLLBACK RETAIN CURSORS' clause are present. Expected Exception is Multiple or conflicting keywords involving the 'ON ROLLBACK RETAIN LOCKS' clause are present. Expected Exception is Multiple or conflicting keywords involving the 'UNIQUE' clause are present. Test 17 No nested savepoints allowed when using SQL to set savepoints. This is to match DB2 LUW behavior Test 17a Test with UNIQUE clause. Expected Exception is The maximum number of savepoints has been reached. Test 17b Test without UNIQUE clause. Since no nesting is allowed, skipping UNIQUE still gives error for trying to define another savepoint Expected Exception is The maximum number of savepoints has been reached. Test 18 No nested SQL savepoints allowed inside JDBC savepoint. This is to match DB2 LUW behavior Following SQL savepoint will fail because we are trying to nest it inside JDBC savepoint Expected Exception is The maximum number of savepoints has been reached. Test 19 No nested SQL savepoints allowed inside SQL savepoint. This is to match DB2 LUW behavior Following SQL savepoint will fail because we are trying to nest it inside SQL savepoint Expected Exception is The maximum number of savepoints has been reached. Test 20 Rollback of SQL savepoint works same as rollback of JDBC savepoint. Test 21 After releasing the SQL savepoint, rollback the transaction and should see everything undone. Test 22 Should not be able to create a SQL savepoint starting with name SYS Expected Exception is An object cannot be created with the schema name 'SYS'. Test 23 Should be able to use non-reserved keywords savepoint and release as identifiers Create table with savepoint and release as identifiers Create a savepoint with name savepoint Release the savepoint with name savepoint Create a savepoint with name release Rollback to the savepoint with name release Release the savepoint with name release Test 24 Savepoint name can't exceed 128 characters Expected Exception is The name 'MyName1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890' is too long. The maximum length is '128'. Test 25 Should not be able to create a SQL savepoint starting with name SYS through jdbc Expected Exception is An object cannot be created with the schema name 'SYS'. Test 26a rollback of null savepoint Expected Exception is Cannot rollback to a null savepoint. Test 26b release of null savepoint Expected Exception is Cannot release a null savepoint. Next try non-DRDA tests Test savepointJdbc30 finished