Apache CXF 2.0.1 (incubating) Release Notes 1. Overview Apache CXF 2.0.1, under incubation, delivers the second milestone of the Celtix project (http://celtix.objectweb.org) and the XFire project (http://xfire.codehaus.org) merge. This release is mostly a patch release from 2.0. However, there are some new features as well: * Enable HTTPSession & Session use * Ant tasks for tools * Add support for in endpoint & client configuration * Allow access to Jetty Server or at least Context object * Configuring interceptors using annotations * Feature Support for the Bus 2. Installation Prerequisites Before installing Apache CXF (incubating), make sure the following products, with the specified versions, are installed on your system: * Java 5 Development Kit * Apache ant 1.6 2.1 Java 5 Development Kit You must install the J2SE Development Kit (JDK) 5.0, which can be downloaded from: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp After installing the JDK, set or modify the following environment variables: * JAVA_HOME -- set this environment variable to point at the root directory of the JDK 5.0 installation. * PATH -- make sure that your PATH includes: %JAVA_HOME%\bin (Windows) $JAVA_HOME/bin (UNIX) 2.2 Apache Ant 1.6.5 (or newer, 1.7.0 should work as well) To run samples included in the binary distribution of Apache CXF (incubating), you must install the Apache Ant 1.6.5 build utility, which can be downloaded from: http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi After installing Apache Ant, add the /bin directory to your PATH. For more details, see the Installation Guide. 3. Building the Samples Building the samples included in the binary distribution is easy. Change to the samples directory and follow the build instructions in the README.txt file included with each sample. 4. Errata 4.1 WS-Security The WS-Security configuration mechanisms may change between this release and the next one as we add in support for WS-SecurityPolicy and WS-Trust. 5. Reporting Problems If you have any problems or want to send feedback of any kind, please e-mail the cxf dev list, cxf-dev@incubator.apache.org. You can also file issues in JIRA at: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF 6. Specific issues, features, and improvements fixed in the Apache CXF 2.0.1 (incubating) release: Release Notes - CXF - Version 2.0.1 ** Bug * [CXF-362] - wsdltojava generated code has inconsistent style * [CXF-369] - xsd:dateTime becomes XMLGregorianCalendarImpl when Date needed * [CXF-493] - -b option doesn't work * [CXF-510] - SpringBusFactory only use DEFAULT_BUS_ID to create bus from context * [CXF-527] - JaxwsServiceFactoryBean bugs with RPC style * [CXF-655] - String[] cann't be input paras or return value when use doc/lit of code first way * [CXF-706] - Multiple Http Destinations cannot use the same address when using HTTPS. * [CXF-745] - JAXB Data Binding Generates Duplicate Fault Elements in Generated WSDL * [CXF-747] - Redundant Interceptors in the request-response chain while using Provider API * [CXF-750] - Support using Session in standalone * [CXF-773] - Logical/Soap handlers does not work on the Provider side. * [CXF-777] - velocity engin write errors (NPE) * [CXF-779] - missing jar file(s) in lib directory of 2.0 release or bad wiki page * [CXF-781] - Duplicate type error from Aegis on code that worked fine with XFire 1.2.5 * [CXF-782] - wsdl2java generated wrong package name * [CXF-783] - Ant tasks for tools don't provide helpful error messages * [CXF-784] - Interceptor not setting the fault chain for HTTP Binding * [CXF-785] - Aegis crashes instead of diagnosing namespace error in .aegis.xml file * [CXF-789] - JaxWsServiceConfiguration doesn't correctly find operations with an implementor * [CXF-790] - SOAP headers copied from input SOAPMessage to output SOAPMessage * [CXF-798] - wsdlvalidator cannot validate on-line wsdl * [CXF-800] - Resouce matching in jra seems incorrect * [CXF-802] - Java first with unqualified/unannotated JAXB objects don't generate proper soap messages.... * [CXF-804] - wsdl2java fails to generate code for the imported wsdl * [CXF-809] - no cygwin support in java2wsdl script * [CXF-810] - Client and Server classes in ant script generated by wsdl2java are not correct * [CXF-811] - Aegis omits type from WSDL, perhaps particularly when .aegis.xml file is trivial. * [CXF-813] - In java first, JAX-WS is using all methods on the IMPL instead of just the ones on the endpoint interface * [CXF-814] - In java first wrapped/doc/lit, if Impl and Interface have different targetNamespaces, the "parts" are not read * [CXF-818] - Code first, client side, RCP/lit doesn't work without a WSDL * [CXF-819] - WSS4JInterceptors don't allow to have a password callback handler by reference * [CXF-821] - Current CXFservletTransportFactory don't support the connduit Initator interfance * [CXF-824] - SOAPAction can't be used to select an operation * [CXF-839] - Fix misspelling of "prefix" * [CXF-841] - SOAP RPC/Lit uses paramOrder when sending messages instead of the order in the message * [CXF-842] - Code first, RPC/Lit with lots of inouts/outs/headers doesn't work * [CXF-843] - Code first, Multiple out headers is only putting one soap:header element in the wsdl * [CXF-844] - RPC/Lit null value parameters are skipped * [CXF-845] - OneWay operations agains JAX-WS RI server don't work * [CXF-846] - MTOM Content-Type header is invalid * [CXF-848] - WSDLValidator not working well with the bundle jar * [CXF-850] - performance of repeated calls to jaxws.Service.createPort is poor, jaxb context is created every time * [CXF-855] - Wsdl2Service not working ** Improvement * [CXF-268] - support and for the cxf-codegen-plugin so that XJC plugins can be used with the wsdl2java tool * [CXF-425] - Insufficient error handling in fault observers * [CXF-744] - Text improvements to error, usage messages for management console * [CXF-746] - Text improvements to frontend Messages.properties files * [CXF-753] - Text improvements * [CXF-757] - Switch to Ant build.xml file for new client_js sample. * [CXF-770] - Fixed messages in messages.properties * [CXF-795] - adding the spring configuration support for the Jetty server * [CXF-805] - wsdl2java error message improvement * [CXF-817] - Add support for configurable invoker in cxf.xml * [CXF-820] - With Doc/Lit/Wrapped and array/list types, generated wsdl has unreferences array schemas * [CXF-856] - Improvements to messages in Jetty_http transport ** New Feature * [CXF-749] - Enable HTTPSession & Session use * [CXF-760] - Ant tasks for tools * [CXF-767] - Autogenerate spring ID for , , etc * [CXF-768] - Add support for in endpoint & client configuration * [CXF-792] - Allow access to Jetty Server or at least Context object * [CXF-803] - Configuring interceptors using annotations ** Task * [CXF-734] - Changed the print code to assert code in the PolicyTest * [CXF-742] - Add Feature Support for the Bus ** Test * [CXF-112] - CXF performance testing and tuning * [CXF-150] - Interop testing with WCF, Axis2 ** Wish * [CXF-762] - Can it be available to skip following JAXB error about same name by user option?