The below lists the sample sample (non-production use!) self-signed keystores used in running the FEDIZ samples. Don't use the provided keystores in production--everyone has them! At a minimum, regenerate new keys using the scripts (with different passwords) below. These will be just self-signed keys however, for real production use having third-party signed CA keys is recommended.

Keystore (Password)Alias (Password)LocationCreation Script UsedNeeds to trustIs trusted by
Tomcat Keystores: The Tomcat keys can be simply placed in the root folder of each Tomcat installation. They are used to configure SSL for the Tomcat instances as described here: For Tomcat keys only, the keystore password and the private key password needs to be the same.
tomcat-idp.jks (tompass)mytomidpkey (tompass)base folder of Tomcat instance holding the IDP and IDP STS keytool -genkeypair -validity 730 -alias mytomidpkey -keystore tomcat-idp.jks -dname "cn=localhost" -keypass tompass -storepass tompass

keytool -keystore tomcat-idp.jks -storepass tompass -export -alias mytomidpkey -file MyTCIDP.cer
NobodyIDP app
tomcat-rp.jks (tompass)mytomrpkey (tompass)base folder of Tomcat instance holding the relying party applications for both samples (simpleWebapp and wsclientWebapp); has the STS public cert added to it because this keystore is configured in conf/fediz_config.xml.

Note: If desired can avoid adding STS public cert to this keystore if you create a separate truststore for Fediz w/STS public cert (identical to webserviceKeystore.jks below), and use that in fediz_config.xml instead.

keytool -genkeypair -validity 730 -alias mytomrpkey -keystore tomcat-rp.jks -dname "cn=localhost" -keypass tompass -storepass tompass

keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore tomcat-rp.jks -storepass tompass -alias mystskey -file MySTS.cer -noprompt (see stsstore.jks below for MySTS.cer)
IDP STS (Fediz Tomcat plugin makes STS call)Nobody
tomcat-wsp.jks (tompass)mytomwspkey (tompass)base folder of Tomcat instance holding the web service provider in the second (wsClientWebapp) sample keytool -genkeypair -validity 730 -alias mytomwspkey -keystore tomcat-wsp.jks -dname "cn=localhost" -keypass tompass -storepass tompass

keytool -keystore tomcat-wsp.jks -storepass tompass -export -alias mytomwspkey -file MyTCWSP.cer
NobodywsclientWebapp's webapp module
Service Keystores: These Fediz services form the core of the product and can be used with both the sample webapps provided and of course your own web applications.
idpstore.jks (ispass)myidpkey (ikpass)services/idp/src/main/resources/idpstore.jks keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA1withRSA -validity 730 -alias myidpkey -keypass ikpass -storepass ispass -keystore idpstore.jks

keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore idpstore.jks -storepass ispass -alias mytomidpkey -file MyTCIDP.cer -noprompt

keytool -export -rfc -keystore idpstore.jks -storepass ispass -alias myidpkey -file MyIDP.cer
mytomidpkey (because of SSL call to IDP STS)IDP STS
stsstore.jks (stsspass)mystskey (stskpass)services/sts/src/main/resources/stsstore.jks keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA1withRSA -validity 730 -alias mystskey -keypass stskpass -storepass stsspass -keystore stsstore.jks

keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore stsstore.jks -storepass stsspass -alias myidpkey -file MyIDP.cer -noprompt

keytool -export -rfc -keystore stsstore.jks -storepass stsspass -alias mystskey -file MySTS.cer
myidpkey (because of X.509 auth between IDP and IDP STS)wsclientWebapp's webservice
Sample Keystores: No production value, just used for running the "wsclientWebapp" sample provided with Fediz. (simpleWebapp has/uses no keys).
webappKeystore.jks (waspass)mywakey (wakpass)examples/wsclientWebapp/webapp/src/main/resources/webappKeystore.jks keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA1withRSA -validity 730 -alias mywakey -keypass wakpass -storepass waspass -keystore webappKeystore.jks

keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore webappKeystore.jks -storepass waspass -alias mytomidpkey -file MyTCIDP.cer -noprompt

keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore webappKeystore.jks -storepass waspass -alias mytomwspkey -file MyTCWSP.cer -noprompt

mytomidpkey (to access IDP STS via HTTPS, mytomwspkey (to access web service via HTTPS)Nobody
webserviceKeystore.jks (wsspass)N/A (no key, just a truststore)examples/wsclientWebapp/webservice/service/src/main/resources/webserviceKeystore.jks keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore webserviceKeystore.jks -storepass wsspass -alias mystskey -file MySTS.cer -noprompt IDP STS (signature verification)Nobody