APACHE DERBY STATUS: Last modified at [$Date: 2005-02-10 12:37:41 -0800 (Thu, 10 Feb 2005) $] by $Author: fuzzylogic $. Web site: http://incubator.apache.org/derby/ This is the status file for the Derby 10.0 branch. The real STATUS file can be found in the trunk, viewable on the web at: http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/incubator/derby/code/trunk/STATUS?view=markup Releases: * - First official Apache Derby release. Note that the 10.0 branch is versioned when checked out from Subversion to indicate that additional changes have been made to the branch which were not in the release. PENDING ISSUES ============== None. RELEASE STATUS ============== Since the release of Derby, there have been no requests or discussion for a bugfix release, and minimal changes have been committed to the branch, with the bulk of development happening on the trunk, as expected. Check the CHANGES file for a list of changes which have been made since the release of