JAX-RS Basic Demo With HTTPS communications =========================================== This demo takes the JAX-RS basic demo a step further by doing the communication using HTTPS. The JAX-RS server is configured with a HTTPS listener. The listener requires client authentication so the client must provide suitable credentials. The listener configuration is taken from the "ServerConfig.xml" file located under demo directory. The client is configured to provide its certificate "CN=Wibble" and chain stored in the Java KeyStore "certs/clientKeystore.jks" to the server. The server authenticates the client's certificate using the truststore "certs/commonstore.jks", which holds the Certificate Authorities' certificates. Likewise the client authenticates the server's certificate "CN=Cherry" and chain against the same trust store. Note also the usage of the cipherSuitesFilter configuration in the configuration files, where each party imposes different ciphersuites contraints, so that the ciphersuite eventually negotiated during the TLS handshake is acceptable to both sides. This may be viewed by adding a -Djavax.net.debug=all argument to the JVM. But please note that it is not adviseable to store sensitive data such as passwords stored in a clear text configuration file, unless the file is sufficiently protected by OS level permissions. The KeyStores may be configured programmatically so using user interaction may be employed to keep passwords from being stored in configuration files. The approach taken here is for demonstration reasons only. NOTE: Classes AuthSSLInitializationError, AuthSSLProtocolSocketFactory, and AuthSSLX509TrustManager are files copied from the Apache HTTP Client project and used by the client for certificate validation. Please review the README in the samples directory before continuing. Building and running the demo using maven --------------------------------------- From the base directory of this sample (i.e., where this README file is located), the maven pom.xml file can be used to build and run the demo. Using either UNIX or Windows: mvn install mvn -Pserver (from one command line window) mvn -Pclient (from a second command line window) To remove the target dir, run "mvn clean". Certificates ------------ If the certificates are expired or unusable for some reason, a shell script in the certs folder will generate a new set of certificates needed for this sample. Just do the following: cd certs sh gencerts.sh