Release Notes - CXF Distributed OSGi - Version 1.6.0 ==================================================== ** Bug * [DOSGI-11] - dOSGi creates new databinding instance instead of using a spring-loaded databinding if available * [DOSGI-196] - Greeter demo does not work in standalone Felix * [DOSGI-198] - Imported service is gone after client bundle is restarted * [DOSGI-206] - Parse errors for xml files in discovery local and dsw * [DOSGI-207] - Update karaf maven plugin to release version * [DOSGI-208] - OSGi compendium bundle installed by feature causes problems * [DOSGI-210] - Service registration and memory leaks ** Improvement * [DOSGI-201] - Create DSOGi distro from karaf feature file * [DOSGI-202] - Make DOSGi independent of jdom * [DOSGI-203] - Upgrade to cxf 2.7.6 * [DOSGI-204] - Update osgi spec version to 4.3.1 and felix to 4.2.1 * [DOSGI-205] - Upgrade to pax exam 3.2 ** Task * [DOSGI-212] - Update CXF version to 2.7.8 Release Notes - CXF Distributed OSGi - Version 1.5.0 ==================================================== ** Bug * [DOSGI-158] - NPE on shutdown of DOSGi service * [DOSGI-160] - RemoteServiceAdmin shuts itself down during startup * [DOSGI-161] - services sometimes don't get exported * [DOSGI-162] - Compilation errors when using OSGi core * 4.3.0/4.3.1/5.0.0 * [DOSGI-164] - NullPointerException on export * [DOSGI-165] - exported service is not properly closed and cannot be * restarted * [DOSGI-166] - List can not be used to register CXF providers with DSW * [DOSGI-168] - RemoteServiceAdminCore service parameters handling bugs * [DOSGI-172] - o.a.c.d.discovery.zookeeper package classes are not * properly synchronized * [DOSGI-173] - unregistering an exported service does not remove it * from zookeeper (and remote clients) * [DOSGI-174] - synchronization issues and resource leaks in * TopologyManagerImport and related classes * [DOSGI-175] - TopologyManagerImport's reference counter doesn't count * [DOSGI-176] - zookeeper discovery sending multiple duplicate endpoint * notifications * [DOSGI-177] - stopped services still appear as available to clients * [DOSGI-180] - CXF service does not disappear if exporting bundle is * stopped * [DOSGI-188] - services aren't re-imported after RemoteServiceAdmin * restart * [DOSGI-190] - NodeExistsException and missing endpoint after ZooKeeper * is restarted * [DOSGI-191] - ZooKeeperDiscovery instance reconnects to ZooKeeper * after bundle is stopped * [DOSGI-192] - Upgrade to zookeeper 3.3.2 to fix bug with zk event * thread shutdown * [DOSGI-195] - Exceptions in tests: ClassCastException on * SpringBusFactory ** Improvement * [DOSGI-167] - Upgrade Aries to the 1.x version for distro * [DOSGI-170] - Remove single bundle distro * [DOSGI-181] - Reactivate or delete old systests * [DOSGI-184] - Split Endpoint repository from TopologyManagerExport * [DOSGI-193] - Split discovery.zookeeper package into subpackages Release Notes - CXF Distributed OSGi - Version 1.4.0 ==================================================== ** Bug * [DOSGI-10] - Spring schema handling (intents) doesn't work properly * for the single-bundle case * [DOSGI-18] - RESTful Proxies can not be created in multibundle DOSGI * distributions * [DOSGI-63] - The discovery can be used be used before the connection * to the server is completely established * [DOSGI-69] - CXF-DOSGi requires internet access when reading XML * [DOSGI-90] - Do not use/assume that is an address * [DOSGI-92] - Exception : Applying intent: SOAP via binding config * [DOSGI-109] - NullPointerException in ToloplogyManager during bundle * stop * [DOSGI-110] - Unable to export multiple services * [DOSGI-111] - DOSGi bundle attempts to load WSDL using wrong bundle in * WSDL-first configuration * [DOSGI-113] - Integration with pax-logging not possible * [DOSGI-114] - RemoteServiceAdmin is not available warnings in DOSGi * 1.3 * [DOSGI-116] - Build fails when downloading Zookeeper artifacts * [DOSGI-119] - Single bundle activator fails to stop all the bundles if * one of the activators throws an exception * [DOSGI-120] - NullPointerException on export * [DOSGI-121] - Fix logging: System.out prints, printStackTrace, verbose * logs * [DOSGI-123] - ZooKeeper registrations are not recreated on ZooKeeper * server restart * [DOSGI-125] - The dead lock in TopologyManagerImport * [DOSGI-129] - NPE when stopping a bundle that exports a DOSGI service * [DOSGI-135] - Switch logging api to slf4j * [DOSGI-136] - Refactor zookeeper server and add metatype config * [DOSGI-137] - Possible bug in TopologyManagerImport when checking if * an Endpoint is already imported * [DOSGI-142] - Upgrade CXF to 2.7.0 * [DOSGI-145] - Multiple services using HTTP Service and published from * the same bundle do not work * [DOSGI-150] - Update to Java 1.6 * [DOSGI-153] - Error starting greeter sample in karaf 2.3.0 in aegis * setup: ExceptionInInitializerError ... failed to create an * XPathFactory for the default object model: * * [DOSGI-154] - Problems with api packages since update to cxf 2.7.2 ** Improvement * [DOSGI-70] - Reconnect automatically to Zookeeper after a connection * loss / timeout * [DOSGI-86] - Decouple DOSGi DSW from Spring DM. * [DOSGI-126] - Allow to use the servlet transport with automatic * discovery * [DOSGI-127] - Default address for services should use the servlet * transport * [DOSGI-128] - Allow to use JAXWS/JAXB service without frontend and * databinding properties * [DOSGI-130] - Clean up unused code and fix warnings, use interfaces * where possible in DSW * [DOSGI-131] - Switch slf4j from springsource bundles to org.slf4j, * update slf4j version * [DOSGI-132] - Switch logging at runtime to pax logging * [DOSGI-133] - Create a Karaf feature file for CXF DOSGi * [DOSGI-134] - Refactoring of TopologyManager * [DOSGI-138] - Refactoring of discovery distributed * [DOSGI-139] - Refactor dsw-cxf to remove dep cycles * [DOSGI-141] - ZooKeeper is not support cluster (ensemble) mode * [DOSGI-143] - Remove all repos except for apache snapshot and central * [DOSGI-146] - Allow to define intents as OSGi services * [DOSGI-147] - Deprecate some Constants that are defined in the spec * [DOSGI-148] - Refactoring of dsw ConfigTypeHandlers * [DOSGI-149] - Optimize distributions and karaf feature ** New Feature * [DOSGI-115] - Use Spring DM and Eclipse Gemini Blueprint with DOSGi Apache CXF Distributed OSGi 1.3.1 Release Notes =============================================== Fixes needed in order to pass the OSGi 4.3 Remote Service Admin TCK. * Fixed exports from Single Bundle Distro * Fixed deadlock * Fixed cleanup * Fixed ExportReferenceImpl.equals() and hashCode() * Fixed RemoteServiceAdminCore.exportService() Apache CXF Distributed OSGi 1.3 Release Notes ============================================= The following modules have been removed from the destribution: * org.apache.cxf.dosgi:cxf-dosgi-ri-discovery-distributed-zookeeper-wrapper Zookeeper 3.3.1 bundle is now available. See DOSGI-100 for more information. * org.apache.cxf.dosgi:cxf-dosgi-remote-service-admin-interfaces org.osgi:org.osgi.enterprize:4.2.0 artifact is now available. See DOSGI-104 for more information. Many dependencies have been updated, including the update to CXF 2.5.1. See also DOSGI-96. Additionally, a number of bugs has been fixed including: DOSGI-108 service.exported.interfaces doesn't support comma-seperated String value DOSGI-107 Support for a 'wsdl' configuration type DOSGI-105 Update greeter_rest demo to use OSGI HttpService DOSGI-103 Improve multi-bundle distro configuration for Felix DOSGI-102 DOSGI RI can not map invocation exceptions to custom exceptions on the client side DOSGI-97 Automatically unregister HTTP servlets/resources if exported service goes down DOSGI-94 Enhancement to deal with registered services that might have been proxied DOSGI-91 DOSGI RS Proxies ignore ResponseExceptionMapper providers DOSGI-85 Unable to export services started after Topology manager DOSGI-82 Populate custom servicename, portname and targetnamespace for jax-ws DOSGI-79 RemoteServiceAdmin.getImportedEndpoints() returns collection of incorrect type DOSGI-77 NullPointerException from Distributed OSGI when bundle with wanted properties is started. DOSGI-76 EndpointListener.endpointRemoved DOSGI-75 CXF Distributed OSGi isn't using org.apache.cxf.common.logging.LogUtils Apache CXF Distributed OSGi 1.2 Release Notes ============================================= In addition to providing the Reference Implementation to the OSGi Remote Services Specification, the CXF Distributed OSGi 1.2 release now also provides the Reference Implementation of the OSGi Remote Service Admin Specification version 1.0, Chapter 122 in the OSGi Enterprise Specification. To achieve compliance with the RSA specification a major refactoring has been done on the code base. For the new features applicable to the RSA specification, see chapter 122 in the OSGi Enterprise Spec ( The following new features have been introduced: *[port number] This configuration property can be used to change the default port at which a remote service appears. When setting this property the default context will still be used. * Servlet Filters (javax.servlet.Filter) can now be registered as OSGi services with the "org.apache.cxf.httpservice.filter" boolean property set to true and used to secure DOSGi server endpoints. Endpoints can enforce the registration of the filters by setting an "org.apache.cxf.httpservice.requirefilter" boolean property to true Additionally, a number of bugs has been fixed including: [DOSGI-13] - The CXF DOSGi implementation needs to be updated to support the latest OSGi Remote Services Admin spec. [DOSGI-24] - org.apache.cxf.dosgi.dsw.ClassUtils#getInterfaceClass() method should search through super class interfaces too [DOSGI-25] - FileNotFoundException when client-side proxy is being created [META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml] [DOSGI-27] - Discovery problem when two dependent bundles export interfaces [DOSGI-28] - Consuming more than 1 service using Spring-DM doesn't work [DOSGI-29] - Exception when stopping DOSGi bundle [DOSGI-30] - ClassNotFoundException when exposing service. [DOSGI-31] - Distributed OSGi having a problem with a custom type method argument [DOSGI-32] - The default amount of logging should be significantly reduced [DOSGI-33] - Exception when exposing remote service using DOSGi [DOSGI-34] - org.apache.servicemix.specs.locator-1.1.1.jar useless? [DOSGI-35] - ServicePublication.PROP_KEY_ENDPOINT_LOCATION is now a URI, instead of a URL [DOSGI-37] - Fix the dependency on Equinox for the DOSGi system tests [DOSGI-38] - single-bundle distribution has incorrect Import-Package and Export-Package declaration in the manifest [DOSGI-40] - Remoted service fails to register endpoint after framework is restarted [DOSGI-41] - Remove simple-pojo demo (temporarily) as its currently not supported [DOSGI-43] - ClassCastException with Declarative Services [DOSGI-44] - Existing OSGi Services are not remoted when CXF-DOSGi is started [DOSGI-50] - Need to automatically infer SOAP/HTTP transport intents if not explicily set via osgi.remote.requires.intents [DOSGI-54] - RemoteServiceAdmin interfaces/classes out of sync with official version [DOSGI-61] - The Zookeeper Discovery only supports primitive types as service properties [DOSGI-62] - The DSW creates endpoints with localhost URLs [DOSGI-66] - The DSW only loads the intent map when certain spring bundles are loaded and started upfront [DOSGI-67] - Enable filters on DOSGi endpoints [DOSGI-72] - DOSGI not working with HTTP Service [DOSGI-74] - Update CXF version to 2.2.9 Apache CXF Distributed OSGi 1.1 Release Notes ============================================= Specific issues, features, and improvements fixed in this version ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Distributed OSGi 1.1 release provides the Reference Implementation of the Remote Services Specification version 1.0. Chapter 13 in the OSGi Compendium Specification ( New features in this release include: * A live Discovery System is now supported. The CXF-DOSGi implementation makes use of Apache Zookeeper ( as the Discovery Server and provides client-side bundles for transparent interaction with Zookeeper. See the Discovery Documentation pages ( for more details. * REST support for JAX-RS-based Remoted Services and Consumers through the configuration type. * Many user issues have been addressed. In addition the following bugs have been fixed: [CXF-2182] - Exceptions when remoting pre-existing service [CXF-2337] - org.apache.cxf.dosgi.dsw.ClassUtils#getInterfaceClass() method should search through super class interfaces too [CXF-2435] - Distributed OSGi having a problem with a custom type method argument [CXF-2288] - Bundle cannot be restarted [CXF-2385] - Discovery doesn't fully translate 'localhost' into a proper machine name [CXF-2200] - Consuming more than 1 service using Spring-DM doesn't work Known limitations : * Schema validation can not be done for JAX-RS-based endpoints which use Aegis databinding