Basic Setup for Building and Running the Demos ============================================== As described in the installation notes, extract the Apache CXF Fediz binary distribution archive into an installation directory under the root drive. This creates the apache-fediz-x.x.x folder, which includes all of the product subdirectories. To build and run the demos, you must install the J2SE Development Kit (JDK) 6.0 or later. All of the samples are built using Apache Maven, version 2.2.x or 3.x. You can build the samples all at once by running "mvn clean install" from the samples root folder or by running the same command within individual sample folders. For running each sample, follow the READMEs located in each sample's folder. "mvn clean install" will generate a WAR file for the servlet-based examples. Either the WAR can be manually copied to your servlet container's war deployment directory (webapps by default with Tomcat) or the Tomcat Maven Plugin ( can be used to auto-install the WAR onto Tomcat. Note if you're using this plugin with Tomcat 6 instead of Tomcat 7, change the tomcat-maven-plugin URLs in the service/pom.xml files to "http://localhost:{port}/manager" (instead of ".../manager/text"). To be able to run the Maven "mvn" command from any folder, be sure to add the MAVEN_HOME/bin directory to your system PATH variable. You can import the projects into Eclipse by running mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse then use Eclipse menu item File | Import... | Existing Project Into Workspace and choosing the desired projects you wish to import.